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Canal archive

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  1. Wonderful that ceiling is something else.
  2. It will be interesting to see if this idea spreads across Europe and beyond but how will the rail and road systems cope. I can see the benefit of short haul flights across major continents and I suspect the emissions saving will work eventually but it will take some considerable time.
  3. After reading all of your AMA notes I’m going to have to look at them for the future having only used Scenic so far they have three speeds (ha ha ) of walking groups and don’t stop an excursion for low numbers, I must admit to using the slow oops sorry gentle group as a photographer also the ability to change when you realise you just might not be able to cope with your excursion choice at the port talk. Very informative thank you.
  4. Wow now that’s a beast of a boat, imagine that coming towards you on the river at full tilt filled with red bearded worriers.
  5. I must admit - to go a Viking - I thought meant ********* & pillage. One of our late Queens titles was Duke of Normandy used mostly in the Channel Islands dating from the aforesaid William, the title has a huge history. If a French person gets annoying just raise two fingers and mutter ‘remember Agincourt’ it worked on our first Seine cruise with the only fly in the ointment a guide who had an I’ll concealed dislike of us Brits which the Aussies decided was not on.
  6. My uncle was I suppose you’d call him a general handyman and worked at Pinewood Studios as I think it’s called a stage rigger he went on location with several films including Where Eagles Dare in which he was an extra - unspeaking guard in the alpine lift, his stories were legendary but he always absolutely refused to let me get involved. My wonderful Uncle Fred.
  7. Thank you New York. I don't think this link has copied correctly but New York thank you! https://news.sky.com/story/coronation-latest-overnight-rehearsals-give-glimpse-of-what-to-expect-as-protest-group-reveals-its-plan-12810826?postid=5880673#liveblog-body
  8. Really interesting review Castlecritic thank you. The Australians are frequently heard to mutter ABC when another church or castle is mentioned the first word is - another - use your own imagination for the middle word.
  9. Another excellent excuse to put to DH to add to Vancouver Island to visit my cousin and Calgary for the stampede. We’ve done the Rocky Mountaineer, the Howe Sound, Niagara Falls, Vancouver plus a few other touristy places. We have seen the Mounties musical ride at the Edinburgh festival but only on the telly. My Uncle and Aunt now sadly not with us emigrated to Canada when I was about eight, luckily we managed to visit whilst they were both alive he worked for Canadian Pacific all of his life in Canada.
  10. Royal Canadian Mounted Police looking very smart heading up the Household Cavalry in the coronation parade.
  11. Well auntieS that’s news we’ve got it on our agenda later this year.
  12. This is a challenge in some European countries, both of my daughters have rescue dogs one from England and one from Spain both now well entrenched members of our family our English is a Cocker Spaniel now completely settled and the Queen of all she surveys. Our Spanish lady is actually an English Pointer just about the most elegant hound I have ever seen at first she was not a happy dog she now thinks she rules the world but is happy to play silly devils with her besti the Spaniel.
  13. Caster & Pollux, Romulus and Remus, Warner, Wright, Brooks, Brake. All brothers but not all together till the end.
  14. The Tulips are so Dutch very neat and all petals and leaves in order, okay but also very beautiful.
  15. Chocolate ohhh yes paired with beer (which I also enjoy) ohh no. I’ve never been to Ghent but Bruges yes first time I was 14 on a school trip, wonderful place and to see the Pageant of the Holy Blood a privilege.
  16. Kinga dweller you do know we’ve just introduced - border smellometer machines - so you could be out before your in, as it were. Have a great time in the U.K. and we will be in Scotland later this year so I will be checking on any odd wiff’s.
  17. You never know they just may have forgotten a few Deutschmarks, in our dreams. Although what a sneaky place to think of putting it, one of the cutest places going, hiding in plain site.
  18. Thanks CPT didn’t think of that there’s an hour difference between the U.K. and Europe but maybe as it attempts to with the USA it does the same with Europe. I really just thought it would be a heads up before the day as after our dear departed Elizabeth how many of us, apart from early TV reruns have seen the real thing.
  19. You just have to look at the family connections of the Windsors, regardless of many opinions we are all one big ‘family’ sometimes the connections are tenuous but other times they are closer then you think. I’ve got to get my huge flag out of the cupboard and remember where I put the bunting. Your full guide to King Charles III's coronation and key times https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65342840 Just for you Notamermaid enjoy.
  20. Now hers a cruise admittedly not very long but interesting and the only one in existence. Over the sea to Skye on the world’s last turntable ferry https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-65429882
  21. Thank you RobinMN how interesting and when on earth did you find time to watch the tv? I notice the Grappa glass salesman has been busy again they used them on Scenic during our last cruise. Thank you again sounds altogether a super cruise.
  22. We’re off on Scenic in just under 2 months before you, we did it first in 2014 it’s a great cruise, look for Host Jazzbeau’s report on his cruise on this forum.
  23. Enjoy Navy Cruiser sounds superb I say just enjoy. Oh and say hello to,Houston for me.
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