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Thank you ladysail2...:)


Egon has asked me what I thought he should do for an encore when he finally lands in Quebec at the end of his journey on October 15th. Any suggestions??



If Egon wants to do something similar, he should start contacting all the cruiselines now to see if he can negociate a deal on a ship that offers longer cruises and different ports.


It would be so nice if he could continue his adventure. :)

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Thank you ladysail2...:)


Egon has asked me what I thought he should do for an encore when he finally lands in Quebec at the end of his journey on October 15th. Any suggestions??


Have absolutely loved all of the postings and hope he will continue with his adventures. I hope he does. This man has so much to contribute to the quality of life of others - it seems a pity to waste it by doing nothing.:)

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Thank you ladysail2...:)


Egon has asked me what I thought he should do for an encore when he finally lands in Quebec at the end of his journey on October 15th. Any suggestions??


Perhaps he should gather his references from this ship, and solicit himself as an onboard musical entertainer. He has the experience. The perks would be perfect. He would probably love the different ships/ports of call and to be doing what he loves the most!

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Thank you ladysail2...:)


Egon has asked me what I thought he should do for an encore when he finally lands in Quebec at the end of his journey on October 15th. Any suggestions??

He should check his finances and see if he could afford to rent a place in Switzerland near Beatrice and enjoy his time there with her and his other friends.

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OK first off this is not what you all want to hear and I know that.


To me he should STOP wasting his time in ports looking for free WIFI just to send emails out.


Start enjoying himself.


He can still continue cruising but start enjoying himself and STOP putting his health at risk getting wet and cold going to free WIFI spots. On bad weather days stay onboard. Stop putting himself at risk in traffic trying to avoid an auto accident just in the name of free WIFI to post on this board.


World will survive without his posts.


His health is his only thing he has to protect as with bad health or a bad accident any cruise line will quickly put him off of the ship at the next port.


He could start looking for a cruise line employee booking agent for musicians and find employment with a cruise line. Play a limited amount of time per week for waiver of single supplement at least is a good start.


OK now you all can start the bashing.:D

Edited by Steamboatin
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Not bashing--far from it. I can sense your anguish over an old man feeling obligated to keep us posted on his exploits at the cost of his truly enjoying them. I feel it, too. We are certainly not worth his risking his health and his opportunity to enjoy his sunset.

I don't presume to know if he indeed feels obligated, or if he instead feels a sense of purpose in what he is doing. I suspect the latter, or I don't think he would go to such lengths to keep us posted. Those of us who receive his missives are certainly uplifted and encouraged. Egon makes most of us hopeful that we, too, will still have the wherewithall to have our own grand adventure late in life.

What Egon does is by his own choice. Nobody's forcing him to post his updates for us. He could ignore us if he wants to. He's old enough to know what matters to him and what doesn't. Personally, I'm glad this matters so much to him.

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Remember he's not e-mailing us,

he's e-mailing his friends and one

is putting them on for us.


He likes sightseeing if someone takes

him or if gets to meet old friends.

Otherwise don't think he would go

sightseeing even if not e-mailing.

His health and walking doesn't make it

enjoyable for him. That's what I think.


Plus I really think he likes finding places

and seeing some of the people and sights again

each time in port. Yes I think he shouldn't go

if really cold or raining but that's his choice.


It would be nice if he could get a ship that

he could play on for room and board but I

think his age might stop them from hiring him.


If he has his health and money he should find

another long cruise. He enjoys meeting people and

playing. Keeps him young!


Health and Happiness to what ever he does.

Can't believe it's almost been a year!

Time sure does go by fast when your having fun!

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Okie>>>Are you a "boomer" from the class of '64 per chance? I was born in 1946 too. Turn 65 on Tuesday.:)


Yes - I am an Okie - born in 1946 - was 65 in January, but not a "boomer/sooner". Father is retired military originally from OK and living there now. I graduated from HS in Missouri and graduated from Cameron several years later.:)

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OK first off this is not what you all want to hear and I know that.


To me he should STOP wasting his time in ports looking for free WIFI just to send emails out.


Start enjoying himself.


He can still continue cruising but start enjoying himself and STOP putting his health at risk getting wet and cold going to free WIFI spots. On bad weather days stay onboard. Stop putting himself at risk in traffic trying to avoid an auto accident just in the name of free WIFI to post on this board.


World will survive without his posts.


His health is his only thing he has to protect as with bad health or a bad accident any cruise line will quickly put him off of the ship at the next port.


He could start looking for a cruise line employee booking agent for musicians and find employment with a cruise line. Play a limited amount of time per week for waiver of single supplement at least is a good start.


OK now you all can start the bashing.:D

I suggested this a two or three months ago. There is good wifi on the ship and he could work on his laptop in the comfort of his cabin. I outlined exactly how he should do it and how much it would cost but he came back saying it was too much. To me it would have been a small price to pay to avoid having to run all over town on his scooter in the cold and rain trying to find free wifi. He's certainly not penniless and spending €60 for 500 minutes of internet time is certainly better than spending a week in the infirmary with bronchitis!

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I usually pop in here to check and see if there are new postings from Egon. To be honest, I am starting to get a little worried. It has been 10 days since we have seen a posting from him and 9 days since we have heard from Linda (yellowbird23).


If someone has heard from either one, could you please put our minds at ease about this?



Edited by Okie1946
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There is a new posting on his website: http://home.cablerocket.com/~egon/reportspoesia2.htm so I know he's fine. I suspect he hasn't had time to email his report to yellowbird yet and so she hasn't posted it. I'm sure it will be posted soon. In the meantime you can go to his website and read about his latest exploits! :)

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There is a new posting on his website: http://home.cablerocket.com/~egon/reportspoesia2.htm so I know he's fine. I suspect he hasn't had time to email his report to yellowbird yet and so she hasn't posted it. I'm sure it will be posted soon. In the meantime you can go to his website and read about his latest exploits! :)

I checked his website and found 2 new entries which I will copy above and add. I have not gotten anything from him after the post #66, which has me a little bit dismayed.

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#67 August 14 - 23, 2011


In Copenhagen, since in all the many times there I hadn't found a McDonalds, I drove to the Freeport, where we had docked previously several times and where I knew that there was WiFi available and I could sit down. The signal there wasn't very good this day (maybe because of the low clouds?) and on the way back I stopped in the underpass behind the Langeline Cafe, using their better signal, to finish several emails to be sent. Why not there in the first place? On Sundays, the Cafe only opens at 11am, I hate to have to spend the equivalent of US$ 7 for a cup of coffee there and sitting on the scooter in the dank and noisy underpass working does not appeal for any length of time. So there.


August 15 At Sea and a Gala Night with three martinis before dinner and an evening spent with the four Irish and the US couple from our table, notably with Irish Ann, with whom I danced - another non "cheek-to-Cheek" but "Cheek to Boob" event since she is much taller than I. Life is good. Of course I played in the afternoon as usual.


August 16 Stockholm: It must be boring for you to read over and over again that I went to McDonalds! However, if you want to read this, this is what I'll have to do unless you buy the ship and give me free WiFi. But I sent you a bonus in the form of a small album with pictures from the Poesia (it kept me busy!!).


I had a lovely letter from Lea who had blogged an oh so complimentary report on myself on her website and says that it already has been read by 1000 people. I'll have a lot to live up to. If you want to read it, go to http://open.salon.com/blog/lea_lane/2011/08/04/my_frisky_nonagenarian_soulmate_who_lives_on_a_ship She is a pretty fantastic person with great creative talents in many disciplines and I feel privileged having had the opportunity to meet and befriend her. With luck, I'll meet her and her husband in New York end of September.


August 17, Tallinn: it's a beautiful and warm day and a shame to sit here in the fancy Spa doing computer stuff rather than being out in the sun! But on the other hand it would be worse ignoring the many friends who write to me. I just discovered that, from where I sit inside, I see one of the nude stainless steel ladies flanking the entrance; I see her from the side and admire her perfectly shaped breasts (sigh!). Ve get too soon oldt und too late schmart.


August 18, St. Petersburg: It's raining and I feel sorry for the many people who have booked excursions today! Since we had to advance our watches for the second time in a row by one hour, I only awoke at 8AM and then went swimming this morning in a comfortably warm pool but wound up missing breakfast with the restaurant closing at 9AM and the cafeteria at 9.30, but still got coffee. No matter. Then I sat and looked out into the dismal day and saw a lot of people disembarking; I imagine that most of them are Russians (we have 196 of them on board, also 758 Germans, 566 Italians, 228 Spaniards, 202 Austrians, 164 from France and 140 Swiss - altogether there are 46 Nationalities represented).


August 19, At Sea. Swam (20 laps), played a Scrabble game (won), played the piano (applause!), had a drink with Alan (2) and one after dinner in the Zebra Lounge with my tablemates. Thus endeth another day at sea.


August 20, Kiel: My tablemates all stay on to disembark tomorrow at Copenhagen. But over one thousand passengers leave here among the usual organized chaos and as many will embark. It's always a day to avoid being around. I had my swim before breakfast and later made my usual trip via the shuttle bus to the little cafe in the Sophienhof near the station, where Michaela, the pretty manager, supplied me with cable connection so that I could plug in my netbook and we had a long talk - she looks to me 20 years younger than the 47 she admits to. She even invited me to the cappuccino I had ordered. I'll get her a pair of MSC slippers for my next visit.


My tablemates and I had a last session after dinner at the Zebra Lounge. They really were a great bunch and we had quite a lot of fun (and flirting) - sorry it only lasted 7 days.



# 68 August 21-28, 2011


We moored at Freeport in Copenhagen and I had WiFi right there but forgot to send out my reports # 67, which I did only on August 23 in Olden (where I am writing this). Mysteriously and most annoyingly, both English and German versions disappeared from the Word Pad were I had written them; luckily I had already sent the English one and could therefore copy and paste it back, but was unable to find the German one which had not yet been sent and wound up spending most of an hour rewriting it. What a bloody nuisance. The computer must have had a bad hair day.


August 22/23: A sea day with Scrabble and Piano and my lovely Olden which at first was cool and still wet from overnight rains but later opened up to warm sunshine. However, I spent some 5 hours on the computer (and wonder why my back hurts!). On top of it, I was not able to swim this morning since the water was only 64 F and the air too cold as well. So I sat in the Jacuzzi instead, before leaving the ship for the 1.5KM ride to the village .


August 24 Bergen: Overcast and cool but nevertheless I get into the pool but am soon joined by a big burly guy who ploughs up the water with a vengeance, his big meaty hands slapping the water in an overhand stroke and repeatedly drenching my entire head. Can't help but think he must be Russian. Anyway, after 15 rounds I've had enough of it. Anyway, I am getting pretty chilled, the blood circulation could need a boost. Back in the cabin I put on a warm jacket and head down for breakfast. It's a dismal day with rain threatening. As I leave the ship, I am greeted by Erik Bjorns and his pretty colleague Catherine, he a photographer, she a journalist for the large (and old) Norwegian newspaper Bergen Tidende. I had met Erik before a few weeks ago and already had given him a small interview then, but now they are both here to do a big story on me, including video for their website and have actually managed to gain access to the ship from Bergen to Kristiansand (tomorrow) so that they can follow me around and I promised that I would play a bit for their production. Now they followed me all the way to McDonalds near the Fishmarket, Erik running ahead, his camera busy with stills and video - at one time he was even laying flat on the road to catch me approaching on the scooter. What a guy. More pics at McD's, where I dealt with many emails but left after noon in the rain to return to the ship, again with Erik running in front of me, taking photos. They'll get on the ship at 2pm and I told them that they can come to my cabin at 3 and that afterwards I would play in the atrium (unless there is already something going on musically). In my emails I found one from the CBC in Vancouver asking for an interview! That's what you get for notoriety.


They came to the cabin and took more pictures and asked more questions; then we went down and I played for them about 15 minutes in the Atrium which was filmed and recorded. They had an appointment with Alan at 5 and I suggested to him to bring them up to the cabin for a drink, but this did not work out because it got too late so that Alan came alone and we opened the new plus ultra bottle of 15 year old Glenfiddich Scotch which I had inherited from my deceased cousin Peter of Southampton, whose dear wife Sylvia I'll see again with her daughter Olivia when we get to Southampton September 14.


Since there was room for two more at our dinner table, I asked Catherine and Erik to join us and they blended right in. A few more pictures on deck #14 afterwards and tomorrow he'll wait, camera ready, for me to emerge at 7.15am going for my swim. He sure covers all angles of my life on board.


August 25, Kristinsand: Sure enough, at 7.15AM Erik was in front of my door, camera poised, and followed me to deck #13 and the pool which today was pleasantly warm so that I did my 20 laps, all and every move before and after, duly recorded by stills and video - this is going to be quite a production. Of course Christine also was there and she wants to "know more". If nothing else, Steve will in the end have a nice souvenir of myself, since I have been promised not only a PDF but also a printed copy of the entire production.


The two followed me all the way to McDonalds, taking more photos and Videos all the time and also came back with me to the ship when I left after 1pm. A final session in front of the ship and in my cabin and now they have left and are flying back to Bergen. His article about this episode, together with photos, will appear in the weekend magazine of the newspaper, but he also expects that other papers will pick up and publish it. Maybe I'll get the key to the city?


August 26-27, Oslo-Kiel: A lovely day in Oslo where I sat in the outdoor section of McD's for quite a while, did my work and enjoyed the sights in the harbour in front of me. in Kiel I was lucky in that I could get off the ship before all the crowds and was at "my cafe" already at 10.30 am. There I was joined by Jerry, whom I had met in the shopping center a week earlier; he is a Canadian who married a German and has been living in Kiel for the past 7 years. He is obviously happy to have met someone from his home country.

Edited by Host Kat >^..^<
cabin share request not allowed. Guideline violation.
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Oh I wish I could join up with Egon, he is my hero! I am not financially independent yet though! Darn! I am so glad he is going to keep going and hopefully, still writing of his adventures. I would love to be able to get hold of a copy of the article being written, or produced by that couple that followed him around for 2 days!:D

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Thank you for the posting - I did not realize that he had a web site, but I still enjoy reading about his adventures on this thread. The comments from all the readers are also interesting.


Had not seen anything from Egon or yourself for that period of time and really was concerned, as you usually post something about every three days. Am almost disappointed that his trip is starting to wind down. This thread gives me something to dream about.


Previous Cruises:

Alaska - Westerdam - September 2009

Alaska- Rotterdam - September 2010

Mexican Riveria - Oosterdam - April 2011


Future Cruises:

2012 - Alaska - 14 day cruise OR 20 day cruise tour

2013 - Eastern Med - 28 day (includes cruising Black Sea)

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I am so sad because my old dog is deteriorating quickly. He has a collapsed trachea and coughs constantly except when he finally sleeps. I know the time is coming to make a decision, but how will I know? I just don't know how to say goodbye to him.:(


When poor Budha is in constant pain, that will be the time. We can't our beloved pets suffer.


So very sorry. If you need a "shoulder", come over to the Animal Lover's thread. You will get a lot of sympathy there, because we have all been through it.



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I am so sad because my old dog is deteriorating quickly. He has a collapsed trachea and coughs constantly except when he finally sleeps. I know the time is coming to make a decision, but how will I know? I just don't know how to say goodbye to him.:(


Listen to your heart. I know how hard it was to let my feline angel go. When the vet said that there was nothing to ease his suffering, I realized that it was selfish to keep him suffering. If the canine is not suffering or if there is hope for a better life, - - - If not - - -. If there is a heaven, I expect to see my pets there. I know that even decades, I still miss him. Purrs to you and your canine.

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When poor Budha is in constant pain, that will be the time. We can't our beloved pets suffer.


So very sorry. If you need a "shoulder", come over to the Animal Lover's thread. You will get a lot of sympathy there, because we have all been through it.




Thank you yarlenna and burm. I will check the site out. I know I'll have to hold him while they do it, but he has been such a buddy for me through the years, but bites my hubby. Going to get an opinion tomorrow. He is laying at my feet now finally quiet again.

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