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Canal archive

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Everything posted by Canal archive

  1. Congratulations Notamermaid Bayern Munich has just bought our best footballer so I’m sat here listening to my DH reminiscing about Munich - evidently a beautiful city his many times there and his Germany colleagues of times past. I never got the chance to visit. 🥲
  2. A memory for you. It’s a beautiful city. I’m pleased these cruises have been reinstated they were stopped after an horrendous collision.
  3. We moored in Honfluer for two days absolutely wonderful. Just a little on how Scenic has changed its way of operating since we last cruised with them in 2019. Scenic employed all of their crew except one from a German company who also supplied other cruise companies. The one exception was the cruise director. Now Scenic employ all of their staff, maritime, hotel and catering directly except for one - yes the cruise director. Thinking about this and admittedly from only one cruise but also speaking to a few staff I pretty sure it’s a good move. More on qualifications etc later. 1of4 that’s a cruise we haven’t done so maybe a little arm twisting is called for.😆
  4. Turning to reverse into the inner - inner harbour superb seamanship and teamwork from our maritime crew. Not a lot of room but the skill was certainly on display.
  5. Everything is replaced and topped up and if you have a preference just tell your butler or cabin attendant and it will be done.
  6. I’ve had so many challenges with the above will try to sort it. a.s.a.p.
  7. The food on board was absolutely excellent our head chef was a young Portuguese lady and she was outstanding. At lunch we had a pasta chef again superb no waiting he had delivery off pat. The food choices were excellent something for everyone. At one stage my appetite just disappeared this caused consternation and I was assured that they would prepare absolutely anything for me. Any recipe just ask and it was in your cabin the next day. Now we’re off on our way on the Maritime section of the Seine and that’s anywhere past Rouen. We’ve picked up the pilot - more on that later. Our first shot of the Pont de Normandie
  8. Here we are and this is one of the recipes the original was delicious.
  9. The food on board was absolutely excellent our head chef was a young Portuguese lady and she was outstanding. At lunch we had a pasta chef again superb no waiting he had delivery off pat. The food choices were excellent something for everyone. At one stage my appetite just disappeared this caused consternation and I was assured that they would prepare absolutely anything for me. Any recipe just ask and a copy was in your cabin the next day. Now we’re off on our way on the Maritime section of the Seine and that’s anywhere past Rouen. We’ve picked up the pilot - more on that later. Below the Pont de Normandy the last bridge before the turn into Honfluer harbour.
  10. We were on the first Scenic cruise some years ago when a wonderfully super Australian guy asked for two lamb chops for breakfast and he got them every morning exactly how he wanted them. We noticed this last cruise that they were available every morning on the standard order from the chef menu. I must admit to not seeing anyone order them. My DH had his eggs Benedict by the third day he just had to nod at a waiter.
  11. DHs birthday so cake at L’Amour and we sat with another couple we had spoken with a few times and I was her birthday as well so two cakes that we shared with everyone, really goowey and light as a feather. Back to our cabin to find a very nice bottle of Champagne not his favourite which is Dom but more than passable and we decided to drink it up on the top deck the next day. Which we did complete with nibbles, these butlers are worth their weight in gold. More on the food tomorrow which I’m almost sure was about the best ever on Scenic and its always been good. . Lunch time snack gave us a giggle oh so very French.
  12. Always chocolates on your pillow. Not telling you if there’s anything else because I don’t know as we’ve never cruised with another company no one has tempted us to, change - yet!
  13. No problem playing the movies could be an Apple Microsoft challenge but I love the Trompe l’oeil picture one and the lace maker which took me back to my lace making days.
  14. Sharkster77 just tell him the Falkirk Wheel (by the way don’t miss a trip if you get a chance) is real history because of why it was built where it was built and it’s shape is very war like. The Celtic or Bearded Axe. Basically in the end it’s a good job we all appreciate different things otherwise every river boat would be identical - heaven forfend.
  15. Just a little teaser if you look carefully you can see both ends of the Rainbow 🌈 sadly no pot of gold amazing what you see on the Seine.
  16. Here he is, now his talk about WW1 was the most moving experience I’ve ever had on any cruise and coming from a British Vet even more so, his comparisons were so special he had all of us ladies in tears. It was certainly amazing how many of us had family members who had been involved in WW1 considering that it wasn’t a full ship. Also surprising that so many didn’t realise that they can search for the burial places or memorial places of family members through The Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Just a special day.
  17. Or vica versa an ocean cruise to be like a river cruise. I was going to put a 😆 on your reply sharkster77 but I thought you might think I was being rude. It would take a lot for me to be enticed into an ocean cruise, but then I tried short one - weekend - out of Southampton around the Channel Islands and home maybe a bit like the couple that had one child and explained that they tried it once! Although you quoted one of the most beautiful scenic cruises up the How Sound and back by steam train I’ve ever been privileged to make pity your BIL couldn’t get more out of his experience.
  18. Jazz I have his name written somewhere, I must find it he was just about the best tour guide ever. Didn’t do the castle as the ticker got just a bit worried where that was concerned but here’s his entrance to grab his walkers (got it Rolllo!) actually here he is Richard the Lionhart. He was enough to scare the pants off of any opponent. So the boat actually emptied and I have this whole superb crew to pander to my every need so an excellent opportunity to explain Scenics employment policy after Covid. Before Scenic employed from a German staff supply company, not now. Every person on board apart from one is employed individually by Scenic they are chosen and keep their jobs and earn any promotions by their own efforts. The odd one out is the Cruise Director she or he is on contract which apart from anything else means that ‘Mandy’ our CD can swap with the Bordeaux CD if required and/or someone else can cover at short notice. Thinking about it and seeing it in situ it works. I’ve seen many Scenic crews they have all been good regardless of which river but this crew were to my mind exceptional and that not just because I was really pandered to because I was ill. Ohh water bottles everyone has one in their cabins for continued use, I would say they need a handle holder on them, but that’s me being picky. When you need them for an excursion either ask your butler to get it filled with the tipple of your choice or take it to the bar yourself and get it filled - Scotch if you want or maybe iced water or flavoured water you name it you’ll get it. All the water on board is filtered to me just a little strange taste but soon acquired my DH didn’t taste any difference. Sorry not a good picture of Rollo the Walker our Viking.
  19. Sorry watching Scenic Eclipse on the Discovery Channel looks superb. We actually saw no sign of the troubles at all in Paris and the crew and our drivers seemed quite laid back about it and said it was pretty much confined to particular areas and fully police controlled who I must admit did wonder around in fairly large groups. But one evening in Rouen the cabin below us suffered a broken window cracked not broken out. The cabin was vacant and the powers that be couldn't decide if it was an attempt to smash it by young idiots or someone tried scratching on the glass which in turn made it fail. When we arrived in Honfluer the window was knocked out and repaired very very quickly. Our two Captains were furious that their vessel had been damaged. More on our superb Captains tomorrow. A little taste of what we got up to.
  20. Hi Kristelle sorry home now and have never thought about a fire stick, but if you look at the info under river cruising the contact details are there of all the Scenic vessels why not drop your future vessel an email and ask the reception team the question I’m pretty sure you’d get an answer. Do let us know what happens.
  21. Off we go, Scenic Gem looks spick and span there are a few tweaks from our first cruise on her, only to be expected, especially the crew seem well adjusted and used to working together. Unpacked, yes our suitcases arrived safely as my DH already knew as his ‘app’ had followed the locators all the way - men and their gadget’s. We never did find out why they to a detour to Belgium. It would seem that Scenic are completely up with luggage arriving this way, so I’ve decided no more hauling suitcases around the world, okay it’s more expensive but what a relief. (They arrived safely home and our delivery guy had never come across this and asked for the company details) unpacked and off to the port talk. Our cruise director was Mandy which I believe was Jazz’es director as well, excellent included all explained a lot without talking down to anyone. For the first time ever on a river cruise that we’ve been on she fully explained - breasting up, mooring together, she reassured everyone that this would only happen if it was really necessary and would ensure that we knew if it was about to happen. Well of course it did a couple of times not once did our contingent have to walk over another boat to get to our home from home. What a secret joy to relax on your top deck with a bottom of excellent bubbly knowing that others were exerting themselves and not us. Talk again soon.
  22. No because we had realised we were on an earlier train we didn’t necessarily expect anyone to meet us straight away.
  23. Yeah read it actually before we went because someone on CC asked about kids. The lady greeter was superb she didn’t bat her very long eyelashes once.
  24. Back to St Pancras and Eurostar, It was a complete dogs breakfast, I’m so glad we had our big suitcases couriered - getting through security and U.K. passport control was not to bad but picture the beginning of July mid Saturday morning and one (1) poor French guy on French passport control. The hold ups were horrendous. Well because by then I was flagging badly a lovely lady guide realised and got us to the front. The staff towards security were wonderful and tried their very best. Well we got through then up to the train ushered on board and into our seats and off we go. Ten minutes later we begin to realise that we’re not on our train but the one before. Hence the Scenic lady at the Gare du Nord being surprised the next train had 10 Scenic passengers not 12. At our first gathering we learn the Scenic Gem is only half full, evidently this happens around this time of year at the beginning of the summer holidays. But believe it or not there were two under twelve year old children on board that even the staff were not aware of sailing with us. I’m the last person to wonder about children, I’ve been one, I’ve had two and now have a grandson and for most of my adult life I’ve worked with the Guide and Scout Associations. But I chose Scenic so as not to be holidaying with them and I cannot get a straight answer from Scenic as to why they Scenic say they cannot discriminate against them. They were fairly well behaved but that’s not the point. Well that’s my rant next writing will be more upbeat.
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