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Canal archive

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  1. High humidity levels here which I find more debilitating that straight forward hot 🥵
  2. Be careful we ran into a hiccup when doing the Scenic end of cruise report and our provider BT decided it was spam and closed my account. On our return home we got it sorted evidently BT doesn’t like Apple and I was using my iPad. I thought that kind of thinking Apple v Microsoft went out with the dinosaurs.
  3. Rheingold brewery New York 1883 - 1976 now still being made I think.
  4. Exactly got it in one I’ve never seen it transcribed but I think this is it in English. There were thirty three little birds sitting on a kerb burping and chirping and chewing worms when along came Dirty Girty from the gasworks see’s the thirty three little birds sitting on the kerb burping and chirping and chewing worms and was greatly perturbed. All course absolute nonsense or is it?
  5. It will be interesting to see if Riverside can keep up Crystals preserved quality.
  6. One of the hotel boutique barges on the canal du Nivernais they look pretty neat but I preferred our DIY system, although France and the local villages in particular were having a hard time recovering from covid.
  7. Ohh yuk! My mum was a Wren in Portsmouth during WW2 - that’s how she met my dad, that’s another story. She and friends met some American GIs one evening I believe from the New York area, (as you do!) and one taught her this little ditty, a bit difficult to interpret with predictive text but here goes. Der were tirty tre lil brds sitin on a kirb burpin and chirpin and chewin wirms girty sees the lil birds and was grtly perturbed. Why this was shared I really do not know but but Mum taught it to me and all these years later I still remember it. There’s a repeat in there somewhere I know but I’ve never been to New York so who knows.
  8. Most probably a stupid question but will Ravel stay on the Rhône?
  9. Paris is my second favourite working city my first of course is the city of my birth London. All the rest heritage and history rule. Of course after those two there are so many to choose from.
  10. Now is it Tennis or Badminton? We did consider trying skittles on the top of a Narrowboat once but thought better of it and discarded the idea.
  11. I could lead that tour - well maybe not around Paris but around London. My car for 14 years was a Deux Chevaux or two horses my version was a Dolly - rhubarb & custard the most wonderful car ever. The engine went on and on and never failed me until one fateful day when it shed a fan blade, an obviously well informed man stopped to help and asked when I last filled up with water! but bits fell off frequently, the indicator arm off the steering wheel holder usually when negotiating a round about. The window clips hence the pictures of the car with flapping windows. Maybe you could shoot peas through it but it got me all around the U.K. to Girl Guide events and of course camp. Just be careful if you approach one going at ‘speed’ along a motorway as it sways they have fully independent suspension you will not believe the angles that super car can achieve. I eventually sold her because in giving my DH a lift somewhere he decided it was decidedly unsafe for his DW, there are not many cars that after 14 years you get three times as much as you paid for it. Last time I heard it may have been going to Australia on a 2CV invades trip.
  12. Mandy’s assistant with us was Spanish and basically training she’ll get it sorted, just needs a bit more positivity. At the end of our cruise Mandy was off for the full next cruise and her opposite number from the Bordeaux cruise was taking over, evidently they are good friends and swap over occasionally for a change of view and not to get to set in their ways. Seemed a good idea to me.
  13. RDVIK216 ohh do we have Canada geese especially on our canals they leave their poo especially on landing stages either side of Locks so working them especially when it’s been raining - rain & goose pooh is a very slippery mixture - can be an hazardous experience. Although here is a very coy Egyptian goose turning away from my camera along the K & A Canal.
  14. Sometimes it’s more the differences in tone and emphasis that causes the challenges in understanding my dad was renowned for pinpointing an area of Portsmouth someone was from by their intonation. Portsmouth is a small well populated island so if that has so many potential dialects think of the rest of the world - wow!
  15. Got it in one the day started the evening before with a few niggles about the time we had to leave but it paid off in spades we were first through the group door and that’s how I pretty sure everyone got that oh so important photograph. I’m so glad we’re now digital I wouldn’t like to think how much film I would have pushed through my camera to ensure I got that shot. When we finally left the place was packed and the entrance queue was way way long, made the coffee and cake even more welcome and back on board many thanks to our CD for insisting on the early start.
  16. I’m not to sure where Gate 1 moors why don’t you ask them. My DH really enjoyed his bike tour around Caudubec very interesting with a visit to the Victor Hugo museum. The Seine is beautiful you cannot go far wrong.
  17. Wow never heard the Still called a restaurant, will have to contact our friends.
  18. Now I know your DW is a shopaholic. Actually on the opposite side of there is the fish market absolutely wonderful fresh fish. If your ever there again go to a pub The Still & West one of the local most historic hostelries, ohh my teenage years.
  19. Isn’t it amazing how it shows the appreciation of the artists eye. To have the ability to transfer to canvas, ohhh in my dreams. Okay very frustrated artist, got the exams but.
  20. On one of our trips to Spain with the our two absolutely wonderful daughters we arrived in Vienne just south of Lyon found our hotel and as she was learning French at school sent off our eldest (with youngest) to inform the hotel we had arrived so they could open the garage. Some would say we were very bad parents as she was a bit, well more than a bit nervous, but well supported by her very outgoing sister. The hotel concierge was absolutely amazing and over the next couple of days took both girls through the differences between colloquial French and French as is taught in English schools. They learnt so well from this guy, I will be forever grateful to him. After many many years I still have two daughters who can hold their own anywhere in France. I must say though unlike myself evidently my accent is impeccable and that’s it.
  21. Big Cub Scout event at Gilwell Park youngest daughter one of the organisers she discovered the Krispy Kreme did a charity price I’ve never seen so many sticky faces and fingers in my life and that’s the Service Team the Cubs were even worse. Inquiry into would it be allowed for the next year - it was and I think still is. Can you imagine all of those sugar rushes and highs. Jazz my best friend and scooter buddy lives just off the Hot Walls in Old Portsmouths so we visit quite a lot.
  22. CPT we will soon see if the Lionesses will be waltzing with the Matilda’s or could it be the Matilda’s waltzing with the Lionesses either way it’s a W & S only an hour till kick off.
  23. Okay not OCD or CDO but come on we’re all PPPs and that’s Perfectly Pedantic People, boom boom!
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