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Everything posted by DaniDanielle

  1. Nine years ago today we lost my mom to an awful accident. She was 91 and in great shape, still driving and going to Atlantic City with us. She, easily, would have made it to 100😢
  2. Oh poor Susan. Hope she gets better fast. OK UPDATE from Columbia……They are pretty sure the pressure and heart rate problem are a part of transplant problems. A good percentage of them get this but usually much earlier after the transplant. Twenty years later is rare but Charlie never does anything normal😳. It has something to do with what gets done during the actual transplant operation. Things get snipped etc. they are hoping increasing meds will solve this🤞
  3. The heart biopsy is to check the pressures of your heart. They go through the neck and snip a piece of the heart and that gets biopsied. This also will tell if there is any rejection going on. Once again, thank you all🥰
  4. Echocardiogram and heart biopsy were excellent. Doctors were pleased with those results. Ekg still abnormal, pressure still high. He called and sounded better. OB, is it possible the radioactive injection from the pet scan can mess with pressure and stuff?
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