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Drinking Age


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Look...unfortunately all this moralizing about God and Country and being an adult for some things and not others and drink in some countries but not in others isn't going to change the situation for you or the rules for Carnival or any State in the United States that legally (Constitutionally, it's in their realm) requires a person to be over 21 to buy and drink alcohol. Cruise lines can lose their license to sell alcohol to anyone if found serving alcohol to minors or permitting it to be served to them by non-cruiselines personnel--parents, family, etc.. And you, if caught, may have your privileges, as an adult, revoked, regardless of the logic or moral or seemingly common sense of the arguments you might make. Dems DA Rules!! Want them changed? VOTE! Lobby! Push your State Legislators or the legislators of the States that home port cruise ships, to change the law! Until then, buckle your seat belt/don't text and drive/ and keep the funship special outta your DD's and her BFF's hands! Still want to buy them beer? It's your risk and you are aware of the consequences so if you're willing to accept that then roll the dice.


exactly. imagine carnival having to sail dry because someone wanted their kid to drink.

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ANyway-- the whole issue of alcohol goes to our thinking it is not a drug. I drink so I am not against having a drink. But to give it to 16, or under age it is a legal issue for me You are teaching them to cheat and that it is okay to break the law, Alcohol effects teens way different than older brains. It is a fact so if you cared for your children,16 is a child yet, then don't give them liquor


Providing alcohol to a person under 21 is not always illegal in the United States. It depends on the particular state law. It is perfectly legal in some states for a parent to provide his or her child under 21 alcohol.


Guess what, it is legal in Missouri, the state listed for your location.


Any licensee under this chapter, or his employee, who shall sell, vend, give away or otherwise supply any intoxicating liquor in any quantity whatsoever to any person under the age of twenty-one years, or to any person intoxicated or appearing to be in a state of intoxication, or to a habitual drunkard, and any person whomsoever except his parent or guardian who shall procure for, sell, give away or otherwise supply intoxicating liquor to any person under the age of twenty-one years, or to any intoxicated person or any person appearing to be in a state of intoxication, or to a habitual drunkard, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, except that this section shall not apply to the supplying of intoxicating liquor to a person under the age of twenty-one years for medical purposes only, or to the administering of such intoxicating liquor to any person by a duly licensed physician.


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Thank you so much !! I know my state changed the drinking age when I was 18, and I could buy liquor at the age of 18, then they changed it back to 21. She is going to be with us, in front of us, not in secret...that is better than sneaking and doing it. We will have to talk about all of this before the cruise.


Just a little parent point here - I knew our kids would have drinks underage - we have all been there. Rather than forbidding it (ya that will work) I had 2 rules - you keep your drink with you at all times, even when going to the bathroom (never know when or what can be slipped into it). And call me it you don't have a DD or DD had a few as well - I don't care if it is 3 in the morning. My daughter said one time "But you will be pissed at me" - ya, I will be a little upset but I would rather drive to pick you up than drive to identify you at the morgue. To this day the rule still stands and they are 26 and 23 and know they can call me but now they just cab it. They have even picked us up on occasion.

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Providing alcohol to a person under 21 is not always illegal in the United States. It depends on the particular state law. It is perfectly legal in some states for a parent to provide his or her child under 21 alcohol.


Guess what, it is legal in Missouri, the state listed for your location.






But NOT on the cruise ship. Not talking about Missouri

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Geez, they asked a quetion, about their "Adult" offspring.


You're an Adult in the USA at 18, except to drink, gamble, um what else, oh yeah, book a cruise. But you an sure go to an adult jail. Plus, if your 18 - 23 and on your own, paying your college, housing, food, and even though your parents cannot claim you on their tax forms, you still have to enter your parents income information on your FAFTA.


So, let's look at Ansterdams 18-21 years olds. Got it, good.


To the OP, my DD was 18 on her first cruise. I bought her Alcohol if she wanted, no questions ask. Unlike those who were 18 and had parents who told them "don't drink" and/or sheltered them from reality, she never had the urge to get sloopy drunk.



In California, you can gamble at age 18 in Indian casinos.

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well, this is just my opinion soo.. I have been on both Carnival and RCCL with my daughters who were not 21 but were 19 and 20. I did buy them a couple drinks from the bartender and the waiter who the first time when asked if they wanted a drink, i told him they weren't 21, he just said "you just pay then" I didn't let them get drunk> I think over the 7 days they drank less than 7 total. Knowing it wasn't a big secret they had to hide made it not seem so exciting to get a drink. They are now 22 and 23 so it's not a problem and they still don't drink to much on a cruise or any other vacation. So making the generalization that my allowing them to drink and break the rules is going to make them crazy drug crazed drunks is way off.

I come from a long line of a military family and believe if you can vote, and fight for your country having a drink isn't a bad thing. I'm not saying breaking the cruise contract is right but I'm saying this is how I feel about it.

Go ahead and rip me apart but I'm being honest.

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I didn't read all the posts but were they only planning on drinking in the cabin? What if a employee comes up to them and asks for their id? My dh and I are 26 and 29, have two children and are still carded on the rare occasions we order a drink..

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Not trying to sound preachy here but why would you teach your daughter

1. break the law

2. break the law for her


And I can bet you they will NOT be with you all the time. Just saying


What law is that? Carnival ships are registered in countries where the drinking age is 18.

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I would suggest that you try typing "carnival cruise contract" into Google and reading the first hit. You will find out the answer to your question.




C'mon. People posting here don't know how to use a search engine.

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Cruise lines can lose their license to sell alcohol to anyone if found serving alcohol to minors or permitting it to be served to them by non-cruiselines personnel--parents, family, etc..


Where did you read that little gem?

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But NOT on the cruise ship. Not talking about Missouri


ANyway-- the whole issue of alcohol goes to our thinking it is not a drug. I drink so I am not against having a drink. But to give it to 16, or under age it is a legal issue for me You are teaching them to cheat and that it is okay to break the law, Alcohol effects teens way different than older brains. It is a fact so if you cared for your children,16 is a child yet, then don't give them liquor


I was responding to this statement, which appears to not be limited to a cruise ship in its context. No law other than the cruise ticket contract prohibits it on a cruise ship. If you want to equate a standardized form contract with a corporation to a moral dilemma, have at it.

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I also love when people think that somehow the cruise contract is law...nope it is an agreement between two parties.

You agree to not drink if you are under 21, since the ships are registered in either Panama or the Bahamas the legal drinking age in those countries is 18 but then the corporation is headed out of the US and the age there is 21....things that make you go mmmm.


If it is a moral issue well since the person drinking is not a minor and the person buying is an adult it's not my business, let them deal with whatever reprucussions, if any, come their way.

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drinking age is 21, if you get caught buying alcohol for your kid could have alcohol buying privileges revoked, put off ship, etc. read contract, if you decide to break the rules it is your choice. However, I would think twice about buying someone else's underage child alcohol, heaven forbid something happening to them because they are tipsy, you could be in a lot of legal trouble, and how would you feel if that happened. I would imagine Carnival would take heavier action for that child than your own. I might take the risk with my own almost adult child but never with anyone else's.

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Sad? Cause your mother bought y ou drinks at the age of 16.


My experience with under age drinking or over drinking at any age on a ship is that if you display bad behavior or poor judgement you can affect lots of people. Case in point-- on the last night of our one cruise from 2 am until 5 30 everyone---- EVERYONE was awake ---- because there were two boys missing. Every 15 minutes, over the loud speakers into the cabins, came annoucements. Crew did apoligize, but there were looking for these two boys. All the crew have assignments when this happens, At 5 30 am, it was announced the boys had been found and were safe. We were all happy about that until we heard that this whole event was caused by them hiding because they were drunk and scared they would get in trouble. u think. Needless to say, parents didnt buy it and were quite mad at how they got it. these two were 14 years old. The stupid actions by these two and who ever sold them the liquor caused the entire crew, and passages a miserable last night.


I say it was too bad they didn't have them at the end of the line that as we left the ship we could all tell them what we thought but since they were minors, oh no, they had to be protected.


ANyway-- the whole issue of alcohol goes to our thinking it is not a drug. I drink so I am not against having a drink. But to give it to 16, or under age it is a legal issue for me You are teaching them to cheat and that it is okay to break the law, Alcohol effects teens way different than older brains. It is a fact so if you cared for your children,16 is a child yet, then don't give them liquor


I am twenty two, since I was sixteen my mother allowed me to drink on cruises and wine at Christmas. It taught me moderation so when I left for college all of the other students who weren't allowed to even be around alcohol became binge drinkers, where as I would drink on occasion for the taste not the feeling! You have know idea who I am or how my family dynamic is, so you passing judgment on how I was raised is very rude and uncalled for! My mother allowing me to drink did not teach me to cheat, or as a matter of a fact to lie, steal, or kill. Your stereotyping teenagers shows how ignorant you are!

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My grandson was 19 on cruise last summer, bought him a few beers when he was sitting at the table with us:eek: .... and they didn't throw him overboard:rolleyes::eek:


Thank you, Helicopter !! She will be 19 in July. I know she is still underage, but at least she just wants a beer to drink. It is not like she will be driving her car, that is a different subject totally. She is going to be with a group of adults, and will be watched. It is not like she is going to be with a group of spring breakers that want to wreck the ship, throw deck furniture off the deck. She is not like that at all. She is very responsible for her age. I should have never have asked this question, but she is not like every 18-19 year old. This is not a spring break vacation, it is a family-friend vacation. At least she was honest and did not want to sneak and do this behind our backs. Alot of pros and cons on this subject, and if I had known this was going to be a 4 page response, I would have never have asked this question !!!!! But when kids and teenagers are around other teenagers, that is when you have problems...she is going to be with a group of adults, the oldest being 57. We would never put up with her getting sloppy drunk.

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I am twenty two, since I was sixteen my mother allowed me to drink on cruises and wine at Christmas. What was the point? It taught me moderation really? so when I left for college all of the other students who weren't allowed to even be around alcohol became binge drinkers I wasn't allowed to drink and I don't binge where as I would drink on occasion for the taste booze tastes awful not the feeling! You have know idea who I am or how my family dynamic is, so you passing judgment on how I was raised is very rude and uncalled for! My mother allowing me to drink did not teach me to cheat, or as a matter of a fact to lie, or steal. You started this thread about sneaking booze on.


Sounds like she did teach you to love to drink.



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Thank you, Helicopter !! She will be 19 in July. I know she is still underage, but at least she just wants a beer to drink. It is not like she will be driving her car, that is a different subject totally. She is going to be with a group of adults, and will be watched. It is not like she is going to be with a group of spring breakers that want to wreck the ship, throw deck furniture off the deck. She is not like that at all. She is very responsible for her age. I should have never have asked this question, but she is not like every 18-19 year old. This is not a spring break vacation, it is a family-friend vacation. At least she was honest and did not want to sneak and do this behind our backs. Alot of pros and cons on this subject, and if I had known this was going to be a 4 page response, I would have never have asked this question !!!!! But when kids and teenagers are around other teenagers, that is when you have problems...she is going to be with a group of adults, the oldest being 57. We would never put up with her getting sloppy drunk.



You know what I would like to know OP? I would like to know, out of all those who have lectured you about breaking the Carnival contract, how many of them actually smuggle booze on to the boat or have not spoken up against rum runners. And how many of them speed with their kids in the car. My guess would be many of them.

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I am 24 and get carded every time i order a drink on board (all but the times at dinner where the lady knew I was old enough after the 1st night) If i did not have my ID on me they would not bring me a drink. Simple as that and if you want to take the chance of buying a minor a drink then do so but that would be ur own fault if you get in trouble. It also teaches the kids that it's okay to break the laws/rules and due bad things.

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