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Everything posted by calicakes

  1. Bon Voyage!! I'm looking forward to following along as we'll be on the Sept 20th-27th sailing. Where did you stay pre-cruise? How did you get to the port?
  2. Its very frustrating. We're on Celebrity Edge on Feb 25th from Sydney and all of the reef excursions are basically sold out. There is a sale going on now too. I have one ship excursion booked for Cairns. ( its an overnight port)
  3. Thank you. I'm from FL( live in SoCal now) so am familiar with heat and humidity.
  4. We're doing a GBR cruise in Feb 2024. Is that a good time? I'm running into issues booking independent excursions. Most companies want full payment and won't refund in case we miss the port.
  5. Did you post about this on the O board? If so, I remember and I totally agree. Although, I think X's cookies are terrible too.
  6. We'll be on O next month. They serve Humphrey Slocumb ice creams. They are chef curated ice creams for adults. https://humphryslocombe.com/
  7. I am a baker( attended culinary school) so no, I didn't find anything I like. My "dessert" of choice is a scoop of vanilla ice cream and coke zero( float) I might have a bite of bread pudding. The cakes are overly gelatinized. No taste.
  8. @Mauidiver, we have reservations( non refundable, long story) at a condo in Kihei on Aug 22nd. What is your opinion about us going? We're traveling with 2 friends. One of them has a friend who is living in Kihei and he says we will be fine. I'm waiting until next weekend to make a decision.
  9. As someone who has vlogged almost all our Celebrity cruises, I understand the naysayers. You know what they say, Opinions are like Buttholes, every one has one. I take all reviews with a grain of salt, then I report back. I've spoken numerous times about how horrible I find the cakes on Celebrity. I've had people disagree with me. It doesn't bother me, I stand by my opinions. Please don't be afraid to share yours.
  10. Food is so subjective. I would not touch spam, chunk light tuna, tilapia, liver, blue cheese with a 10ft pole. A lot of people LOVE those items. When I judge food on a cruise, I look at the QUALITY of the items presented. Quality has gone down considerably on Celebrity. Not sure about O, since my first O cruise was Feb 2021. My next is in a month. I'll report back.
  11. We're almost Elite on Celebrity. I don't think that will get us anything useful. We have 3 cruises still booked on Celebrity( Mexican Rivera in October, GBR in Feb( such a great price when we booked) and Caribbean next September. We also have 2 O cruises booked. This Sept for Bermuda and next April( Caribbean). We'll book based on price/itinerary. I eat organic 90 percent of the time and I like high quality proteins( pasture raised eggs, chicken) so I don't really cruise for the cuisine.
  12. No, I received 2 this week. We received the giant 2024 grand voyages mailer. Its so heavy.
  13. Tilapia? A farmed bottom feeder fish from Vietnam/China? That seems like something Carnival would serve, not X. I'm shook!!
  14. This made my day!!! I loved M and S. When we were in London in January, we brought home HobNobs and other British candy. I also brought back Irish Oatmeal because I enjoy that with some JIF!!!!
  15. Its not "TOO" hard, I just don't enjoy the flavor of natural PB. I prefer Jif. I don't think the overweight child epidemic is coming from PB. Lack of exercise, playing video games constantly, eating chips, soda, etc. I eat a PB sandwich 1x a week, my wife eats a PB sandwich more often. My wife took a PB sandwich to work daily as a Police officer. We're both active so we're ok with eating PB with sugar.
  16. The water is gorgeous, its getting me excited for our September cruise. We'll also be in NYC for 4 days before the cruise.
  17. LOL. To make this funny little peanut butter rant related to cruising. Can we actually ask for PB on the ship? Do they have little individual servings? I don't recall seeing any on our last X cruise. I lived in Ontario, Canada for 8 yrs. I would bring Jif back across the border since it wasn't available there. My Canadian ex LOVED it so much. She had only ever eaten Kraft PB( what is sold in Canada).
  18. Your son is eating Skippy. I don't think that contains lard just as Jif does not contain lard.
  19. I was going to say the same thing. No lard in Jif any part of the United States. If it contained lard, then vegetarians could not eat PB. It is made with hydrogenated vegetable oils though. I eat organic 90 percent of the time, I eat pasture raised eggs and chicken. I don't eat beef. I don't drink alcohol or do any recreational drugs. If I want a PB and J once a week with Jif, I'm going to eat it!! Nothing HITS like Jif. I'm not a fan of natural PB.
  20. Love the Peanut butter in the background of your full length dress pic. Although, my peanut butter of choice is Jif. We'll be on Oceania next month, going to Hamilton and St. George, overnight in both ports. We've never been to Bermuda so looking forward to it and getting some tips from your vlog.
  21. 2 a month? You're lucky, we receive at least 3 a week. Its ridiculous.
  22. It's not simply more, it was olife. I booked on June 28th. The t a never gave me the option of simply more comma she said whatever I booked on june twenty eighth versus simply summer.
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