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island lady

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Everything posted by island lady

  1. Yeah, it was a bit cool. I had to go back to the bus for my jacket in our backpack. But, I like cool versus sweltering hot and humid anyway. 😉
  2. LOL...yup...especially this Pinnacle if you put a baseball bat in her hand.....errr...well, just obnoxious truck drivers need fear. 😉 😄
  3. Tour to the winery yesterday. 45 minute bus ride to get there...2 hours to get back. Ughh...driver decided to take the "faster" way home on the main highway. Got stuck in 2 traffic jams...worst one was inside the very long tunnel...and worst part of that was the extreme idiot truck driver behind us that blared his loud horn the whole time we were in there (45 minutes) awful. I was ready to ask the bus driver if he had a baseball bat. I would have walked back and told the truck driver...."Honk this!!". Bad girl. 😉 The good: Winery was beautiful, wines (what tiny sips they gave us) were very good. All the beautiful landscaping gorgeous. The bad: Of course the bus ride back, no snacks as advertised to go with the wine (we did not get back to the ship until 2:30), everyone was hungry with no place to grab a bite. So called 15 minute "stop in town" was a flea market basically, and no restrooms available. The trek from ship to terminal to back outside again to back track to tour bus was totally unorganized and confusing. But...as a part of the good...with random shots of the winery.
  4. Sorry have not updated until now. Yesterday being a supposed "TAD" (though I am not fond of that being we booked a quarter...not a mini leg)...had my internet messed up. Could not connect "Info cannot be verified" on either device. Tried to go down to GS desk when we got back from the tour...line of over 20 people long. Not. Gave up...figured it may come up later. Found out from one of our friends in the CL later that night that now you have to input your first name AND your middle name. Though several said they did not have to...apparently I had to. Soooo back up and running again.
  5. OMG...not surprising. Tik Tok drama queens doing their usual for attention.
  6. LOL...yup. I was shocked at how much they ended up taking on. They were still loading well after supposed sail away time. And was most happy to enjoy the Kim Crawford again last night. 🤗
  7. Thanks! Beautiful ship indeed...could not get a picture of her. Bucky and I already discussing booking with Silver Seas now. 🙂
  8. Huh...they used that little container as a "landing platform" for the gangway. And a couple of them for shelter to catch the shuttle buses. Silver Seas Silver Nova came in just after us. Lucky them, docked up at the little in town dock. Beautiful yacht style ship. 728 pax, less than a year old. Will try to get picture when we leave in an hour. 12th and newest Silver Seas luxury ship. And of course....owned....by ....RCI. 😉 $$$
  9. Yes sir, your new shipment comes with "frosting" free of charge! 😄 BTW...anyone eating on the aft outside dining of the WJ...don't take your attention off your donut...it may grow wings. 😄
  10. Welcome to Valparaiso. 🙂 Another freight yard dock up, with no walking on the pier...shuttle to terminal. We meet at 8:30 for our winery tour. All aboard at 3:30 and will have a bit of time in the old town section to walk around after the winery. We have been told by several officers that we are getting some fresh stock.... one container, not sure if this little guy is the one. Wonder if there will be any Kim Crawford SB inside...of which we have been out of for weeks, along with Bucky's favorite Stella Beer. 😞 Yeah...dream on. 😉
  11. Nahhh...I am just a "newbie". 😉 Actually yes, I was surprised at how many fairly new cruisers are on this ship. Good for them, dive right in...go for the adventure all the way. 🤗
  12. Hey Bill...I just saw on RCI TV on board that it is national people named "Ty" day!! 😄 National Ty Day takes place every year on January 22. Tyler, Tyrese, and Tyrone are just a few examples of Ty being associated with the first two letters of a boy's name.
  13. When you are Kathy are in there...it is never boring. 😉 And we will follow you in there anytime and love it. 🤗
  14. I am only getting one point a night on the cruise I am currently on. 😉
  15. Got an email from her 1/2 hour ago...she said it was 21 degrees there. Hmmm...seeing those ice bergs recently does bring a memory back with that. 😄
  16. My sister in law runs around in shorts in Wisconsin when it gets over 60 degrees. 😄
  17. OMG....Bucky freezes his tiny behind when it is under 80 degrees. 😄 But he was a real trooper with the frigid Antarctic weather we just had. Though having plenty of "antifreeze" does help. 😁
  18. OK...let me rephrase that. So I want to take a few cruises with Royal. I happen to like cruising.....and suddenly I make Diamond. Let's face it...making Diamond at just 80 points...simply is not all that hard. The Ds, D+, and Pinnacles are all the same in there...from 80 points to 1000s of points. All the same munchies, coffee, Concierge services...etc...etc. The list of items in there to enjoy was already posted. Royal does not have to offer these extra things...and could save money by not doing so. But there are many that appreciate the perks...that don't cost them anything extra to enjoy. Would you rather they did not offer it? Or better yet...if you don't want to go in there...don't go in.
  19. For something that is given as an extra perk for free for simply being loyal....why would anyone complain? 😉
  20. Egg drop competition...again. This time not as well attended for a couple of reasons I suppose. Had already had the first one, and the weather today was finally nice outside. Many pax opting for being out in the sunshine we have not had for days. Not to mention warmer now...if you consider 59 degrees warm. 😉 But with the sunshine and the cold windy days we had previously, it does feel warm. Winner was the largest entry at first place. Big contraption! I did not join this time, maybe next time...if there is one.
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