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Vantage River Cruising Roll Call- any destinations


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Looking forward to our 12-9-2010 Vantage River cruise on the Christmas Markets Along the Danube with 3 night pre-cruise in Prague.


Have previously done the following river cruises with Vantage:

---Russian Waterways

---Egypt & the Nile: Land of the Pharohs

---Eastern Europe & the Black Sea

---China & Yangtze River


We love all our trips. China & Yangtze Rive was our favorite!!!!!

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Let adds to the "roll call". Going on the Vantage Eastern Europe & the Black Sea trip which leaves August 30th. But we are doing the pre tour to Translyvania which means our flight goes on August 26th. I keep checking My Account and they have us listed on two flights, both leaving from Tampa. One is United and one is Delta. Guess they will pick what ever is the best price for them. Better do it soon as it's only some 47 days to go. Really don't care which airline we go on. Maybe I will give the flight department at Vantage a call the end of next week. I would think they have to print out all our documents soon. Willard

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Let adds to the "roll call". Going on the Vantage Eastern Europe & the Black Sea trip which leaves August 30th. But we are doing the pre tour to Translyvania which means our flight goes on August 26th. I keep checking My Account and they have us listed on two flights, both leaving from Tampa. One is United and one is Delta. Guess they will pick what ever is the best price for them. Better do it soon as it's only some 47 days to go. Really don't care which airline we go on. Maybe I will give the flight department at Vantage a call the end of next week. I would think they have to print out all our documents soon. Willard

Willard see you have posted on several threads and giving good info. Seeing your location we are snowbirds in your area from N.J. How is good old Largo?? Heard you had rain on the 4th.

Reading the thread maybe you saw we leave tomorrow on our first GCT some advice thur the CC has helped us make a few decisions.

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Looking forward to our 12-9-2010 Vantage River cruise on the Christmas Markets Along the Danube with 3 night pre-cruise in Prague.

We love all our trips.

Thank-you so much robthens for setting up the Vantage River Cruise Roll Call. We are taking the 11/10/10 Castles Along The Rhine And Danube embarking in Amsterdam. This is our very first river cruise although we've been lusting for one for several years. Although it will be cold, we couldn't resist the great price (as opposed to the more desirable weather prices;)). I guess they give the date of the cruise as the day you fly across the pond. We will be taking the 2 night post trip extension in Budapest.

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Finally, somebody wants to talk about Vantage. I'm taking my first Vantage trip Nov.2, Danube Odyssey from Nuremberg to Budapest. I've been on 6 GCT river cruises and loved them all. Just couldn't pass up this good deal on Vantage and anxious to try out a new company. Trouble is I can't find much information on Cruise Critic about Vantage. Hopefully more people will respond on this thread.;)

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Let adds to the "roll call". Going on the Vantage Eastern Europe & the Black Sea trip which leaves August 30th. But we are doing the pre tour to Translyvania which means our flight goes on August 26th. I keep checking My Account and they have us listed on two flights, both leaving from Tampa. One is United and one is Delta. Guess they will pick what ever is the best price for them. Better do it soon as it's only some 47 days to go. Really don't care which airline we go on. Maybe I will give the flight department at Vantage a call the end of next week. I would think they have to print out all our documents soon. Willard


Willard, we loved our pre-trip to Translyvania (truly an adventure into another time and place). I recommend you read The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. It is a suspenseful historical/fiction novel. It peaked my interest in learning as much as possible about the real Dracula/Vlad the Impailer.

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Looking forward to our 12-9-2010 Vantage River cruise on the Christmas Markets Along the Danube with 3 night pre-cruise in Prague.


Have previously done the following river cruises with Vantage:

---Russian Waterways

---Egypt & the Nile: Land of the Pharohs

---Eastern Europe & the Black Sea

---China & Yangtze River


We love all our trips. China & Yangtze Rive was our favorite!!!!!

Well, here goes my contribution to the new Vantage roll call endeavor. We have taken 3 trips with them: "Switzerland and the Heart of the Rhine"-this cruised the Rhine and the Mosel between Amsterdam and Basel-we LOVED this itinerary. "The Trans-Canada Rail Odyssey"-from Vancouver to Toronto-you have to take this one to believe it-be sure to do the pre-extension in Vancouver to enjoy all it has to offer! June of 2010 we did the Danube Odyssey with the pre in Oberammergau and the post in Vienna. Up coming trips include: The Canadian Maritimes in Oct 2010; The Windmills of Holland and Belgium in April 2011; The French Waterways in Sept 2011. Needless to say we love Vantage-we were introduced to them via a friend who had done 20 with GCT and a few with Vantage and after the 1st one we were hooked. They might seem a little expensive upfront but when you consider what is included they are well-worth their price. The hotels they use are wonderful and being able to speak to the River Navigator and the River Odyssey they are impeccably maintained. The program managers and the crew are very special and well-chosen ambassadors for this company. Still have several areas that we want to travel to while we remain healthy and will always be looking forward to each new year with Vantage...Valerie

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Valerie - We loved the China/Yangtze trip with Vantage - did it in 2007. Here a 38 photos from our trip. I think China is a must for all travelers. Willard



Somehow I managed to load them backwards. On the site at the top right click on slideshow. When it comes up, at the bottom click on reverse. It starts with the shot of a Panda. Hope you can pull it up.

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To my fellow Vantage Roll Call members who are not on my sailing:p;):D:

Check out this wonderful review of the Castle sailing.

Makes me even more excited!

Having recently done the Danube Odyssey and having cruised from Amsterdam to Basel previously is was very enjoyable to view these wonderful photos. Somebody really did a grand job putting it all together...Valerie

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I wanted to put my trip on the count down but the River Navigator boat isn't listed. Anybody have any ideas about that?:confused:

Then when I go on my Vantage site and look at the Air Itinerary, they have me listed for two different flights going to and coming from Europe. They have us booked on Delta all the way and then below they have a completely different Air France flights. Like why would they book us twice? I wrote to them, but waiting for an answer. :confused:

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Hi Carhut - We are scheduled to leave August 26th on Vantage's Eastern Europe & The Black Sea. Have been watching "My Account" on the Vantage site re: flight schedule. Started back in August when we booked with United flights - Tampa to Dulles to Frankfurt to Bucharest...coming back Budapest to Frankfurt to Dulles to Tampa. Then two filght schedules showed up United and Delta. Delta was Tampa to Kennedy to Prague to Bucharest. Back was Budapest right to Kenndey to Tampa. Then only on (United) showed up. Then back to both and finally (I think) on the Delta flight. Really does not matter just so we get there and back. I just called Vantage beginning of this week and found out the the Delta was the one we go on. I am sure they go with the best price - Don't really care which one. Learned to just roll with it. This is our 4th trip with Vantage and getting used to these duel schedules. What ever works is ok with me. Not packing yet but thinking about it. Willard

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Thanks for your reply Willard. So I guess it's not unusual for them to make a couple of different reservations and then in the end go with the best price. I kind of thought that would be the answer. I'm still waiting to hear from them on the matter though. The form email said I'd hear within 2 days. Your river cruise will be here soon. We leave on Aug. 28th for an Alaskan cruise. Our Vantage cruise isn't until Nov. 2. I'm excited about both cruises even though I've already been to both places and seen it before. Did Eastern Europe on GCT a few years ago. A little different, but interesting.:)

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We have noticed that on the "group" airline tickets that Vantage arranges the seat assignments are not always made/posted on our air travel page.


I prefer the window. (DH the isle). On the 3 seat configuration, I hate being in middle and DH likes it even less. We also don't want to be near a bathroom. The "crying babies" are usually in the bulk head row.


We always call the airline direct and make our own seat assignment or change to our preferences. We then can arrange the window/isle on (2) seat configuration. On one leg of our upcomming flight, the configuration is 3-5-3. We are going to go with 2 isle on the same row.

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We have noticed that on the "group" airline tickets that Vantage arranges the seat assignments are not always made/posted on our air travel page.


I prefer the window. (DH the isle). On the 3 seat configuration, I hate being in middle and DH likes it even less. We also don't want to be near a bathroom. The "crying babies" are usually in the bulk head row.


We always call the airline direct and make our own seat assignment or change to our preferences. We then can arrange the window/isle on (2) seat configuration. On one leg of our upcomming flight, the configuration is 3-5-3. We are going to go with 2 isle on the same row.


Don't you just hate the 3 seat configuration? I have tried 3 times to be really smart :rolleyes: on these trans-atlantic flights and book the aisle and the window. Who would want to sit in the middle between 2 strangers on a long flight? My brilliant idea is always ruined. Usually it is a cruise line that will book their employees at the last minute in those awful seats. Regardless, I've learned my lesson;)~~these days flights are just about always full.


The day I get my flight information, I register online and try to change my seats (at least moving forward a bit). After receiving our air this time I called Vantage to ask if I could at least upgrade to the bigger seats (not even first class) and was told they don't do that:(! Oh well, the end result will be great:).

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Lynne & Mitchell;)


We tried on our last trip to use our "miles" to upgrade to business class.

It was a no because the travel companies get "special" rates which are can not be combined with "miles". We didn't want to be out additional $.


When we are in a 3 seat configuration, I almost hold my breath until that 3rd person claims his/her seat. Of course, I'm in the middle. DH has to have the isle. No offense to anyone, but I'm always fearful that a 500lb person will have that seat.......or someone who has been on a 2 week hike and hasn't had a bath.


Truthfull, we have always been lucky.


When we were traveling from Egypt on Egypt Air, my bro & sis -in-law

were in the seats in front of us. The seat infront of bro-in-law was broken and wouldn't stay in the upright position. The man who occupied the seat keep complaining that his seat was being bumped & it was.

The two men + the air marshal type person were trying to resolve the issue. I sacrificed and traded places with my bro-in-law and only bumped the man in front when absolutely necessary. LOL Egypt air & food is the pits. Egypt on the other hand is amazing.

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Lynne & Mitchell;)




When we are in a 3 seat configuration, I almost hold my breath until that 3rd person claims his/her seat. Of course, I'm in the middle. DH has to have the isle. No offense to anyone, but I'm always fearful that a 500lb person will have that seat.......or someone who has been on a 2 week hike and hasn't had a bath.



I was convinced that the person sitting next to me on our last European flight was a Unabomber. He was really spooky looking. :D

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We bring our own noise blocking head phones on the flights. They have improved our "quality of life" in economy class.



Speaking of head phones and Vantage....Really enjoy the head phones the Vantage tour guides use. I love to hear as much as possible from the tour guide, but I hate to have to be right in front of his/her face in order to hear. The head phones system that Vantage uses works great!

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This will be our first River Cruise, Starts October 1st, Budapest and ends October 12th in Bucharest plus 4 night Transylvania & Hidden Romania

We are arriving in Budapest 3 days early to tour on our own.

Would really like to hear from anyone else on this tour or even anyone who has taken this same tour.

Thanks for any info you could provide.


Don & Patty


2010 Ft Lauderdale via Panama Canal to Vancouver - Princess

2009 Baltic Capitals from Dover to St Petersburg - NCL

2008 Istanbul to Barcelona - NCL

2007 Eastern Caribbean - NCL

2005 Alaska - NCL

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Hello Don and Patty. Writing this from Largo, Florida. Wife and I are leaving August 26th but doing your trip in reverse. Starting in Transylvania and ending up in Budapest. Plan to post some sort of review when we get back. 29 days to go for us. Have emailed both castles (Peles and Bran) in regards to photos without flash and both answered that permits can be bought - about $10 each. Same for the Peoples Palace in Bucharest. So keep that in mind if you want to shoot photos there. Also I would recommend you take some extra wire clothes hangers for the boat. There are 5 different kinds of money you will need. Not sure if each will take dollars or euros...will take both and if needed hope to find an ATM machine. Any questions, email me at WillardWKrieble@ij.net.

Regards, Willard

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Hi Don & Patty,

We are on the same river cruise, and the same post trip to Transylvania. This will be our 1st river cruise, and our 4th trip with Vantage. We are from Indiana. Have you booked any of the optional tours? Looking forward to meeting you soon. We're getting excited.

Jan & Tom


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Hi Jan & Tom


We are really happy to hear from another couple on our same cruise. Also really looking forward to our first River Cruise and meeting you.


Vantage has us on the Wait List for the 4 night Transylvania Extension, but not yet confirmed. Are you confirmed for the Extension?

However our return flight is booked for October 16th, so the odds are very good we will get confirmed.


Vantage told me they have no info or price regarding the 2nd day optional tour to Sighisoara. They said our on board program manager would arrange it if enough interest. So I went on line and found a local Brasov Tour company that will do a private tour for 2 people at 100euros each ( and am sure much less, per person, for 4 people) Would you like me to send you that info??


Also we are booked on British Airways,out of Miami, all the way going and coming back. I went on the Airline website and changed all the Vantage assigned seats to better seats.


As mentioned before, we arrive in Budapest 3 days early and are planning our own tours there.


If you like, I can send you my e-mail address and we can talk off line.


Bye for now Don & Patty

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Vantage has us on the Wait List for the 4 night Transylvania Extension, but not yet confirmed. Are you confirmed for the Extension?

However our return flight is booked for October 16th, so the odds are very good we will get confirmed.

Don & Patty,

I suggest you keep calling Vantage re: the "wait list" for Transylvania.

I know, listening to Frankie gets old. As much as I like Vantage, their wait list doesn't always work as it should.

Keep us posted.

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