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Just shaking my head ................lol


Why are you finding my comment on room service funny? Room service people would be included in the $11 per day service charge. They wouldn't know if the passenger will leave the service charge in place, so they very likely have to turn in any room service tips. We do tip room service, but it always seems they don't care if they are tipped or not. Room service is nearly always very prompt and well done.

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Room service servers would be included in the hotel service charge. Why would they be left out when it includes even "behind the scenes" people? There is no reason to tip for room service unless you wish to do so.


Just shaking my head ................lol


ziggypup....I don't understand why you are shaking your head either:confused:..


We have been on many HAL cruises with over 130 days on Holland America...Perhaps RCCL is different but Jemima is absolutely correct! Room service waiters & Pinnacle Grill Waiters on HAL are included in the $11 per day per person Service charge on HAL...And I agree with her, you don't have to tip them unless you want to!

Jemima also mentioned in a much earlier post that they do tip for room service, but no one is required to do so..

We've only had room service a few times, on all of our cruises...Twice either DH or I had to run after the Waiters to give them a tip..They were in & out so quickly & were surprised, as many times passengers do not tip..Now, if we happen to order room service, we'll have the cash in hand before they bring the tray into our cabin..We also leave a tip in the Pinnacle if the service is exceptional..

Prior to Auto tipping on HAL their ads always stated...Tipping is not required..Many Travel Agent did not understand this & told their clients that tipping was included in the fare..Finally HAL was one of the last companies to institute auto tipping, since many of their passengers never tipped & their crews were leaving for another more lucrative job..new she was wrong! Unfortunately not one person in our group tipped, which to this day I feel very bad about..

We tip extra because we fell those people deserve it, but sometimes the Room service waiters are almost out the door & they are amazed when people tip them extra..


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Why are you finding my comment on room service funny? Room service people would be included in the $11 per day service charge. They wouldn't know if the passenger will leave the service charge in place, so they very likely have to turn in any room service tips. We do tip room service, but it always seems they don't care if they are tipped or not. Room service is nearly always very prompt and well done.


Sorry, I have never cruised on HAL before. I am thinking about, that is why I am reading the HAL message boards.


I just find it hard to believe that the $11 dollar a day charge covers the room service staff as well. How do they know how many times during a cruise a person will order room service?


My wife and I are not breakfast eaters, so we order a pot of coffee via room service in the morning. That is the extent of our room service orders. But then I am sure that their are some people who order 3 meals a day plus snacks through room service. I just don't see how they can predict room service usage like that.


I grew up in the food service industry, so I guess that my feelings are a bit bias. I know how hard these people work, so I doubt they are getting anything reasonable out of the $11 bucks.


Under no circumstances could I allow the room service person to just walk away without throwing them a few bucks in appreciation. I just couldn't do it. So I have no problems throwing the room service person $3 bucks for bringing me a pot of coffee in the morning.


I figure that since I am spending a few thousand dollars on a cruise fare, I am not going to worry about giving a couple of dollars to the room service person.


But I am sure that their are a few "Morty Seinfeld's" around that cruise with a tip calculator in their back pocket. :)

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I'm hoping that a great many of us agree with you, Ziggy and tip rather fortuitously. I certainly will tip generously for room service, particularly since I see how heavy the load is for these gentlemen. Remember the song, "He ain't heavy, he's my brother", well that should be our motto, should it not?

Yes, I was a waitress in a diner once when I was young and poor. Every dime counts.



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HAL automatically puts am $11 per day per person Hotel Service Charge on your bill when you get on the ship, is this in addition to the 60.00/day/person they charge my CC ? :confused:


Not to detract from the very good questions asked about tipping--you are NOT being charged $60/day/person on your credit card! See the very lengthy thread on this very subject.

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I just find it hard to believe that the $11 dollar a day charge covers the room service staff as well. How do they know how many times during a cruise a person will order room service?
The stewards who deliver to rooms have other jobs on the ship as well. You may see your dining room steward working in Lido during the day, or delivering room service at some time. They are participants in the distribution of the $11/p/d pool, and their percentage is fixed regardless of what specific tasks they are assigned and perform.
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Gosh.... give these room-service kids a break! You're on vacation. If you can't tip the guy, you should head to the Lido! I'm in awe at the thought of NOT tipping these hard working fellas. :rolleyes:


2 Thumbs Up Zappa !!!!!

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Gosh.... give these room-service kids a break! You're on vacation. If you can't tip the guy, you should head to the Lido! I'm in awe at the thought of NOT tipping these hard working fellas. :rolleyes:
If your comment was directed to me (since it immediately follows mine): I always tip room service generously. I was simply explaining to ziggypup how it is that the "$11 dollar a day charge covers the room service staff as well" regardless of "how many times during a cruise a person will order room service?"
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Once upon a time I was a new cruiser on HAL.... I will tell you that I would have been very happy to have gotten some suggestions before that cruise.

Thank you, Mary for posting suggested amounts. I am sure the OP appreciates it.

You live and learn.



Thanks, Terri.



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What a long way these threads have come from "I don't have to tip" because no one tips me where I work and if HAL employees don't like it "they can choose another job".


The HAL employees we tip are essentially (but not exclusively) serving staff and service staff works very hard. Tips are an important part of their remuneration.


It's been a long road but we got here.:)


Smooth sailing always...

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What a long way these threads have come from "I don't have to tip" because no one tips me where I work and if HAL employees don't like it "they can choose another job".


The HAL employees we tip are essentially (but not exclusively) serving staff and service staff works very hard. Tips are an important part of their remuneration.


It's been a long road but we got here.:)


Smooth sailing always...

It does depend on who's doing the talking. I've got one magnet on my fridge. It say, "girl, you keep talkin' but, you ain't sayin' nothin'." It makes me laugh and is there for no other reason.:)

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Gosh.... give these room-service kids a break! You're on vacation. If you can't tip the guy, you should head to the Lido! I'm in awe at the thought of NOT tipping these hard working fellas. :rolleyes:


Following that logic, why don't we tip in the Lido also? Are you saying the Lido servers don't work as hard as room service persons?


I'm right in the middle of the road on this one. I do give a small tip to room service, I'm just not sure why. Guilt?

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Does anyone tip at the "beginning" of the cruise... Possibly in hopes of getting better service during the cruise? This could be for room steward, waiter, maitre d, wine steward?


If you have, did you tip just a portion or the complete amount you planned to leave for the whole cruise?

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I'm right in the middle of the road on this one. I do give a small tip to room service, I'm just not sure why. Guilt?
Maybe just a hold-over habit from tipping for room service in hotels?


Does anyone tip at the "beginning" of the cruise... Possibly in hopes of getting better service during the cruise? This could be for room steward, waiter, maitre d', wine steward?
I don't! To me that smacks of bribery - trying to gain favored treatment, possibly at expense of decreased service to other passengers. I refuse to slip someone money for services not-yet-rendered. It implies that you don't trust that they will do a good job without it.
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Does anyone tip at the "beginning" of the cruise... Possibly in hopes of getting better service during the cruise? This could be for room steward, waiter, maitre d, wine steward?


If you have, did you tip just a portion or the complete amount you planned to leave for the whole cruise?


We ALWAYS slip our room steward 10 or 20 dollars on the first day with a request to "keep the ice coming". These guys work hard for their money. It makes ME feel good to make THEM happy. To me, it's a no-brainer. That's chump change- better off in appreciative hands than in a slot machine!


Love your beer, BTW!:D

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We ALWAYS slip our room steward 10 or 20 dollars on the first day with a request to "keep the ice coming". These guys work hard for their money. It makes ME feel good to make THEM happy. To me, it's a no-brainer. That's chump change- better off in appreciative hands than in a slot machine!


Love your beer, BTW!:D



We have just asked for two buckets with ice at the beginning of our cruises whithout having to resort to bribes, uh, I mean pre-tips. :rolleyes:

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Following that logic, why don't we tip in the Lido also? Are you saying the Lido servers don't work as hard as room service persons?


I'm right in the middle of the road on this one. I do give a small tip to room service, I'm just not sure why. Guilt?


You are correct, but the Lido workers are also Dining room staff & they often get their tips at the end of the cruise..However If I ate in the Lido every day I might tip them too..l


Does anyone tip at the "beginning" of the cruise... Possibly in hopes of getting better service during the cruise? This could be for room steward, waiter, maitre d, wine steward?


If you have, did you tip just a portion or the complete amount you planned to leave for the whole cruise?


We never tip at the beginning of a cruise, as we think it's an insult to the wonderful HAL crew..We always expect good service & have only been disappointed once..

For Room service we give $2.00 for a Pot of coffee..If ordering a continental Breakfast we would give more..

As we said, no one is obligated to tip more than the $11.00 per day..If you decide not to give extra that is fine, as it is not required & no one should make you feel guilty at all..

We can afford it & enjoy giving our Stewards a little lagniappe along with a Thank You note at the end of the cruise..But understand that others may not be able to afford it & no one has the Right to be judgmental of your decision!:(

On our 28 day cruise, we plan to tip mid cruise if it's warranted, as we might not have the same Stewards on the next leg of the cruise..Will again tip at the end of the cruise...We also are sure to praise them by name, on the evaluation cards....



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"But understand that others may not be able to afford it & no one has the Right to be judgmental of your decision!"


Sorry Betty I will have to respectfully disagree. If I can afford to spend a few grand on a cruise, then I surely can afford a few extra dollars in tips. Sorry, I just can't see the logic in someone saying that they can afford to cruise, but can't afford to tip. But that is just my humble opinion.

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"But understand that others may not be able to afford it & no one has the Right to be judgmental of your decision!"


Sorry Betty I will have to respectfully disagree. If I can afford to spend a few grand on a cruise, then I surely can afford a few extra dollars in tips. Sorry, I just can't see the logic in someone saying that they can afford to cruise, but can't afford to tip. But that is just my humble opinion.


Ziggy I understand what you are saying, but the tips are paid..That is what the $11 per day per person is for.. This thread is about additional tipping..My point is not one of us has the right to judge another person if they can not afford to add to those tips..

What you do is your business & what others do is their business.. It's wonderful that you & I can afford it, but not every one can..Also not everyone spends a few grand on vacations either..Many of our friends will only take 7 day cruises in inside or outside cabins & don't take the longer ones which we take..They spend much less on their vacations than we do..

I'm so grateful that we can afford the longer cruises & don't have to worry about a few extra $$$, but many of our Friends are in different circumstances than we are..

We've seen families save up for years just to go on one 7 day cruise...They budgeted for air fares, tips, shore excursions, etc. They may not spend thousands on a cruise either..If they can't afford to add to the auto tip, no one should make them feel guilty..;)Now if they remove the Auto tip, that is a completely different story..They should have a darn good excuse to remove it..

And that is my humble opinion too..:):)


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I would think a cash tip is a way to reward a specific person for their good service. After all, the auto-tip is divided evenly amongst everyone regardless of whether the service was outstanding or average, right?


But if I give a cash tip to an individual, they keep that for themselves. Or am I wrong, and they have to turn it in to be placed in the tip pool?

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Our room service was always on time if not early and those trays are not the lightest so that is why we tip extra. My kids worked through college and they always appreciated those extra tips for good service, these kids that work on the ship, they're kids to us at our age, remind me of them. Those few dollars won't make us or break us and might make a difference to them. It's our choice as it's yours.:)


I agree! As someone who waited and bartended my way through college that is exactly how I look at it - those few extra dollars won't break us and could make a big difference to the people earning them - goodness knows it sure helped me pay my tuition. Doesn't matter if the money is going for tuition or back to a family in Indonesia. I know I've seen our stewards and other service personnel working all hours of the day and I appreciate all that they do so that I can not worry about a thing while I'm on vacation.


Anyhow, that's mine and DH's choice. Isn't it great everyone can do what works for them?

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