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Everything posted by DaniDanielle

  1. Birth certificates are fine. It is better to have a passport but you can show the certificates.
  2. Dave, great response. This thread has been such a great way to discuss good times, bad times and in between times.
  3. I have had a Katz pastrami a few times. You can eat it for days! Haven’t had it in awhile so didn’t pay that price
  4. You are right. My mom used to fry them in a pan on the stove. There is nothing like that but once I told her to put them in the oven she did. They come out almost as good and less mess!
  5. We found champagne in the cabin on our last four or five Anthem cruises. They were from Guest Services with a lovely letter also.
  6. Wouldn’t pay for it. We did it a few times for free, the views are great.
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