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Smoking on the Crown


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We did let Princess know on our comment card and we did receive a phone call saying that they are aware of the problem and haven't been able to figure out a way around it.



Princess called? About this problem? Wow! I wrote a letter about it and got only a standard reply with absolutely no reference to smoke on the balcony!


I could suggest to Princess that they make staterooms on one side of the ship smoke-free. If that side sells out first and guest don't want to book guarantees, they will have their answer (at least for the interim).

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On a ship, you can smoke in approx 10% of the public areas and that is still too much for some people.


Maybe 10% of the public area but the smoke travels much further - possibly up to 25 % of the pool area and God knows how far on the balcony.

Also with the air current at the rear of the ships by the Terrace pools the cigar smoke can be smelled all over no matter where you sit.

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I'm actually surprised that after the balcony fire Princess had a year or two ago that they allow smoking anywhere. That was bad enough as it was, it could have been a whole lot worse.



Norman, Oklahoma




The fire you are referring to was almost four years ago on the Star Princess not one or two years. In response to the fire, Princess (and pretty much all other cruiselines) did some major upgrades to balcony furniture and to the fittings and materials used on balconies.


At the time, there was a problem in the maritime codes that considered the outside balconies to be no different from any other exterior area, and therefore not much of a fire hazard to the ship overall. This caused the fire to easily cross fire control zones. Whoops! If not for the sprinkler system performing well above design requirements, it is a very real possibility the ship would have been lost. (The accident investigation makes for fascinating reading!) Luckily, all that has been fixed.


That said, I wish they didn't allow smoking in cabins, but I don't see much that can be done outside of mentioning it on comment cards.



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And it was never determined 100% that a cigarette was the cause of the Star fire.

Likely - "yes"; absolute-for-sure - "no".

Yet people repeatedly drag this up on the antismoking threads, and state it as though it was 100% guaranteed to be true.

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~~"May need the last minute discounts because of the non-smokers who will not book a balcony."~~


That's an interesting interpretation! However, if one checks cabin availability in the last couple of months before a cruise, it's the balcony cabins and minisuites that are all waitlisted! So that thinking does not seem to hold much credence.

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When it comes to smoking on balconies all it needs is a lot more consideratin from Smokers as to how their smoking seriously affects other non smoking neighbours


Sadly instead in general the responses either in person or on these forums is claims that non smokers are being difficult


Would someone please tell me why non smokers have no right to enjoy their balconies too

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When it comes to smoking on balconies all it needs is a lot more consideratin from Smokers as to how their smoking seriously affects other non smoking neighbours


Sadly instead in general the responses either in person or on these forums is claims that non smokers are being difficult


Would someone please tell me why non smokers have no right to enjoy their balconies too


Because one smoker can pollute the atmosphere for dozens of innocent non smokers who don't wish to breath the poisons and since they've pair for the balcony, just like smokers, their enjoyment can be some what limited between the smoking sessions. Why is that hard to understand?

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When Princess decides to ban smoking, I'll decide to ban cruising on Princess.



If you want to smoke, enjoy yourself. this is not the smokers fault. it is a problem that Princess has created and continues to leave on the backs of the majority of non-smokers, who have spent extra money to have a balcony room.


The war between smokers and non-smokers is the wrong fight. We should both be mad at Princess, they have pitted us against each other and its not necessary.


We had a perfect trip on Princess - Ruby for New Years!


I had a problem with a smoker next to my balcony, but 5 days into the 10 day cruise she had to leave the ship for medical reasons and the next 5 days was fantastic! Clean fresh sea air.... just what we expect on a cruise ship.


I felt guilty enjoying myself. I hope the lady or (someone in her party) didn't have a life threating emergency. But at the same time I couldn't believe how much better it was without the 7 times a day I couldn't use my balcony because of the strong smell of smoke.


Am i conflicted? Yes in many ways. Princess did a fantastic job, but I don't think I can sail with them again until they define a smoking section. Asking me to spend my $10k for a balcony vacation and then telling me its the luck of the draw if I get a foul odor next to my balcony is just not fair to me.


I feel guilty that I enjoyed my cruise after the lady left for a medical emergency. I also feel sad that Princess did such an impressive job, yet I'm not able to spend my money again with them because smokers on the balcony made my balcony a part-time only balcony.... out of my control


THERE WERE MORE SMOKERS THAN MY FIRST TWO CRUISES... MY GUESS IS THAT MORE PEOPLE FROM CELEBRITY WHO SMOKE ARE NOW ON PRINCESS.... so my odds of having a smoke free balcony have dropped and will continue to drop as more cruise lines restrict smokers and they all filter over to lines like Princess who allow smoking on any balcony.


I am sure a smoker will see this as a victory. I have been passively bullied from future trips with Princess. I just think its sad.. its not about winning or losing. Its about buying a trip... and getting what you paid for. For me... that is breakfast in the morning on the balcony without smoke. And before dinner stepping out on the balcony while the wife gets dressed. And then watching the stars before bed without the odor of smoke.


When Princess makes blocks of smoking rooms and let me know how to avoid them... I will be back.







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One of the reasons I haven't booked a balcony room on Princess for my last cruise or our upcoming one is fear of being beside a smoker and not being able to enjoy my balcony.


A Patter we received on the Emerald Princess in November talked about the smoking policy. It said, "You are kindly reminded to respect your fellow passengers, particularly when smoking on the balcony." And that's the problem. As long as Princess allows smoking on balconies, there will be some smokers who do not respect their fellow passengers.

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I agree


its about RESPECT for fellow pasengers


Sadly most smokers have no respect for their ownnhealth let alone their neighbours


If Celbrity smoking passengers are opting for Princess and wrecking any enjoyment i might have of a balcony on Princess


As an Elite passenger with a large number of days i shall vote with my feet and desert Princess


Princess MUST wake up and recognise that non smokers have a voice and if our health is wrecked by a neighbour smoking on the balcony Princess are responsible

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Just off the Ruby today. It was a wonderful cruise! Aft balcony with only one neighbor, and they DIDN'T smoke!!! Yea!!!!!! I did get run off the balcony by cigar smoke one time coming from somewhere though.


The most important thing we non-smokers can do is make very strong and articulate comments on those comment cards. I firmly believe that Princess will come around eventually!


Sadly, this was our first Princess cruise where we didn't bother to purchase any FCCs. I'm spending my time looking at Celebrity until Princess does come around!


Truly hope I didn't offend anyone with this post:p!

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I like to enjoy a fine cigar while cruising and do my best to be considerate of others. I only smoke on the upper open decks and do my best to stay away from others.

I don't see why certain sections of rooms aren't designated as "smoking" or "non-smoking". Hotels have been doing this for years and what's a cruise ship but a hotel with propellers?

I don't see why both the smokers and non-smokers can't be more tolerant and accomodating of each other.
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I really believe that MOST smokers do try to be considerate and do try not to offend the nonsmoking folks, and restrict their indulgences to the areas permitted by the cruiseline..

But, on the basis of reading umpteen threads on the topic of smoking on these boards, the nonsmoking contingent seems to be of the belief that those who smoke are evil villains whose only goal in life is to irritate and aggravate nonsmokers on cruises. Even if the smokers indulge only within the confines of the few areas that are cruiseline-approved smoking areas, they are seen as bad and inconsiderate people.

It seems like the nonsmokers are set on forcing Princess to ban smoking and smokers from cruising on Princess. That is grossly unfair and unrealistic.

There HAS to be a way to satisfy both sides, without excluding people who smoke from cruising with Princess. There needs to be some give from both sides. Most smokers are trying to do their part by limiting their smoking to the places where it is allowed.

Now if the nonsmokers could just get past their "throw the bums out" mindset, maybe some progress toward cooperation could be made.
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There is a difference between the vehemently anti smoking lobby and those who are genuinely seriously affected by other peoples smoke who would obviously appreciate a lot more consideration from the smokers

It is the smoke from balconies which causes the angst for those who are seriously affected and its no fairer to say they should not book a balcony than it is for smokers to claim "its my right to smoke "

Cruise Lines need to come up with an equitable solution for all concerned because its staggering just how far smoke from balconies actually travels and affects other balconies both above them and downwind
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[quote name='flamomo']I really believe that MOST smokers do try to be considerate and do try not to offend the nonsmoking folks, and restrict their indulgences to the areas permitted by the cruiseline..

But, on the basis of reading umpteen threads on the topic of smoking on these boards, the nonsmoking contingent seems to be of the belief that those who smoke are evil villains whose only goal in life is to irritate and aggravate nonsmokers on cruises. Even if the smokers indulge only within the confines of the few areas that are cruiseline-approved smoking areas, they are seen as bad and inconsiderate people.

It seems like the nonsmokers are set on forcing Princess to ban smoking and smokers from cruising on Princess. That is grossly unfair and unrealistic.

There HAS to be a way to satisfy both sides, without excluding people who smoke from cruising with Princess. There needs to be some give from both sides. Most smokers are trying to do their part by limiting their smoking to the places where it is allowed.

Now if the nonsmokers could just get past their "throw the bums out" mindset, maybe some progress toward cooperation could be made.[/quote]

Well said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I live in NJ and they are pretty restictive on smoking.

I am a smoker but enjoy eating my dinner in a restaurant without the person next to me smoking but I too am getting tired of all the bashing of smokers.

I am a considerate smoker and only smoke in designated smoking sections but if I want to have a smoke on my balcony i will as that is considered a smoking section.

My hubby has been a non-smoker since this past April & I don't smoke in the house and go outside soooooo ......

I smoke on my balcony!!!!!!!!
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Florida does not allow smoking in rooms and most hotels do not allow it on balconies or by pools. You cannot smoke in clubs or race tracks. They increased their revenue. California is no smoking in hotels, outside hotels or by pools. Oregon just changed thank goodness. Princess needs to wake up! I spoke with their rep about this a few weeks ago didn't care and did not know Princess either. Oceania, Celebrity, Silver Seas and I guess Azamara are strict on their smoking policy. Looked at Silver Seas but, the ship is so small and you can smoke on the pool deck so will not take Silver Seas, I told the rep this and they have had alot of comments regarding smoking by the pool that they are looking at changing this we'll see.
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So when the occasion happens that the wind is blowing in the right direction and smoke from the stack invades passenger space, do we ask the Captain to please turn off the engines? Or do we suggest that to avoid smoke reserve a cabin at the very rear of the ship, (Aft Cabins, if you will)? Or do the smokers have to kowtow to all the holier-than-thou non-smokers who obviously feel the entire ship is only for them to enjoy? It all comes down to a little common sense, folks, and a little responsibility for our own actions. Smokers should be more courteous and smoke only in smoking areas, and the chair hogs should then have their own little area where they can hog all they want- oh, wait a minute, they do- the entire ship!! My wife and I have a puff every now and then, but we try not to invade anyone's space- it is just common courtesy!!:D
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We non-smokers that are simply arguing for our clean air rights are being called all sorts of names on this thread. I don't dislike people that smoke. I believe there are plenty of good people out there that smoke. My mother smokes and I love her. I just choose not to be in a room when she is smoking.

I know all smokers claim to be "considerate" smokers. However considerate your intentions, unfortunately the smell is foul and it is impossible to "control" where your smoke blows. I know. I was saddled with that addiction for many years. I appreciate that you try to be considerate, but you truly cannot control where the smoke goes.

I am not asking Princess to ban smoking altogether. I just want it banned on balconies, because if I am unfortunate enough to have a balcony near you, I can smell your smoke.

Disclaimer: I hope that no smokers have been personally offended by my post.
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[quote name='sirwired']FYI,

The fire you are referring to was almost four years ago on the Star Princess not one or two years. In response to the fire, Princess (and pretty much all other cruiselines) did some major upgrades to balcony furniture and to the fittings and materials used on balconies.

At the time, there was a problem in the maritime codes that considered the outside balconies to be no different from any other exterior area, and therefore not much of a fire hazard to the ship overall. This caused the fire to easily cross fire control zones. Whoops! If not for the sprinkler system performing well above design requirements, it is a very real possibility the ship would have been lost. (The accident investigation makes for fascinating reading!) Luckily, all that has been fixed.

That said, I wish they didn't allow smoking in cabins, but I don't see much that can be done outside of mentioning it on comment cards.

web site for star princess fire investigation:


The probable cause of the fire was found to be a discarded cigarette butt.
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I debated whether to join this thread, but decided to voice my opinion. I think the best solution would be for Princess to ban smoking in cabins and on balconies and retain the existing smoking areas on the public decks. I don't believe that banning smoking completely is the answer - can you imagine several hundred people not being able to smoke for 7 days or more!:eek: My DH and I are nonsmokers but understand the addiction and how hard it is to break it - DH smoked for 25 years before giving it up.
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[quote name='Spo']I am not asking Princess to ban smoking altogether. I just want it banned on balconies, because if I am unfortunate enough to have a balcony near you, I can smell your smoke.Disclaimer: I hope that no smokers have been personally offended by my post.[/QUOTE]

Here lies some of the problem...you want smoking banned on balconies. The next person who doesn't book balcony cabins wants it banned from all cabins. Then of course we have the folks who want it banned from all pool areas and next we have those folks who want it banned completely. This is a no win situation.

Since I have been cruising with Princess here are the changes they have made....1. having 'no smoking nights' in the casino; 2. banned smoking in the Wheelhouse; 3. Severely limited or banned smoking at all the lounges; 4. made the smoking area on the pool deck much smaller; and 5. reports recently coming in that smoking in the aft outdoor area near Outriggers by the terrace pool is now no smoking......and you folks are still complaining. (This for me would be the deal breaker.) I suppose this shows that compromise is NOT an option and until Princess bans it completely you will complain.

One other comment....it was mentioned in a previous post how Fl restricted smoking in their restaurants and lounges and the profits actually went up. The full story is that these establishments were losing money with the ban. Since fl is warm year round most restaurants have added outdoor dining terraces for smokers so they could keep their business profitable.

We smokers have been ok with making most of these compromises so why can't you?
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