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Drinking Age


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I am looking at cruise for my family. 4 ports.

I researched them all as my youngest will be 20 years 9 months at the time of the cruise

& unable to buy his own liquor on the ship.

Every single port has a drinking age of 18. Made him feel a little better...not that he drinks alot...but he thought being able to cruise- meant he can buy his own beer, etc. Had to let him know he cannot cause his S&S card is his correct age...

BTW- he is military.....



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Preach, preach, preach. The real answer is that 999 out of a thousand people who buy for their underage kids have no problem. If that is what you want to do for your kid, go for it. Not like every 18 year old in the world hasn't already drank a beer.

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i was about 19-20 went i went on my first cruise. i had someone buy me a few beers, wasn't a big deal like everyone is making it out to be. just don't hand it to them in the open and don't let them get drunk to the point where others will notice.


newsflash, everyone drinks around that age, most just hide it from their parents. and from reading this thread, you can guess why

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Here's the thing the ship's rules and contract that you agreed to says that the age is 21. They will not sell to your 18 year old, they will sell to you. If you give it to your ADULT child that is up to you in my opinion. You could be asked to leave based on their behavior or it could go totally unnoticed. Only you know your individual ADULT child's personality and tolerance level. I'm not going to judge you as I know how I've treated my own ADULT children on a cruise and don't require anyone else's opinions on what I do with my family;)


The drinking age in many of the ports is 18 so your daughter and her friend will have no issue purchasing on their own should they desire to do so.


Each individual has a different tolerance for drinking and/or potential abuse and someone else's life experience really has little bearing on how another persons life will turn out. Whether you think this question is sad or not is irrelevant.


Judge not, lest you be judged. He who is without sin be the first to throw the stone and all that...gracious folks. As long as all the ADULTS know the potential consequences they can make an informed decision and live with them!

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i was about 19-20 went i went on my first cruise. i had someone buy me a few beers, wasn't a big deal like everyone is making it out to be. just don't hand it to them in the open and don't let them get drunk to the point where others will notice.


newsflash, everyone drinks around that age, most just hide it from their parents. and from reading this thread, you can guess why


if you're hiding it, age is irrelevant. you're not mature enough to be drinking.

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if you're hiding it, age is irrelevant. you're not mature enough to be drinking.

i agree to a point. an individual might be mature enough but as you can see some parents, like a few who have posted, would totally flip out and would not be able to handle knowing something like that about their son/daughter

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no. she said it tasted like it had alcohol in it.


I had a rum and fresca and my daughter thought it was just fresca so she took a huge drink, and spewed it out all over the counter... It wasn't unattended, I was washing dishes she just drinks with me when I have a soda and thought that was what it was. She grabbed it so fast and drank before I could say a thing.


As for OP, I agree, it is up to you to take the chance on the ship to give alcohol to minors.


When I was 18 my parents knew I drank and after graduation offered me a cruise for my grad gift and birthday...I asked could I drink, they said no. So they took me to Cancun for 4 days instead. Now I wish I had gone on the cruise and not worried about drinking, I have very little memory of Cancun:(

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I would rather have my child hve a drink in front of me than behind my back. That's why so many kids die from overdrinking. They do it secretly and everyone present is too afraid to go for help. Kids at college drink. Some alot some a little. Every person my daughter knows at college has a fake ID and that also goes for the people at other schools where her friends go. Anyone that thinks their son or daughter would "never do that" is foolish. Be realistic you judgemental people. I don't agree it's right to "break the law" but I would rather buy a drink for my daughter than have her get one from some stranger. You can go to war and die for your country at age 18 in the USA but God forbid you drink a beer.

I feel bad for the woman who asked the question in the first place. And I can well imagine the responses this will get.

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Sad? Cause your mother bought y ou drinks at the age of 16.


My experience with under age drinking or over drinking at any age on a ship is that if you display bad behavior or poor judgement you can affect lots of people. Case in point-- on the last night of our one cruise from 2 am until 5 30 everyone---- EVERYONE was awake ---- because there were two boys missing. Every 15 minutes, over the loud speakers into the cabins, came annoucements. Crew did apoligize, but there were looking for these two boys. All the crew have assignments when this happens, At 5 30 am, it was announced the boys had been found and were safe. We were all happy about that until we heard that this whole event was caused by them hiding because they were drunk and scared they would get in trouble. u think. Needless to say, parents didnt buy it and were quite mad at how they got it. these two were 14 years old. The stupid actions by these two and who ever sold them the liquor caused the entire crew, and passages a miserable last night.


I say it was too bad they didn't have them at the end of the line that as we left the ship we could all tell them what we thought but since they were minors, oh no, they had to be protected.


ANyway-- the whole issue of alcohol goes to our thinking it is not a drug. I drink so I am not against having a drink. But to give it to 16, or under age it is a legal issue for me You are teaching them to cheat and that it is okay to break the law, Alcohol effects teens way different than older brains. It is a fact so if you cared for your children,16 is a child yet, then don't give them liquor

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The OP's question was regarding her ADULT daughter who is 18 not 16.


I understand your story and no one is saying it is illegal to give drinks to minors or advocating doing so, we are saying if you want to break your contract with Carnival there may be ramifications and it is up to you if you are willing to take that risk.

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Sad? Cause your mother bought y ou drinks at the age of 16.


My experience with under age drinking or over drinking at any age on a ship is that if you display bad behavior or poor judgement you can affect lots of people. Case in point-- on the last night of our one cruise from 2 am until 5 30 everyone---- EVERYONE was awake ---- because there were two boys missing. Every 15 minutes, over the loud speakers into the cabins, came annoucements. Crew did apoligize, but there were looking for these two boys. All the crew have assignments when this happens, At 5 30 am, it was announced the boys had been found and were safe. We were all happy about that until we heard that this whole event was caused by them hiding because they were drunk and scared they would get in trouble. u think. Needless to say, parents didnt buy it and were quite mad at how they got it. these two were 14 years old. The stupid actions by these two and who ever sold them the liquor caused the entire crew, and passages a miserable last night.


I say it was too bad they didn't have them at the end of the line that as we left the ship we could all tell them what we thought but since they were minors, oh no, they had to be protected.


ANyway-- the whole issue of alcohol goes to our thinking it is not a drug. I drink so I am not against having a drink. But to give it to 16, or under age it is a legal issue for me You are teaching them to cheat and that it is okay to break the law, Alcohol effects teens way different than older brains. It is a fact so if you cared for your children,16 is a child yet, then don't give them liquor



A lot of other country's do not have the hangups on alcohol that we do. How many country's have wine in there dinner table for all? I believe kids should be taught responsible drinking. And it should be taught by the parents. All kids will try it at some time. I think a parent can give there child a drink if they choose. If you make something taboo or a big do not do, and scare the kids. They will want to do it and then will prob do it to excess. And then they will be afraid to cal you for help and get in the car they shouldn't or hide etc. instead of calling for help.

Burying your head in the sand won't stop it. It will just make things worse.


Op, I would not risk giving the 18 years old drinks on the cruise because of the possible repercussions.

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First off - I am a drinker (not big time). Both of our children drink - both are of age - both have over indulged on occasion. The drinking age here is 19 but when cruising a few years back they were not 21 but legal here - we would buy them the occasional drink disscretely and did not feel we were parents who should go to hell for it. When at port they bought their own but again only a couple. The time that really sticks in my mine was when we were at an AI in Cancun our daughter was 21 our son was 18 (legal there) and they decided to drink through the menu as his initiation - we went to bed. The next morning (1PM) they tip toed out to the beach, with sun glasses on, ball caps, towels wrapped around themselves - eased into lounge chairs and laid there for 3 hours before they dared to move. Needless to say, I think that was the last time they ever overdrank to that extent. Those who taboo having a drink totally have to realize that the kids will do it just to say they did and may do it with people who don't know limits or do it too quickly and before the buzz hits they have alcohol poisoning not knowing how quickly it can happen. So - my final answer is - buy them one occasionally but not supply them the whole trip and only if they are 18 or older (MY OPINION ONLY). They would join us in a small glass of wine, champagne etc at family celebrations when they were young but usually had one sip and that was it

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I would rather have my child hve a drink in front of me than behind my back. That's why so many kids die from overdrinking. They do it secretly and everyone present is too afraid to go for help. Kids at college drink. Some alot some a little. Every person my daughter knows at college has a fake ID and that also goes for the people at other schools where her friends go. Anyone that thinks their son or daughter would "never do that" is foolish. Be realistic you judgemental people. I don't agree it's right to "break the law" but I would rather buy a drink for my daughter than have her get one from some stranger. You can go to war and die for your country at age 18 in the USA but God forbid you drink a beer.

I feel bad for the woman who asked the question in the first place. And I can well imagine the responses this will get.


You are so right, she is 18, and we will be watching her every move. It is not like she is going to get sloppy drunk. She is a very responsible 18 year old. We are going to be with her, and watch her every move. At least she is doing it in front of all of us, not doing it secretly ! We all were young once and underage. We are not trying to break the law or anything like that. You are right about buying your daughter one than some crazy boy. It has its pros and cons. You sure can go to war and die for your country at the age of 18. We lost alot of good men who voluntereed to go to war and they did not come home and died at the age of 18. It is not like she is going to be drinking liquor all day long, just a beer once in a while. Thank you

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First off - I am a drinker (not big time). Both of our children drink - both are of age - both have over indulged on occasion. The drinking age here is 19 but when cruising a few years back they were not 21 but legal here - we would buy them the occasional drink disscretely and did not feel we were parents who should go to hell for it. When at port they bought their own but again only a couple. The time that really sticks in my mine was when we were at an AI in Cancun our daughter was 21 our son was 18 (legal there) and they decided to drink through the menu as his initiation - we went to bed. The next morning (1PM) they tip toed out to the beach, with sun glasses on, ball caps, towels wrapped around themselves - eased into lounge chairs and laid there for 3 hours before they dared to move. Needless to say, I think that was the last time they ever overdrank to that extent. Those who taboo having a drink totally have to realize that the kids will do it just to say they did and may do it with people who don't know limits or do it too quickly and before the buzz hits they have alcohol poisoning not knowing how quickly it can happen. So - my final answer is - buy them one occasionally but not supply them the whole trip and only if they are 18 or older (MY OPINION ONLY). They would join us in a small glass of wine, champagne etc at family celebrations when they were young but usually had one sip and that was it


Thank you so much !! I know my state changed the drinking age when I was 18, and I could buy liquor at the age of 18, then they changed it back to 21. She is going to be with us, in front of us, not in secret...that is better than sneaking and doing it. We will have to talk about all of this before the cruise.

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You are so right, she is 18, and we will be watching her every move. It is not like she is going to get sloppy drunk. She is a very responsible 18 year old. We are going to be with her, and watch her every move. At least she is doing it in front of all of us, not doing it secretly ! We all were young once and underage. We are not trying to break the law or anything like that. You are right about buying your daughter one than some crazy boy. It has its pros and cons. You sure can go to war and die for your country at the age of 18. We lost alot of good men who voluntereed to go to war and they did not come home and died at the age of 18. It is not like she is going to be drinking liquor all day long, just a beer once in a while. Thank you


Look...unfortunately all this moralizing about God and Country and being an adult for some things and not others and drink in some countries but not in others isn't going to change the situation for you or the rules for Carnival or any State in the United States that legally (Constitutionally, it's in their realm) requires a person to be over 21 to buy and drink alcohol. Cruise lines can lose their license to sell alcohol to anyone if found serving alcohol to minors or permitting it to be served to them by non-cruiselines personnel--parents, family, etc.. And you, if caught, may have your privileges, as an adult, revoked, regardless of the logic or moral or seemingly common sense of the arguments you might make. Dems DA Rules!! Want them changed? VOTE! Lobby! Push your State Legislators or the legislators of the States that home port cruise ships, to change the law! Until then, buckle your seat belt/don't text and drive/ and keep the funship special outta your DD's and her BFF's hands! Still want to buy them beer? It's your risk and you are aware of the consequences so if you're willing to accept that then roll the dice.

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