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NCL butler - what's the normal performer job expectation?


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I really miss getting the newspaper delivered in the mornings. I used to order a British paper as I found them to be really amusing. I wish they didn't stop that but they did. i guess I will have to settle with a daily Soduku & Crossword puzzle.


I never thought to ask the butler to bring the daily Soduku puzzle! Would that be appropriate? What a treat! It's one of the few things I miss on a cruise. I know I can go to the library and get them, but by the time I look presentable enough to go get one, I've finished with my morning coffee and ready to enjoy the other shipboard offerings.

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I never thought to ask the butler to bring the daily Soduku puzzle! Would that be appropriate? What a treat! It's one of the few things I miss on a cruise. I know I can go to the library and get them, but by the time I look presentable enough to go get one, I've finished with my morning coffee and ready to enjoy the other shipboard offerings.


This is great... I'm going to surprise DH with it on the next trip.:D I also will try to see if this time they will have his bucket o beer waiting on ice for him when we get to the cabin. Asked for it with the pre-concierge last trip and none of the things I asked for were done but this one I really wanted to have for him.:(

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I never thought to ask the butler to bring the daily Soduku puzzle! Would that be appropriate? What a treat! It's one of the few things I miss on a cruise. I know I can go to the library and get them, but by the time I look presentable enough to go get one, I've finished with my morning coffee and ready to enjoy the other shipboard offerings.


I agree that would be awesome! You sound exactly like me!



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We have only cruised once with NCL and it was in a Suite. I am feeling that we were really fortunate to have the butler we had. Although we never really asked for too much, he never made us feel like we were bothering him either. In fact at one point he saw me getting things at the buffet as a snack to take to our room and told me he could have gotten me the items and was not real satisfied with my answer that I did not know what I wanted until I looked. Besides, the walk could do me some good. He did seem to anticipate our needs with snacks and such. There was one time that we asked for something in the evening, I think it was a DVD, and another butler brought it so I can confirm that the butler does get off duty every now and then and a night butler fills in.


I had no clue that the concierge was responsible for the butler. She was decent too but we did not use her for much besides priority tender and disembarkment. I have to admit though that I did not know that she did all of the behind the scenes things such as the little invitations to things. The funny thing is that she seemed to pop up everywhere. I was convinced she was stalking us because every time I turned around she was there saying "Good Evening, Edmond Family".


The steward though just seemed amazing to me. I can't recall his name but he had been in the cruise business for something like 40 yrs. I only hope that I am that pleasant at his age but suspect if I was cleaning up after people I would not be. He seemed to anticipate our every need and my daughter loved all of his towel animals. By the end of the week we had an entire zoo. We actually tipped him higher than anyone.


The whole experience was awesome. When we were planning out next cruise I sat my husband and daughter down and said based on our options of cost and dates we could cruise we could only get two out of the three of their wishes. The options were different ship, different destinations or a suite. Both my husband and daughter immediately said the suite was the most important thing. We are going on the Star again but this time to the Mexican Rivera and this time a Penthouse suite (last time was a Family Suite).


I always learn something new on CC. You guys are the best.

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This is an interested thread. We love suites with NCL but probably don't use the butler and concierge as much as we should. I thought I'd give an example of what not to do. We love the Garden Villas but a few years ago our poor butler was run crazy by the family in the other GV. He'd be in our GV and constantly getting calls such as:


1. I'm at the main pool and forgot my sun tan lotion, please bring it down to me

2. We need more towels at the pool, please bring them

3. Constantly during the day he was getting chocolate milk for one child and called about a half hour later to get a special milkshake for another child ... and so on

4. We forgot how to turn on the piano, we want to show our friends how it works. Please come immediately.

5. They had every meal in their GV plus were traveling with other family not in there and invited quite a few up there to eat with them. He told me one day they had 16 for breakfast (6 inside and 10 at the outside tables.)

It just went on and on....


I think they wanted a slave and not a butler. Our butler was wonderful, but all the other suites, including ours, were short-changed by these people taking up so much of his time. I always wondered how much (if any) they tipped him.

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I've read a few times on here about the butler not wanting to bring you your meals in the room. Can't you just order room service if that's the case?


We ordered room service a few times and it was still brought to us by our Butler. In suite meals is part of the suite perks so if someone tells you no you can always direct your concern to the hotel director.

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I ordered pizza on the Peal in the Haven and when I called room service they asked if I wanted my butler to bring it. I said just get it to my room . . . the butler called me back and by that time I wanted a bottle of Malbec, so it worked out, but really I don't need a butler to bring me $5 room service pizza. Especially if it will delay my pizza that the two toddlers are crying about.

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  • 11 months later...
The one things I ADORE about having a butler is the unpacking and packing. I usually pack any personal items in a small bag within my case - pull that aside, and then let the butler get on with it. That - and packing to come home. There is nothing like on that last evening, leaving it all to your butler to sort out. They make an amazing job of co-ordinating your wardrobe - and when you come home, everything is so oeasy to unpack as the butlers pack so well. We havent booked a suite for our Epic cruise and this will be the one thing I will miss. Get into your suite, go on the balcony with a glass of bubbly, and give the luggage keys to your Butler - love love love it!

We dont use a Butler on a ship as much as we do on land vacation. Aside from morning breakfast and packing.

But - they are a bit like having a "fairy godmother". Only ever had one butler I didnt like and surprisingly, was on a Celebrity ship. He didnt like "answering" to a woman - he had a real attitude problem with me, but was all over my husband (hmmmm go figure)... He was so up himself -

That aside, I have butlers in some resorts world wide who know every factor about us, and if we were to arrive tomorrow, they know what we drink/eat/dress etc.. Some stay in touch and nearly all, have been worth their weight in gold. They have a job to do, (just as we do at home) and they take pleasure in doing it well.

If you have never had your Butler unpack - try it - if youre really paranoid about your "smalls" - put them in one seperate bag - simple as that.


Ooooh will I regret not having a suite this cruise.....:confused:


So sorry to resurrect this from the dead....can't believe I'm quoting a post almost a year old and the OP started this thread YEARS ago! Lol




I'm glad you said that about putting your personal items in a seperate bag within suitcase. I think I'm going to try the unpacking and packing!! WHY NOT!!! We paid for the service akready (minus tip) and it will take that chore (actually 2) away and make our vacation more relaxing!


Thanks for sharing that tip! Why didn't I think of that!? Lol

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Amazing this thread started - March 21st 2011 and the wealth of material

presented after 83 posts is overwhelming.

It would be a wonder that NCL or any cruise line for that matter can officially

state what their Butler is supposed to accomplish line by line - minute by

minute - and day by day.


My first experience with a full suite and Butler will be this October on the

NCL STAR. I am guessing that a at length discussion with the assigned Butler

about what he can (permitted) and can not to do and what kind of life

schedule I wish to keep -OR- in other words basic communication skills to

make everything work between the both of us.

I realize that like a waiter in a restaurant he has to wait on more than my

table and being flexible in his services is a must - so be it.

I am planning on hosting a couple of pre-dinner cocktail (wine) parties and

this would be coordinated with the services of the Butler thus I have a ?

The Butler would arrange the setup with cheese/crackers dip and wine glasses

and I plan to make use of the VIVA VINO wine package for the beverage

favorite of each guest which I already have noted.

So I do not need any assistance from one of the bars for Room Service ?

The Butler can handle all this with the little slips for the wine package ?

Heck I don't know what I am doing this is a new adventure fraught with

all kinds of excitement.

Reading the bible of services rendered by the Butler is awesome indeed!

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We have only cruised once with NCL and it was in a Suite. I am feeling that we were really fortunate to have the butler we had. Although we never really asked for too much, he never made us feel like we were bothering him either. In fact at one point he saw me getting things at the buffet as a snack to take to our room and told me he could have gotten me the items and was not real satisfied with my answer that I did not know what I wanted until I looked. Besides, the walk could do me some good. He did seem to anticipate our needs with snacks and such. There was one time that we asked for something in the evening, I think it was a DVD, and another butler brought it so I can confirm that the butler does get off duty every now and then and a night butler fills in.


I had no clue that the concierge was responsible for the butler. She was decent too but we did not use her for much besides priority tender and disembarkment. I have to admit though that I did not know that she did all of the behind the scenes things such as the little invitations to things. The funny thing is that she seemed to pop up everywhere. I was convinced she was stalking us because every time I turned around she was there saying "Good Evening, Edmond Family".


The steward though just seemed amazing to me. I can't recall his name but he had been in the cruise business for something like 40 yrs. I only hope that I am that pleasant at his age but suspect if I was cleaning up after people I would not be. He seemed to anticipate our every need and my daughter loved all of his towel animals. By the end of the week we had an entire zoo. We actually tipped him higher than anyone.


The whole experience was awesome. When we were planning out next cruise I sat my husband and daughter down and said based on our options of cost and dates we could cruise we could only get two out of the three of their wishes. The options were different ship, different destinations or a suite. Both my husband and daughter immediately said the suite was the most important thing. We are going on the Star again but this time to the Mexican Rivera and this time a Penthouse suite (last time was a Family Suite).


I always learn something new on CC. You guys are the best.

Dibbadian was your steward named Benji? We sailed the Star in a family suite in 2012 and he was our steward and he was beyond awesome! My 5 year old was so excited about the mouse that was in our suite when we showed up. He rushed outside to thank Benji and he told my son, "I'll make you 2 every day." And he did! Every morning when he made the room there was one and when he turned down at night, there was another.

The best one was when we returned from port, I was the first in the room and as I walked in, someone was sitting on our bed, so of course I screamed. He had taken my older son's hat, glasses and shoes along with one of the robes and made a towel man who was sitting on the bed reading the Freestyle Daily.

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Dibbadian was your steward named Benji? We sailed the Star in a family suite in 2012 and he was our steward and he was beyond awesome! My 5 year old was so excited about the mouse that was in our suite when we showed up. He rushed outside to thank Benji and he told my son, "I'll make you 2 every day." And he did! Every morning when he made the room there was one and when he turned down at night, there was another.

The best one was when we returned from port, I was the first in the room and as I walked in, someone was sitting on our bed, so of course I screamed. He had taken my older son's hat, glasses and shoes along with one of the robes and made a towel man who was sitting on the bed reading the Freestyle Daily.


That's awesome!

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  • 4 months later...
We had Benji in our suite and LOVED him! He made us the towel person too and it scared me at first! We are booked in a family suite again this year just on the Dawn. Hoping we get great staff again!


It did almost break my heart though....we and a few others gave him a tip the day before disembarkation and my DD and I were sitting by the shops...well, Benji came out of one of the shops and right over to us to show us the gift of perfume he had gotten for his wife and daughter to share with the tips he had gotten...I wish he would have had enough to get each of them a bottle :(

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It did almost break my heart though....we and a few others gave him a tip the day before disembarkation and my DD and I were sitting by the shops...well, Benji came out of one of the shops and right over to us to show us the gift of perfume he had gotten for his wife and daughter to share with the tips he had gotten...I wish he would have had enough to get each of them a bottle :(


I'm sorry he wasn't able to bring one for both of them, but happy to read this. I have always brought perfume and cologne to give to our butler, room stewards, etc. People said, just give them more cash. (We didn't give them less cash than we would without the perfume)

I can't tell you how excited they were to get the perfume, and most of them said they would bring them back for their family members. I wasn't sure if I should do it when we're able to cruise again, but now I will. Thank you, Skyfire!

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I'm sorry he wasn't able to bring one for both of them, but happy to read this. I have always brought perfume and cologne to give to our butler, room stewards, etc. People said, just give them more cash. (We didn't give them less cash than we would without the perfume)

I can't tell you how excited they were to get the perfume, and most of them said they would bring them back for their family members. I wasn't sure if I should do it when we're able to cruise again, but now I will. Thank you, Skyfire!


.....you reminded me of a story and I'm just going to relay it here.


I was going on a Carnival cruise in 2010. This woman who posted a question on the main Carnival board was also on our roll call. She was thinking about giving something personal to the steward from her home area. John Deere was a big company in her area and she suggested a trinket from there.


Well, this poor woman got slammed by a bunch of people on that board. I felt so sorry for her. When I met her on the ship she was a great person and at that point we were able to joke about it.


Just in case you want to see how cruel those Carnival cruisers were here's the link John Deere Thread



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  • 1 year later...


We are fairly easy suite guests. We get a few breakfasts ensuite, have had two ensuite dinners in all of our cruises, we get our own late-night snacks from Blue Lagoon, we order bar setup and make our own drinks. We have made very few special requests, but those we have asked for have been fulfilled with a smile. We tip very well, because we have both been in the service business, and I have seen what NCL butlers go through with "needy" or cheap or occasionally rude passengers. Only once have we had a butler who was not 110% up to par, and he wasn't that bad - maybe 70% (our butler on Celebrity only ranked about 30%). I also tip well because even if you ask for nothing special, there is so much that is carried out behind the scenes by both the concierge and the butler that most people probably never even notice, they only notice that they are having a great cruise.


I think it is appropriate to ask the butler for whatever you wish, but be prepared for a "no can do" answer or perhaps a delay or even a substitution (delivery by room service instead or strawberries instead of mixed berries if that is all he can find onboard). And be prepared to tip accordingly for all special requests.





You say you order a bar setup. What do you mean by this? We are in have aft penthouse next week and of course like everyone else in haven have the included beverage package. We are expecting to spend a lot of time on our own balcony rather than the pool deck so drinks would be a concern. We are simple in that most of what we drink is basic stuff. Can I request bottles for the room through the bev pkg and we can then make our own drinks so as to not drive the shop staff crazy bringing us one drink at a time to the room?

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You say you order a bar setup. What do you mean by this? We are in have aft penthouse next week and of course like everyone else in haven have the included beverage package. We are expecting to spend a lot of time on our own balcony rather than the pool deck so drinks would be a concern. We are simple in that most of what we drink is basic stuff. Can I request bottles for the room through the bev pkg and we can then make our own drinks so as to not drive the shop staff crazy bringing us one drink at a time to the room?


The last post on this thread was almost 2 years ago, so you might not get a response from Fishbait. Beverage plan doesn't include bottles. You might want to read the full T & C to see what it includes. You can call NCL to order bar set up. Last I knew, non-premium bottles were $100. Mixers are included and of course you can ask your butler to give you lime wedges.

Edited by vince_g
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You don't have to be in a Suite to have the Bar-Set-Up which in any event

costs the same and is arranged thru Room Service or paid in advance by

calling 1-800-327-7030.

If you are in a Suite you can order this service directly thru the Butler and

it is recommended that you do so for much better service.


THE BAR-SET-UP (copy from 2013 sailing) YMMV !


These alcoholic beverages are sold as Bar Set Up amenity orders. Available on all Ships excluding Pride of America.

Please Note: Pricing from Nov. 2013

Bar Set-Up is available for all stateroom categories.

Bar Set-Up is available for purchase onboard but you will be charged 15% on top of the price of the bottle instead of the $3 service fee.

Bar Set-Up must be pre-arranged before the voyage and can be requested up to the day prior to sailing.

Prices are subject to change. Service fee of $3.00 per bottle will be applied. 1.800.327.7030



Seagram's 7 Crown $80 1 Ltr

Jack Daniel's Black $100 1 Ltr

Crown Royal Special Reserve $100 750 Ml


Courvoisier VS $120 750 ml

Rémy Martin V.S.O.P $100 700 ml


Beefeater $80 1 Ltr

Bombay Sapphire $100 1 Ltr


Baileys Irish Cream $100 1 Ltr

Southern Comfort $100 1 Ltr

Disaronno Amaretto $100 1 Ltr

Godiva Chocolate $100 750 Ml

Grand Marnier $100 1 Ltr

Kahlua $100 1 Ltr


Bacardi Superior $80 1 Ltr

Captain Morgan $80 1 Ltr

Scotch Whiskey

J&B Rare $80 1 Ltr

Glenfiddich $100 1 Ltr

Chivas Regal $100 1 Ltr

JW Black $123 980 Ml


Cuervo Gold $80 1 Ltr

1800 Reposado $100 750 Ml

Don Julio Reposado $120 750 Ml


Smirnoff $80 1 Ltr

Absolut $100 1 Ltr

Absolut Citron $100 1 Ltr

Absolut Apeach $100 1 Ltr

Grey Goose $120 1 Ltr

Grey Goose L'Orange $120 1 Ltr

Grey Goose La Poire $120 1 Ltr

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  • 4 months later...
I'm afraid my hubby and I frustrated our (Haven) butler. Our usual category is balcony and we are unused to that kind of service. Plus, we're usually so self-sufficient that we felt funny asking for too much. He, on the other hand, wanted to do much more for us. At that time, the Gem-class Haven suites received soda and water (bummer that they don't now) and he made sure our mini-fridge was stocked with our preferred ones. He remembered what treats we liked and brought more of those. He checked in with us a few times every day when he knew we "at home" to see what else we needed. He took care of any issues we had, such as the night we were ignored at a busy Cagney's for 20 minutes and left the restaurant. He immediately phoned to the concierge, who phoned the restaurant. Then he brought us a bottle of wine (compliments of the concierge), took our order, and served us course by course in our suite. And he was really fun to chat with about life, travel, cruising, etc. We always got the feeling that he enjoyed his job and not that he wanted to do more for us to earn higher tips.


I have told my hubby more than once that the next time we are blessed with a suite (fingers crossed), we will not be so self-sufficient and will take full advantage of the perk--with the appropriate attitude ("please" and "thank you" are really big in our vocabulary) and tips to match. One thing we would never do, even though it's been listed as a perk, is ask the butler to unpack for us. Aside from the fact that we prefer to put our things away ourselves, we think that is a bit much to expect and just seems a bit too "Upstairs, Downstairs" or "Downton Abbey," if you prefer.




Huh. I've been wondering if I could tip extra to call our butler Carson all week. :D

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We have sailed in the Haven many times and found the butler to be okay. They were in a void between the room steward and concierge. They were friendly and helpful, but nothing that left us blown away with the service.


We recently sailed in a suite on Celebrity and there was a big difference in service by the butler. Our butler was in touch with us at least 1-2 times per day and always made us feel like a priority. He was always available and very responsive to any request. Beyond that, he was great at anticipating our needs.


We like Norwegian and have a Haven cabin booked on an upcoming cruise on the Escape.

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We have sailed in the Haven many times and found the butler to be okay. They were in a void between the room steward and concierge. They were friendly and helpful, but nothing that left us blown away with the service.


We recently sailed in a suite on Celebrity and there was a big difference in service by the butler. Our butler was in touch with us at least 1-2 times per day and always made us feel like a priority. He was always available and very responsive to any request. Beyond that, he was great at anticipating our needs.


We like Norwegian and have a Haven cabin booked on an upcoming cruise on the Escape.


I agree some of these threads about how much their butler did are surprising. Our butler on Escape did a minimum job at best. I found the room steward and concierge to be the real stars. But maybe if we dinned in our room it would have been differently. He took note of nothing and did not go out of his way to do anything, we got snacks 4 days I called once for some fruit and cheese. Tried to have him deliver a pizza to the pool but he said he didn't know how to recognize me so I had to wait in the room.



The concierge did say our butlers would pack and unpack for us. My kids where like "yes please" but I quickly killed that idea. I like knowing where everything is exactly.

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  • 2 months later...

Job Summary and Essential Job Functions:


The Butler’s position is designed specifically to cater to guests booked in The Haven, Villas, Owner Suites & Penthouses. Focus is placed on giving these guests individual, personalized and impeccable in-room attention and service. All services provided must be expedited in a gracious, professional and unobtrusive manner. Attention to detail and a timely response in every respect is a requirement. He/She works closely with the Concierge to maintain the integrity of our best staterooms and provide in-room dining and valet service, as well as to coordinate set-ups for private cocktail parties or other special requests in accordance to standards established by the company. The Butler will be responsible for a section comprising up to 15 rooms. On vessels with The Haven, each Butler will rotate through a Night Shift ‘section’ as well. In order to consistently exceed guest expectations and provide the highest levels of product and services, additional duties and responsibilities may be assigned as needed.


On call to expedite guest requests. An off-duty Butler’s phone must be forwarded to another Butler during the day and to the Bell Captain or Night Shift Butler (on ships with The Haven) during Night Shift.

Responsible for the Villa, Suite & Penthouse set-ups on embarkation day ensuring deliveries are expedited in co-ordination with relative department heads.

Escorts guests onboard and if their room is being prepared, escorts them to the VIP Lunch. Otherwise takes them directly to their room and for Garden Villa and Owner Suite guests offers them champagne and warm (or cold) face towels.

Trained in Housekeeping set-up of Suites & Villas and works in tandem with Stateroom Stewards and reports deficiencies to Deck Supervisors. Responsible to make corrections on Housekeeping set-ups and to maintain the highest standards of cleanliness, neatness and maintenance inside and on balcony and deck areas.

Reports maintenance issues immediately to Concierge for issuance of work orders and follow-up.

Utilizes the Butler’s Logbook on vessels with The Haven, in order to endorse open items between shifts to ensure continuous and seamless service.

Instruct and explain use of all in-suite hardware including but not limited to hot tub, steam room, coffee machine, handy phone, TV/DVD player, iTV etc. The Butler does not wait to be asked about such items, he/she shares the knowledge so guests are clear on all the amenities available to them.

Offers to fill the hot tub, deliver selected DVDs, food and beverage items etc. and ensure guests know how to contact him/her should they have a request or question or need to place an order.

Clears glassware and crockery, service trays and tables from suites, corridors and pantries in a timely manner.

Offers to, and knows how to, properly set-up ‘white tablecloth in-suite dining’. This includes table setting, taking food & beverage orders, and serving in-suite breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, and dinner meals from any menu onboard.

Prepare cocktail parties including proper set-up; and serve in-room canapés and drinks when requested. Should take the initiative to offer guests the opportunity to host their own in-suite cocktail party and advise associated costs.

Serves canapés at the Captain’s VIP Cocktail Party and delivers nightly amenities.

Visits the Villas & Suites daily to ensure that fresh flowers, fruit baskets, restocking of sodas/water, and all other amenities are set-up properly and changed/replaced as needed. Cupboards must be well-stocked with polished glassware, silverware and crockery. Coffee machine set-up must be according to policy.

Offers to escort guests to onboard events such as evening shows or to a dining reservation, and also to the gangway in port, especially if the vessel is tendering. This is done in collaboration with the Concierge and the rest of the Butler team to ensure time efficiencies.

Performs Valet service, which includes but is not limited to, assisting guests with un-packing and re-packing of garments, expediting laundry, dry cleaning and pressing services, and offering shoe shine service.

Records twice daily in the temperature log for the dishwashing machines and refrigerators.

Performs regular cleaning and sanitation of refrigerators, bread warmers, ovens, toasters, juice and coffee machines, etc.

Performs other related duties as assigned or as directed. The omission of specific duties does not preclude the supervisor from assigning duties that are logically related to the position.





Two-year Associates degree or equivalent in Hotel Management and/or Guest Relations from a recognized hotel institution.

Minimum two years experience in a Hotel or relative establishments; or minimum two years experience in a Guest Service related position onboard a ship.

Intermediate to Advanced verbal and written ability English.

Intermediate verbal and written ability in at least one of the following languages is preferred: Mandarin, Spanish, German, French or Italian.

Intermediate to Advanced computer software skills required (Microsoft Word, Excel, and Micros).

Minimum one year experience in handling guest requests and concerns, with an understanding of how to expedite VIP guest wishes.



Required Abilities:


While performing the essential functions of this job, all team members are required to stand; walk long distances on the ship; use hands to touch, handle or feel; reach with hands and arms; talk, hear, taste and smell. All vessel positions require repetitive motion of bending, climbing, going up and down stairs and lifting more than 25 pounds. This job requires specific vision abilities to include close vision, distance vision, color vision, peripheral vision, depth perception and ability to adjust focus.

All team members must be physically able to participate in emergency life saving procedures and drills. All vessel positions require full use and range of arms and legs as well as full visual, verbal and hearing abilities to receive and give instructions in the event of an emergency including the lowering of lifeboats.

Work within different temperature changes—indoors to outdoors.

Able to pass basic safety course.

This is a minimal description of duties. Other work requirements may be necessary and assigned as business or maritime law dictates.

The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed by people assigned to this classification. They are not to be construed as an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, duties, and skills required of personnel so classified. All personnel may be required to perform duties outside of their normal responsibilities from time to time, as needed.

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