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Drinks Package rises and Consumer Protection legislation.


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Hopefully Celebrity have recognised the Consumer legislation issues now and are rectifying the situation. Not sure how those people onboard are being compensated though - if at all.

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I have had word back and my advisor confirms my suspicions that Celebrity are acting outside of the law.


He is going to contact them.


Of course I will keep you updated.



Great thankyou very much for letting us know.

Now looking forward to your next update.


Brenda x

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Is that just for Celebrity? I know I lost deposits immediately on other cruise lines well before 5 months.


Yes, that's the deadline for Celebrity. But some other lines also refund deposits up to a certain date.

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if you buy the package based on price rather than a list how do you know what drinks are included? There might be only 1 cocktail 1 spirit 1 beer only in that price bracket and you won't find out till you're on board!


With a list you know what's included and if prices rise, raise the price of the package


Hi I got this message back from Celebrity this morning. Here is the new updated Classic beverage list. I hope the link works. If you want to e mail me at ally_shewan@yahoo.co.uk I will help with any advise when I return on June 2nd Hi Ally,

Our team have advised they have updated our drinks package information this morning. Please see here: http://www.celebritycruises.ie/images/Classic%20Package%20Inclusions%20-%20Seasonal%20Pricing%202014_tcm22-58906.pdf for a list of all beverages included in the Classic Drinks package.


If it does not work I will paste complete list

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if you buy the package based on price rather than a list how do you know what drinks are included? There might be only 1 cocktail 1 spirit 1 beer only in that price bracket and you won't find out till you're on board!


With a list you know what's included and if prices rise, raise the price of the package


Hi I got this message back from Celebrity this morning. Here is the new updated Classic beverage list. I hope the link works. If you want to e mail me at ally_shewan@yahoo.co.uk I will help with any advise when I return on June 2nd Hi Ally,

Our team have advised they have updated our drinks package information this morning. Please see here: http://www.celebritycruises.ie/images/Classic%20Package%20Inclusions%20-%20Seasonal%20Pricing%202014_tcm22-58906.pdf for a list of all beverages included in the Classic Drinks package.


If it does not work I will paste complete list


I still believe you are purchasing the package based on the price/limits and the list is subject to change (additions and deletions), but it is a good guideline. You will never be charged for a drink not on the list if it is below the limit. I think Celebrity is saying that based on today's drink prices and offerings this is what is currently covered.


Very nice that they increased the wines to $9.


By the way if anyone that was recently on the Eclipse cruise with a Classic package that started this discussion was actually charged for a Baileys (cost of over $9.20 with tip) they should get a refund. Probably more of what they thought they would be charged based on an inaccurate list created by someone on the ship "trying to help"

Edited by jagoffee
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By the way if anyone that was recently on the Eclipse cruise with a Classic package that started this discussion was actually charged for a Baileys (cost of over $9.20 with tip) they should get a refund. Probably more of what they thought they would be charged based on an inaccurate list created by someone on the ship "trying to help"


A Baileys was ordered but the barman said it was not covered on the classic package, so being to tight to pay $10.50 for it we didn't bother with the order, in their defence they were very good at telling you what was not covered on the package, they could have just given us the drink and we would have had a charge that was unexpected that we would have had to pay once we had consumed it


The drinks that we were charged for that were beers not on the package were refunded because they were a mistake and we never actually had them, they were removed immediately, there was also a charge for $4.50 from the bar in the night club, that was removed after 4 days but we never found out what that was for, what do they sell for $4.50 ?


I can't see how they are breaking any UK consumers laws, as there was always the small saying that not all drinks were guaranteed wasn't there ?

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if you buy the package based on price rather than a list how do you know what drinks are included? There might be only 1 cocktail 1 spirit 1 beer only in that price bracket and you won't find out till you're on board!


With a list you know what's included and if prices rise, raise the price of the package


Hi I got this message back from Celebrity this morning. Here is the new updated Classic beverage list. I hope the link works. If you want to e mail me at ally_shewan@yahoo.co.uk I will help with any advise when I return on June 2nd Hi Ally,

Our team have advised they have updated our drinks package information this morning. Please see here: http://www.celebritycruises.ie/images/Classic%20Package%20Inclusions%20-%20Seasonal%20Pricing%202014_tcm22-58906.pdf for a list of all beverages included in the Classic Drinks package.


If it does not work I will paste complete list



Still wrong for UK cruises they not added the 15% to the allowed prices.

Beers 6$ / 15% = 7$ Spirits & Cocktails 8$ / 15% = 9$ and wine by the glass 9$ / 15% = 10.50$.

Confusion reigns.

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if you buy the package based on price rather than a list how do you know what drinks are included? There might be only 1 cocktail 1 spirit 1 beer only in that price bracket and you won't find out till you're on board!


With a list you know what's included and if prices rise, raise the price of the package


Hi I got this message back from Celebrity this morning. Here is the new updated Classic beverage list. I hope the link works. If you want to e mail me at ally_shewan@yahoo.co.uk I will help with any advise when I return on June 2nd Hi Ally,

Our team have advised they have updated our drinks package information this morning. Please see here: http://www.celebritycruises.ie/images/Classic%20Package%20Inclusions%20-%20Seasonal%20Pricing%202014_tcm22-58906.pdf for a list of all beverages included in the Classic Drinks package.


If it does not work I will paste complete list


Did they keep the list as it was? Seems there's not much of a change...

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So the Classic is resolved but what is the price range for Premium wines?


Also do we ask for special menu in MDR or just what is listed on nightly menu for wine?


Just sailed in late April and enjoyed it but this time I want to know what is actually available for Premium. We sail in 3 weeks.

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While I think that Celebrity handled the situation appallingly in the first place I am now very pleased with the fact that they responded to the mistake in a positive way and have also made contact with customers through emails and various social media.


I also hope that the monitoring of various social media and direct emails continues and is followed up by ongoing reasonable responses to situations where trends show that numbers of their customers are obviously unhappy.


Conversely it is also unreasonable to expect them to react to every individuals' preferences as we all have differences in what our favourites or priorities are.


I look forward to enjoying our next cruise and hope it will be the great product that we experienced on my previous Celebrity cruise. If all goes to plan we will now be very likely to book three more for next year while on board.


I hope that the kerfuffle that originated over this does not deter Celebrity from offering the beverage package in future. All they need to do is ,as I and others have suggested, alter the cost of the package when large across the board drink price rises occur. Unless there is some substantial price hike in the cost of drinks, which is very unlikely , they could review and update both their drink and package prices once or twice a year and grandfather those who pre purchase into the current offer.


I am sure since the packages were first offered there have been many slight variations to what was available on each ship and/or itinerary. The fact that there was no huge reaction to that happening also demonstrates that (despite what those who start up threads or comment about the whingeing Celebrity threads think) the vast majority of customers understand and are comfortable with small variations in all ship products even if their favourites may be missing.


Although the various threads on the drinks packages have taken precedence in recent times my guess is that the next issue where large numbers of passengers cruising experience may be effected will be how the reduction of activities staff changes the vibe of the day to day enjoyment of a cruise. Feedback to that will only come once multiple sailings have occurred under the new regime.

Edited by woodyren
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So the Classic is resolved but what is the price range for Premium wines?


Also do we ask for special menu in MDR or just what is listed on nightly menu for wine?


Just sailed in late April and enjoyed it but this time I want to know what is actually available for Premium. We sail in 3 weeks.


Good luck getting an answer from Celebrity. It took several pages of angry customers over multiple threads to get celebrity to fix the "inclusive perk" of the classic package.


I have been trying for weeks to get an answer here on cruise critic; Facebook and Twitter. No response. Why... Not enough people complaining about the premium.


Based on the photos posted recently from people onboard the eclipse, it suggests we are impacted also. It seems many of the wines are back in the classic and hardly any in the premium as the price of the premium wines seems to have hit anything from $15.50 for the daily specials in blu to $16-20 for wines in the MDR and speciality restaurants that were previously included.


Now you can pay the extra unlike with the classic, but that's not the point. You shouldn't have to and there is as much of a breach in legislation for the premium as the classic if this thread is anything to go by.


I don't need a list of what's included as with the classic. I would rather have a list of what is not. As I am expecting it to be short. I would also like the reassurance that there is going to be a seperate range of premium wine for those of us that paid for the privilege. After all what is the point in having a higher price limit for wine if there are hardly any variations available over the classic.


I think rather than telling people what's included and what isn't, set classic at about $11-12 for wine by glass and say premium has the complete range of wines by glass... I estimate that would raise the limit to $18-20.


Premium should include every drink available by the glass as that's what premium customers want... If we have to pay more for the privilege so be it... But don't change the concept and deminish it's value whilst in the midst of alienating more customers.


I look forward to not hearing from celebrity on these points.

Edited by maximusas
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Agree. Just keep the relativity of the packages the same and raise the package price accordingly. If you buy early and the package price rises (although you run the huge risk of losing out because Celebrity decide to drop their drink prices LOL )that is in your favour just as paying an airline ticket for next year or your cruise fare.


Surely it's not that hard to do.


I do not necessarily agree with premium including every wine as most with the package would not necessary want to pay to drink the most expensive wine by the glass on the list but would have to pay a package price that factored that in. But again the relativity of what was there should be the same as should the difference between the cut off limit and the extra you pay to buy something outside that limit.

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1/ Get a lawyer


2/ pay what you must


3/ give up drink while aboard


4/ book with another line


5/ choose a different vacation



You forgot #6:

6/ Return to Celebrity when you realize how bad it is elsewhere

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I agree about the premium package too. The principle remains the same. The sting for the classic package was you had to pay the complete price for a wine too expensive for the package but the premium you just pay the difference. So the financial disappointment isn't as high. But you did pay extra to upgrade. That needs clarification too. And I'm still wondering how those onboard now are bring compensated. I feel sorry for those folk.


In the last two years I've cruised with Cunard, Princess and RCL and have enjoyed them all for very different reasons. Look forward to seeing what Celebrity offers.

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You forgot #6:

6/ Return to Celebrity when you realize how bad it is elsewhere


In another post you had stated that you only have cruised Celebrity so how would you know how bad it is elsewhere?

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So the Classic is resolved but what is the price range for Premium wines?


Also do we ask for special menu in MDR or just what is listed on nightly menu for wine?


Just sailed in late April and enjoyed it but this time I want to know what is actually available for Premium. We sail in 3 weeks.


UP to $13 - what is so hard about that? Here's the current MDR list - it will change over time AS WILL the prices. Some good stuff on here btw - MOST of it within the limit - some of it not. Don't buy the package if you don't think it's good value - simple.



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In another post you had stated that you only have cruised Celebrity so how would you know how bad it is elsewhere?


I travel a LOT and spend lots of time in travel forums, Flyertalk was another I was heavily active in. I did months of independent research before choosing Celebrity (actually before even deciding I even wanted to try a cruise), read lots of posts in this forum, studied many other cruise lines websites and amenities, and have talked since starting cruising to many passengers on celebrity about their experiences elsewhere and why they return.


I know Carnival is not for me. I gather HAL and Cunard are a bit more stuffy and older in demographic, Royal Caribbean I kind of like, but would miss the butler in a suite. Azamara ships do not have enough passengers for me. NCL I thought I would love, but have had lots of people I trust who have sailed it tell me it's not all it's cracked up to be.


So Celebrity perfectly suits me, no need to try something else until they go well off the tracks and disappoint me, which so far, any small disappointment has been tended to with appropriate concern and resolution.


I've watched their stock prices consistently rise, which tells me they have a successful business model, that likely leads to good customer experiences, which I have found to be true.


I tell my friends it's like sailing in a Ritz Carlton on water, and firmly believe this.


And as I've stated elsewhere, I am brand loyal, taking the ups with the downs, a give-take relationship with my travel suppliers, in order to get the elite perks that truly enhance my travel experience. Bouncing around cruise lines would not let that happen.


That's how I formed my opinion.

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UP to $13 - what is so hard about that? Here's the current MDR list - it will change over time AS WILL the prices. Some good stuff on here btw - MOST of it within the limit - some of it not. Don't buy the package if you don't think it's good value - simple.




Hi again wpgcycler -- I think you are missing the point? The thing is - yes , the limit seems to be $13 for Premium Package wines by the glass still.- and I read you are happy with the choice still available. Good for you. However , Now Celebrity have placed wines previously inside this price limit outside ( wines I like to have ) and now made unavailable unless we pay extra - ontop of the Premium Package deal we signed up for. No replacement wine offered instead on the list - or none that I can see? Maybe I'm missing something here but it seems one sided to me .Maybe they should remove the Premium Package tag and replace it with Limited Mediocre Beverage Package Selection.

Ironically you can still get most Premium brand spirits , or will many of those be placed above the price point also ?

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Hi again wpgcycler -- I think you are missing the point? The thing is - yes , the limit seems to be $13 for Premium Package wines by the glass still.- and I read you are happy with the choice still available. Good for you. However , Now Celebrity have placed wines previously inside this price limit outside ( wines I like to have ) and now made unavailable unless we pay extra - ontop of the Premium Package deal we signed up for. No replacement wine offered instead on the list - or none that I can see? Maybe I'm missing something here but it seems one sided to me .Maybe they should remove the Premium Package tag and replace it with Limited Mediocre Beverage Package Selection.

Ironically you can still get most Premium brand spirits , or will many of those be placed above the price point also ?


There are few better examples of the supply and demand concept in action than in the wine industry. Need more Baileys? Make some. Need more of a particular wine? Not so easy - finite amount of those grapes and finite amount of land that produced them - oh and from year to year the quality can change. When there's not enough of what everyone wants, the price goes up. Shift happens. There are still many wines under the limit. Try them. :)

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Hi all,


As promised, we shared a list of the Classic Beverage Package as it stands today. You may have noticed that we also shared a list on Friday that was missing a few drinks (specifically Corona, Corona Light, Jack Daniel's, and Jack Daniel's Honey). We want to share information on Cruise Critic that is timely, accurate, and this isn't very simple, as things change very quickly.


Please, just because you don't see an answer right away, don't assume we don't care. The people who represent 'Celebrity Cruises' on Cruise Critic care, and Celebrity cares because they want to ensure that our guests are happy. We spend countless hours gathering information, fact checking it, and then trying to provide accurate answers that can be provided to the masses. Again, this isn't easy, as every regions varies and things do change.


As for the Premium Beverage Package, we are trying to gather a list that we can also share.

Edited by Celebrity Cruises
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Hi all,


As promised, we shared a list of the Classic Beverage Package as it stands today. You may have noticed that we also shared a list on Friday that was missing a few drinks (specifically Corona, Corona Light, Jack Daniel's, and Jack Daniel's Honey). We want to share information on Cruise Critic that is timely, accurate, and this isn't very simple, as things change very quickly.


Please, just because you don't see an answer right away, don't assume we don't care. The people who represent 'Celebrity Cruises' on Cruise Critic care, and Celebrity cares because they want to ensure that our guests are happy. We spend countless hours gathering information, fact checking it, and then trying to provide accurate answers that can be provided to the masses. Again, this isn't easy, as every regions varies and things do change.


As for the Premium Beverage Package, we are trying to gather a list that we can also share.


There are a lot of us that appreciate what you are doing and we thank you for it.:D I understand the time that must be taken to ensure accuracy and then also to get the information to the ships. I look forward to the list!!!

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