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LIVE from the Voyager


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smiling, Rally and Dan.


Okay, I have a few nights with Regent (240 of them). Glad to hear TC is happy with her cruise. Obviously I have been happy always with Regent, as I keep booking, even veering off to SS now and then!


I have to say, I have never felt in the "twilight zone" on any Regent ship for lack of what I have had before. That implies something REALLY different from what came before. Yes, lapses from night to night, like any restaurant, or any hotel, especially if the room attendant didn't come in until the afterooon. I have been a happy camper on Regent for years, but will certainly not make it my only cruise line. I look forward to another cruise on SS one of these days, and while I have never chosen Seabourn, their new ship looks enticing, if the intinerary and cruise are right!

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smiling, Rally and Dan.


Okay, I have a few nights with Regent (240 of them). Glad to hear TC is happy with her cruise. Obviously I have been happy always with Regent, as I keep booking, even veering off to SS now and then!


I have to say, I have never felt in the "twilight zone" on any Regent ship for lack of what I have had before. That implies something REALLY different from what came before. Yes, lapses from night to night, like any restaurant, or any hotel, especially if the room attendant didn't come in until the afterooon. I have been a happy camper on Regent for years, but will certainly not make it my only cruise line. I look forward to another cruise on SS one of these days, and while I have never chosen Seabourn, their new ship looks enticing, if the intinerary and cruise are right!



Well, jhp, you have much more Regent experience than we do, and maybe even more that TC2 does (if that is even possible =), and I defer to your opinion. We love Regent, and when the price and itinerary coincide we will not hesitate. We are "veering off" to SS in a few days because of an exceptional opportunity and are looking forward to it. If it is at least as good as Regent we will be very, very happy =)

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Firstly, Host Dan, you know by now that I am a bit "strange";) However, my comment about the Twilight Zone can apparently be taken many ways. It was meant in a positive way. Almost akin to entering the movie "Stepford Wives" and having everyone greet you with a smile and nice words, everything being perfect. So, yes, things on the Voyager are "REALLY" different. Since my focus on this cruise is comparisons. . . . I am comparing this Voyager cruise to our last -- 11 months ago. Sometimes I can't help myself and do other comparisons as well.


For those of who may be reading my posts for the first time, let me give a few sentences of background. I am not affiliated in any way with the travel industry. My hobby is studying travel -- of late, this has been cruise travel. While the only luxury cruise ships we have been on is Regent, I can probably tell you more about Silversea and Seabourn that some of their passengers (both great cruise lines IMO). We have not done "world" cruises or any longer than 11 nights. So, we have not racked up hundreds of days on Regent. Instead, we have done 7 cruises (since 2004) which include all Regent ships (with our 8th scheduled for November of this year and 9th scheduled May, 2010). Seabourn is tentatively on the books for late 2010.


When people read these boards, you are going to see a lot of conflicting information. Some of this is simply due to different expectations. Others are from "newbies" who are comparing Regent to other cruise lines. Then, there are some who vow not say anything negative about Regent on CC (some of them have been most upset with my viewpoints . . . since I call it like I see it).


Before I go back on subject, I wrote a review of our 8/2006 and 10/2008 Voyager cruises on CC. My comparisons are from those two cruises.


The service on the Voyager (only) has been very good in the past -- my "Twilight Zone" comment was not meant to imply that service was horrible and is now wonderful. The fact that is was very good and is now over the top excellent is a bit surprising to me, given the CC reviews and posts of the past few months.


Before I forget, a couple of comparisons and comments:


1. I have verified that there is no pasta bar in La Veranda at lunch at this time.


2. I had a Chocolate Russian -- yummy (thanks Rally for the suggestion)


3. The coffee brand has been changed since last year. This is the only real negative I can find. I'm not much of a coffee drinker - my DH is. It is consistently inferior to last year.


4. Not sure if I posted this or sent it to a friend in an e-mail -- Head Chef Cornel is NOT going on vacation as previously posted. He requested a transfer to the Mariner after a 2 year contract on the Voyager -- just for a change. This will be a very positive thing for the Mariner.


One reason I am posting so much is because several people I know on CC and/or personally will be on the Voyager between now and the end of the year. They have questions that I am answering on this open forum in case it helps others.


I know I'm forgetting something -- guess I'll catch up later. We took a HOHO bus in Cadiz -- don't generally like them, however, it's Sunday and everything is closed. This was a good way to view the city and see the thousands and thousands and thousands of people at the beach.


On to another thread . . . . they are comparing ships on another thread and, of course, I have some comments.:)

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TC, I took your Twilight Zone comment to be positive. I agree Voyager this past June was definitely better than the 2 previous years--just a notch above. Hopefully that will continue to be the case in 1 1/2 weeks.

I don't drink coffee either, but my son does. He commented he didn't like the coffee this year as well as in the past, though he did really like the coffee bar.

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Jackie, hope you are using this term with tongue in cheek. I know what you meant, but would wish that the great service has a little more warmth and genuineness to it than that! :eek:


My benchmark for perfection is still my MC-Dover cruise on Voyager in summer 2006. Yes, it was a spotlight on food and wine. Everything was perfect, from my point of view. If our December cruise is close to that, I will be in heaven.

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Jackie, I am delighted that you are taking time to post detailed impressions of Voyager, positive, negative and Twilight Zone. Your travel itinerary has been really hectic. So you are most generous indeed. Since we will be on Voyager in about 80 days we are absolutely delighted you are experiencing the best service ever and very high food quality. That bodes well for our impending Rio to Ft. Lauderdale cruise. Pat

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bashed again?


First, Wendy, the crew are genuine -- not fake like Stepford Wives. I seem to be failing miserably in trying to explain the differences in our last cruise and this one. When we are off the ship, I'll go into more detail. Also, in case I forget, when you are on the Voyager, if you walk down deck 10 -- around the area of suites 1025 or 1027, you will be able to get the feel of the Mariner (double isles, etc.). Not that this is a big deal -- just interesting.


Trying to figure out how to address those who feel I am not aware of Silversea and Seabourn. Let me just say that there are volumes of information on these cruises -- reviews from passengers, from the media, etc. Perhaps all passengers read almost every word printed about each and every cruise. . . . . in that case, I could be wrong. I could also be incorrect that last week's cruise and next week's cruise on the Voyager will be similiar to this cruise. Those that choose to disagree with me. . . . no problem at all. My comments are directed to those who want my opinion. I have been honest about my experiences (or lack thereof). Rather than disagree, it may be best to simply not read my posts. I am not a "self pro-claimed expert" on anything, smilingcruiser. Perhaps I should just say that I am a control freak when it comes to luxury cruising and search out everything possible about luxury cruise lines. We have spent 5 years cruising exclusively with Regent. Now, we are ready to experience another luxury line (maybe -- it's really hard to give up Regent perks right after we become "Gold"). FYI, Silversea and Seabourn were not on our radar for the past 5 years due to the size of the ships (and in the case of Seabourn, the lack of balconies in addition to their tiny ships).


I think I need to comment on ship size. Just today someone mentioned that the size of the Voyager's dance floors were so small compared to the Queen Mary. I was surprised to hear someone compare the Queen Mary to the Voyager. The Voyager is a medium/small ship. . . . . of course the dance floors are small. The fact that Regent's Voyager and Mariner carry 700 passengers is a big deal to some. We are not Crystal with approx. 1,000 passengers. . . . or the "triplets" at 200 or so. . . . . or Silversea's ships. Regent is not the same as the other luxury cruise lines in terms of size.


Tomorrow we (Le Cordon Bleu students) have to prepare a three course meal (cannot imagine how this will be:-). Then we have dinner in La Veranda for our class. On Tuesday, there is a graduation for both Le Cordon Bleu Classes in Signatures. We really are looking forward to this (but will miss Compass Rose for a couple of days.)


There is definitely something I want to post that I cannot remember when I am in front of the computer. The computer in the morning is just about the most frustrating thing you can imagine. If we were paying for the internet, I would be upset. This morning I spent 40 minutes and accomplished nothing. (Not Regent's fault)


This isn't what I wanted to post. . . . but, the pizza is only so-so. It sits out under a hot lamp for a long time. I think I remember. . . . . . when several people are in the Voyager Lounge ("Nightclub") which is directly below the computer room, the smoke smell is STRONG up here. Other than that, the passengers are abiding by the smoking policy.


Enough for today. Have a great day . . . . . and remember, please ignore my posts if you find them upsetting. That is not my intention.

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Travelcat - I apologize for upsetting you with my comments about your posts. On the contrary, I enjoy reading them (although we disagree on certain issues, such as children and dress code).


The only part that I find difficult to accept is your "knowledge" of other lines. As I'm sure you know, a person can read and read about a cruise line (or a hotel or a country, for that matter); however, the only thing that gives them real knowledge is first-hand experience.

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Travelcat - . . . The only part that I find difficult to accept is your "knowledge" of other lines. As I'm sure you know, a person can read and read about a cruise line (or a hotel or a country, for that matter); however, the only thing that gives them real knowledge is first-hand experience.


I know you want to be fair, TC, so of course expect that any opinions you give in the future (can't change past posts, I know) on lines/ships you have not sailed, will start with something like "I HAVE NEVER SAILED ON THIS SHIP BUT AM GIVING MY OPINION ANYWAY." This isn't blasting you, just trying to help for the future.

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TC - moving away from this argument, I have a specific (if very minor) question. You have mentioned chocolate martinis. Could you explain exactly what they are - I know, of course, what a martini is but I am curious as to what the chocolate element might be. I have a feeling that they might be something that MrsMojoRisin would enjoy, being a chocoholic, on our Voyager cruise in December.

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How much longer will Ray Solaire stay on as cruise director? We really enjoy him. He is very intelligent, charming , kind and entertaining. I was hoping he would still be on board for our December 2009 Panama Canal cruise. I am really enjoying this thread Thanks for your time

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In light of the random responses to this very useful thread, I tremble to ask - does your cruise experience support the theory that the first and last nights are great candidates for not eating in CR?


Thanks for the daily posts.



Well, not onboard but just left three weeks ag, so will say this: On our last day, we arrived back on Voyager tired, and dirty. Decided to have room service dinner. While Mrs. Rally was in the bath she said, "well, why don't we go down to Compass Rose and see who is around?" We did and the evening was delightful. The menu included Prime Rib and Lobster Tail, and I asked our waiter which he would recommend. He said, "Why don't I just bring you 'surf and turf'? And would you like your usual sauted spinach with that?" I did, he did, and it was wonderful.

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If I fail to respond to certain questions. . . please understand that it is not intentional. Some days (like today) are extremely busy.


The first night, CR had a "normal" menu. I'm assuming the same on the last night. We booked Signatures for the last night on this cruise as an experiment. CR gets extremely crowded after the crew show. My thought is to have a reservation somewhere that will not be affected by the events prior to dinner.


Wendy, there are so many recipe's for chocolate martini's. I prefer not having cream of any kind in mine (which is how it is prepared here). Some places use creme de cacao (either clear or chocolate colored) -- some use Godiva chocolate (yumm). The rim on Regent is sugar and cocoa. My favorite way to have a chocolate martini is with Hershey's chocolate on the rim or drizzled along the side of the glass. It is personal preference. Pat, it sounded quite unappealing to me as well . . . . until I tried it a couple of years ago.


I will really make an effort to talk with Ray Solaire -- he is a difficult man to get a hold of. I heard a rumor that he is leaving the ship. . . . just not sure when.


Smilingcruiser -- we really do not disagree too much. Kids on ships are fine -- Regent, however, can not handle the number of children that they allow on board. This is more of a Regent problem. Not sure what your view is on dress code. Next year is better than this year IMO. Having both Formal and Informal on the same cruise causes too much extra packing. I do love seeing men in sports jackets and slacks - perhaps my background was too full of men dressing up:confused:


Rally. . . . I always post the fact that I have not been on a cruise ship/line if I have not been on it. Plus, my signature lists my cruises. I try not to go into detail about the different ships. Many times people don't do any research -- they aren't aware of the size of the ships, which are mostly non-smoking, which has the largest cabins/suites. If, for instance, someone is staying on one of the Seabourn "triplets" and wants to know about the cabin size. . . . . rather than say "look it up", I'll give the dimensions. I certainly cannot describe the ambiance or "feel" of any ship (not even the one I am currently on). The things I state about other ships are based on either facts that anyone can find out, or reviews that mention specific pluses or minuses of a ship. For instance, the Voyager has an aft vibration. This has been argued over and over and over. It is actually a fact -- not an opinion. How you or anyone else will react to it is the question. I have taken this thread completely off subject. Perhaps it helps to occasionally let other posters understand where I am coming from.


One more point. . . . . I occasionally contradict myself -- for various reasons. Today I can tell you that there is a pasta bar. This doesn't mean that yesterday's post was wrong. When I'm wrong, I'm happy to admit it - because that's how to learn more.


Okay -- have to get ready for my class. Want to mention that Heidsek Monopole champagne is no longer on the ship. Will try to remember to post what the replacement is (still by request only).


Gibraltar was amazing for many reasons. I am a over-the-top animal lover. We learned today that many of the stories you hear about out of control monkeys are simply caused by humans training them to act the way they are. We respected them -- they walked around us -- let us take photographs. . . . We did not reach out to grab or pet them. . . they really don't like that. A baby did go up to my DH's toe and pick at it for a minute (really cute). Also went into an amazing cave and some of the tunnels within the "Rock".


Tonight is a Le Cordon Bleu dinner with our Chef and we're having cocktails in a Master Suite (unrelated to the class). Should be fun.

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Enjoying your posts.

Can you let me know the replacement champagne. I noticed that they normally pour some sparkling wine but only pour you champagne when you specifically ask for it. Of course once the wine waiters know its your preference they note that.

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TC, I am glad you are enjoying your cruise. You know I am a Crystal fan and I have been on five RSSC cruises. Regent definitely beats the competition on their suites. With that said, I always thought the if only RSSC had the Crystal crew and chefs this line would be perfect. The Voyager is a beautiful ship and so is the Mariner. Truly it is the crew and food and the can do attitude that make a world of difference.


Like you, we want too try Seabourn and the only reason we have not is because they do not have verandas. Now with the new 450 passenger Odyssey with verandas we will definitely try Seabourn.


As for Crystal, their two ships are never full. Crystal has many single guests. The Symphony holds about 930 and out of fifteen cruises on the Symphony and Serenity the most they will have is about 700-750.


Crystal is currently offering the As You Wish Program which is $1000 pp OBC. You can spend it anyway you like except the casino. Most people have their gratuities paid for by their TA. On out next cruise if we don't spend all the $2000 we will donate the rest to the crew fund.


We truly like the RSSC ships it just seems the level of service is not on a par with Crystal. Another Regent fan Lee Anne, just returned from her first Crystal cruise and she was indeed Crystallized and looking forward to her next cruise. Until you experience any line you will not be able to judge them.


Our best friends are Regent fans, but Regent fares have gone up about 15% over the last couple of years and Regent lost them. They now do Azamara & Oceania and they seem too like them both. It's not for us since we started going on luxury lines and I do include Regent in that category.


If Regent had been our first luxury cruise after doing mass markets we would had thought we had died and gone too heaven. Crystal happened to be our first and we were spoiled from day one. Anyway you look at it, we are all fortunate that we can sail on any of the luxury lines that most people cannot afford to do especially in this economy. Life is so short. Enjoy everything you do whether it be a cruise or a land based vacation.

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Greetings from Valencia, Spain. For some reason, I am rarely able to access CC in the morning ("our" morning -- 6-9 hours ahead of the U.S.) Just a a bit strange. Let me answer a few questions.


1. Surprisingly, Regent uses the liquid non-dairy creamer. If you call ahead and request it, they probably will have some on board for you.


2. Update: Captain Dag and Ray Solaire leaving the Voyager for vacation in October. Captain Dag being replaced by an Italian Captain that also replaced him last year. Lorraine will be taking over for Ray Solaire.



3. Heidsek Monopole champagne has been replaced with "Jacques Chaput" champagne. Am I the only one who has not heard of this brand? They still have the same "sparking wine" -- you do need to ask for the upgrade (it is complimentary).



Suite Travels: Heard a rumor from someone with close contacts to Crystal that they may be going all-inclusive. You are so right about your first luxury cruise. While all of the luxury lines sound great -- trying another line almost scares us


Esther: I am really confident that they can fix the problems on the Navigator during dry dock. They need to fix the electrical system and the plumbing system. These are the two major areas. The electrical system has been "fixed" -- but may need to be completely redone. The ship was floating without electricity on at least two occasions (over a year ago). When the electricity goes off and back on, it moves rust into the water and passengers get brown water. There is also an air conditioning problem in some suites. I would think that electricians and plumbing contractors could make everything as good as new in a month.


No one asked, however, I think there are about 18 computers on the Voyager. IMO, the Voyager has the nicest computer area (with the exception of the two or three computer stations on the Mariner set up by the window!).


We took the Regent shuttle bus into downtown Valencia. While the city did not look like much, it was really nice walking around (think it was the "bull ring" that put me off -- the thought of it disturbs me. I found a lovely department store, "Sfera". IMO, they are a good place to shop for little gifts (at good prices). They are also air conditioned and have lovely restrooms.




I haven't mentioned temperatures. Most days have been in the mid-70's (cool in the morning). The cities we have visited are humid -- so, you do feel quite warm after walking around the city for a while.


We had a wonderful experience at the Le Cordon Bleu dinner at La Veranda last evening. They closed half of the restaurant for our "private party" -- only about 14 of us with the Chef and a couple of very nice crew members also in attendance. They set up our own antipasto bar. . . we had filet mignon with mushroom lasagne also on the plate (there was also a choice of fish). With one server for two tables, you can imagine how wonderful the service was. The food could not have been more perfect.


Tonight is "graduation" at Signatures. This will include both Class "A" and Class "B" and their partners/spouse. The menu is from our Chef -- no clue what we will be dining on -- but, feel it will be extremely good.



Tomorrow is Barcelona where even Regent recommends not carrying anything in your hands because of theft in that city. I find it quite sad when things get to that point.


More tomorrow:-)

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It is sad about Barcelona; everybody on CC seems to say it's the worst. Not sure what I would do if embarking/disembarking. Such a nice city, such a shame.


Dag--par for the course, didn't expect him on the ship, he always gets a holiday before the WC. Looking forward to meeting the new captain.


Have a great time at your shindig in Signatures tonight! Glad you enjoyed the course so much, Jackie. We had a blast 3 years ago, and can't wait to do it again.

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