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Give the people from Puerto Rico a break!!!


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[quote name='Aldeya']Where is in my short comment did you find that I said that announcements on the ship SHOULD NOT be in English and Spanish? I never said that.

I understand perfectly that having passangers from different countries requires announcements in different languages.

What I DID say and I still stand corrected that one of the requirements of having an american citizenship IS an ability to speak and ungerstand English. At least it was when I was taking my citizenship exam many years ago.[/QUOTE]

They did not immigrate to the US they were born in the US. The language of their island is Spanish. Just like Guam where they speak their native language as well. Most of them speak more English than I speak Spanish. Therefore, the requirement to speak English is not a requirement since they are American the moment they are born.

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[quote name='Heidict']

When people from PR come to the US to live they often move into areas where there is a large if not mainly PR population. Everyone there, including the shop owners and neighbors all speak spanish. Therefore it is very easy to live in this county even with very little knowledge of english.[/QUOTE]

When we lived in CT my next door neighbor, an educator born and raised in Ponce, was responsible for hiring teachers from PR to teach in the Hartford school system. It was felt at the time that it was better to teach kids in their native language.

It may be easy to live here but opportunities are limited for those not fluent in English I would think.
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[quote name='bpear1600']When we lived in CT my next door neighbor, an educator born and raised in Ponce, was responsible for hiring teachers from PR to teach in the Hartford school system. It was felt at the time that it was better to teach kids in their native language.

It may be easy to live here but opportunities are limited for those not fluent in English I would think.

You are right. It is much easier for them to have a basic knowledge in english and to be able to interact with other people in the english language. Without it they won't be able to move up in their jobs and what jobs they do find are limited.

My MIL has been in America for over 35 years and has learned english. But she is more comfortable speaking in spanish because she is not fluent in english. Part of this is because when she first came here she lived in NJ in a neighborhood that was predominently spanish and she did not need to speak english. Now, when ever she has questions on a bill or needs to fill out paperwork she always has either my SIL or myself do it because she is not that strong in english.

I'm not sure if they are doing that in the classrooms anymore. It wouldn't be surprised if they did though. I think it is good because it gives the kids a chance to continue to learn in their own language and then at the same time learn english. But on the other hand it can delay their learning of english.
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NYNEWFIES and NORMA: I am not at all offended and neither am I THAT old, lol. I think life is short and it's all about choices. I choose to make the most of this time and have as much fun as possible as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. I am still here in Brooklyn....can't leave my kids and grandkids who are still all in the NY area. The great thing about getting older is you learn how prioritize and ignore unimportant things.
As for bargains that they may get in Puerto Rico, may I say that being the maven I am on getting bargain travel prices, I can assure you that on airplanes you won't find two people who paid the same price for the flight unless they booked together.
You guys are all great. Go cruising and have fun.
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As it states above I am from England. I am sailing on AOS in December. I am really looking forward to the fact that my Explorer cruise from Miami last November may feel totally different because AOS will have a latin feel. This I hope will really give me a sense that I am not just doing the RCCL 7 day formula cruise which is great but it would also be nice to have the AOS cruise stand out as different. I am looking forward to the chance to have a latin beat running through the ship I think it will be great.

When I was much younger in 1980 and took my first trip on a land based holiday to Jamaica, it took some getting used to, why? It was a culture shock and not from being with Jamaicans. The resort was full of americans and canadians and the british were in a very low minority. The differences between our stateside friends and the english were very noticible even though we spoke the same language (almost!). We found the US and Canadian citizens very loud, very direct and ready to join in with anything which was a joy to watch as that is what most british people do watch. We did however go home wondering if we wanted that kind of experience again as some of the stuff we saw seemed very ill mannered however I am glad to say that we did take other land based vacations where our transatlantic friends were in the mjority and we feel we gained a lot from the experience of mixing with another culture, and soon realised that US people are generally very well mannnered its just from the different culture it took us a second trip to realise it wasn't rudeness just cultural differences.

Please please don't flame me. I am trying to show that you can misjudge a culture and if you invest in patience you can in fact learn to appreciate the differences greatly.

I always say wherever you go you will meet people who paid more or less than yourselves for the vacation. It is what you were happy to pay at the time you paid it that is important, you felt it was value to you at that time so don't sweat the differences, monetary or cultural.

I feel like I have given a lecture I didn't mean to, but I kind of got emotive about this one.

On a lighter note does anyone know the name of the bar on orient beach the hispanic US citizens go to, to let loose and dance and have a party as I would love to be there???

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Are you serious that to be a resident of the US you have to speak English? (or immigrants as was said earlier?)

Where the Airport is here in Vancouver , it's in a city called Richmond. A full 50% of the population there is Chinese. Mostly Chinese signs on everything (no english) and I would say more than 50% of those don't know any word in English except for "Yes"

eg. . .

Do you Speak English? - "Yes"

Can you tell me where "X" is? - "Yes"

You don't have a clue what I'm saying do you? - "Yes"

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I just returned from the 1/30/05 sailing of the AOS. We found the comments on this page about the rudeness of the people from Puerto Rico is be true. We have sailed on the the AOS several times now and I must say it was much worse this time. We will not be sailing from San Juan again. We are also having second thoughts about Royal Caribbean and we are Crown and Anchor members.

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I loved sailing out of San Juan but then again my hubby was born there and I'm quite familiar with the latin culture.


Might I make a suggestion?


For those people who would like to sail the itinerary that the AOS does but have an issue with sailing with those from Puerto Rico - it's simple - just don't sail at "off" times - you know, when the prices are better. Sail during the more popular sailings and it's less likely that rccl will be discounting it (for everybody)

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Remember - it's all a matter of perspective.


I just laughed out loud when I recalled the tour guide we had in Old San Juan telling my hubby that the "locals" hate it when the ships arrive and unload the 2000 "crabs" who fan out and take over their city like they own the place for their 8 hours in port.

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Hi Dalwhitt! Do you rememember me? I remember you even though we never actually met in person...LOL :)

I took a picture of the girls too.

Wasn't that just the best cruise?


Off topic.....I see by your sig line that your next cruise isn't until 11/05...you're slippin'...thats a long time between cruises! :D



Yes, Mszkitty, how could I forget you? It was a wonderful cruise. I DID cruise on Jewel of the Seas last month. Plus I sailed on Pride of Aloha right after our AOS cruise, less than three weeks later. I can't wait for my November cruise on Sapphire Princess (another group cruise, about 25 people). But I do have other vacations planned, including Disney in April and Las Vegas in June. And I will likely throw another little trip in there just to keep things different. But only two cruises this year ... darn!

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I couldn't agree with you more MszKitty. I was born in Cali, then moved to a small town in southern Oregon then to Connecticut when I was a teenager. I did find that in my small town in Oregon people where much more friendlier and outgoing. I think that it had to do with the small town atmosphere though.


Now Conn is totally the opposite of it. I'm starting to notice that I have been taking on this "new england attitude" recently and am doing what I can to correct it. I think it just comes from a faster paced lifestyle. Everyone is in a hurry and they feel that everyone just better get out of their way and not speak to them. Too bad. Life is much nicer when people are more friendly and courteous to each other.


When I go back out west for a visit I see such a huge difference. You walk into a store in Cali and the sales people are nice to you and are willing to help. Here, I have had sales people ignore me, give me dirty looks cause I'm interupting their personal phone call and treat me like I'm bugging them just cause I wanted to shop in a store that THEY WERE WORKING at.


Now, on to the Puerto Ricans. I love them (especially my husband!!;) ). We were fortunate enough to spend 10 days in PR prior to our cruise on the AOS. We had and amazing time. No problems what so ever. The cruise was wonderful and their were no problems.


Now I know that there was someone who was on the same cruise as I and was complaining about the latin music, the spanish language and the fact that the Puerto Rican's had a conga line going on at the pool one day. So???????? They were there enjoying their vacation same as everyone else and if you are going to let something as small as that bother you then it would probably be better to take a cruise out of Florida or better yet, stay in America and go to Yellowstone or something.


On of the best things about cruising is being able to meet people from different countries and cultures. If that is something you are not looking for then you might want to do a little bit more research before choosing your next vacation.



Heidi, great E-mail. I must disagree (slightly) about Connecticut folks. It isn't the fast pace. They are just out and out cold people. We have met very few "nice" people here after five years. We hate it and won't stay in this place for much longer. And when you tell them about it, they just shrug their shoulders and say, "That's the way we are in Connecticut." Well, if you know it then why not do something about it? At my work place, that's the main reason for people leaving. Most of the people at my job come from other places around the country. But they can only take so much of Connecticut and then have to leave ... even if they will make less somewhere else with not as much prestige. It is truly sad that a beautiful state like Connecticut is made ugly by people who just won't make an effort to be nice.

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Everything is in Spanish and the locals do take over the ship.....yes, we still had a good time but the espanol was enough for me!!!!!


In November...1600 plus locals and 12 US residents....enough said!!!!!!


People are afraid to stand up but I agree with you i had the same experience and I agree with you regardless of what most of these people say.

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Originally Posted by sgttami

Everything is in Spanish and the locals do take over the ship.....yes, we still had a good time but the espanol was enough for me!!!!!


In November...1600 plus locals and 12 US residents....enough said!!!!!!

People are afraid to stand up but I agree with you i had the same experience and I agree with you regardless of what most of these people say.


Let me get this straight, so me, living in Vancouver and all other Vancouverites who might take an Sailing to Alaska should refrain from sounding Canadian because the visitors might not like it?


For pete's sake, it's where you visit and THEY are the locals and YOU are the visitor. Do you think it would be valid for French people on a sailing out of Boston to compain about the Americans that 'take over the ship'? And their crazy English language with the Boston accent?

Why is it that if it's not your way then it's unacceptable?

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People are afraid to stand up but I agree with you i had the same experience and I agree with you regardless of what most of these people say.


Why do you think people are afraid to stand up? I don't think they are afraid to stand up. Most people think the AOS and the locals are just fine.

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Yes, Mszkitty, how could I forget you? It was a wonderful cruise. I DID cruise on Jewel of the Seas last month. Plus I sailed on Pride of Aloha right after our AOS cruise, less than three weeks later. I can't wait for my November cruise on Sapphire Princess (another group cruise, about 25 people). But I do have other vacations planned, including Disney in April and Las Vegas in June. And I will likely throw another little trip in there just to keep things different. But only two cruises this year ... darn!






Well...alriiiighty....I thought you were slipping in your travel duties...lol

Too bad it wasn't Disney in June and Vegas in April....I'll be in Vegas in April. We could have met....again....LOL For my birthday, Hubby bought two tickets to see Rod Stewart at the MGM Grand 4th row center on April 2.


Dalwhitt...Could you email me? I have a question about being a group leader on a cruise. I've lost your email address.

msz-kitty-@-aol (remove the dashes)

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Remember - it's all a matter of perspective.


I just laughed out loud when I recalled the tour guide we had in Old San Juan telling my hubby that the "locals" hate it when the ships arrive and unload the 2000 "crabs" who fan out and take over their city like they own the place for their 8 hours in port.

But I bet they don't hate the money that those 2000 "crabs" leave behind.

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Oh my, how true about the "north eastern" factor...I would not take a cruise out of there even if you gave it to me!!!


You want pushy and noisy, get yourself near a group from "Joisy", or worse yet, Condo Commandos from Florida!!:) :)


Yikes indeed



Hey Zelda...............Where are you from, So we can all make fun of you.

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Heidi, great E-mail. I must disagree (slightly) about Connecticut folks. It isn't the fast pace. They are just out and out cold people. We have met very few "nice" people here after five years. We hate it and won't stay in this place for much longer. And when you tell them about it, they just shrug their shoulders and say, "That's the way we are in Connecticut." Well, if you know it then why not do something about it? At my work place, that's the main reason for people leaving. Most of the people at my job come from other places around the country. But they can only take so much of Connecticut and then have to leave ... even if they will make less somewhere else with not as much prestige. It is truly sad that a beautiful state like Connecticut is made ugly by people who just won't make an effort to be nice.


Where are you from?

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What about the Jew's from NY & Boca????


Do they make you crazy as well???


They can be very loud and quite rude.


Then of course there are thoses other Europeans...all they seem to do is smoke smoke smoke.....


And while where at it, how about those gays????

blah blah


This is a bad subject.... Its a big world out there ...People need to be much kinder to each other...if not stay home cuz I sure dont want to see you on a cruise.

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But I bet they don't hate the money that those 2000 "crabs" leave behind.


Ocean Boy - Boards show that in Key West the locals also hate the cruise ship industry. I think it's that way in all tourist towns. People love the money it generates, but hate the overcrowding and tourists.....

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This is a bad subject.... Its a big world out there ...People need to be much kinder to each other...if not stay home cuz I sure dont want to see you on a cruise.


And if they don't like the people where they live maybe they should move back to where they came from.;)

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