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What to do about drinking age


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when i graduated HS(many moons ago LOL) 3 of my friends & i went to Hawaii for our senior trip. drinking age was 21 in cali...18 in Hawaii at that time(as I said..it was a LONG time ago..hahaha). As soon as we were up in the air on the plane and we able to we were drinking .Why not? We were of legal age. In Hawaii we all went out to nightclubs, bars etc bc we were of legal age.(that was a FUN trip). We didn't do anything too crazy and had a blast.

We were all !8..legally adults..still lived at home but none of our parents told us not to drink on our trip because in Cali you had to be 21.Now we all had good parents...they just told us to be careful but didn't have a problem letting us travel on our own because we were legally adults. i'm sure they worried some because it was our first time on a trip without parents. The high school had sent a couple" chaperones " but we were basically on our own.We were fine.

So..if it were me...I would let my son who was of legal age in the country he was visiting to drink there. He will be with you so you can keep an eye out on him. When he gets back to states then the legal age is 21 so if he wants to drink here tell him ...sorry gotta be 21 here.


Sometimes the laws don't make sense. at 18 you can vote, serve your country etc. and are legally an adult but can't drink or gamble. Here in Cali you only have to be 18 to gamble at Indian Casinos but can't gamble in Vegas etc.


Ultimately it your decision though...just my 2 cents:)


You didn't tell us the most important part ... did you find a haunted tiki idol which created a series of mishaps until you returned it to it's rightful place?

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Sometimes the laws don't make sense.


Sad...but the reason laws like that ARE put in place is because people are idiots.


Young adults getting behind the wheels of cars and driving while totally poo-faced are the resason the drinking age went to 21....

Abuse, greed, neglect and stupidity are the reasons we have laws. The more stupid people are, the more resticted we're going to be.

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Two weeks ago my oldest son turned 21.


We went out for his first "legal" beer. He even bought the first round (wanted to show off he could walk up to the bar and get served *LOL*)


Actually used the time to have a really great talk and hopefully be the lifelong friends someone mentioned earlier.


DW and I have usually been pretty liberal parents in most regards, and thank God have agood relationship with all our kids and they have never given us any "Real" trouble


I told him as of today he is man, no more "big boy". He may always be his mothers baby. But to the government and the legal system, and judges and jury's he will be an adult. So just watch your step.


Actually he has been since he was 18, but now we ad easy access to liqour, and that has been more peoples downfalls since history began.


For better or for worse he (and my other two) have witnessed first hand what booze and drugs can do to people and families. His mother's (my exe's) side of the family have produced some real pillars of society.


Of course I got the old "Dad I know I know" you get when you talk serious to your kids. And I know he knows, but it's always good to say it again.


After that he took a swig of his beer and said "Ahhhh I have waited 21 years to try this (YEAH RIGHT:)) This is called Bear..Bier..Oh yeah BEER. i will have to remeber that if i ever want to try it again *LOL* Smart ass like his old man.


Then he said "Hmmmm I can't wait until my wedding night, then I get to have sex ....i hear it's fun :)


i told him my shoes are completely covered and my pant legs are getting dirty. Please put away the shovel, its getting deep. *LOL*

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Two weeks ago my oldest son turned 21.


We went out for his first "legal" beer. He even bought the first round (wanted to show off he could walk up to the bar and get served *LOL*)


Actually used the time to have a really great talk and hopefully be the lifelong friends someone mentioned earlier.


DW and I have usually been pretty liberal parents in most regards, and thank God have agood relationship with all our kids and they have never given us any "Real" trouble


I told him as of today he is man, no more "big boy". He may always be his mothers baby. But to the government and the legal system, and judges and jury's he will be an adult. So just watch your step.


Actually he has been since he was 18, but now we ad easy access to liqour, and that has been more peoples downfalls since history began.


For better or for worse he (and my other two) have witnessed first hand what booze and drugs can do to people and families. His mother's (my exe's) side of the family have produced some real pillars of society.


Of course I got the old "Dad I know I know" you get when you talk serious to your kids. And I know he knows, but it's always good to say it again.


After that he took a swig of his beer and said "Ahhhh I have waited 21 years to try this (YEAH RIGHT:)) This is called Bear..Bier..Oh yeah BEER. i will have to remeber that if i ever want to try it again *LOL* Smart ass like his old man.


Then he said "Hmmmm I can't wait until my wedding night, then I get to have sex ....i hear it's fun :)


i told him my shoes are completely covered and my pant legs are getting dirty. Please put away the shovel, its getting deep. *LOL*


LOL! Congratulations on getting one to adulthood unscathed!! :D

Good to see you..you been hiding??

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WOW! I didn't really think I'd get this many posts is such a short time. I read through about the first 3 pages and will go back and read the rest, but thought I'd get a few things clear. I do appreciate everyone's posts, but here is a little bit more background. I am a step-mom to this very responsible 18 year old. I do know that he's already probably had a few drinks (lets hope not a 100!) with his friends and am not naive about this. I was interested in wondering what other parents feel is appropriate to see how well this would go when his mom found out we let him drink in Mexico. I see that most people agree with letting him have a drink, so this helps me figure his mom would be okay with it too. I really thought my husband was probably right about teaching him about socially drinking and was more worried about the ex not being very happy with us. Does it matter if she is or not? No because he IS 18, but do I want to start waves just to start waves? No. I was also wondering if others let their children drink in Mexico and how it worked out for them. I guess I should have given the whole story upfront, but now you have it. So... Thanks for everyone's opinions! Now on to reading the rest of what I missed.

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You didn't tell us the most important part ... did you find a haunted tiki idol which created a series of mishaps until you returned it to it's rightful place?

nah...i was probably too busy out drinking lol!;)Hawaii was AWESOME back then!!!

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LOL! Congratulations on getting one to adulthood unscathed!! :D

Good to see you..you been hiding??



I've been getting wasted with my son every night!!!!






Between working and training classes (we are moving to a brand new building and a will be usuing a whole new system we have to learn. My dance card has been pretty full.

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WOW! I didn't really think I'd get this many posts is such a short time. I read through about the first 3 pages and will go back and read the rest, but thought I'd get a few things clear. I do appreciate everyone's posts, but here is a little bit more background. I am a step-mom to this very responsible 18 year old. I do know that he's already probably had a few drinks (lets hope not a 100!) with his friends and am not naive about this. I was interested in wondering what other parents feel is appropriate to see how well this would go when his mom found out we let him drink in Mexico. I see that most people agree with letting him have a drink, so this helps me figure his mom would be okay with it too. I really thought my husband was probably right about teaching him about socially drinking and was more worried about the ex not being very happy with us. Does it matter if she is or not? No because he IS 18, but do I want to start waves just to start waves? No. I was also wondering if others let their children drink in Mexico and how it worked out for them. I guess I should have given the whole story upfront, but now you have it. So... Thanks for everyone's opinions! Now on to reading the rest of what I missed.



I have been there and done that . I know where you are coming from. It is a slippery slope and there are almost always waves and you do your best not to make them even higher.


It is tough and I do wish you luck.


When my son turned 18 i would allow him a beer at a family function under my watchgful eye when there was no way in hell he would be driving. Some times he would some times he wouldn't. We never made it that "Forbidden fruit" so it was never a real big deal.


Even now that he is 21 I think it is just the fact he is old enough to hang with his friends if they go to a bar than the actual drinking that is the big deal.


A few of his friends at work are a year or two older and if they go out for a drink after work, he couldn't go or would have to go into the roped off 18-21 area away from them. Now he is just one of the crowd

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You're still mourning the death of the "Wild On ...." series and it's pixelated nudity, aren't you?






*LOL* My son lost power at his apartment during our crazy New England wind storms last week so he stayed at our house one night.


He was still on the couch watching Tv when we went to bed.


Kiddingly I said "No Skinamax young man " :)


He said "Oh please its the same three girls in every picture . The blonde with the pig nose and the fake boobs. The redhead with the really big butt, and the Asian girl who's built like a boy"

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*LOL* My son lost power at his apartment during our crazy New England wind storms last week so he stayed at our house one night.


He was still on the couch watching Tv when we went to bed.


Kiddingly I said "No Skinamax young man " :)


He said "Oh please its the same three girls in every picture . The blonde with the pig nose and the fake boobs. The redhead with the really big butt, and the Asian girl who's built like a boy"



Never argue with an expert!!:D:rolleyes:

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He's 18 and and adult. I have let my children drink with us on vacation or at home (in Texas minors can drink with parents). We don't make a habit of it but it opens the lines of communication to discuss drinking and being responsible. Most Friday and Saturday nights you will find my 16 and 18yr old home with us and drinking doesn't seem all that exciting to the them.


In Mexico not sure there is much you can do from preventing him from drinking as there he is "legal" drinking age...but at least you can monitor him and keep an eye on him. Hopefully you can talk about it before hand and let him know how you feel about it.


Good luck :)

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Two weeks ago my oldest son turned 21.


We went out for his first "legal" beer. He even bought the first round (wanted to show off he could walk up to the bar and get served *LOL*)


Actually used the time to have a really great talk and hopefully be the lifelong friends someone mentioned earlier.


DW and I have usually been pretty liberal parents in most regards, and thank God have agood relationship with all our kids and they have never given us any "Real" trouble


I told him as of today he is man, no more "big boy". He may always be his mothers baby. But to the government and the legal system, and judges and jury's he will be an adult. So just watch your step.


Actually he has been since he was 18, but now we ad easy access to liqour, and that has been more peoples downfalls since history began.


For better or for worse he (and my other two) have witnessed first hand what booze and drugs can do to people and families. His mother's (my exe's) side of the family have produced some real pillars of society.


Of course I got the old "Dad I know I know" you get when you talk serious to your kids. And I know he knows, but it's always good to say it again.


After that he took a swig of his beer and said "Ahhhh I have waited 21 years to try this (YEAH RIGHT:)) This is called Bear..Bier..Oh yeah BEER. i will have to remeber that if i ever want to try it again *LOL* Smart ass like his old man.


Then he said "Hmmmm I can't wait until my wedding night, then I get to have sex ....i hear it's fun :)


i told him my shoes are completely covered and my pant legs are getting dirty. Please put away the shovel, its getting deep. *LOL*


Great post! I'll loan you my sons' shovels in case your son loses his! If words were converted into actual events, I have a feeling that my entire nicely landscaped, treed, flowered, and green-grassed yard would look exactly like brown BS!

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Great post! I'll loan you my sons' shovels in case your son loses his! If words were converted into actual events, I have a feeling that my entire nicely landscaped, treed, flowered, and green-grassed yard would look exactly like brown BS!



My son would never lose that shovel. Its a family heirloom. It was the same one I used on my mom and dad when I was that age *LOL*

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*LOL* My son lost power at his apartment during our crazy New England wind storms last week so he stayed at our house one night.


He was still on the couch watching Tv when we went to bed.


Kiddingly I said "No Skinamax young man " :)


He said "Oh please its the same three girls in every picture . The blonde with the pig nose and the fake boobs. The redhead with the really big butt, and the Asian girl who's built like a boy"


Oh, great. Now my neighbors will question my sanity when I take the dog for a walk while laughing hysterically, with eyes watering and nose leaking for the next three days. Thanks a lot.

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they move to amsterdam and open a head shop right.......

ahhhhhhhhhhhh child of the 70s too huh?;)

I play online cards with a guy sometimes on pogo who lives in Amsterdam. We are a weird breed to him.

They sell pot over the counter calling them soft drugs, right with the alcohol. He works for a soft porn company ran by........are you ready for this? Their govenment. And he's in some accounts payable or something like that, he's not saying he's the star so I'm pretty sure he's telling the truth. <shrug>

We are a victorian society here in the US and actually I'm good with that, except when it comes to judging others.

I'm a firm believer in live and let live as long as your not hurting others or exploiting others.

Ok sorry got carried away on the soapbox

Cheers, Carole

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I did not read all the posts. That being said. This country is completely backwards. Most countries have a legal drinking age of 18. If you aren't old enough to drink, then your parents should have to be responsible for you until you are 21 and you shouldn't be able to be in the military or vote. It should be all or nothing. If at 18, you can vote, enlist in the military be responsible for youself you should be old enough to drink. If you are 18 and get arrested for drinking you are tried as an adult. If you are not old enough to drink how can you be an adult? Just my 2 cents. My DD is 21 and I let her drink in Mexico at 16. It was one or two beers and she was fine. At 17 they let her drink at dinner with 7 other adults as long as we poured the wine. She had a glass with dinner. In England a child of 14 can have a glass of wine with dinner in a restaurant if accompanied by an adult. Off my soap box.



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I did not read all the posts. That being said. This country is completely backwards. Most countries have a legal drinking age of 18. If you aren't old enough to drink, then your parents should have to be responsible for you until you are 21 and you shouldn't be able to be in the military or vote. It should be all or nothing. If at 18, you can vote, enlist in the military be responsible for youself you should be old enough to drink. If you are 18 and get arrested for drinking you are tried as an adult. If you are not old enough to drink how can you be an adult? Just my 2 cents. My DD is 21 and I let her drink in Mexico at 16. It was one or two beers and she was fine. At 17 they let her drink at dinner with 7 other adults as long as we poured the wine. She had a glass with dinner. In England a child of 14 can have a glass of wine with dinner in a restaurant if accompanied by an adult. Off my soap box.Candi


So TOTALLY Agree with you!

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