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Everything posted by DaniDanielle

  1. We spent the day in Brooklyn yesterday. Charlie had to go for a petscan. The only fun part was they sent us in an Uber, she arrived in a Tesla, great ride.
  2. My best friend used to live in Myrtle Beach. She took us all over, so many restaurants and mini golf courses! One time it snowed and we had the place all to ourselves as the natives didnโ€™t know how to handle snow. My son, daughter-in-law and grandson will be there in two weeks. Enjoy
  3. Happy Birthday from here also๐ŸŽ‰ I donโ€™t mind fireworks in moderation but those big booming things are horrible.
  4. @cruiselvr04So sorry about your mom, it leaves your heart broken. My mom was 91 but still very active, driving and trips to Atlantic City. I am sure your mom is happy for you and watching over youโค๏ธ
  5. The two kids have been seeing a therapist. I think my daughter is trying to be brave but I am trying to get her to talk to somebody. She does have a good group of her fellow teachers she talks with so that helps. Our family has been through a lot of trauma starting with Charlieโ€™s heart transplant and other ills. I am sure I have mentioned this, this July will be nine years since my mom was killed crossing the street by our house. All six of the grandkids were devastated. I saw a therapist and it does help to speak to someone. He told me I was living my life which is good but he said you will never get over the loss. It was good to hear as some feel it should be pushed aside while you go on with life.
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