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Everything posted by wineoclock

  1. We had a bar set up of gin, my choice & JD, Dhs choice when we were in PH. In CS this time so no bar set up. I’m sure we will cope 😂
  2. My sister got me hooked onto X. But she also started with Chandris. That was her first ever cruise & she’s stuck to X Since.
  3. I much prefer bed by the bath. Don’t know why they put beds by the balcony.
  4. For me it’s also to do with the wines. I’m very fussy. I like good wine. I generally will try the premium wines & then will more likely order a bottle as they are often better. I get a discount on the bottles so it’s a win for me. I drink white. Dh red so he does the same.
  5. I will not be pre paying gratuities for my upcoming May cruise. We will pay the new amount at the time. For my October cruise we will be tipping the extra amount personally as the cruise starts on 17/10.
  6. When we were in PH it was pretty much unlimited although I think officially it was 2 bags per person per cruise at the time. Laundry perks I think are RS & above.
  7. My favourite place to visit in Paris is the Musee D’Orsay the impressionist museum.
  8. My friends mum was on P&O recently & they were told expressly not required to tip extra. She found it refreshing & one less thing for her to be concerned about.
  9. My alma mater 😂😂😂 Happy days.
  10. Haven’t they tried to eliminate it by including auto tips? But some people still tip extra which I think is the confusing part especially for us who don’t come from a tipping culture.
  11. I love Virgin mojitos & coladas. Always feel like I’m on holiday drinking them. I love a cocktail while sunbathing but can’t tolerate alcohol during the day.
  12. Some good deals there. I’m still sort of regretting cancelling my RS bid but decided to put money towards another cruise next year…
  13. At the prices I’m paying for a suite I expect to get the drink package. I also think it’s probably easier for the staff as well.
  14. I had issues this morning (U.K.) for a few hours. But mine is working ok at the moment.
  15. Does anyone have a breakdown of how much staff are paid daily please? Or where I can look for it? Thank you. Edit: prices are increasing everywhere else so I don’t see an issue here.
  16. Is there a difference between a kettle and a tea kettle? Always wondered!
  17. I wore a mask for the first time in months yesterday. I don’t usually. Was on the tube & rammed Like sardines. The smell was horrid. So fished in my pocket & luckily found one. Wasn’t due to covid that I wore one though just the smell was so awful.
  18. It comes up on your sea pass card. However if it’s a child you are with then it doesn’t show their room. Well it didn’t for us. Only when DH went down with our youngest did we realise she was being charged.
  19. You have more to gain by asking than by not asking. Good luck.
  20. I wonder if they have a lot of cases on board but are reluctant to say? Im so over mask wearing.
  21. I’m putting on weight just reading these posts!
  22. No it isn’t as it’s upper suites only. However if you have elite status or above then you do get some laundry perks
  23. Well I had both flu & 4th covid vaccine three days ago. Immunosuppressed so I was called for them. Dh not eligible yet & we sail in just over 2 weeks. Hopefully he’ll be called soon.
  24. The Cypriots & Greeks are very fond of a frappe - iced coffee. In the hot weather it really is delicious. I’ll make a note to ask for a teapot thank you.
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