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is anybody considering Not flying to get to your cruise?


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Then let them quit - just as the TSA and everyone up tells us we don't have to fly, they don't have to work at a job they find objectionable. I quit a job once because of the company's unethical practices - it's doable and I have more self-respect for having done it. Yes the economy is bad and jobs are scarce and, let's face it, it's not like the skills involved in security gate monitoring are high in demand elsewhere - but on a very deep level, people who stay in jobs they object to are demonstrating they are willing to compromise their ethics. So no, they do not get my sympathy - like all of us, they are exactly where they choose to be. Again, this is not intended to be inflamatory or disrespectful. JMHO


Really? Let them quit? That's sensitive of you. Jobs aren't exactly falling out of the skies these days. Goody for you that you walked away from a job you weren't comfortable doing; that's admirable. But what if you need to support a family, put food on the table, and there just isn't another job out there.


There are some TSA agents I would criticize individually because of the reports I've seen. But right now ALL agents are being demonized and ridiculed and that is simply not fair. Damning an entire group because of the behavior of some is what I see an unethical.


I would agree that some agents have done some pretty outlandish searches, but not everyone is getting manhandled. Perhaps the TSA just needs to train its people better.


I'm not debating the issue of enhanced pat downs because personally I don't like anything about it. That said, I don't want terrorists to be successful in bringing a plane down either and anyone who thinks that's not possible just isn't paying attention. This is not a joke.


If we don't like the procedure the TSA is following now, the blame should rest a little higher up the ladder than the agents at the gate.

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Guess what Joanie.... you're not the only person with metal in your body and many pax are disabled but don't go on and on about it. Or tell stupid jokes to security agents. You could easily have ended up in jail as well as inconvenienced a lot of other travellers.


Yes I'm snarly and tired of holier-than-thou postings especially after the misinformation you've posted lately.


I am quite aware NOW that I could have ended up in jail. When we are young we ALL have done stupid things or said stupid things. None of us are angels. BUT this was more than 30 years and I Learned from that mistake.


I also am tired of Holier than Thou postings and being put through the wringer on what WAS offered to me and those that are in total disbelief to the truth.


If you do not like what I post or disbelieve any of my remarks, observations etc, place me on your Ignore list and you will not have to subject yourself to what I have to say.


Many passengers are disabled and/or handicapped in some way, they also mention it, but I am the one singled out.... Makes one wonder...:rolleyes::rolleyes:


To quote another CC member, "Just Sayin.":rolleyes:



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Strange how things change. Just after 911 we took a red eye from Vancouver to Boston, via Montreal.

In Montreal we were heading for our next flight when a U.S. customs official stopped us, and gave us a form to fill out to say that we had no more than $10,000 U.S. with us. I filled out the form, and since we both had our hands full with bags, I put the form in my teeth, and approached the agent. He took the form, while we were in full stride, and waved us to our terminal. This was the ONLY contact that we had with any U.S. officials, on our way to the ship.


We have never 'had it so easy', before, or since.:)



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Consider not flying to get to the embarkation port? That would mean considering not cruising at all, as for the cruises I take, there's no other way to get there.

The next cruise leaves from Auckland, and ends in Singapore. The one after that is a round-trip from Amsterdam. Even for another Alaska cruise, driving is out, Amtrak or a long-haul bus is not appealing.

It looks like I have to accept the procedures of the TSA. What I can hope (and fervently do hope) for is a change in those procedures before I have to fly again. With the public outcry we're hearing, I think it just may happen.

Will a change make flying enjoyable? No. But it may make it palatable.

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Who would be making the sandwiches?

Interior staterooms = homemade

OV = stop by a deli and pick some up

Suite = catered :D


DW did not grow up in a camping culture either. :(


:D Oh, I grew up camping. We did lots of cross-Canada camping trips. Now that I'm old enough to make my own choices :D I prefer to have a real roof and a real bed when I travel. The only charm a campsite holds for me is the bonfire :) Not enough charm to get me to sleep in a tent, though!

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Consider not flying to get to the embarkation port? That would mean considering not cruising at all, as for the cruises I take, there's no other way to get there.

The next cruise leaves from Auckland, and ends in Singapore. The one after that is a round-trip from Amsterdam. Even for another Alaska cruise, driving is out, Amtrak or a long-haul bus is not appealing.


It looks like I have to accept the procedures of the TSA. What I can hope (and fervently do hope) for is a change in those procedures before I have to fly again. With the public outcry we're hearing, I think it just may happen.

Will a change make flying enjoyable? No. But it may make it palatable.


I am hoping that the outcry from the folks will convince the TSA to make some changes as well.


Mrs Banjo has already told me to NOT plan any overseas travel for the near future, (we could drive or take the train within the US and Canada). She does not want to fly until they calm down and get sensible about the screening.


We both know that air travel will never again be enjoyable but we hope it will at least return to being tolerable. Looks like we will be flying in January, and hopefully they make some changes before then or it will likely be our last flight for some time to come.

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I have seriously considered not flying anymore. We have four ports here in Florida that we can drive to in less that one day. Out of those four ports there are many, many itineraries to choose from. However, if I choose not to fly then it seems that I'm giving in to the terroists and they win!!

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I have seriously considered not flying anymore. We have four ports here in Florida that we can drive to in less that one day. Out of those four ports there are many, many itineraries to choose from. However, if I choose not to fly then it seems that I'm giving in to the terroists and they win!!


I hate to say this, but the terrorists have already won. Just make a list of how 19 terrorists have changed our lives forever. I remember travelling to visit my relatives in Germany in the 70's during the PLO plane hijackings, seeing the army with machine guns at Frankfurt airport, and smugly saying "I'm glad I live in Canada and this will never happen here". Boy, was I young and stupid. You can bet that when the terrorists see what havoc they have created in democratic nations, they know they've won and are laughing. Will this stop me from flying, probably not, but I may start looking more at vacations where I can either drive to or take other means of transportation.

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I wish people cared about their rights when the Patriot Act was being rammed down our throats. That bill did far more to erode your constitutional rights than the TSA ever could.


Let's agree to disagree on this point. The Patriot Act targeted terrorists - this targets citizens.

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I already bought tickets for my trip to FLL in April, otherwise I'd reconsider flying and drive over. I experienced a "pat-down" from a TSA agent about 6 months after 9/11 that left bruises from the pinching and prodding. She kept her hand outside my panties, but it certainly felt like she was trying to perform a cavity search. It was one of the worst things that I have ever experienced and I'd rather not have it happen again. I'm certain that the underwires in my bra set off the metal detector even though the agent insisted that bras can't set it off.


I am now very careful to wear things with no buttons or zippers, a sports bra, and no jewelry when I have to fly. I've still managed to set off the metal detector once even with the precautions, but I refused to have a private screening that time. The agent was more gentle than the previous one, but I don't know if that was simply because she was in public.


I have a friend who got back from an overseas trip on Monday (yesterday) so I asked him about the screening process. He didn't have a problem and went through the body scanner. He said that they were doing a random pat-down search of approximately every 10th person. However, he said they were only pulling 1 man for every 5-6 women. He said that there were male TSA inspectors monitoring each of the luggage scanners and only 1 for pat-downs but there were 4 female agents doing pat-downs. He wasn't sure if that was because the female agents weren't trained to run the luggage scanners or if female passengers were less likely to protest the pat-downs so the agents picked more female passengers. My friend also noted that the agents were very careful not to select anyone with dark complexions for the pat-downs. He watched the agents allow a group of 12 people who were obviously of Middle-Eastern descent go through then pulled aside the first light-skinned person behind them for the "random" pat-down. He said the pat-downs that he watched were "extremely thorough" and the genital areas were definitely being touched through clothing.


I'm against profiling, but if they are doing pat-downs of the 10th person, then I feel that EVERY 10th person, whether male, female, black, white, or brown, should be subjected to the same treatment.


My friend said he thought airport security in Edinburgh was easier than the US. He didn't have to remove his shoes or belt, although he did have to put his jacket through the scanner. He didn't even have to remove his laptop or camera from his bag.

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I would drive every time if possible. I am currently on a flight home from FLL and so wish I was in my car driving instead of flying. Of course, I will be home in another 45 minutes and if I were driving it would be another 14 hours. When I think about that I go back to thinking the hassles of flying might not be too bad. There is good and bad in both and only you can decide if flying is worth it.

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:D Oh, I grew up camping. We did lots of cross-Canada camping trips. Now that I'm old enough to make my own choices :D I prefer to have a real roof and a real bed when I travel. The only charm a campsite holds for me is the bonfire :) Not enough charm to get me to sleep in a tent, though!


Tent? You used a tent? No wonder you don't like camping, no stars at night, just a piece of canvas. :rolleyes:

I will have to admit I'm too old to sleep on the ground again, even with a matress. :o

Cross-Canada sounds great, though. :cool:

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Tent? You used a tent? No wonder you don't like camping, no stars at night, just a piece of canvas. :rolleyes:

I will have to admit I'm too old to sleep on the ground again, even with a matress. :o

Cross-Canada sounds great, though. :cool:


Okay, I'll tell you a secret. But you have to promise to keep it just between you and me, and not tell anyone else :D


At one time in my adult life I was in love with a cowboy. We actually had a vacation planned for a horseback trip into the Rockies (Highwood Pass area) sleeping on the ground, no tent, just saddles and sleeping bags. Thank goodness I found out way too much about him before we actually went on vacation ;)


edited too add: He'd have probably thrown himself overboard if he'd ever gotten on a cruise ship!

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We're driving to cruise on December 13 because I pack too much, but we're turning that portion of the trip into a pre-cruise vacation, since we're taking 3 days to drive from VA to Ft. Lauderdale. We probably will drive to cruise this summer, leaving from NYC, but DH says this is highly debatable. He doesn't want to pay more to park the car than our airline tickets would cost. We plan to go to Europe in 2012, so, yes, we'll be flying, and I'll have to learn to mix and match my clothes better. Or take less. DH says LOL!

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Okay, I'll tell you a secret. But you have to promise to keep it just between you and me, and not tell anyone else :D


At one time in my adult life I was in love with a cowboy. We actually had a vacation planned for a horseback trip into the Rockies (Highwood Pass area) sleeping on the ground, no tent, just saddles and sleeping bags. Thank goodness I found out way too much about him before we actually went on vacation ;)


edited too add: He'd have probably thrown himself overboard if he'd ever gotten on a cruise ship!


Been there, done that. :( The rocks under the sleeping bag grow during the night.:eek: It is good for an early start to the day, though.:p

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........... BUT this was more than 30 years and I Learned from that mistake.


I also am tired of Holier than Thou postings and being put through the wringer on what WAS offered to me and those that are in total disbelief to the truth........................




By my late 20's I pretty much knew not to yell "Fire!" in a movie theater.


To your second point, time to let go of this. We're trying to give you the benefit of the doubt (i.e. you misinterpreted) which could easily and understandably happen. So much better to just leave it at that rather than persist on insisting ...... "Just sayin' ";)




The more I'm reading and hearing, isn't it just better to accept the body scan? The viewer is in another room, they can't see your face ... you're just a very bad picture to them. No one is touching or groping and you're done in a jiffy. From the people I've spoken to, there's nothing to it.


An article in the paper this weekend here in Florida quoted interviews with an awful lot of people who said it really wasn't a big deal. 82% of the people polled, I heard this morning, are fine with it.


Is it possible we're all over-reacting because of the media blitz about this? Yes, there are several horrendous stories, but overall people really aren't that upset. Unless, of course, we're just worried about what will come next ... and that could be a very real concern. Now that would definitely keep me out of the airport!!!:eek:

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Everything depends on what happens over the next few weeks. If this is a really big hassle, if they repeatedly ignore my 4th amendment rights and I have no recourse, then I may swear off flying for awhile. I fail to understand why when I buy a ticket on an airline that I also give up my rights as an American citizen. I have years in the Army, service connected disability and I did not serve to be treated like a felon at the airport.



I couldn't have said it better! Thank you and AMEN!!!

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Okay, I'll tell you a secret. But you have to promise to keep it just between you and me, and not tell anyone else :D


At one time in my adult life I was in love with a cowboy. We actually had a vacation planned for a horseback trip into the Rockies (Highwood Pass area) sleeping on the ground, no tent, just saddles and sleeping bags. Thank goodness I found out way too much about him before we actually went on vacation ;)


edited too add: He'd have probably thrown himself overboard if he'd ever gotten on a cruise ship!


I am impressed.:D ....I am thinking there's no Tiffany's in bear country ....right.?..;)

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Greece does not have a 4th Amendment. We do.


And, please do not include me in the "we" that you keep saying has been "screaming" for tighter security. I want effective security, not theatrics.


Thank you for that, Marsha.

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