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Everything posted by Jamman54

  1. Omer makes me a Pain Reliefā€¦.. We next went to visit with Ramil at the Lobby Bar. Katherine & Marcus were playing thereā€¦.. We then went to visit Angela at the Casino Bar and had our last drinks of the cruise with her. As we made our way back to the cabin, we peeked into the Red Frog Pub where Alterr Jam was playingā€¦ā€¦. We were back in the cabin around 9:30. Here is our final towel animalā€¦.. We then put our luggage outside in the hall. Itā€™s still a sad sight, but it stings a little less when you are doing a B2Bā€¦.. Coming up next: We say goodbye to the Carnival Legend...... for now!
  2. Once again, we decided to eat at the deli for dinner. Iā€™m having the chili cheese dogs and meatball sandwich, while Patti has her turkey wrapā€¦ā€¦ Patti just loves carrot cake! We head down to the Alchemy Bar where the Electric Hearts are playingā€¦.. Here are Jenniel and Omerā€¦.. Omer makes Patti a special oatmeal cookie drinkā€¦.. To be continuedā€¦..
  3. We used this time to get a jump on our packing. I was also able to get completely caught up on all of our pictures so far. Thatā€™s a first for me! At 10 am Patti made her way to the shops to check out their ā€œsalesā€. I went to the early bingo card sales and picked up our cards for this afternoonā€™s $5,000 coverall bingo session. I then went to the casino to cash in the remainder of my chips. I was happy to go home a winner! I then went up to the Red Frog Rum Bar to say goodbye to my friends. Argee wouldnā€™t be there until later, so Iā€™ll make sure I stop back to see him later. Hereā€™s the rest of the goofy gangā€¦ā€¦ Patti is enjoying another Mocha Chocolate Getawayā€¦.. We both went over to Chopsticks for lunch. Afterwards, we made our way down to the Follies Theater, where Cruise Director Gabe, and Hotel Director Paul, were conducting a Q & A sessionā€¦.. This was followed by the $5,000 coverall bingo, which we had no luck atā€¦.. We then went back to the cabin to complete our packing and relax for a couple of hours. Looking outside we could see that the sun would soon be going down on this cruise. It was also getting cloudy out! To be continuedā€¦ā€¦
  4. Day # 14 ā€“ 9/10/22 - Fun Day at Sea # 6. We were up at 6 am to a beautiful day and sunrise. The seas are much calmer today. And the temps will be going up to the mid 80ā€™s. Here are the views from our balconyā€¦.. We have decided to skip breakfast today, so I head down to the Legends CafĆ© to get a coffee and pick up todayā€™s ā€œFun Timesā€ā€¦.. To be continuedā€¦ā€¦
  5. Thanks again for another GREAT review! Have a FANTASTIC cruise on the Vista. Looking forward to reading all about it.
  6. Tonight we decided to go back to Bonsai Sushi for dinner. We both had the same things to eat as we did last weekā€¦.. Afterwards, both Patti and I sat down to play some blackjack together. She left after about twenty minutes. Not because she was losing, but because she gets bored playing. She was off to walk the ship and then head back to the cabin. I played for about an hour more, winning a little bit, and then went down to the Firebird Lounge for the 8:30 ā€œPGā€ comedy show. It was supposed to be Kierā€™s show, but he was under the weather, so Mike Delamont filled in. Again, he was very good. After the show I went to the Casino Bar to have a drink with Angela, the Lobby Bar to have a drink with Ramil, and finally to the Alchemy Bar to cap off the night with a drink from Omer. Back at the cabin, the laundry that Patti sent out this morning has been returnedā€¦.. Here is tonightā€™s towel animalā€¦.. Coming up next: Our final sea day on the Carnival Legend.
  7. Now itā€™s starting to get interesting, and after one more round, here is where I standā€¦.. Now let me preface this by saying I have watched the television show hundreds of times. I have a version of this show on the laptop that I am now typing on. I know how to play the game. I know that I should take this offer and run. The audience is begging me to take the deal. Even Gabe is trying to convince me to take the deal. I donā€™t know what happened. It might have been the double rum and colas I had playing blackjack this morning. It might have been the three Angry Balls with double shots of Fireball that Argee had served me at the Red Frog Rum Bar a short time ago. But for some insane reason I said ā€œNo Dealā€! I knew immediately that I made the wrong decision. Of course, the next case I picked, case # 12, would be the $400 case. So here I am with two cases left and my final offerā€¦.. At this point I said, ā€œscrew itā€ and weā€™ll take whatever is in Pattiā€™s case. Itā€™s ironic that there was $20 in Pattiā€™s case # 20ā€¦ā€¦ I had a great time playing, but Iā€™m still kicking myself in the butt for playing so foolishly! Afterwards, Patti went back to the cabin to relax on our balcony, and I went back up to the Red Frog Rum Bar to drown my sorrows. To be continuedā€¦..
  8. Now it was time to pick cases. The very first case I picked, case #19, was the $1000 case. It was like the air was let out of a balloon. I turned to Patti and asked her how come she wasnā€™t born on the 19th? I had to pick 5 more cases in the first round, and when all was said and done, the banker offered me $111. No Deal!!! As the game progressed, as I continued to pick cases in each round, my offers continued to go upā€¦.. To be continuedā€¦ā€¦
  9. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello Barbara. We love to meet new people!
  10. Karen continues to pick the higher value cases until she is left with these two cases and the final offer from the bankerā€¦.. She says ā€œNo Dealā€ and keeps her original case. She winds up winning $10. Here are the final results for the audience participants. No winners for usā€¦.. We settle in for the start of the second game, and lo and behold, Iā€™m selected as the on-stage participant. After introductions, Iā€™m asked to pick my case. I chose case # 20, and when asked why, I explained that it is Pattiā€™s birthdate. The crowd voiced its approvalā€¦ā€¦. To be continuedā€¦..
  11. Darn you Greg! We could have kept this going for another 10 or so posts! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜
  12. And I was just going to point out that you have a great picture of him in your post # 282. šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜
  13. Patch should be in the Atrium. You can't miss him. He's about 10' tall. šŸ˜
  14. Say what! If Patch is in the house, then so are the Halloween drinks. šŸ˜Ž
  15. It's amazing what these bartenders, servers, and waiters remember! šŸ˜
  16. At 2 pm I met Patti at the Follies Theater to get our cards for this afternoonā€™s Deal or No Deal games. On stage, the Playlist Performers were conducting a Q & A sessionā€¦.. We have our cards, and our drinks. Iā€™m drinking a double Bacardi and cola, and Pattiā€™s having a mocha chocolate getaway. Patti jokes to the waiter about having no whipped cream or cherries. A few minutes later he came back with a glass of whipped cream and cherries! #extratipā€¦ā€¦ Cruise Director Gabe appears on stage to start the showā€¦.. Karen W. is chosen to be the first stage contestant, and she selects case # 13 as her caseā€¦.. As the game moves on, Karen has selected most of the big money cases, so the banker offers her $100, which she rejectsā€¦.. To be continuedā€¦..
  17. I played for about an hour and a half, breaking even, but like I said, it was all about having fun with the other players at the table, and having a few drinks. I stopped back at the cabin to see if Patti was going to go to the Groove for St. Jude, but she was enjoying the sunshine, so I grabbed the camera and up I went. Here are the Avalon Pool and hot tubā€¦.. People are lining up to purchase the Groove for St. Jude merchandiseā€¦.. DJ OJ and Cruise Director Gabe get the Lido crowd into the groove! The towel elephant and the photographer pose for a pictureā€¦.. I head over to the Red Frog Rum Bar to visit my buddy Argee. Today, Iā€™m in a mood for some Angry Balls. For the uninitiated thatā€™s an Angry Orchard, in a tall glass with ice, and a shot of Fireball. Hey, for $4 more make it a double! Cruise Critic member Barbara, (SCcruiser123), stops by to say hello. It was a pleasure to meet you! To be continuedā€¦ā€¦
  18. Day # 13 - 9/9/22 - Fun Day at Sea # 5. We were up at 6 am just as the sun was coming up. The temps should reach the mid 70ā€™s today, and the seas are a little bumpy. Here are some views from our balconyā€¦.. Today is the first of two sea days on the way back to Baltimore. We love when we have two sea days at the end of the cruise. The first sea day is one of complete relaxation. No worries about packing, or the arrangements for debarkation. Weā€™ll worry about that tomorrow! While Patti gathered some clothes to send out to be washed, I went down to the Legends CafĆ© for a coffee, and to pick up todayā€™s ā€œFun Timesā€ā€¦.. Here are Patti and I on our balconyā€¦.. We went up to the Lido for breakfast. Afterwards, Patti went back to the cabin to sun on the balcony, and I was going to go to the casino and play some blackjack. But first, Iā€™m going to cash most of these in, put that money against our Sail & Sign account, and keep a couple hundred in chips just to play for fun. Iā€™ll be going home a winner for sureā€¦.. To be continuedā€¦ā€¦
  19. I like that glass of yours! We feel that even if you have been to a place quite a few times, you can always find those nooks and crannies to explore. šŸ˜Ž
  20. I have just enough time to make it down to Mike Delamontā€™s 7:30 ā€œPGā€ show. Tonight, heā€™s doing his show in the Follies Theaterā€¦.. Comedy Show Host ā€œCJā€ starts off the funā€¦.. Here is Mike Delamont on stage. Heā€™s very funny even doing his ā€œmildā€ show. I gave him a 9.0 / 10ā€¦ā€¦. Afterwards, I met Patti at the Deli where we would have a snack. Patti had her favorite turkey wrap, and I had a couple of chili dogs. We then went to the Alchemy Bar to have a nightcap with Omer. I decided to go to the Comedy Showcase in the Follies Theater, while Patti was going to browse the shops and then go back to the cabin. Tonightā€™s Comedy Showcase started with Kierā€¦.. Next up was Andy Beningoā€¦.. I really shouldnā€™t have bothered going to this show. Kier was pretty funny, but after watching his shows for the last two weeks, I pretty much knew all of his material. As for Andy Beningo, heā€™s just plain bad! You have been warned! I stopped down at the Casino Bar and had a couple drinks with Angela before heading back to the cabin. Here is tonightā€™s towel animal, and our VIFP Party invitationsā€¦.. Coming up next: A fun day at sea, and an epic fail on Deal or No Deal!
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