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Live/Silver Cloud: Norway Coast/Fjords July 1-16 Reports


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Terry--just enjoyed your cruise photos/blog and must say that by far, you are the best photo poster/blogger on CC I have had the pleasure of finding. I've never posted a live blog before, and was having issues uploading photos, but a tip in your other thread helped me to realize an important step I had overlooked. Finding an iPad app to store/upload the photos was the first step, then cut and paste the direct link, and it worked.


Thanks again for all your hard work and dedication to making a cruise photo journal for all of us to enjoy.


Happy cruising....Joanne

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tonyballoons, I have passed on your greetings to Rodger. He was tickled!


live from the voyager off the seas,

thanks duct tape, looking foreward to meet the nice crew on the cloud again,

saw today the clouds twins, the silver Winds, looks shes in great shape too. thats all for now, internet on sea isn't cheap,

one again thanks duct tape,

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Terry--just enjoyed your cruise photos/blog and must say that by far, you are the best photo poster/blogger on CC I have had the pleasure of finding. I've never posted a live blog before, and was having issues uploading photos, but a tip in your other thread helped me to realize an important step I had overlooked. Finding an iPad app to store/upload the photos was the first step, then cut and paste the direct link, and it worked. Thanks again for all your hard work and dedication to making a cruise photo journal for all of us to enjoy. Happy cruising....Joanne


From Cruise Critic Editor in chief: Question for you: I'm writing an intro today or tomorrow for the blog and would love to include a few of your photos. If that's okay' date=' send a few of your favorites. Also major thanks to TLCOhio; Terry [b']your info is superb and your photos magical[/b]....Carolyn


THANKS, Joanne, for the nice comments on the cruise postings! Also appreciate folks for "tuning in" and checking out this posting. It is now over 18,000 views! Wow, that's a great response and interest.


As noted above, the Cruise Critic Editor, Carolyn Spencer Brown, is now on a Norway Coast cruise. It's on the Seabourn Sojourn and she is writing about this cruise (http://www.cruisecritic.co.uk/blog). She's visiting Flam, Alesund, Olden, Molde, Bergen and Stavanger. It's a Copenhagen to Amsterdam itinerary. September is late in the season and the weather might be a little iffy. If interested, check out her blog posting. She's included several pictures that I took on our cruise as a preview for Norway on this blog of what she will be seeing and doing. On Sept. 22, she'll be in wonderful Bergen. Right now, that weather forecast from AccuWeather is saying wonderful sunshine and a high of 55F for this town on that date. Loved Bergen! And we saw this new Seabourn Sojourn ship in Bergen on July 14 when both the Silver Cloud and this other luxury liner were there together in the port with a couple of larger 2500-2700 passenger ships.


For memory fun, here's a Silver Cloud picture of it in the fjord. Don't think I had previously posted this picture. Enjoy! Terry in Ohio



This is the Silver Cloud in the top-rated and super scenic Sognerfjord. We are getting ready to depart from nearby Gudvangen after our morning visit to Flam, riding the railroad there, etc.:



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Hi Terry,


Your photos are absolutely fantastic and are such a wonderful addition to every board on which you post!


My husband asked me to ask you which type of camera and lens you use. Any special tips? Your shots are so incredible!





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Hi Terry, Your photos are absolutely fantastic and are such a wonderful addition to every board on which you post! My husband asked me to ask you which type of camera and lens you use. Any special tips? Your shots are so incredible! Thanks! Ricki


THANKS to Ricki for the interest from you and your husband! Part of the "secret" is to have great weather and go to wonderful places with nice people. We got that in doing the Norway Coast, fjords and the Land of the Midnight Sun on the Silver Cloud July 1-16, 2010. It is nice that the postings as we traveled worked so well and have received so many views and nice comments.


Photo secrets? It's a little more than just the "camera". It's a Nikon D50 SLR. Good, but not at the super pro level. Lots of people have cameras at and near that quality or comparable. These days, the digital technology has improved so much that nearly everyone can take good to great pictures. Here are some of my tips, secrets and suggestions to share. I found taking cruise and travel pictures is fun, plus much, much cheaper than shopping for souvenirs.


1. ZOOM/FRAMING: Fill the frame and make it interesting. Use your feet. Move closer. Zoom in or out. Make it tighter in the picture frame, etc. People don't want to be bored with a key subject or highlight being only in the middle 15% of the picture frame.


2. LENS: Many of the nice pictures in certain famed palaces and churches in Russia, etc., were taken with a 10-20 mm lens that gives a wider angle view than average. That really helped create some picture "drama" without being too wide and distorted as can happen with a fish-eye lens. There are cases where that longer lens (have a 70-300 mm zoom) can really help. In many cases, my basic 18-55 mm zoom covers the middle range. It's nice to have one lens that covers all needs, but then you lose some in the desired picture quality.


3. LOTS OF PICTURES: With digital, it is much easier and cheaper to take lots of pictures, see what you have, take more pictures, try different angles, etc. In the old 35 mm film days, you could not take as many different pictures and you were always guessing and hoping on exposure, what you really captured, etc. Then you need to be checking as you go on what you just shot, blow off the duds, etc. It's great instant feed-back on what's working and what's not. As you are riding on a bus, waiting in line, that picture checking is a good way to both pass the time and monitor your picture progress/success (or failure).


4. STEADY HOLD: I mostly use the eyepiece viewer, not the back of camera viewing screen. That keeps the camera closer to my body and makes it more stable. Use your elbows against your body to brace the camera. I'll lean against walls or door frames when taking certain inside pictures in low light situations to improve . . . stability! You don't want blurred and shaky pictures. Set the camera on walls, chairs, etc. Stability! Some think that if they push the button faster to take the picture, then it will be better. WRONG! Gently S-Q-U-E-E-Z-E that shutter button, slowly! It makes a major difference in picture quality.


5. PEOPLE: Having people as a part of the picture gives it context, interest, etc. Lots of "just the place" pictures are nice, but I have found that the ones with some human involvement and/or connection look and work better.


Do you download your pictures to your computer? Today's technology makes it easier to straighten pictures, adjust the cropping, fix color balance, improving your crops, etc. I usually take my MackBook Pro laptop along, downloading and checking the pictures as I travel, etc. That helps to know what I'm getting and improve my "focus" as I travel in such great, scenic places. Playing with the pictures on the flight back while I listen to the "tunes" on my computer also helps pass the time quicker. Many laptops also have great programs to put these pictures into nice “slide shows” with various great visuals tools to add titles, do dissolves, etc.


Reactions to this summary? What's missing? Appreciate the interest and comments. Enjoy! Terry in Ohio

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This thread with your narrative and wonderful pictures has done more to pique my interest in silverseas and this itinerary than any cruise specialist could. Wow!


THANKS, Jane, for the nice comments on the summary and visuals I posted! YES, we were impressed with the quality of the service, food, etc., on Silversea. Hope you come along and give them a try. Be sure to tell them to send me a "commission" check.


Appreciate the fact that this posting is now over 19,000 views. When we got back on July 19, this was at 206 posts and 8,879 views. Glad there is continued interest. It was fun, BOTH . . . being on this great cruise and to do the postings as we traveled. Keep up the comments and sharing. Don't be shy if you have any questions.


Enjoy! Terry in Ohio

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Terry, thank you very much for this report. We are tempted to take a Baltic cruise, so we are looking for the offers. Your report has giving the incentive that I needed, those pictures were awesome. I'm also tempted with the Silver Cloud, as we would like a more customized cruise, the only problem is that we have a 5 years old daughter that always travel with us and even if she is used to cruise, in the last one (Disney) she preferred to stay on board while we were to ports, which it worked fine for us, I don't think that we can compete with Mickey (we have to bribe her with the monkeys in Gibraltar in order to get her to the Rock). Anyway, I saw only one little girl in your pictures and I'm conscious that this is a cruise that is not marketed for families with little ones, so I might take another cruise line, but wanted to tell you that I was amazed with your pictures and trip recount.

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Terry, thank you very much for this report. We are tempted to take a Baltic cruise, so we are looking for the offers. Your report has giving the incentive that I needed, those pictures were awesome. I'm also tempted with the Silver Cloud, as we would like a more customized cruise, the only problem is that we have a 5 years old daughter that always travel with us and even if she is used to cruise, in the last one (Disney) she preferred to stay on board while we were to ports, which it worked fine for us, I don't think that we can compete with Mickey (we have to bribe her with the monkeys in Gibraltar in order to get her to the Rock). Anyway, I saw only one little girl in your pictures and I'm conscious that this is a cruise that is not marketed for families with little ones, so I might take another cruise line, but wanted to tell you that I was amazed with your pictures and trip recount.


As duct tape correctly noted, these types of places do not really attract many children. That one super cute girl was with her parents from Belgium. She was super well behaved and nice. The big "secret" was that three of her grandparents were traveling along as a part of the extended, total family. That type of larger grouping gave it a different dynamic and I am sure made things work much better than your circumstance might be. Much depends on your family travel style and your daughter's interests. This Norway Coast cruise is more focused on nature/landscapes/outdoors. Without other kids on the cruise and no children programs offered by the ship, it might not be the best "fit". Much depends on you and her, what works, what flows, etc.


THANKS for the nice comments on the pictures and these reports! Much appreciate and very kind. I hope you do this trip. It is very special and super scenic. Whether this area of the world works now or later with your daughter is hard for me to judge without knowing her exact interests when traveling with her parents. Let us know any other questions. Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For lots of interesting details, great visuals, etc., from our July 1-16 Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. Don’t be shy and feel free to ask any questions of interest. This posting is now over 19,500 views. Appreciate those who have “tuned in”.


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As duct tape correctly noted, these types of places do not really attract many children. That one super cute girl was with her parents from Belgium. She was super well behaved and nice. The big "secret" was that three of her grandparents were traveling along as a part of the extended, total family. That type of larger grouping gave it a different dynamic and I am sure made things work much better than your circumstance might be. Much depends on your family travel style and your daughter's interests. This Norway Coast cruise is more focused on nature/landscapes/outdoors. Without other kids on the cruise and no children programs offered by the ship, it might not be the best "fit". Much depends on you and her, what works, what flows, etc.



Thank you Terry. I suppose that I can take my daughter' s two granmothers and one great-grandmother with us, but then, it won't be a vacation for me...Sorry, couldn't resist.

Love your picture of the four of you spelling OHIO. I lived in Centerville for 4 years and have a lot of friends on the Miami Valley area, great place.

Thanks again.

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Hi Terry, really enjoyed your pictures. Did not realize it was a cruise ship harbour while I was wandering in that area in Copenhagen back in 2007. I walked from the royal palace to the waterfront ( opposite the opera house across the canal ) turned left and passed by small docks for yachts and maersk head office building, and finally reached the little mermaid, did not notice any cruise ship terminal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know it's buried somewhere in the 15 pages, but didn't find it in reading the first four. I decided to ask for the link and save myself some time! We're doing a Norway cruise next July (12 nts. on Celebrity Constallation), and I'm interested to learn more about the country. Pictures are worth a 1,000 words, as they say!

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I know it's buried somewhere in the 15 pages, but didn't find it in reading the first four. I decided to ask for the link and save myself some time! We're doing a Norway cruise next July (12 nts. on Celebrity Constallation), and I'm interested to learn more about the country. Pictures are worth a 1,000 words, as they say!


scandun: Hi Terry' date=' really enjoyed your pictures. [b']Did not realize it was a cruise ship harbour[/b] while I was wandering in that area in Copenhagen back in 2007. I walked from the royal palace to the waterfront ( opposite the opera house across the canal ) turned left and passed by small docks for yachts and maersk head office building, and finally reached the little mermaid, did not notice any cruise ship terminal.


duct tape: There is no cruise terminal building along the waterfront where the ships dock. I think it is more pleasant .


THANKS for the nice comments on the reports and pictures!


For Suncitygaltx' date=' I am happy to share much more on Norway. [i']Are you most interested in its history, countrysides, economy, Royals, nature, etc.???[/i] Below is a little of what I posted from my pre-cruise research. Since we also visited Oslo in 2008, we have seen lots of Norway, plus in having both lunch in May, 2008 and a long phone conversation this year with the former US Ambassador to Norway, it has given me lots of added background for many aspects for this very interesting country that has had huge wealth since oil started coming on-line from the North Sea.


Don't often, if ever, catch duct tape missing something, but below are a couple of added pictures on the somewhat hidden and being-restored portside facilities where we docked in Copenhagen. It's there! I was on the roof of the building that is covered with a garden, plantings, etc. That does kind of hides it. Nice to have that photo proof for that building and working being done there now. With all of the construction and other activities, I'm sure many missed what's going on there. It's a nice, handy, beautiful place from which to board in Copenhagen. I assume many more ships will be using this location when they are all done upgrading it.


Let know what other issues of importance about Norway will be helpful and/or if there are some specific visual of interest to save you digging through all of the reports.



POSTED JUNE 18, 2010: Getting More Detailed Norway Info/Background

Before doing our 2008 Baltics/Russia cruise (that had a stop in Oslo), I was able through a friend to set-up a lunch with former U.S. Ambassador to Norway who served 2001 through November 2005. He is a Europe history “buff” and gave me great insights on Norway, St. Petersburg, etc. This week, I placed a call to him and we talked at length yesterday about his ideas and suggestions on what to see and do along the western coast of Norway.


His quick summary: “The western coast is the most exciting and more dramatic area of the country.” He made a strong point of how deep are these fjords and what the British did during World War II in going up these fjords to sink German ships, etc. He rated the Sognerfjord as the most beautiful in Norway. He detailed the beauty and interests in Bergen, including its great history as key trading partner with the medieval Hanseatic merchants group from Germany.


Farther up the western coast, he noted that the beauty of the Lofoten Island (“very dramatic”) is extremely unique and special. We have two different stops in these islands. Many of the top people in Norway like to vacation there and have “huts” there (that are much larger and grander than just the term “hut” implies). In Tromso, there is a famed Polar Institute that had a director (just retired) who is an Ohio State University Ph.D grad. At Hammerfest, he went through the history of how the Germans burned down this complete town at the end of WWII (except for one small church) and that it now has a large natural gas liquefying plant that supplies the U.S. and other countries.


He said we might see some of the offshore oil production along this coast. They have done this since 1969-70 without any troubles or problems. This oil wealth has sparked Norway’s recent prosperity. Most of the oil operations are based in Stavanger in SW Norway (we do not stop there for our cruise). Norway is in top ten in the world as an oil producer, exceeding what come from Kuwait, Nigeria and Libya. Its production is just below what comes from Mexico and Venezuela.


July is the month in Norway when most residents take their vacations.


As Ambassador, he got to know the Norway King well. King Harald V has held this position since January 1991 and is very popular. Officially, the King has no direct powers . . . BUT, he chairs a weekly (Friday mornings) Council of State meeting in Norway that equals their government Cabinet meeting. The current King started attending these Council meetings at age 21 in 1957 with his father. The King has only the right to “inform, advise and warn”. Since, however, this King has so much knowledge of the country and its governmental operations from over these many years, his “warnings” can be important and are carefully considered. During WWII when the Germans occupied Norway, he lived in the U.S. as his father and grandfather led the government-in-exile from London. He went to the public schools in Bethesda, Md. During a U.S. visit in 2004, the King was at the White House and the President ask him what it was like to return to return to his country after that war exile. The King said he left his country as only a three-year-old and did not really remember Norway at that young of an age. So, “going home” for him was totally different than what most experienced during that period and was a unique kind of emotional experience for him. The King is an Oxford grad and is an avid sailor (being an Olympics participant and winning championships). The German occupation was harsh on Norway and the former Ambassador gave me added historic details on how that strong resistance played a role and impacted during the war.


Norway hosts each December the Nobel Peace Prize awards and he gave me added details on those events, including in 2002 with former President Jimmy Carter winning the honors. Many celebrities also attend these events, including famed actor Sir Anthony Hopkins that year.


Norway has been a close partner of the U.S. on energy and world security issues. It was interesting to have these various insights from the former Ambassador about Norway. I thought it would be helpful to share with those along on this exciting cruise.


Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For lots of interesting details, great visuals, etc., from our July 1-16 Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. Don’t be shy and feel free to ask any questions of interest. This posting is now nearly at 21,000 views. Appreciate those who have “tuned in”.




These two visuals show the Silver Cloud being loaded and boarded in Copenhagen next to the famed Gefion Springvandet Fountain and St. Albans Anglican Church. Construction was on-going in July 2010 to upgrade these portside buildings to use this handier location more for cruise ships.:








Here is the view as we approached the Silver Cloud at the pier with the large Gefion Springvandet Fountain in the foreground.:






For departing Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, we had lunch on the terrace. This is the visual to our right of others enjoying this spectacular dining with the view overlooking the Gefion Springvandet Fountain and St. Albans Anglican Church.:



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Terry--just enjoyed your cruise photos/blog and must say that by far, you are the best photo poster/blogger on CC I have had the pleasure of finding. I've never posted a live blog before, and was having issues uploading photos, but a tip in your other thread helped me to realize an important step I had overlooked. Finding an iPad app to store/upload the photos was the first step, then cut and paste the direct link, and it worked.


Thanks again for all your hard work and dedication to making a cruise photo journal for all of us to enjoy.


Happy cruising....Joanne

I AGREE 100% WITH Joanne59......!!! sHa_okay.gif

Your pictures and your descriptions are AMAZINGLY, INCREDIBLY FANTASTICLY FABULOUS......!!! sHa_thumbsup.gif

SERIOUSLY, YOU ARE award_1.gif!!!

Where are you traveling to next.....??

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  • 2 weeks later...

I AGREE 100% WITH Joanne59......!!! sHa_okay.gif

Your pictures and your descriptions are AMAZINGLY, INCREDIBLY FANTASTICLY FABULOUS......!!! sHa_thumbsup.gif

SERIOUSLY, YOU ARE award_1.gif!!!

Where are you traveling to next.....??


duct tape: Terry' date=' I saw the building. Since we did not have to enter or leave the ship via a building, IMHO it currently does not exist until it is functional! [b']Yes, semantics.[/b]


THANKS to Suesan Jean for the super nice comments on the pictures! Plus, the cute little dancing items/figures, etc.


For duct tape, it is kind of "semantics". Interesting term! We didn't use that building, but, it will be used more for the future once they are done with the construction work on the upgrades for more passenger uses. This is a nice and handy/location as a closer place for boarding, having lunch on the back deck while waiting to sail away in this charming and great city.


This posting is now over 22,000 views. Appreciate those who have tuned-in, had questions or comments. Don't be shy. Let us know any interests, especially for those planning future Silver Cloud sailings and/or travels along the wonderful Norway Coast.


Enjoy! Terry in Ohio

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Terry, I've complimented you so many times in the past for your wonderful photos that I have lost track where I have not commented.


I love the photos you have taken of your Silversea trip, especially everything that shows the aft area of the Silver Cloud. If it were not for the smoking issue on Silversea, I'd love to book the smaller ships just to hang out on that aft deck!


Thangs again for always providing us with such terrific pictures of your travels. :)

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We had a wonderful cruise through the med last month and I was able to grab a few good shots. While cruising, I posted to a live food blog along the way. It was so much fun, I decided to continue after we returned home. Thanks to everyone on all of these picture taking threads for inspiring me to get so much more out of my cruises through the joys of photography and writing. Now that I've started, I may never stop.




Here is a shot of a town along the Amalfi coast. We were on the ferry between Salerno and Capri. What an incredible place to visit.



Happy cruising....Joanne

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  • 2 weeks later...
Terry, I've complimented you so many times in the past for your wonderful photos that I have lost track where I have not commented. I love the photos you have taken of your Silversea trip, especially everything that shows the aft area of the Silver Cloud. If it were not for the smoking issue on Silversea, I'd love to book the smaller ships just to hang out on that aft deck! Thanks again for always providing us with such terrific pictures of your travels. :)


joanne59: We had a wonderful cruise through the med last month and I was able to grab a few good shots. While cruising' date=' I posted to a live food blog along the way. It was so much fun, I decided to continue after we returned home. Thanks to everyone on all of these picture taking threads for inspiring me to get so much more out of my cruises through the joys of photography and writing. Now that I've started, I may never stop. [/quote']


THANKS for both of these nice comments! YES, a picture is worth a thousand words. Love that great Amalfi Coast that Joanne showed. I have gotten lots of great ideas and tips from what others have posted on these boards. It has helped so, so very much in our cruise planning. Happy to return the previous "favors" by sharing more. Am now in Charlottesville, Va., with our first grandchild, Calum, a darling boy!!! One month old. My first time seeing and holding him. Great fun with more exciting times to come. That makes a new "competition" versus future cruise planning. We have, however, a number of future places on our "wish list". Just need more time and money.


These postings are not over 23,200 views. Appreciate all of those who have "tuned in". Don't be shy. Let me know any questions or comments. For Oceans&Rivers, we didn't have any smoking or odor problems on the aft deck during our early July cruise. I don't like smoking and I would have noticed if it was an issue or problem. Keep the good times rolling! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...



Thank you, very much for taking the time to post your wonderful trip report. I just found this from a link on the Crystal Cruises board!


I found it particularly interesting to read about your experiences and thoughts on the SILVER CLOUD as we sailed her to the Baltics during her first year. I recognized the fitness center as being an original observation lounge. The SILVER CLOUD was the perfect size for docking close to the Grand Hotel in downtown Stockholm and across the street from the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. This may not be possible anymore due to the increase in cruise ships over the years.


I enjoyed your notes and thoughts on Norway as I lived there for six years in the '80's. It was the best place I ever lived and I miss the food especially at Christmas (Jul).

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Terry, Thank you, very much for taking the time to post your wonderful trip report. I just found this from a link on the Crystal Cruises board! I found it particularly interesting to read about your experiences and thoughts on the SILVER CLOUD as we sailed her to the Baltics during her first year. I recognized the fitness center as being an original observation lounge. The SILVER CLOUD was the perfect size for docking close to the Grand Hotel in downtown Stockholm and across the street from the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. This may not be possible anymore due to the increase in cruise ships over the years. I enjoyed your notes and thoughts on Norway as I lived there for six years in the '80's. It was the best place I ever lived and I miss the food especially at Christmas (Jul).


traveler916: Super Job. I was going to simply say "wow" but someone already beat me to it. Great job' date=' super job and thanks for taking all the time you did in posting all of the pictures and info. superb! [/quote']


THANKS to both of you for the super nice comments and feedback on the pictures and postings! Much appreciated.


From Aramis1932, I am glad to hear of your early, early experience on the Silver Cloud in 1994. We were on our cruise with individual who sailed on that ship for its third cruise. A number of those on our cruise had been on the Silver Cloud many times prior and helped better enjoy this cruise. Their experiences and tips helped much. Great history with this ship!!! To some, it's an "old" ship. My view is that it is a "very classy lady". The Silver Cloud has real character and a wonderful feel. It's not the latest for gimmicks and fashion/design tricks. Just solid, very nice, etc. You are right with its smaller size, it can dock in handier locations and smaller ports. Where your ship docks does depend much on how many or how few other ships are in port that day.

Lots has changed in Norway since your living there in the 1980's. Oil has changed their economy in many different ways. It's hard to imagine living in northern Norway during the winter months when it is dark 24/7.


Enjoy! Terry in Ohio

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