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I will write out a proposed itinerary so I can pack just what I need- and not too much more! I found this VERY helpful. The trip rarely takes the same path, but I have packed something to wear for a "casual" dinner, or "shopping/touring" day on shore, etc. It works well...

I TRIED to plan out our days- I ♥ planning!!! DH doesnt plan ANYTHING and we have had the "what do you want to do" conversations. I am a "GO" person and his laid back approach does help me relax, but I feel like we miss so much just chillin on the balcony. :cool: In the end, I am grateful for the break
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I belong to the DIS boards too and on our last Disney trip, I did something like OP did and even laminated it! LOL

Thanks OP, I'm gonna print them out and then when we get there, I'll pencil in activities that we don't want to miss, excursions, etc. Can you send me the doc at [email]md10074@yahoo.com[/email]? Thanks.
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[quote name='NCTribeFan']OP nor anyone else is implying that y'all need to use this.

It's just a tool for those who actually ENJOY planning.

Just because you don't doesn't mean that those who do have some sort of psychological problem.

OK, maybe we do. It's call Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder. Look it up. Not the same thing as OCD.

We LIKE to plan. It's part of what we do. We're organized.

So you don't and you aren't. Well, that's just swell. The snarkiness isn't needed by those of us who do and are.

I don't plan my days on board, but I plan a whole lot before that point. I think it's part of the fun.

I won't tell people they need to plan more if they will refrain from telling me that I need to relax and enjoy myself. I do relax and enjoy myself. Once I'm done planning! :D[/quote]

That's all well and good, NC, and I mean this in the most respectful tone that I can possibly mean it, but the OP wanted people to comment on it. People commented on it. If people can't take the comments they asked for, they shouldn't have asked in the first place. In the words of my father, don't open that door unless you want someone to walk through it. I'm glad you (and the OP) like planning. I'm glad you get a kick out of it. I enjoying watching hockey and drinking too much. We don't have to agree on it, but if you called me a hockey-addicted drunk I wouldn't read it as snark. I'd read it as getting what I'm asking for for sharing those sorts of details about myself. Like I said, I mean that in the kindest way I can. I'm glad the OP is proud of their handiwork ... they should be. But seriously, the very thought of that sort of schedule makes my skin crawl.
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I would like a copy as well if you don't mind. I could use this to plan before my trip. There are six of us going, my husband, myself and 4 children. They are all older, but still need help organizing. For me, the planning is 1/2 the fun. Thank you! :p

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[quote=cruisee<3;24187094]oh no .. i wish i never knew about this DIS board .. i'm HOOKED .. i'm the bigggest disney fan in the world :([/quote]

I swear to God, there is some sort of subliminal message in "When You Wish Upon A Star" that turns people into uber-planners. It's like the music activates some long-dormant brain function.
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[quote name='LemurCat']I swear to God, there is some sort of subliminal message in "When You Wish Upon A Star" that turns people into uber-planners. It's like the music activates some long-dormant brain function.[/QUOTE]

"It's a Small World" makes me trip people and swear.
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As far as I can tell the OP was simply sharing their packing list, I don't see where they asked anyone's opinion on it. If you don't like their packing list then move onto the next thread. It just seems to me that too many of these threads revert to trying to make posters feel stupid because they don't conform to others' cruise practices. Why care so much? It just seems that every thread I have read today I've seen the same holier-than-thou statements, it really gets tired after a while.

Sorry, maybe I'm just having a bad day.:(
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[quote name='Meredisney'][COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana][/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]but if anyone is interested just email me and I can send you the doc that was created in Microsoft office.[/FONT][/COLOR]





I would love to have a word.doc for that. Would you email it to me at:
nadine-quilts at cox dot net

Thanks. PS: I was on the inaugural voyage of the Dream out of Rome and LOVED HER. Hope you do, too.
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It's great that you are that organized. I printed one when we went on our last cruise with our friends and their kids. Just so we would keep everything straight between the two families. Mine was not as detailed as yours. I would say you are the guru at the planning list. Thank you for sharing

By the way, I love the DIS boards as well. Havent visited them in a while since I am in school, but they have great info on them.
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I love it too, can you send me a copy? [EMAIL="da77@bellsouth.net"]da77@bellsouth.net[/EMAIL]
Thanks, I love to have everything all in once place and believe me, DH loves to know "what are we doing today" - once the day gets there!
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No one says you have to fill in all the blanks, but it will come in handy for me as I will mark the elegant nights and tour days and things I want to remember. Might help me not overpack. I might even use it as a part of my scrapbook.

This board is filled with packing lists and no one feels that you have take everything on them. We are here to help each other.

Don't feel it helps you? Fine--nothing to see here--move right along, :D
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[quote name='alwayshappytocruise'][COLOR=red][B]Organized with a day planner......doesn't seem like a vacation to me.[/B][/COLOR] However, hope you have a wonderful cruise...................the point is to relax. Sometimes the best opportunities are the impromptu ones.[/quote]

[quote name='Tbay-eh']Hey if this works for you all the more power to you. Me - [COLOR=red][B]when I wake up I look at the capers and decide what to do from there[/B][/COLOR] with my trusty highlighter. I organize my life 357 days of the year - these 8 days are a free for all.[/quote]

[quote name='foureyedbuzzard'][B][COLOR=red]I don't plan anything[/COLOR][/B] beyond the next cocktail.[/quote]

[I][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]Self-employed, I do my best to [B]"find a window"[/B] 3-5 days before the cruise when I can be away for a week without [B]SCHEDULES, APPOINTMENTS, PHONES, DEADLINES,[/B] and [B]LISTS[/B]. You seem well organized and probably enjoy doing this (engineer is my guess:rolleyes:), but definitely not for me. I plan my day from whatever time it is when I awake. Over coffee and a croissant I let the [B][U]Capers[/U][/B] handle the rest of the day.:D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/I]
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I'm kind of a little mixture of both. I plan everything pre-cruise pretty carefully, see the attached document for my pre-cruise checklist. The sole intention here is to get to the Cruise Terminal ontime to make the ship, last cruise my flight was 11:30am ish, I live a 20minute walk away from the bus that will take me directly to the Airport. The bus shouldn't take anymore than 1 hour 15 mins to get the the Airport and I should only have to wait 10 - 15 mins max for the bus if I time it right. Check in time is 2 hours before take off.

I left my house before 6:30am and I am the guy that gives myself 35mins to get into work in the mornings, thats from getting out of bed to being at my desk ready to go and its a 20min cycle. You see how seriously I take this.

Then the day of embarkation I wake up early as I will still be adjusting to the different time zone and make sure to make it to the port early to get on board as soon as possible.

Then when I am onboard my day is planned something like the following

[B]Fun Day at sea[/B]
Get out of bed
Scratch bottom
Wash, etc (dont forget, have scratched bottom), dress (swimming trunks, tee shirt, flip flops, sun glasses)

Breakfast served till 11ish, Note to self: Omelets are nice, or 10is in the MDR, I rarely make it to the MDR for breakfast

Find somewhere with shade and bugger all other people, read, listen to music and watch the sea go by, try it sometime, its fantastic!!

Lunch served till some time or other, you don't go hungry on a cruise ship remember. MDR open till 2pm, if I make that, even that can be a chore in cruise mode

Find somewhere with shade and bugger all other people, read, listen to music and watch the sea go by. Its after lunch so lets be adventurous, might go for a dip in a pool or get some rays

7.00ish, get ready for dinner, may have to have a snack to keep me going. Back to cabin, shower, get dressed, (look outside door, what are people wearing, if fancy dresses and suites, etc, bugger, will have to iron shirt for formal night)

Time for a pre-dinner tipple me thinks, to the atrium bar, ohh very nice and hard working bar keep, Heineken draught please and thank you my good sir/ lady

Dinner time, late seating naturally, note to self, just go mental and order whatever you want, your on a holiday, hhmmmmm steak!!!!!!

After dinner
option1 catch a show, maybe, is it comedy? I'll have a look so
option2 Poker, very good chance of this
option3 To the Piano Bar and step on it

option that can be used with all other options, Oh very nice Bar Keep, mines a.... Oh you have it waiting for me, your very considerate, here, have a tip

Once options 1, 2, or 3 have finished, to the disco bar, don't forget the option that works with all other options, Oh very nice Bar Keep....

Bar keep informs me he or she has to go to bed now, of course they do, they have been working hard all day, they deserve a tip, any chance of one more then? No? Ah well, worth a try

Get Pizza, don't forget to check if the Lido bar is still serving.
If it is still serving, you know what to do

If not, go for walk on deck, listen to the sound of the Ocean at night with nothing but the Ships running lights to illuminate the scene, note to self, this is the life

Go to bed

[B]Port Day[/B]
Same as fun day at sea, except no hiding in shade reading, instead

Look over side of ship, see land, may have sign to tell you where you are, if not check capers

Get off ship, maybe, if port have been to lots before and you really couldn't be bothered, stay on ship, if raining, stay on ship

If get off ship
option1 go exploring
option2 find beach and soak up sea, sand and rays, don't forget the factor 50

requirement, go bloody shopping, mother will be dissapointed if you don't bring something back, remember airline luggage restrictions, the bloody so and so's

Don't forget to get back on the ship

[B]Important things to remember and try and do[/B]
As little as possible, its a holiday remember
In regards the food, just go mad and enjoy it, remember, its a holiday
Use the stairs, reference above, it might be a holiday but there are some limits
Charm friendly Americans with your Irish attitude and accent
Beer is good, so are poker, the piano bar and disco bar
Beer and poker combined is bad, sure can be fun though
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[quote name='GlendaleCruiser']No one says you have to fill in all the blanks, but it will come in handy for me as I will mark the elegant nights and tour days and things I want to remember. Might help me not overpack. I might even use it as a part of my scrapbook.

This board is filled with packing lists and no one feels that you have take everything on them. We are here to help each other.

[COLOR=darkgreen][B]Don't feel it helps you? Fine--nothing to see here--move right along,[/B][/COLOR] :D[/quote]

[quote name='Lyn2005']As far as I can tell the OP was simply sharing their packing list, I don't see where they asked anyone's opinion on it. If you don't like their packing list then move onto the next thread. It just seems to me that too many of these threads revert to trying to make posters feel stupid because they don't conform to others' cruise practices. Why care so much? [COLOR=darkgreen][B]It just seems that every thread I have read today I've seen the same holier-than-thou statements, it really gets tired after a while.[/B][/COLOR]

Sorry, maybe I'm just having a bad day.:([/quote]

[quote name='LemurCat']That's all well and good, NC, and I mean this in the most respectful tone that I can possibly mean it, but [U]the OP wanted people to comment on it.[/U] [COLOR=red][B]People commented on it. If people can't take the comments they asked for, they shouldn't have asked in the first place.[/B][/COLOR] In the words of my father, [COLOR=red][B]don't open that door unless you want someone to walk through it[/B][/COLOR]. I'm glad you (and the OP) like planning. I'm glad you get a kick out of it. I enjoying watching hockey and drinking too much. We don't have to agree on it, but if you called me a hockey-addicted drunk I wouldn't read it as snark. I'd read it as getting what I'm asking for for sharing those sorts of details about myself. Like I said, I mean that in the kindest way I can. I'm glad the OP is proud of their handiwork ... they should be. But seriously, the very thought of that sort of schedule makes my skin crawl.[/quote]

[I][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]I hope the OP didn't find my comments in my previous post in any way disrespectful. His/Her idea is, I'm sure, a great one for many. Just not my cup of tea. [B]Lemurcat[/B] puts my comments in perspective so well I just had to quote them. :D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/I]
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I give personality tests (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) at work to help teams work together and I am [B][U]SO[/U][/B] going to use this thread (names withheld, blah, blah, blah) as it is the perfect picture of the 4th quadrant--ORGANIZING.

If you are familiar with the indicators, ti's the J and the P.
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Neat idea.

Have you seen that Carnival actually adds items to the daily ship schedule as you book tours and massages to your cruise itinerary when you view your account online. They also have a calendar on there too.
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I never thought about using a planner for our cruises, We don't do organized excursions, so I have an idea what we're doing in port days, and I do know when I book the specialty dinner, but other than that I just look at the capers and most times I end up at the activities that look interesting on the ship.

BUT- for Disney, I am a fanatical planner. When we took our in-laws with us, they called me the drill seargant! I had every ride, show and meal planned. They loved it cause they got to see everything, in an organized way.

To the OP, we will be on that cruise with you! We can't wait, even my kids are now asking how many days till we leave.

We're in Dis for 5 days before we cruise but other than booking meals, I havent done any other plans for that. yet-
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[quote name='GlendaleCruiser']I give personality tests (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) at work to help teams work together and I am [B][U]SO[/U][/B] going to use this thread (names withheld, blah, blah, blah) as it is the perfect picture of the 4th quadrant--ORGANIZING.

If you are familiar with the indicators, ti's the J and the P.[/quote]

Feelers and Sensors!
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That is too funny that you mentioned that because I was thinking of it when I posted. I just took that personality test and not that I am surprised....but I am totally an organizer. I am an I-S-T-J. I just made my final short list to make sure I didn't forget anything....and I probably still will...LOL
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