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The most shocking thing....??


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While cruising on the Norway, late one evening my wife and I decided we wanted to do a little star gazing before going to the midnight buffet. The best place to do this is all the way forward and on the top deck as this deck had no lights. We reached the top deck and proceeded to walk to the front. There was a metal structure close to the front railing that had an angled wall and a railing you could sit on and lean back and watch the stars, so we headed that way. As we rounded the corner of the structure we noticed a beautiful young woman already sitting on the railing leaning back in her formal gown. That is when I also noticed someone kneeling in front of her with his head under her dress. The young woman saw my wife and I, let out a little yelp of surprise and quickly tapped her male partner on the head and hopped down from the railing and quickly left.


My wife was not amused when I told her I wanted to to be next in that buffet line!!!!!

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On the same Destiny cruise as the Penis episode, we returned to Miami early for the ship to do some testing. Hubby and I were standing on our balcony around 12:30 am to watch us sail into port, when our very drunk neighbor staggered onto his balcony, and hauled it out and started peeing ON HIS BALCONY. I looked at Hubby and told him how disgusting that was, and our neighbor started laughing and told his buddies inside to pour him another drink....:eek:

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As God is my witness and may He strike me dead if not true:

Picture this...Warm evening after dinner around 9:30 or so we decide to go for a swim and then use hot tub. At the time we are the only folks in the area. Nice swim and head to hot tub. Next thing we know we see a dominatrix and her "slave" in full regalia heading our way. He has studded collar on and a lead with little else and she has the bustier thing going with black stockings and stilettos and a whip in one hand. When they get to the pool she peels of the stockings and shoes and into the water they go. At this time "eating at the Y" commences. In the meantime, a host of young adults (aka teenagers) are gathered on the level above and are taking all of this in! Next thing we know down comes an officer from the bridge who has been tasked with getting them to disperse and the couple to leave! Oh they leave alright but not before she uses that whip on his behind and they run to the elevators!

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As God is my witness and may He strike me dead if not true:

Picture this...Warm evening after dinner around 9:30 or so we decide to go for a swim and then use hot tub. At the time we are the only folks in the area. Nice swim and head to hot tub. Next thing we know we see a dominatrix and her "slave" in full regalia heading our way. He has studded collar on and a lead with little else and she has the bustier thing going with black stockings and stilettos and a whip in one hand. When they get to the pool she peels of the stockings and shoes and into the water they go. At this time "eating at the Y" commences. In the meantime, a host of young adults (aka teenagers) are gathered on the level above and are taking all of this in! Next thing we know down comes an officer from the bridge who has been tasked with getting them to disperse and the couple to leave! Oh they leave alright but not before she uses that whip on his behind and they run to the elevators!



OMG :eek::eek::eek::eek:

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On our last cruise I went to stand at the rail of our balcony on a sea day.


Now, I am very proud when I see our "Old-Glory" flapping in the breeze. I wasn't pleased to look beside me at the next balcony to see a woman standing there without any clothes. The problem was her entire body was flapping in the breeze! :eek:


I guess I'm also one of those that can't shake the disturbing image....




Maybe you should have saluted her!:D

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On embarkation on the Inspiration I got into the atrium elevator on my way to the cabin with my carry on. The elevator was pretty full. Two elderly men got in together talking to each other. The doors started to close and a rather large man stopped the doors and got in. One of those elderly men said to the guy "You can't ride with us. (holding the door open) You put us way over the weight limit." Then he laughed. The large man said "I'll give you a weight limit." The doors shut and the mood in the elevator was tense to say the least.


I thought they must all be together, no one would be so blatantly rude to someone. I found out they didn't know each other. The elder guy was just a nasty jerk.

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We went on our first cruise on the Jubilee back in April of 2001, with another couple of good friends and being from North Carolina, and novices, and not having yet discovered this wonderful thing called Cruise Critic, were dressed for our flight to Tampa based on the cold weather here, and not the 80 degrees in Tampa, so when we boarded the ship, we had long slacks, longs sleeves, wives had on turtle necks, and of course our luggage didn't arrive until after 7.


So in an effort to not miss sail away and still not suffocate from the heat, we ventured up to a higher deck that was behind closed doors, not realizing until we had all taken deck chairs, this was the topless deck, naturally me and my buddy were the first to notice the sights, then the wives, needless to say, we were quickly ushered out by our DW's.



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Britons caught on camera as shots of cruise ship orgy shock Cyprus:


An urgent inquiry was launched in Cyprus last night after an undercover police operation exposed a group of up to 100 tourists, including Britons, taking part in what was described a mass orgy aboard a cruise ship off the island.

The scenes, shown on local TV and described as "debauched", were broadcast after being caught on camera in the police sting. Arrests are expected in the coming days. "These scenes are not just graphic, they go beyond every conceivable limit," the island's deputy chief of police, Sotiris Haralambous, said. "We are talking about 50, 100 people involved in acts of total debauchery. It's hard to even describe."

The still pictures, leaked to the privately owned Mega TV channel and broadcast in suitably edited form, show during the night cruise in international waters off the island. Some revellers are seen nude and taking part in various sex acts; others appear clothed, gawping from around the deck. One man is wearing a T-shirt clearly emblazoned with the words "100% Brummie".

"To say these pictures are shocking is to put it mildly," said an employee at the TV station. "They're outrageous, very wild. Whether dressed or not, it very clear that everyone in them is, how shall I put it, in the mood."


"They're all quite young, under 30, and from the look of it tourists from Britain and Scandinavia," Mr Haralambous said. The unnamed vessel, which is believed to be owned by a foreigner, was skippered by a Greek Cypriot operating on a licence from the Cyprus Tourism Organisation.

The captain was being questioned last night about the trip, which was billed as a £30 night cruise with meal.

Because the scenes took place in international waters, beyond Cypriot jurisdiction, authorities will have to request arrest warrants from Interpol. "The owner obviously knew a thing or two about the law because, as far as we know, these acts did not happen in Cyprus' territorial waters," the police officer added.

But the Greek Cypriot government said yesterday it would not be deterred, particularly as drugs appear to have been consumed on the boat. The scenes had blighted "the good image of Cyprus" and provoked "great shock," the island's minister of tourism and commerce, Giorgos Lalikas, told Mega's primetime news

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Our favorite was on our Sensation cruise a couple years ago. A few guests started a friendly dice game in the hallway near their rooms, which happened to be the hallway adjacent to the elevator. Within an hour, you would have thought the World Series of Dice was going on in the elevator lobby on Empress Deck. The hooting and hollering was ridiculous, but everyone was enjoying themselves. I was expecting Ashy Larry to show up at any moment.


OMG i'm laughing so hard i'm crying at my desk.

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Ok I will tell on myself. The first night of our cruise I got really sea sick. DH went to lay down with me around 6p. Well we thought we'll try to "ya know" before I went to sleep. I was too sick so I just said maybe later. So we're sleeping in the bed naked. Then I realized the outside noise was rather loud. I rolled over to see the hallway gleaming back at me. I woke up DH and was yelling at him to close the door. He said he never opened it. So now we're freaked out. DH wraps the cover around him and goes to close the door. As soon as he approaches it the room steward came up. She admitted to opening the door.


Apparently the room steward opened the door but didn't see us sleeping in the bed b/c it was dark. She said she opens the doors to the cabins and then comes back to clean the room. :confused:


Now the real question is.....how long were we sleeping there before I noticed the door was open?? :eek:


Lesson learned...use the do not disturb sign. And Dramamine is too strong if it can make you sleep through the opening of your door.

Edited by adriennerm
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In June of 2008 we were in the embarkation line for the Splendor. The line was long and wound through ropes. A woman, probably in her late 30s or early 40s was holding her luggage standing just on the other side of the ropes from us. We started hearing a buzzing sound coming from her bag. Her female friend that was with her asked her several times what that noise was coming from her bag. The woman opened her bag to investigate and when she discovered what it was, she burst out loudly so everyone around her could hear "My vibrator is going off." Everyone in the immediate vicinity burst out in laughter. We joked about that the whole trip.

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In June of 2008 we were in the embarkation line for the Splendor. The line was long and wound through ropes. A woman, probably in her late 30s or early 40s was holding her luggage standing just on the other side of the ropes from us. We started hearing a buzzing sound coming from her bag. Her female friend that was with her asked her several times what that noise was coming from her bag. The woman opened her bag to investigate and when she discovered what it was, she burst out loudly so everyone around her could hear "My vibrator is going off." Everyone in the immediate vicinity burst out in laughter. We joked about that the whole trip.


ROFL-copter!!!!!!! Oh, my, that's funny!

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These stories are soooooo funny!


The most alarming thing I've ever seen while cruising was the crew carrying away my bags on the lasst night and then the shoreworkers reloading the ship for the next cruise. The thought of them cruising without me was almost more than I could take. I had always thought they just parked the boat and waited for me to come back. :rolleyes:

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In June of 2008 we were in the embarkation line for the Splendor. The line was long and wound through ropes. A woman, probably in her late 30s or early 40s was holding her luggage standing just on the other side of the ropes from us. We started hearing a buzzing sound coming from her bag. Her female friend that was with her asked her several times what that noise was coming from her bag. The woman opened her bag to investigate and when she discovered what it was, she burst out loudly so everyone around her could hear "My vibrator is going off." Everyone in the immediate vicinity burst out in laughter. We joked about that the whole trip.



Doing a land vacation in Mexico my wifes bag got the red light. The guys had to search her bag and they pulled out her vibrator, looked at it and put it back.

I laughed so hard, she did not think it was funny.


On our last cruise we were checking out of the hotel and the bell man came up to get our bags. He lifted DW bag up and we started hearing the buzzing sound, he could not figure it out and wanted to check. DW knew what it was and quickly took control of the situation. Yes we have our priorities straight.

She got :o

Edited by Luke gs Daddy
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When we first discovered cruising, I was of the same mindset, somewhat. But through observation, I have come to the conclusion that many people will either save for that "once in a lifetime" vacation, or maybe even get a "loan", and that's where the "mixture" of "class" as you call it comes into play. I would imagine some of this "trash" that you speak of probably has to save up for six, or even thirteen years to go cruising.:rolleyes:

But, I have also noted that "money" is not the determining factor in "class" when it comes to the cruising community.



I don't equate being poor with being trash. I seen a bunch of "trash" on my cruises, and I am sure they had no problem finding money to cruise. They were platinum members!

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Oh! Oh! I wanna play...


Ok, I was going to say watching OTHER people's faces (particularly men) when they saw my 6'3" daughter walking around in 4 or 5-inch heels on dress-up night last September on Carnival Dream. Jaws clanked to the floor. (She is very pretty and TALL)...


However, I do recall one evening in the MDR where we were having a wonderful time and then some sort of ruckus started and a passenger told another passenger at another table to "SHUT YOUR HOLE" in no uncertain terms.


Evidently, this person's sister got married that day, and she was scantily dressed and was the talk of that section of the dining room. Hey, if you don't want people to talk about your boobs, then why show them to every Tom Dick and Harry?!

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Doing a land vacation in Mexico my wifes bag got the red light. The guys had to search her bag and they pulled out her vibrator, looked at it and put it back.

I laughed so hard, she did not think it was funny.


On our last cruise we were checking out of the hotel and the bell man came up to get our bags. He lifted DW bag up and we started hearing the buzzing sound, he could not figure it out and wanted to check. DW knew what it was and quickly took control of the situation. Yes we have our priorities straight.

She got :o


LOL! Tell her to take the batteries out and pack them separately from now on!;)

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We were on a Princess ship to Alaska when an elderly man sneezed very hard and his false teeth flew out at least 5 yards. His wife was so embarrassed. We laughed so hard, we couldnt help it.

I laughed out loud when I read this. This is just too funny!!! Great stuff on this thread:D

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We were on a Princess ship to Alaska when an elderly man sneezed very hard and his false teeth flew out at least 5 yards. His wife was so embarrassed. We laughed so hard, we couldnt help it.


I laughed so hard when I read this (I was in first class on a plane) that everyone turned to look at me... I was laughing so hard I cried. OMG how funny.

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Doing a land vacation in Mexico my wifes bag got the red light. The guys had to search her bag and they pulled out her vibrator, looked at it and put it back.

I laughed so hard, she did not think it was funny.


Haha...My husband and I went on our honeymoon to an AI in Mexico, and they searched my bag as well at the airport on the way home. We had gotten some "gifts" from friends, that specifically said "Do Not Open" until we got to the resort. Being that it was our honeymoon, it was all stuff that came from the adult toy store. The inspectors in Mexico made sure that everyone saw that stuff (and they got us quite a variety of things)! My husband and I were laughing so hard. It was a little embarrassing, but I figured I was never going to see those people again. We still talk about that!

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