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Galviston Nightmare

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I am sure someone has posted about this incident before, but I did not think I needed to start hitting the cruise forums until Carnival ignored my problem. April cruise out of Galviston was delayed due to weather (so they say) and we did not get into our room until 11 hours after we should have. We missed lunch and dinner and had to stand in an open cement area with no luggage for most of the day. I thought something would be done by Carnival, but all they gave us was $15 each for a meal?! I sent a letter and got a horrible reply back saying it was not Carnivals fault. Well, it wasnt mine! I am waiting for my travel agent to get a reply and then hitting every forum and paper I can find to share our story. This is the first one and I will go to a new one every day that I do not get a satisfactory response. So far customer care at Carnival is horrible.

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Will look forward to your daily post. You could have taken a walk dow the Stround. You could have walked over and gotten a Starbucks. Weather happens, when it does, the port and or the Coast Guard control things.


So post away!

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I am sure someone has posted about this incident before, but I did not think I needed to start hitting the cruise forums until Carnival ignored my problem. April cruise out of Galviston was delayed due to weather (so they say) and we did not get into our room until 11 hours after we should have. We missed lunch and dinner and had to stand in an open cement area with no luggage for most of the day. I thought something would be done by Carnival, but all they gave us was $15 each for a meal?! I sent a letter and got a horrible reply back saying it was not Carnivals fault. Well, it wasnt mine! I am waiting for my travel agent to get a reply and then hitting every forum and paper I can find to share our story. This is the first one and I will go to a new one every day that I do not get a satisfactory response. So far customer care at Carnival is horrible.


Incident = fog. Who's to blame there?

Waiting for ship = see fog, no ship there. Airlines have the same dilemma during fog and other weather conditions

Luggage = cleared for loading when you arrive

Not Carnivals Fault = well... duh. They should have ordered fans to blow the fog away

First Post = wanting someone to take the blame, give me something...




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I sail with Carnival for the first time in October. As wonderful as I hear they are, I doubt they have perfected the art of controlling the weather. I take it, since you don't mention it, that the rest of your cruise was enjoyable?

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I am sure someone has posted about this incident before, but I did not think I needed to start hitting the cruise forums until Carnival ignored my problem. April cruise out of Galviston was delayed due to weather (so they say) and we did not get into our room until 11 hours after we should have. We missed lunch and dinner and had to stand in an open cement area with no luggage for most of the day. I thought something would be done by Carnival, but all they gave us was $15 each for a meal?! I sent a letter and got a horrible reply back saying it was not Carnivals fault. Well, it wasnt mine! I am waiting for my travel agent to get a reply and then hitting every forum and paper I can find to share our story. This is the first one and I will go to a new one every day that I do not get a satisfactory response. So far customer care at Carnival is horrible.


I know you are upset, but I do not know what you except to achieve by posting your story on a daily basis on various web forums. :confused: All the passengers on that sailing were affected - not just you. Best of you luck to you.

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I am sure someone has posted about this incident before, but I did not think I needed to start hitting the cruise forums until Carnival ignored my problem. April cruise out of Galviston was delayed due to weather (so they say) and we did not get into our room until 11 hours after we should have. We missed lunch and dinner and had to stand in an open cement area with no luggage for most of the day. I thought something would be done by Carnival, but all they gave us was $15 each for a meal?! I sent a letter and got a horrible reply back saying it was not Carnivals fault. Well, it wasnt mine! I am waiting for my travel agent to get a reply and then hitting every forum and paper I can find to share our story. This is the first one and I will go to a new one every day that I do not get a satisfactory response. So far customer care at Carnival is horrible.


Hmmmmm, interesting.... exactly what kind of response do you expect receive by posting on "a new one [forum] every day"? :confused:

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Actually, I think I may be more to blame than Carnival. During the first week on April, I was on a cruise that was returning to Galveston. Well....the night before our return I wished and wished and wished that I didn't have to get off of the ship. I woke up early the next morning and Voila! FOG!


We were stuck on the boat for an extra five hours, while our ride waited for us at the dock. Lots of people were upset and worried about missing flights.


Not me. I got more time onboard. I would apologize for the delay, but I'm really not sorry....

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We were on the Inspiration out of Tampa in December and got stuck with the fog. The ship wasn't there when we got to the port. We didn't get on until about 5 PM and then there was open seating for supper. We each also got a $15 OBC for the delay. Same thing after the cruise. We couldn't get back into the port because of very thick fog and the port was closed by the Port Authority. We got to have lunch on board the ship again.


Not Carnival's fault. Carnival doesn't control the fog or the Port Authority. Weather happens and fog is a frequent problem in Texas and Florida so that's the way it is. Your complaining will not do any good except make you look stupid. Be glad you got some compensation. The airlines don't do anything for weather related incidents.

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Would you rather Carnival dismissed the port authority's closure of the port, forged ahead in the fog, hit something, sank the ship and then you didn't get to cruise at all?


I'm sorry for your frustration. I know I would have been feeling it too, but ultimately this was an act of nature and no one is at fault here, so I'm not sure how far you expect to get with Carnival. Be glad you got anything at all, I am not sure that Carnival is required to compensate anyone for a delay caused by something out of their control.

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Good luck seeking further compensation ( I am NOT saying that sarcastically.. I truly mean it..)


If you were on the April 4 cruise (Easter) then we sailed on the same cruise .. and it WAS pretty bad .. I agree Carnival could have handled things MUCH MUCH better .. from what I gathered it wasn't just fog - it was also immigration issues (more non-US nationals than usual .. and the customs process took FOREVER)


I think my biggest complaint was the lack of communication from Carnival to let us know what was going on .. The best and most true info I got was from a Carnival employee standing in line for the bathroom .. she told us it would be close to midnight when we got on the ship - and it was ..


My second biggest complaint was really more of a personal thing .. while I enjoy Mariachi music - the folks walking up and down in that covered cement environment playing LOUDLY was just a little much for me .. Especially after we'd been there for over 8 hours .. I think it would have been more enjoyable if they'd have walked OUTSIDE the covered walkway.


All that said - we had a GREAT time on the cruise .. (once we were on) and to be honest never thought about NOT going on Carnival again.. ONCE we were on the cruise - I've gotta say after waiting in line for over 10 hours I was spitting mad ... the next morning .. not so much .. laugh..


And for those who have snarky comments - you shoulda been there .. it was NOT pleasant .. and by the way Starbucks closed around 6pm .. and that was after they had been told by THEIR corporate to close at 2pm.

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Would you rather Carnival dismissed the port authority's closure of the port, forged ahead in the fog, hit something, sank the ship and then you didn't get to cruise at all?


I'm sorry for your frustration. I know I would have been feeling it too, but ultimately this was an act of nature and no one is at fault here, so I'm not sure how far you expect to get with Carnival. Be glad you got anything at all, I am not sure that Carnival is required to compensate anyone for a delay caused by something out of their control.


The problem wasn't getting underway - it was getting ON the ship ..

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In defense of the OP, I know from past problems that Carnival does NOT deal well with problems. .. it may be part of his frustration, the lack of communication, or whatever ..we dont know all of why he is upset. I hate the flaming that people get who have a beef with Carnival and come to post it get.

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My question is - was the ship there? Had it been able to come into the port or did it have to wait for the fog to lift to do so? That would make a huge difference. If it physically could not come into the port, I am not sure what Carnival could do. And then they would have 2000+ angry people wanting off and 2000+ angry people wanting on - what could they do?


It does sound horrible and I know I would have been VERY unhappy. But I would also have to realize that everyone's hands were tied. My husband would have thrown a fit. I would have read my entire week's supply of books and said "it happens".

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First of all, to the OP, welcome to Cruise Critic.


Now, welcome to the world of cruising where things don't always work right.


My very first cruise was on the Conquest, originally from NOLA, but after Katrina hit from Galveston. After standing in line for over six hours just to get on the ship, I was sure it would be my LAST cruise (but it wasn't)


Our problem was the Galveston was used to servicing the Ecstasy and not the Conquest (which was twice the size.) Galveston did not have enough porters or ground crew (the Conquests crew were still lost in NOLA.) But they did get us on the ship.


Most recently I was on the Triumph out of NOLA. We arrived at 10:30, and were told we would have to wait....and then told longer wait...and then suggested we could leave the terminal and be back at 2 to board...and then told 3...and then at 4:00 we finally boarded the ship (some issues with drugs on the previous cruise.)


Problems occur. My experience is that Carnival does a crummy job of informing people what happens. They could use a good lesson in PR and deciding who is in charge when problems happen. But in the end, Carnival can not help Hurricanes, they can not help when customs takes over the ship for drug busts, and they can not help fog.


You see, if I hear you, the issue is not that you had to wait. I think you understand the fog. I think your issue is you did not feel like you knew what was going on.

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I wasn't on this sailing, so maybe someone who was can answer this question: Usually, if the ship is delayed for an extended period of time, Carnival will call and advise passengers to wait until later in the day to get to the pier. Did this happen for the sailing the OP is talking about?

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My question is - was the ship there? Had it been able to come into the port or did it have to wait for the fog to lift to do so? That would make a huge difference. If it physically could not come into the port, I am not sure what Carnival could do. And then they would have 2000+ angry people wanting off and 2000+ angry people wanting on - what could they do?


It does sound horrible and I know I would have been VERY unhappy. But I would also have to realize that everyone's hands were tied. My husband would have thrown a fit. I would have read my entire week's supply of books and said "it happens".


I'm not SURE the OP was on our cruise - but on ours the ship arrived mid afternoon .. at that point I wasn't too concerned .. I made an executive decision to wait until it arrived to go to port .. I had cruised once before .. but read here a lot .. we knew it would be delayed due to fog - and I figured we should enjoy ourselves and waiting in a moving line would be better than sitting there from 10am on.. I don't remember the exact time but I think the ship arrived 3pm or so .. we got in line around 4pm .. I figured give it a couple hours and we'd be boarding as they'd be wanting to get the previous passengers OFF .. as they'd be having fits about flights and stuff...


And we WAITED and WAITED .. the fog trying to roll back in as it started getting dark... so it was damp and cool .. everyone was sitting on the cement .. We kept ourselves busy .. hubby and oldest son (25) had their Kindles and were content to read .. I'd alternate between books and suduko .. and wander some. The ones I was concerned about were my DIL and youngest son .. who are "hyper" and not ones to sit .. even though they're adults I was worried they'd be getting antsy .. and they were the ones who handled it best .. they'd walk and walk .. up and down .. DIL and I painted our toenails .. the worst was my bones getting stiff sitting (I'm "fluffy" and the ground wasn't fun)


Carnival did come around w/bottles of water and granola bars .. we laughed because people swarmed them like they had been in a prison camp for years w/no food .. we DID take water whenever it was offered as we didn't bring any water with us and figured we could us it in the room .. ;)


We were probably 2/3 - 3/4 of the way back in line .. Once the line started moving it wasn't bad at all .. but by then everyone was exhausted and hungry..


It was right at midnight when we hit our room .. there was very little in the way of information to where to go get food .. by the time we hit the Lido they were closing down the buffet areas ..


From what I heard the first groups getting on seemed to get more information - by the time we boarded .. nothing .. no direction .. no friendly crew faces .. it was kinda weird .. That's why I said Carnival could have handled it better .. I would have had people EVERYWHERE giving the same message - what to do when you got on board .. people directing to the Lido for food .. whatever .. I know they had to get back on schedule to make the rest of the cruise run smoothly - but it was apparent they didn't have a plan of action to put in place in case of a long delay.

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I wasn't on this sailing, so maybe someone who was can answer this question: Usually, if the ship is delayed for an extended period of time, Carnival will call and advise passengers to wait until later in the day to get to the pier. Did this happen for the sailing the OP is talking about?


We were advised due to the fog yes .. but in my opinion the REAL problem was the mess w/immigration .. it took SO LONG once the ship got there..


See my post above..

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I was delayed once for 3 hours in Houston because I couldn't fly into San Francisco because of fog. I didn't complain on internet boards nor demand compensation.


Good luck harassing the internet with your problem. You are in the wrong here. It wasn't Carnvial's fault, it wasn't your fault. It was the coast guard's fault and God's fault. Complain to them.


I can see it now.... "Dear internet....."

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What your missing is the point that Carnival is not going to care if you post everyday on every site you can find. Your post from an April sailing won't matter to them. No one is going to cancel because of it so their bottom line is safe. All it will accomplish is making your more stressed out and we all know that's not good for anyone. If you want to pursue it you have to do it with Carnival. I'm sure everyone feels bad for those that had to wait and they would have hated to be that person but it's fog and that port is known for fog delays so it's not a shock.

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Most of you are right. I should go to another site instead of informing the Carnival sheep on this site of how lousy their customer service is. Keep right on cruising with the lowest budget, poorest excuse for a cruise line. I should have listened to everyone who said "why are you going on Carnival?" My response was it was the only ship going to Atlantis that fit our time frame. Next time we change our times and our cruise line to a less low brow, low class cruise.


I was there - while I've only cruised 2 times .. I've been in the travel industry for years .. Carnival/RCCL ARE basically budget lines .. I think they do a great job for what they are .. We chose to do Carnival because they're affordable and not "stuffy" .. we could have just as easily chose RCCL for the same experience .. but more money .. and we chose that particular cruise for Atlantis as well .. mostly because it was my son's birthday and he's always wanted to see it .. :rolleyes:


I don't think another comparable line could/would have handled it differently .. over the years I've handled complaints about just about every cruise line .. so maybe that's what made me more patient .. knowing that's just the way it is..


Don't think it's fair to say Carnival is "low brow" .. that's just silly ..

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