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Billing dispute with Princess - Who's right?


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I had the same problem once with a positive balance. What a pain that was to deal with on the last morning of the cruise!!!! :mad: I thought they'd just credit my credit card the $7.43 or whatever it was, but no, they wanted to hand me cash. What a major pain and embarrassment to have our name called repeatedly on the last morning! :mad:


They didn't call my name, just sent me a check for $10.43 about 5 months later.:D



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They didn't call my name, just sent me a check for $10.43 about 5 months later.:D




I think they have recently changed this policy. We had the positive balance in 2004, so it was awhile ago. Since then, someone else told me they got a credit on their credit card, so it sounds like they do it a couple ways now.

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To the OP......For the sake of your health, take the advice of the posters suggesting sending a certified letter demanding proof that the bill was unpaid. Give them 15 days to provide said proof, if they don't, end of story. They HAVE to have proof if they plan on sending it to a collection agency, so their threat is hollow without it. Calling is useless and will only raise your blood pressure.

I would not loose one more nights sleep, just send the letter and be done with it.

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I'd just let it go. Here's why:


If this really is something they want to send to collections, they have to have proof. So, they should be able to provide it to you.


If they don't have proof, or fail to work with you since it was a supposed billing error, and damage your credit, you've got 'em by the ... you know. :)


This is not a case of someone skipping out on a legitimate bill. This whole thing still has me a bit suspicious. Shoot, even if it went to collection they'd only get a percentage anyway, and the time and effort involved would not be worth it. It just does not make sense.

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I do find it a little strange that the OP doesn't return very often, I believe twice after all the postings. I find that the OP has not taken some great advise, and continues to make useless calls.


Remember, we are hearing only one side of the story. I am not saying that the OP is not being honest, something just doesn't sound right. However, I would not be surprised that if Princess finds out who the OP is, they may bar them from sailing with Princess. I know the cruise lines read CC Treads and don't particularly appreciate negative feedback.


I am going to take the approach that innocent until proven guilty :D

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Ok sounds like you are being a squeaky wheel...time to step it up a notch. My suggestion....keep calling and don't take my supervisor is in a meeting as an excuse...these people are trained not to transfer calls...let them know you are not hanging up until you speak to someone....if they hang up on you....call back.

I really think step two is you need to send an email and certified letter to Princess corporate office....enclose a copy of you last post...which sums up the situation nicely. Certify everything from here on out. Let Corporate know....

"Here is my most recent post from the cruise critic message board....You need to know that I had to resort to asking for advice from cruise critic members"

I hazard a guess then when corporate is aware of the risk to reputation that the finance department is causing something will happen.


I think your post will get a rise out of them


First of all, thank you for all of the replies.


The telephone calls from Princess, the March 2010 bill and the recent email are all from Princess' finance department.


I am now at day three of waiting for a return phone call. I called the finance department itself and asked for the supervisor of the department. I spoke directly to the lady that had emailed me and her response was, "All of the supervisors are in a meeting right now. In fact, they're right behind me. I will give her your message and she'll either call you back today, or first thing tomorrow morning." I thanked her and hung up. NO calls that night and NO call the next day as promised. I called once again today, I get voicemail. I left a voicemail once again - no response or call back.


This afternoon I called 1-800-PRINCESS and I spoke with three reps after asking for a supervisor. I was passed along, each one providing me with their sympathy... Finally, I was transferred to a department that would absolutely be able to help me(so she said). I present my facts once again only to hear, "I'm so sorry. Unfortunately I cannot help you with that in this department, only the finance department can handle it at this point." I demanded a supervisor, any supervisor, any department. Finally I get one... this supervisor listened to my story and then promised she was emailing right then and there, the supervisor of the finance department asking them to call me. I was told to expect a call this evening, but most likely it would come tomorrow morning - 07/02/10


I have taken notes of every conversation. I have dates, times, who I spoke with, who I was transferred to and so on.


I AM UNHAPPY! In fact, I'm fuming but I know it's not going to do me a bit of good. The buck keeps getting passed and nobody is taking responsibility. I'm tired of repeating myself. What really angers me now is, I'm the one doing all the work to avoid paying twice. We all know, you don't step off a Princess ship with an unpaid balance. You get a"honk" instead of a "ting", I've watched it happen - on top of listening to names being called to the Purser's desk all morning.


So here I am, with nothing new. Thanks again for the replies... If anyone else has advice or another contact/email/number for me to call, please share.



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I do find it a little strange that the OP doesn't return very often, I believe twice after all the postings. I find that the OP has not taken some great advise, and continues to make useless calls.


Remember, we are hearing only one side of the story. I am not saying that the OP is not being honest, something just doesn't sound right. However, I would not be surprised that if Princess finds out who the OP is, they may bar them from sailing with Princess. I know the cruise lines read CC Treads and don't particularly appreciate negative feedback.


I am going to take the approach that innocent until proven guilty :D


Thank you for your post. I'm a geriatric/hospice nurse and I go into the private homes of my patients. Two of my hospice patients are near the end thus taking a majority of mine time... I'm returning as much as possible.

Thank you.

Everyone else,

I appreciate EVERY post and sincerly thank you. Oh, no call back today as promised. A letter has been written with documentation and it will be sent on Monday morning.

Thank you,


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thank you for checking back in. we're rooting for you!

prayers for your clients, they and their families are lucky to have you.


I was thinking the same thing......


Also I doubt Princess would ban the OP for posting about her woes.....I read that one post and thought someone had her cranky pants on, not nice at all.


CC I hope everything works out, you did nothing wrong and Princess needs to fix this ASAP.

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I do find it a little strange that the OP doesn't return very often, I believe twice after all the postings. I find that the OP has not taken some great advise, and continues to make useless calls.


Remember, we are hearing only one side of the story. I am not saying that the OP is not being honest, something just doesn't sound right. However, I would not be surprised that if Princess finds out who the OP is, they may bar them from sailing with Princess. I know the cruise lines read CC Treads and don't particularly appreciate negative feedback.


I am going to take the approach that innocent until proven guilty :D



I appreciate EVERY post and sincerly thank you. Oh, no call back today as promised. A letter has been written with documentation and it will be sent on Monday morning.


Thank you,



I am happy to see you are sending a letter, I might add to send it certified, so you will have proof that it was sent and received. You should also consider cc'ing President, CEO, CFO and Operation Manager. It helps to increase your chance of a response, with many copies sent out. I really am hoping this works out for you. I meant nothing negative, sorry if you took it that way.

President - Alan Buckelew

CEO - Peter Ratcliffe

CFO - Giuseppe Bono


sorry, I do not know the name of the Operations Manager

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Ok sounds like you are being a squeaky wheel...time to step it up a notch. My suggestion....keep calling and don't take my supervisor is in a meeting as an excuse...these people are trained not to transfer calls...let them know you are not hanging up until you speak to someone....if they hang up on you....call back.

I really think step two is you need to send an email and certified letter to Princess corporate office....enclose a copy of you last post...which sums up the situation nicely. Certify everything from here on out. Let Corporate know....

"Here is my most recent post from the cruise critic message board....You need to know that I had to resort to asking for advice from cruise critic members"

I hazard a guess then when corporate is aware of the risk to reputation that the finance department is causing something will happen.


I think your post will get a rise out of them


First of all, thank you for all of the replies.


The telephone calls from Princess, the March 2010 bill and the recent email are all from Princess' finance department.


I am now at day three of waiting for a return phone call. I called the finance department itself and asked for the supervisor of the department. I spoke directly to the lady that had emailed me and her response was, "All of the supervisors are in a meeting right now. In fact, they're right behind me. I will give her your message and she'll either call you back today, or first thing tomorrow morning." I thanked her and hung up. NO calls that night and NO call the next day as promised. I called once again today, I get voicemail. I left a voicemail once again - no response or call back.


This afternoon I called 1-800-PRINCESS and I spoke with three reps after asking for a supervisor. I was passed along, each one providing me with their sympathy... Finally, I was transferred to a department that would absolutely be able to help me(so she said). I present my facts once again only to hear, "I'm so sorry. Unfortunately I cannot help you with that in this department, only the finance department can handle it at this point." I demanded a supervisor, any supervisor, any department. Finally I get one... this supervisor listened to my story and then promised she was emailing right then and there, the supervisor of the finance department asking them to call me. I was told to expect a call this evening, but most likely it would come tomorrow morning - 07/02/10


I have taken notes of every conversation. I have dates, times, who I spoke with, who I was transferred to and so on.


I AM UNHAPPY! In fact, I'm fuming but I know it's not going to do me a bit of good. The buck keeps getting passed and nobody is taking responsibility. I'm tired of repeating myself. What really angers me now is, I'm the one doing all the work to avoid paying twice. We all know, you don't step off a Princess ship with an unpaid balance. You get a"honk" instead of a "ting", I've watched it happen - on top of listening to names being called to the Purser's desk all morning.


So here I am, with nothing new. Thanks again for the replies... If anyone else has advice or another contact/email/number for me to call, please share.





Just a word of advice: that's too long a letter to send on such a matter. Too many non-essential details. If the OP does write a letter (which I hope she/he does as the phone calls don't seem to work), there shouldn't be any mention of Cruise Critic (to a finance department, and maybe even customer service, it's irrelevant what those of us are saying) and there shouldn't be threats. Just the facts: that you have paid for the UBD, and the finance department has been harassing you to pay again but refuses to send you the proof. Of course, you probably shouldn't use the word harassing and refusing, but you get the idea. Get to the point. And say that without the folio that says you haven't paid, you will consider the matter closed. Send it to the customer service department too (you can cc the Captain's Circle dept. if you wish). But at least one of the letters should get sent certified mail so that you have an official signature. (the others can be sent regular mail). Be more formal than the poster above (don't use "lady", etc.).

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The OP needs to be careful as Princess may ban them from cruising if this is not resolved. :(

Well that would be no big deal..:D

I banned myself:) when they charged me $800.00 for canceling a poorly revised tour to Machu Pucchu. Most of the problem was poor communications from Princess and my TA. I also don't have the same TA.

My experience with Princess is that they could care less about my business, past or future.

We had 6 cruises with Princess.

We just got back from taking the whole family (11) 4 cabins, to Alaska on another line (yea I know Carnival owns the same line) and have over 20,000 dollars in future cruises booked and I doubt if I told Princess of these facts, they would care less.

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I wouldn't let "collection agencies" scare you in the least. I haven't, and my credit rating is still great.


An example. I was in Duke University hospital for 10 days. The hospital, as usual, contacted my Blue Cross insurance provider, and got pre-authorization for my hospitalization in increments of 2 or 3 days. In other words, BC authorizes, say, 3 days, and then 3 days later the hospital needs to call back for another 2 or 3 days, and so forth.


Well, a month after I was discharged, the hospital tells me that the last two days of my stay were never authorized, and I need to pay the hospital several thousands of dollars. Needless to say, I told them "No way" and they brought up the collection agency threat. In retrospect, I should have gotten their surgeons involved in appealing the decision, but I didn't, and sure enough I later got several calls from collection agencies. I patiently explained why the fiasco was the hospital's fault and that I was not going to pay. After a while I never heard again about it (Collection agencies are not stupid. If it is evident they are not going to collect, they pass it on). Nor was my credit rating affected in any meaningful way.


Of course, I don't make a practice of not paying bills.



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Just a word of advice: that's too long a letter to send on such a matter. Too many non-essential details. If the OP does write a letter (which I hope she/he does as the phone calls don't seem to work)' date=' there shouldn't be any mention of Cruise Critic (to a finance department, and maybe even customer service, it's irrelevant what those of us are saying) and there shouldn't be threats. Just the facts: that you have paid for the UBD, and the finance department has been harassing you to pay again but refuses to send you the proof. Of course, you probably shouldn't use the word harassing and refusing, but you get the idea. Get to the point. And say that without the folio that says you haven't paid, you will consider the matter closed. Send it to the customer service department too (you can cc the Captain's Circle dept. if you wish). But at least one of the letters should get sent certified mail so that you have an official signature. (the others can be sent regular mail). Be more formal than the poster above (don't use "lady", etc.).[/quote']


I disagree totally....Cruise Critic should ABSOLUTELY be mentioned. Large corporations hold "reputational risk" above anything. It is more important then client satisfaction. Princess needs to know that the OP is getting the word out there of this situation and hopefully that will prompt them to rectify so that the OP can post some positive results.

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DH suggest you pay the $300 and remove it from your next cruises tips :) Cheeky I know and is missing the point but is a way forward


:mad:Why punish the hardworking crew members on the next cruise? How would that possibly affect The Corporation in the least???????? This is not a way forward in any shape, form or fashion!:mad::mad:

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I am happy to see you are sending a letter, I might add to send it certified, so you will have proof that it was sent and received. You should also consider cc'ing President, CEO, CFO and Operation Manager. It helps to increase your chance of a response, with many copies sent out. I really am hoping this works out for you. I meant nothing negative, sorry if you took it that way.


President - Alan Buckelew

CEO - Peter Ratcliffe

CFO - Giuseppe Bono


sorry, I do not know the name of the Operations Manager


I do find it a little strange that the OP doesn't return very often, I believe twice after all the postings. I find that the OP has not taken some great advise, and continues to make useless calls.OH NO....I don't know they could EVER that your comments as negative. Whatever..

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I do find it a little strange that the OP doesn't return very often, I believe twice after all the postings. I find that the OP has not taken some great advise, and continues to make useless calls.OH NOOOOOOO....I don't know they could EVER that your comments as negative. Whatever..


Not sure you check too often either as she has replied many times and even explained that she works so can't check here all the time.

I dont understand your last comment

"I don't know they could EVER that your comments as negative. Whatever.."

but the whatever seems rather rude to me

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DH suggest you pay the $300 and remove it from your next cruises tips :) Cheeky I know and is missing the point but is a way forward


That is just a nasty suggestion and I hope the OP would not even consider it.

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I disagree totally....Cruise Critic should ABSOLUTELY be mentioned. Large corporations hold "reputational risk" above anything. It is more important then client satisfaction. Princess needs to know that the OP is getting the word out there of this situation and hopefully that will prompt them to rectify so that the OP can post some positive results.


Believe me they already know.


I disagree with casinovisitor's disagreeing with me. The letter the OP should send, IMO, should stick with the facts in as brief a way as possible. Don't bring up any threats (I'll tell everyone that Princess sucks, for example) as that will divert from the goal of getting Princess to drop the matter. Whether or not you have the ear of many people...you have to remember that of potential and current customers of Princess, only a small percentage even has heard of CC. Or may read a consumer advocate's column in any newspaper. Or have thousands of relatives.


Rather than saying you're getting to spread it around that Princess is doubly charging you, you want the reader of the letter to understand what the problem is (that you are getting demands for money for something you have already paid for) and you want the appropriate action taken. That's it. Hopefully it will be taken care for and then you can post the end result (and if customer service handles it, you can send a nice reply thanking the person for their attention to this matter).



DH suggest you pay the $300 and remove it from your next cruises tips :) Cheeky I know and is missing the point but is a way forward


The crew members aren't the ones bothering the OP. This is a matter of a screw up at Corporate.

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I do find it a little strange that the OP doesn't return very often, I believe twice after all the postings. I find that the OP has not taken some great advise, and continues to make useless calls.OH NO....I don't know they could EVER that your comments as negative. Whatever..



The OP has been returning. But remember, not everyone is constantly online or can be monitoring the boards here. I haven't been here as much as usual the last few days between my computer acting up and the weather being too hot to use the computer.


The calls were useless only because the supervisor wasn't "available." Maybe they realize they can't find the paperwork needed to prove the charge is still outstanding and they're hiding behind the emails. That's why the next step is sending a letter to not only that department, but also customer service to get them involved.

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