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sharing tables at windjammer buffet


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A few weeks ago we returned from a freedom cruise. At the buffet we heard someone asking to share their table, the couple huffed and puffed b/4 saying yes and they sat there eating breakfast w/o speaking a word to one another. very strange! What would u do in this situation? is there a polite way to say no


Great topic, I see you have 100 responses already, but I'll give my 2 sense and read the rest. Almost every cruise its just my wife and I and there are few tables for two. I feel guilty sitting down at a bigger table, so I will frequently see another couple or 4 people sitting at a table for 6 or more and have no problem asking if we can join, usually sitting on an end out of the way. When we sit at a big table because nothing else is open, we sit together and keep our stuff close to us so anyone would feel comfortable asking if the space was available. If we see someone from our meet and mingle, or someone we have otherwise met on the cruise, and they are looking for a place we will offer ours. If we are nearly ready to leave and we see a group looking for a table, we will mention we are about to leave.


I'm not normally that outgoing and probably would never do the same in for example a mall food court, but I'm so happy to be cruising, I usually look forward to having a good time and helping others do the same.

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My family and I eat most, if not all of our meals in the WJ, not the DR, because we're not into the whole "strangers dining together" thing. So we always make sure we sit at the proper sized table in the WJ so nobody will attempt to sit with us. It's just not our thing.


If somebody asked, I would probably say we were waiting for more people to join us. It isn't that we're mean, we just go on vacaction to spend time alone together, not with people we don't know.

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I do understand that it was very busy in the WJ, however I guess we will have to agree to disagree. While no one "owns" these tables, I just find it rude to sit with someone at a table if they don't want you to. As I said, I definitely would have offered a seat to someone in a packed WJ, but if I request someone NOT to sit with me, I would appreciate it they respect that.


Yes, we'll agree to disagree and I certainly would not sit with you if you asked me not to. But, this family had reserved only two seats, they were nowhere in sight, and they did not return to that table for 10 minutes after I sat down there, and they had not been fetching their food, because they had none when they returned to the table. IMHO, expecting to hold a table you are not using, in a crowded Windjammer, is not polite. I still say that reserving two places does not entitle you to an entire 4-top table.


Would you have had me stand around with my breakfast getting cold until they returned and then ask them? Would you have shouted at me when you did return to the table? Would you then have ordered me to move, when I was half-way through my meal? I'm sure you wouldn't. I'm also sure that this family was far more rude than I was.

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My family and I eat most, if not all of our meals in the WJ, not the DR, because we're not into the whole "strangers dining together" thing. So we always make sure we sit at the proper sized table in the WJ so nobody will attempt to sit with us. It's just not our thing.


If somebody asked, I would probably say we were waiting for more people to join us. It isn't that we're mean, we just go on vacaction to spend time alone together, not with people we don't know.




I agree with you. But why don't you just request a table alone for your family in the main dining room before the cruise. You can also get it changed on the first day of the cruise -right when you board, check out the dining room and get it changed for a table with your family alone.


Some of us hardly spend any time with our families at home as it is. We want to spend the vacation with them over a food table. Not to mention the awkwardness in a place like the Windjammer to share a table when you are having some conversation or discussing something, and gets slowed down by "where are you from, how is the cruise, etc etc etc"

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I agree with you. But why don't you just request a table alone for your family in the main dining room before the cruise. You can also get it changed on the first day of the cruise -right when you board, check out the dining room and get it changed for a table with your family alone.


Some of us hardly spend any time with our families at home as it is. We want to spend the vacation with them over a food table. Not to mention the awkwardness in a place like the Windjammer to share a table when you are having some conversation or discussing something, and gets slowed down by "where are you from, how is the cruise, etc etc etc"


I've cruised with RCCL 14?? times, I have always asked for a "Small table" in the DR, so far we have never gotten one!!! We just kinda said forget it, we arn't picky about food anyway, and we are way too busy to sit for 2 1/2+ hours eating when there are so many other things to do.:)


We actually like the WJ, my kids like picking their own foods to eat, my 6 year old loves the fact that he can have strawberry banana crepes for dinner if he wants to (he loves watching them make those crepes), and my 14 year old eats all the Asian stuff, so we're good in the WJ, at our own private table.;)

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I've cruised with RCCL 14?? times, I have always asked for a "Small table" in the DR, so far we have never gotten one!!! We just kinda said forget it, we arn't picky about food anyway, and we are way too busy to sit for 2 1/2+ hours eating when there are so many other things to do.:)


We actually like the WJ, my kids like picking their own foods to eat, my 6 year old loves the fact that he can have strawberry banana crepes for dinner if he wants to (he loves watching them make those crepes), and my 14 year old eats all the Asian stuff, so we're good in the WJ, at our own private table.;)


Thats funny here I never care and usually always get put at a small table in 10 cruises my wife and have a table for 2 twice and then it was us and the 2 kids we always got a table for 4 . Then when we started cruising with my wifes cousin and husband and couple of times with friends it was a table for 4. Go figure.

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I wouldnt mind sharring a table but hubby is really shy. He understands at the MDR we have to share and I know he's a little uncomfortable about it but he deals and eventually will warm up after a few nights with the same people. On the other hand he knows to expect to share in the MDR but he would be really taken back if someone asked to join us in the Windjammer.

When we go to Disney he doesn't even like going through the single ridders line because he doesnt want to sit next to strangers and when we sit on a ride he always wants the end and I sit next to the stranger. If we get stuck sandwiched in between people I can see he is visably uncomfortable. I dont know why he is like this but I love him and I want him to be happy and not uncomfortable, so if someone came up to us I know hubby wouldnt say anything but I know what he would be thinking so I would have to use the suggested " Honesty, we just need to be alone right now, sorry." line.

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Sorry to others that this doesn't bother, but it does me!!!....We have sailed many times with RCI and always look for a table for 2 in the WJ or even the counter space so as not to take up a large table..However on our last 12 night Baltic sail on Jewel at times we had no other choice than to sit at a larger table...some would just sit without even asking..We came back to our table on more than one occasion at lunch after having put down our drinks and silverware to find that it had been taken over (even when there were other tables empty..I guess we shouldn't have chosen a window table) and we would not have even been sitting next to each other...RUDE !!!! I learned very quickly to say we were waiting for others to join us but sometimes that didn't even work..they would sit down anyway and say "We'll move when they come"..We keep our eye out for the two top and will quickly move when one becomes available...Sorry but we prefer to eat alone JOHO and I would never do this to anyone else...we'll just wait patiently until some have finished eating and even talking after finishing when they see others waiting or just sitting there reading their book !!!! EAT and move ON !!!!

I am hearing impaired with a cochler implant. Being in busy places with lots of noice, such as Windjammer, makes it challenging for me to carry on a conversation with someone who knows me. Trying to speak to others who don't know me or perhaps speak a foreign language is very tiring. I agree, we wait for a table for 2 or even go out on the deck to eat. I would love to be able to converse but prefer to be relaxed at the end of a meal. That is why I do not like the dining room in the morning or at noon. Being at a table with 10 people is frustrating. So, We eat & move on to our balcony! If we had a full suite we would be cared for, but alas it is a Jr Suite!

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How difficult is it to share a table for 20 - 30 minutes in the morning? It may only be one time, not everyday and not every meal.

There is seating everywhere; try outside or go earlier when not so crowded.

For total alone have room service.



I agree. If you can't find a table for 2 take your food to a table near the pool where you can be alone. Or, eat at less crowded times or at another venue on the ship. You are only entitled to one seat each in the Windjammer. Passengers are free to sit in any empty seat. Most will look for an empty table. However, on days when the Windjammer is especially crowded(boarding or port mornings), it is almost impossible to find an empty table. On ships where waiters help passengers find seats, the waiters will fill all empty seats. If you don't want to talk to others at your table, you don't have to. But you don't have the right to deny anyone a seat.

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If the WJ is crowded, we would not choose to take the two open seats at a four top but if the end two on a six top are taken and the other four are open, we would ask if they minded for us to sit on the far end. I'm there to eat, not talk and make friends.


We would also look for a table that appears the people are getting near the end of their meal as well. IMO, open seats at a 6 top or larger are open season when crowded and only two are being used. I agree with the above post that you don't own the empty seats.

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I have never had anyone ask to join me/us and certainly would not have a problem with them joining us should they ask as long as there was room, especially on embarkation day.


Last month, on embarkation day, we could not find a seat. WJ personnel turned us away from an area where seats were available and were insisting that people sit in a certain area although there were no tables/seats available. An older couple (older than us anyway) invited us to join them at their 4-top. That is a kind gesture that I have never seen on a cruise.


We were a little miffed as we were leaving that people were being allowed to sit where we originally tried to sit but it was over and done with by then. The rest of the week, we didn't have much of a problem finding a seat even if we had to sit at a table that would seat 6.

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Bottom line - if I have a tray in my hand and the only open seats are seats at a table occupied by one or more people, I will sit there. You don't own the seats and you don't own the table. I certainly will be polite and introduce myself but make no mistake I will sit and eat my food if that's the only available seat. If you want alone time talking with your family, etc. Go to your cabin and shut the door. :-)

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I always let people sit with me in the Windjammer. I certainly don't sit and eat longer than 15 minutes tops at the Windjammer for breakfast or lunch, and I wouldn't begrudge welcoming someone searching fruitlessly for a seat. It's only for a few minutes out of the entire cruise....I think I can find time for other people for a few minutes of my cruise...:rolleyes: Really, I'm always meeting people - at the bar, at the Windjammer, on shore excursions, standing in line...:o It's a highlight, not a lowlight. ;)

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I'm sure we would get along! I was SO mad. Throughout the game she kept pausing like she was going to cry [she couldn't have been older than me and at the time I was 24] and then near the end she was wiping tears. The people yelling at her were older and in a group of 5 or 6 people. All drinking heavily.


I know I will likely get flamed for this but I am going to go ahead and say what I said.


I walked up to her and said "At your age I would think you would've learned some manners by now. Shame on you, you made her cry and she's just doing her job." Then others started clapping and she yelled "F-off" so I said okay, walked to get my then fiancé and went with him to the desk and had members of the staff give them a warning.

Heard later that they were at it again in another bar. People are just mean sometimes!


I wanted to talk to the crewmember and apologize for their behavior, but another crew member was already consoling her.




Also as a side note. Please don't say cruising can't be romantic, or that you can't have a fun time for 2 on a big ship! Its easy to be alone together in a crowd if you just focus on each other! We dine at a table for 2, go to shows and speak to each other and not our row of people, wander the ship together, enjoy our balconies together and go to the spa together. I can't wait for our trip on Oasis this December, we will have a blast, JUST the 2 of us.


We live in a very crowded city of millions, go to very crowded events at times and can definitely give each other our undivided attention either way. My friends will tell you I am quite social, enjoy spending time with others...but when I CHOOSE to.


Anyway, to each their own, I'm glad everyone has their own methods of enjoying cruising.


@Frito58, I joined the roll call for our upcoming cruises this year [first time since I only recently found this webpage] and I can't say for certain if I will go, would still like more info as to what goes on during them. I know the hubby won't as I am sure he will be sleeping in if its in the morning.


Oh also, the cruise this year on Enchantment will be with friends and not the hubby! He has too much work to take off for that long, so see even some of us "loners" can have some social capacity sometimes!


Is that all you did ???????? An your hubby gets embarressed ?????? *LOL*


I was walking around another department waitiong for my DW to make her purchases . The "make up artist/salesgirl" made a very cruel remark about the young lady she had just waited on in front of DW after she walked away , saying it to her like DW would think it was funny too.


All i know is I hear my wife yell "NO I am not that girls mother I just think that was a terrible thing to say , If I was her mother I would have already jumped over this counter and knocked you on your anorexic a**. "


I got to a the counter in time to watch DW walk past the security guard who was coming to check it out . She waved him off saying "Put your tazer away Blue Knight, I am leaveing anyway."




From your last post , you are quite abit younger than myself. But there used to be an old commercial with the tag line "My wife , I think I'll keep her" :)


Well somedays :)

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Bottom line - if I have a tray in my hand and the only open seats are seats at a table occupied by one or more people, I will sit there. You don't own the seats and you don't own the table. I certainly will be polite and introduce myself but make no mistake I will sit and eat my food if that's the only available seat. If you want alone time talking with your family, etc. Go to your cabin and shut the door. :-)

"Tray":confused: If you have a tray in your hand.."Where did you find one of those" in the WJ ??

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My preference is to dine with the people I'm travelling with, whether it's DH or friends. But, since I know that the WJ can be very crowded at peak times, I take my chances on being joined by strangers if I'm at a table that holds more than my party. I wouldn't dream of putting stuff all over the chairs to discourage somebody from asking to join me. Making somebody wander around looking for a table while their lunch grows cold instead of just sucking it up and letting them join me for a little while is my idea of rude.


I see nothing wrong with doing this at a table for 4. As I said before, we don't like eating with strangers, and we don't linger. We move out so the table can be used. We wait our turn for a table, so I would expect the other passengers to do the same. I would never ask to join a stranger's private dining space; to me THAT'S rude.


On embarkation and debarkation days it's another story.


I don't know why it's different on a cruise ship than any other restaurant..........I would say no to someone asking to share our table in a commercial restaurant, too.


I don't consider this rude.

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You are only entitled to one seat each in the Windjammer. Passengers are free to sit in any empty seat. But you don't have the right to deny anyone a seat.


New rules?????? Or, your rules????? :confused:


Never knew this to be true before.

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I've cruised with RCCL 14?? times, I have always asked for a "Small table" in the DR, so far we have never gotten one!!!


That does seem to be hit or miss, I've never been offered a table for two until this cruise when the rate dropped I got the rate drop and the CSR asked me if I wanted a table for two while she had me on the phone.

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I wonder how many people who put jackets, towels and whatnot on empty chairs in Wndjammer, or lie and say "they are waiting for someone " when asked if the seat is available, are the same people who cry "Selfish" and "ME ME ME generation" about people who hog lounge chairs, don't dress on formal night , smuggle liqour, and smoke (even in smoking areas ).

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It isn't that we're mean, we just go on vacaction to spend time alone together, not with people we don't know.


I had been thinking that those from the city would be more prone to sharing, but I guess everyone is different.


We've had couples decline our offer in a packed WJ to join us at a table with empty seats, as they continued their search, full plates in hand, for their own table.


Some couples just want to be alone.

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As far as we are concerned, if the WJ is full and one or two couples is occupying a six top, we always ask whether we can join them.


Occasionally, people are selfish and say no. Happened twice that nobody joined their table - I just stared and stared and they became uncomfortable and left.


This is a buffet we are talking about - no-one has purchased the right to more than one chair and table:D:D - at peak times, occupying empty seats is a priority for the cruiseline. Its just a matter of courtesy to our fellow human beings in our view!!


If anyone is selfish enough to expect others, many elderly, to stand around while they have empty seats at their table, well they are just showing themselves up!!


In Theatre parlance, its bums on seats at peak times.


I think its RCI's fault in the first place - the MDR should be open for lunch EVERY day 12.30 - 2.00 pm - that gives an option for all.

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We go to the Windjammer because we don't care to share a table with strangers. If anyone were to ask to share our table I would just say "sorry, no thank you" and leave it at that. If they feel I'm rude, so be it. I will never see them again. I wouldn't dream of walking up to a table and asking to sit down, intruding upon their breakfast or lunch. There are always people coming and going in the Windjammer. Wait a couple minutes and a table will open up. I don't feel there is any reason to ask someone if you can share their table. I would rather take my food to the pool area, or even back to my room, instead of asking someone if I could share their table. In my opinion, the askers are the rude ones, not the people already sitting at the table if they say no.

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We go to the Windjammer because we don't care to share a table with strangers. If anyone were to ask to share our table I would just say "sorry, no thank you" and leave it at that. If they feel I'm rude, so be it. I will never see them again. I wouldn't dream of walking up to a table and asking to sit down, intruding upon their breakfast or lunch. There are always people coming and going in the Windjammer. Wait a couple minutes and a table will open up. I don't feel there is any reason to ask someone if you can share their table. I would rather take my food to the pool area, or even back to my room, instead of asking someone if I could share their table. In my opinion, the askers are the rude ones, not the people already sitting at the table if they say no.


You may like to think so, but no, you are wrong, very wrong!

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