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Just home from the "No Manners" group cruise....


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Well maybe it wasn't a group cruise per say, but man i have never been on a ship with so many people that were so down right rude and didn't have the most basic manners.


I am left wondering how to avoid this "group" of people again. It was a 9 day from Brooklyn. So was it the 9 day'er with the older crowd? Was it Brooklyn with the New York crowd ? Was it Princess ?? Was it East Coast folks?


We have sailed Princess and RCL from the left coast and never ran into these rude nasty people. Heck all of our Carnival cruises added together didnt equal this one... maybe it was it just bad luck ?


I am sure someone is going to ask for examples... Here you go... EVERY SINGLE Lounger and sitting chair on the Lido inside and out was reserved. If you wanted to find a lounger you were just out of luck. If you wanted a piece of pizza you were eating standing up or in your cabin or on deck 7. I thought about moving some peoples stuff but witnessed a pushing match and almost fist fight.


Elevators... First day a women with one of those walkers on wheels enters the Elevator. She doesnt say excuse me or pardon me or anything just rams that walker into people until THEY MOVED out of her way. Once on the elevator rather then asking "Please hit 12" She litterally took her hand and slapped people in her way so she could make her way to the buttons. I cant even count how many times the Elevator doors would open and people would RUSH in before people could even get off the darn elevator. So we had to wait while everyone who JUST rushed on could back off so people could get off.


First formal night i excused myself from the dinner table to visit the mens room at the same time the Champagne water fall thingy was going on. A women in a scooter had her husband LITERALLY walking in front of her scooter shoving people out of the way so she could make her way to the dining room. I had left the bathroom and been handed a glass of champagne and was just just turning around to walk back into the dining room when this "gentleman" just shoved me out of his way into the wall. I was FURIOUS! No "excuse me or pardon me" just a shove face first into the wall. Needless to say i wiped the champagne off myself and the wall and turned around to the "gentleman" who shoved me and warned him he better not EVER lay a hand on me again, and if we weren't on a cruise ship he would have been picking himself up off the ground....


First stop in Grand Turk....Seems 20% of the passengers experienced a line for their first time in their lives. They were just cutting in where ever they saw fit.


San Juan we were waiting for our excursion and the lines were very very long. A elderly women was trying to make her way thru our line and i stopped "traffic" to let her pass thru the line, of course some *(&%^& cut thru and almost knocked me and her over so he could make his way thru the line.


One of the sea days some "Lady" was walking thru Horizons CHOWING down on pizza. I told her its not very sanitary to eat IN THE BUFFET LINE to which she replied "F off".. I replied "Wow you are very lady like. Your more hog like then human like as most humans can wait to get to a table to eat while you and hogs eat right at the troth." - By this point i was no longer being polite myself.


Disembarkation - Another almost fist fight over the elevators. Security was called and i just shook my head in amazement.


Like i said i enjoyed the cruise and not EVERYONE on the ship acted so poorly, but i was just amazed and appalled and if possible would like to avoid that crowd of people again if possible.

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WOW.........not sure what to say but I've seen this on Royal Caribbean as well............sometimes things happen on a cruise that just defy explanation.:(

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So sorry you experienced such inconsiderate fellow passengers on your cruise. Somewhere along the way "manners" have disappeared from the lessons of life. The feelings of entitlement are amazing to watch and I shake my head when I witness it. Hope your future cruises are happier experiences.

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I see that sort of behaviour more and more... :rolleyes: Living in Las Vegas it's tourist season and .....well, we avoid the 'tourist' spots because of that same stuff. So sorry to see it becoming so pervasive in our society.

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So was it the 9 day'er with the older crowd? Was it Brooklyn with the New York crowd ? Was it Princess ?? Was it East Coast folks?


Anecdotal experience only speaking, I've found a higher instance of what I'd consider "rude" out of NY ports. I think part of it is that the attitude (one part arrogance and one part ignorance) is part of the local culture, as is a dog eat dog way of getting ahead. I currently work in NY, and it can occasionally be difficult to be in that negative environment.


That being said there are very many wonderful, polite, and considerate people who live and work in NY. And I'm sure that these people cruise out of NY on occasion too!


I think it's harder for people who haven't been in the tri-state area (NY, NJ, CT) to not be appalled by some of these behaviors, because many other states have more traditional senses of manners. And I think it's just a few loud-mouths who spoil the entire feel.

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I have sailed on Princess ships departing from Fort Lauderdale, Vancouver, Copenhagen, Rome, and Brooklyn.


I only encountered behavior similar to what you report (including a fist fight in the Princess Theatre) on the 9-day cruise from Brooklyn.


Draw what conclusions you will. :rolleyes:

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This kind of behavior is everywhere not just on cruise ships. I work at a Costco and some of the customers can be some of the most rude and obnoxious people I have ever seen. I have seen people run over others with shopping carts. Start fistfights over free food samples. Let their kids run wild all over the store and make a mess.

I have seen people even open packages,eat food and put the container back on a shelf.

People also take perishable items like chicken and seafood and just dump it some other place in the store and then it has to be thrown out.

Fights over parking spaces are also common as well as people parking in handicapped spots. Its a sad day for this country.

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Now you've scared me. :P I am going on the 9 day Caribbean Princess cruise out of Brooklyn in a little over two weeks. I worked in New York for a number of years, so I was use to the rudeness, but it's one of the many reasons I moved away from it. I've even noticed that when I have to go to New York for a business trip, I feel the "rush, rush" mode coming back to me. I am pushing in front of people, walking fast, etc. It's the mentality you have to have there because if you don't, you'll get ran over. I at least have the decency though to say, "excuse me" and "thank you"...

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As others have stated, this sort of behaviour is getting more & more commonplace, sadly :(


There is no excuse for it...none whatsoever, and its sad to see people act like it. Granted it was a different line/ship where I experienced probably the worst example of this type of behaviour, last year on Costa Allegra...we were on the way from Singapore to Savona and were dur to call at Sharm el Sheikh, but it was replaced with Hurghada as it was only a few weeks after the fatal accident with Costa Europa where 3 crew were killed in the berthing accident.


Anyway, this Australian man was at evening meal the night before Hurghada and he stated in a loud enough voice that several tables could hear 'that had Costa not murdered their own employees we would have been going to Sharm tomorrow & not Hurghada'.


The three crew killed were all galley workers, and most of the waitstaff on Allegra knew them well...several of them ran into the galley in tears and very distressed at this man's comments. I have to admit to almost forgetting I am a lady when I saw him later that evening and took him to one side and gave him a piece of my mind. The next evening he stood at his table and apologised for the distress he had caused....whilst I was sat on the next table glaring at him.


The same night I caught around a dozen grown men surrounding a crewmember, the English speaking hostess, and reducing her to tears over the port change. So with the help of other crew I rescued her from the mob and gave them a dressing down too.


The thing is when I see staff getting it like that is that as a passenger, we can tell them where to get off, the staff can only think it...if they were to tell them where to go, they would be sacked or reprimanded. Since I used to work in tourism I have empathy with the crew and I will have a go at fellow passengers like the ones above if they are out of order...and I will also fire off at any badly behaved passenger who shows ignorance and lack of manners....but I do it quietly and in a way that makes them look very small & insignificant. (which despite their loudness, they usually are anyway).

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I am sorry to hear of this beahavior of your ship out of Brooklyn. As a New Yorker with manners, I feel like I am always apologizing for the rude people who live here. It is a sad reputation we have. But there are rude people all over. Last year on our Baltic cruise we took a sightseeing bus tour of Stockholm. We sat in front of a group of women with Southern accents. During the drive, the guide started talking about the Nobel Prizes and then said that the most recent Nobel Peace Prize was won by US President Barack Obama. These women immediately started booing and then one of them fired off a profanity and racial slur. The guide was taken aback and then just said it is always an honor to win a Nobel Prize. What an embarressment!


This is also not limited to Americans. We had a large Asian tour group on our 2 day St. Petersburg excursion, and two of the women were incredibly rude to the guide and the tour was delayed a few times because they strayed from the group and were late reporting back to the meeting point. The rudest response I heard was when one of the women said to the guide- "I'm paying you good money for this tour, I can do whatever I want."

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The rudest cruise that I ever took was a 2-day Ensenada voyage out of San Diego on the Dawn Princess. Because it was so short, it attracted the "party" crowd who apparently endeavored to drink as much as they could throughout the entire cruise.


That being said, the single most rude person I ever encountered was on the Caribbean Princess out of Brooklyn. He and his family sat near us in the MDR. He drove his waiter to tears... she finally had to get another assistant waiter to help out with his unreasonable demands. :( And to be fair, we met some fantastic people on that cruise too!

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Will never ever take another cruise out of New York. For some reason they picked up some of the most rudest and inconsiderate people I have ever seen in my life. And most of these people where the "older" generation who should have known better. They were rude in the buffet line, departing the ship, at tables and even at the shows. Sorry but these people were an embarassment to all who had to put up with them. There were probalbly some people that got on there who were very nice but the rude ones far outweighed and overshadowed all the others. Sorry but they have shown what to expect from cruising from that port.

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Someone already stated this, so I will go with it as well...


The big problem was the area. Brooklyn. And I am not just picking on people from that borough, but from the cities that surround it.


I have been on many cruises, and those with an influx of New Yorkers (mostly repositioning cruises) have the highest rate of rudeness.


I am going to get slammed for saying this, but I have to from personal experience. It's part of the culture. Definately.


Being from New Jersey, it's true that it's more "dog eats dog" kind of world up here. There is a certain attitude and way of life that I can see would shock other people.


...but let me emphasize, not all people from this area are like this. However, watch a show like JERSEY SHORE and you can understand the stereotype.


Bottom line, there is rudeness all over the world. Perhaps I am picking on my own neck of the woods because I see it all the time compared to other places I have visited.

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<< As a New Yorker with manners, I feel like I am always apologizing for the rude people who live here. It is a sad reputation we have. But there are rude people all over. Last year on our Baltic cruise we took a sightseeing bus tour of Stockholm. We sat in front of a group of women with Southern accents. . . Etc. >>


As a Southerner with tolerance, I feel like I am always apologizing for the bigoted people who live here. It is a sad reputation we have. But there are bigoted people all over . . . Etc.

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I am sorry to hear of this beahavior of your ship out of Brooklyn. As a New Yorker with manners, I feel like I am always apologizing for the rude people who live here. It is a sad reputation we have.



I can't agree more! Not being stereotypical (I'm both a New Yorker living in Brooklyn AND an asian) but there is a reason why I avoid getting on cruises from the tri-state area. Have done that once with Carnival (big mistake!!!!) and never again!


OP, I'm really sorry to hear about your experience. A vacation is supposed to be relaxing, especially on cruises. Sometimes I do wonder if it's a really good thing when cruise vacation is becoming more and more popular and accessible.

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<< As a New Yorker with manners, I feel like I am always apologizing for the rude people who live here. It is a sad reputation we have. But there are rude people all over. Last year on our Baltic cruise we took a sightseeing bus tour of Stockholm. We sat in front of a group of women with Southern accents. . . Etc. >>


As a Southerner with tolerance, I feel like I am always apologizing for the bigoted people who live here. It is a sad reputation we have. But there are bigoted people all over . . . Etc.


And nice good mannered ones as well!!

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Sorry to hear about this group. Yes, it seems there's people like that on just about every cruise.


Our last cruise was delightful in just about every way, but some of the passengers were very rude and inconsiderate. And over 60 (I'm 57) or so. Even a retired school principal who we ate with twice brought up both times how rude she found many of her peers. She also had a run-in with an elderly woman in a scooter who didn't apologize for hurting the principal's foot. My teen complained that a few of them would go up to the teens and make comments about things (one was fixated by my daughter's hair). This was a cruise during the last week of December and first week of January, a time when kids are out of school, so if these people wanted to avoid kids, they were sailing at the wrong time. And I know how hard these kids work at school, so IMO they have earned a break.


The cruise before, the major group of troublemakers were all from one extended family. Parents who were letting their kids run around unsupervised (and they were bored). The adults were mistreating crew members. Very sad.

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Well maybe it wasn't a group cruise per say, but man i have never been on a ship with so many people that were so down right rude and didn't have the most basic manners.


I am left wondering how to avoid this "group" of people again. It was a 9 day from Brooklyn. So was it the 9 day'er with the older crowd? Was it Brooklyn with the New York crowd ? Was it Princess ?? Was it East Coast folks?


We have sailed Princess and RCL from the left coast and never ran into these rude nasty people. Heck all of our Carnival cruises added together didnt equal this one... maybe it was it just bad luck ?


I am sure someone is going to ask for examples... Here you go... EVERY SINGLE Lounger and sitting chair on the Lido inside and out was reserved. If you wanted to find a lounger you were just out of luck. If you wanted a piece of pizza you were eating standing up or in your cabin or on deck 7. I thought about moving some peoples stuff but witnessed a pushing match and almost fist fight.


Elevators... First day a women with one of those walkers on wheels enters the Elevator. She doesnt say excuse me or pardon me or anything just rams that walker into people until THEY MOVED out of her way. Once on the elevator rather then asking "Please hit 12" She litterally took her hand and slapped people in her way so she could make her way to the buttons. I cant even count how many times the Elevator doors would open and people would RUSH in before people could even get off the darn elevator. So we had to wait while everyone who JUST rushed on could back off so people could get off.


First formal night i excused myself from the dinner table to visit the mens room at the same time the Champagne water fall thingy was going on. A women in a scooter had her husband LITERALLY walking in front of her scooter shoving people out of the way so she could make her way to the dining room. I had left the bathroom and been handed a glass of champagne and was just just turning around to walk back into the dining room when this "gentleman" just shoved me out of his way into the wall. I was FURIOUS! No "excuse me or pardon me" just a shove face first into the wall. Needless to say i wiped the champagne off myself and the wall and turned around to the "gentleman" who shoved me and warned him he better not EVER lay a hand on me again, and if we weren't on a cruise ship he would have been picking himself up off the ground....


First stop in Grand Turk....Seems 20% of the passengers experienced a line for their first time in their lives. They were just cutting in where ever they saw fit.


San Juan we were waiting for our excursion and the lines were very very long. A elderly women was trying to make her way thru our line and i stopped "traffic" to let her pass thru the line, of course some *(&%^& cut thru and almost knocked me and her over so he could make his way thru the line.


One of the sea days some "Lady" was walking thru Horizons CHOWING down on pizza. I told her its not very sanitary to eat IN THE BUFFET LINE to which she replied "F off".. I replied "Wow you are very lady like. Your more hog like then human like as most humans can wait to get to a table to eat while you and hogs eat right at the troth." - By this point i was no longer being polite myself.


Disembarkation - Another almost fist fight over the elevators. Security was called and i just shook my head in amazement.


Like i said i enjoyed the cruise and not EVERYONE on the ship acted so poorly, but i was just amazed and appalled and if possible would like to avoid that crowd of people again if possible.



OKAY, I only read the first couple sentences and burst out laughing -- we had a very similar experience with a certain group of rude folk many years ago from a certain "region" of the U.S., and it was not the left coast, either. LOL

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