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Missing/Stolen Item From Room...Need Opinions On What To Do!

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I hate to say this, but I think our Stateroom Attendant stole from us:(


The evening of disembarking Allure last Sunday, we discovered that were were missing our portable DVD player which included 15+ DVD's. Immediately, I recalled it was under the nightstand next to bed, which is where I had first placed it when we unpacked all our belongings. We never used it during the cruise as we brought it for our kids to use during the flight to/from Florida. We completely forgot about the item when were in the rush of packing but my DH insists that he checked that whole area for toys that my kids may have dropped and did not see it. This was the evening before we disembarked.


We placed a report to RCI but they came back and said the item was not found. I pressed them further to inquire again, but I do not have hight hopes.


So, my question is what is the best way to handle this? The Post Cruise Department (includes lost luggage and lost/found) is not being very helpful. They said that they will send another email to the ship to follow up, but I want this to be investigated and elevated appropriately. Is there someone else we should be calling?


Unfortantely, I have to suspect that the stateroom Attendant took it. Based on the fact that my DH looked in that area it must have been taken prior to us leaving the room. Even if it was moved accidentally to another place they would have found it when cleaning the room for the next set of guests.



Somebody is not telling the truth and although I truly do hate to to believe it the only person that could have taken it was the Stateroom Attendant. There is the chance that the next occupants found it, but I find it very unlikely that it was not noticed prior to them arriving (it's not that small or hard to miss).


We are 1 cruise away from being Diamond and DH says we will not be sailing with RCI again if they don't do something. I hate that it would come to that....

If you'll re-read your first post, I think you'll understand that people are sympathetic with the loss of your DVD player. However, I find it even more upsetting that you and your husband would pile the blame on the stateroom attendant. You are making a very serious accusation. You also say "it's not that small or hard to miss" yet you overlooked it when packing. Since it's covered by insurance, just chalk it up to being careless with your personal belongings and let it go at that.

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Thanks to everyone for the input. I am "holding tight" which is why I asked the supervisor I spoke to to send another inquiry to the ship and am waiting to file the travel insurance claim. I realize that it may take some time to get it processed and in the right people's hands.


As for the location of the player, when the attendant made up our room the first night he took the coffe table and put it next to the bed and placed the bedside table on top of that in order to make more room when pulling out the sofa bed. I placed the player on the floor undeneath thecoffee table. The coffee table bottom is not solid but but has a cross like structure hodling it up creating 4 quadrants at the bottom. I placed the player in one of those quadrants.


I know we checked under the bed which is where it could have been kicked and saw nothing. Anyways, I will keep and open mind and will have to let it go....

Sorry I missed that post! You were talking about this table!


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You should have put it in your suitcase and stuffed it under the bed during your trip. I kind of doubt the stateroom attendent took it. I don't think he or she would risk their job for a DVD player. When they are cleaning rooms there are many valuable items that are in plain view. These stateroom attendents have familys to take care of and are usually very trustworthy. Please don't blame RCCI. Just be more careful next time.

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So let me get this straight. Both you and your husband completely forgot about this dvd player but he knows beyond a reason of a doubt that it definitely wasn't on the nightstand/table the last night?

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I would really doubt a crew member took it because of my experience. We were packing up and my jewelry was bothering me. I took off my rings (one large emerald and one large diamond), and put them in the OPEN safe until we were done. I didnt realize until we got on the plane that I left them there!! I thought I would never see them again. I calle RCCL and they assured me they have had much more valuble things returned. i was skeptical. Imagine my surprise when they arrived at my door Fed Ex 2 weeks later. I now wish i had tipped my cabin steward more :o

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I know it's a long shot, but have you completely searched your luggage?


I cruised with a person once who was accusatory of the cabin attendant, thinking he stole some of his things the last night. Returning home, he found the items in his luggage, just in a spot where he normally wouldn't have packed them.


I have also gotten our luggage down from storage in past years and found items I thought I had lost.


We have lost or left behind several things on cruise ships, a whole case of CD's, a brand new white top, formal pics. We now call them donations. Our own fault, we left the stuff behind.


I'll have to go with the persons here who say the cabin attendant would not steal something like this, they would lose their job over it. I highly doubt (if you didn't see it how would anyone else?) another person walked in and took it. I'll go with the item will show up, perhaps not soon, perhaps the next cabin guest will take it home for themselves, you may never get it back.


We've turned in left behind items in the past from cabins. A belt with turquoise buckle, clothing, costume jewelry. We understand the loss and would like the person to regain their property.


Repacking is so chaotic and it's not surprising many people leave things behind. The one thing you must get beyond is the title from your topic heading is that your DVD player was missing/stolen. Unfortunately you left it behind, you need to stop blaming anyone but yourself.


I do hope it is returned to you and you have a happy ending.

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Ok, so I get that it’s unlikely that our S.A probably did not take the player. I also admit that we very rashly jumped to that as a possibility, as would most people. In reporting this lost item with RCI, I never once accused the SA or was rude in any kind of way so please don’t harp on me about that. When talking about this with my husband I even said I seriously doubt that he would take it and risk losing a job that he needs.


I came to cruise critic with my original post to get some suggestions on how I can proceed. I was never looking for any kind of sympathy as it’s a material item that we certainly can live without and doesn’t hold any personal value. It’s isn’t a huge loss in my mind, but if it was stolen (by a fellow passenger or staff member) then I have by all right to feel violated and upset. Someone posted that I should have gone onto the Roll Call Forum and see if someone on a future voyage could help me out. Now, that was a great idea and is the kind of info I was looking for. I also was hoping that someone could might know how I could contact the head of housekeeping on the ship to see if they could check the room during changeover this past Sunday.


As for the stacking tables and where I put the player. I didn’t actually place it on the floor with the tables on top of them. Now, that would be just plain stupid! It was on the floor underneath a partial open bottom table. Sorry if I didn’t describe that better earlier….


Will we sail with RCI even if it isn’t found….most likely (at least I will). Will we be even more cautious about where we leave things….yes.

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Thanks for your very nice reply. I have one more thought. Did you put your luggage out the night before? The reason I ask is because our 5 and 7 year old grandchildren can be very "helpful." It's occurred to me that it might have ended up as unclaimed luggage in the departure area. Our DVD player is in a black ziplock bag. It's not big enough to hold DVD's so those are in a separate CD zipped case. Were the two in one bag? And, thanks for explaining about the table/nightstand. Did you take a shuttle/cab to the hotel?

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Someone posted that I should have gone onto the Roll Call Forum and see if someone on a future voyage could help me out. Now, that was a great idea and is the kind of info I was looking for. I also was hoping that someone could might know how I could contact the head of housekeeping on the ship to see if they could check the room during changeover this past Sunday.


As for the stacking tables and where I put the player. I didn’t actually place it on the floor with the tables on top of them. Now, that would be just plain stupid! It was on the floor underneath a partial open bottom table. Sorry if I didn’t describe that better earlier….


Will we sail with RCI even if it isn’t found….most likely (at least I will). Will we be even more cautious about where we leave things….yes.


I know it doesn't help now, but I plan on bringing a few spare small paper shopping bags for the night stands and putting things in the tote bags. I also noticed that things could easily hide in that area.


The roll call idea is great and it would probably help to link to the model picture of the dvd player (with case if you can find it). Perhaps you could e-mail the concierge for the head housekeeper's contact e-mail? The concierge address is usually floating around the forum.

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Maybe I'm dense, but I don't understand the leap from you forgot the DVD player, to the stateroom attendant must've stolen it. You yourself said that you "completely forgot" about it while packing.


It's very easy to forget things. Heck, I've packed things and wondered all the way home whether or not I left the thing I packed hanging on the back of the bathroom door.


I doubt that your stateroom attendant would risk their job for a $100 item.


I'm sorry that the DVD player is missing, but there's a very good chance that you will never know what happened. So take it as a lesson and move on.

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Sorry the photo is so big, but you can see the bottom shelf of the nightstand here. As I have already stated, I really hate these nightstands! They are tiny and have no room for storage. Everything I ever placed on those shelves, ended up being knocked off at night when my sheets rustled as I shifted positions! Even my travel clock ended up on the floor or under my bed in the morning. I wish they had normal nightstands....with drawers for useful storage!



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Dear friends:


While it's easy to point a finger and say the cabin attendant probably took it, that's really not fair.


I also doubt a cabin attendant would risk losing his job over something like that.


You also say you were travelling with small children.


Maybe one of your kids took it out of the room and left it someplace, or gave it to one of his friends, or did something silly with it that children are known to do.


While I am sorry you have something missing, you have no right to automatically blame it on the cabin attendant.


Kind regards,


Gunther and Uta

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On a recent cruise, I was looking under the bed for my shoes. Way back in a corner that normally would not have been cleaned or noticed with routine service, there was a bra and panties. Think Dolly Parton.



Happy Sails to You


OOOEEE :D:D Bob and Phyl



....please tell.....the young Dolly or.....hmmmm...."more advanced"?,,,,,we all have to know.....

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people lose/misplace things all the time. Sometimes they are very valuable or have great sentimental value. In this case neither one applies in my opinion. This whole thread is worth more than the missing items. Time to get over it and move on.


The value of this thread is three fold. 1. Check everything before you leave 2. don't accuse anyone unless you see them take it. 3. Don't expect everyone to jump through hoops for looking for something that is probably not worth the effort.

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You also say you were travelling with small children.


Maybe one of your kids took it out of the room and left it someplace, or gave it to one of his friends, or did something silly with it that children are known to do.


The "small children" are 4 and 6. They wouldn't have been out of the OP's sight to be out giving a DVD player to one of their friends.


To the OP -- traveling with little kids is chaos at best. :D I once misplaced $1,000 in cash and thought the hotel pizza delivery guy stole it before I found it 3 days later in the baby's coat pocket. :eek: Hang in there.

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After we got back to the hotel after my last cruise I realized that I left my iPod in the room. We rushed back to the pier and have verifying that I was actually on the ship. RCCL searched for it for about fifteen minutes and found it and returned it. Hang in there.

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Oh, I really wish this thread wasn't brought back to the 1st page. but I suppose I should have expected it.


Anyways, as you may have gathered from my last post on this thread I actually do feel VERY bad about accusing the Stateroom Attendant on this board,a nd know it was a mistake. I do think that most people (even you), would unfortuantely at first place blame on the S.A when an item goes missing. It's not right, but that's just how it goes. The odds of some other passenger going into a cabin (with the door propped) open is very very low. I know it does happen, but so does theft from cruise ship employees. To state that neither occurs is being naive.

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Bonnie Voyager, thank you for posting the picture of the nightstands. Good grief, what were they thinking! We're on the Oasis in November. I'm wondering if you can pick up the phone and move it to the 2nd shelf? I might just pack double stick tape for my alarm clock as I wake up nightly between 2 to 3 am and check the time.

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Bonnie Voyager, thank you for posting the picture of the nightstands. Good grief, what were they thinking! We're on the Oasis in November. I'm wondering if you can pick up the phone and move it to the 2nd shelf? I might just pack double stick tape for my alarm clock as I wake up nightly between 2 to 3 am and check the time.


Yes, you can move the phone. As I mentioned earlier, the coffee table was stacked on the bedside table and the phone had been moved to the top.

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  • 2 weeks later...
We just returned from the NCL Jewel on Saturday and i just realized my son left his glasses sitting by the tv. Who do I contact to see it they were turned in?

I think you meant to ask this on the NCL forum, not the RCI forum.


Someone on that forum should be able to provide a number for you to call.:)

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Not sure why everyone is in an unkind mood, I was asking for suggestions on where to go next.


I would have liked to contact the ship directly,but RCI makes this very difficult. If anyone knows a way or someone on Allure specifically that I can email, please let me know.


To addressa few comments:

-My kids are 4 & 6 so they didn't leave the room with the player as we were always with them.

-I know we didn't lose it in transit becuase we fully recollect that we did not pack it. Basically, we forgot about it until we got to our hotel room and started to rearrange our things to fly home the next morning.


-Nobody besides our room attendant was in the room during a cleaning and took it because it was in a location (on the floor underneat the bedside table) that would have taken time to find it and nothing else was missing.

-It was too big to fit in a safe and I kept in a location that was out of obvious sight.



I also find it very hard to belive that our Stateroom Attendant would have taken it. He was a very nice man and he loved our kids. However, the player just didn't get up and jump overboard. Someone took it and they were an employee....Sad, but true.


It's really not a monetary issue, but rather the principle of it.


You're right about it being the principle of the thing but unless the cabin steward cops to stealing it, you can do nothing about it. RCI may talk to him, he'll deny it and then what? RCI certainly wont replace it because if that was the case then I left a Rolex behind on my last cruise and I'd like that replaced too. People aren't being unkind its just that there's nothing you or RCI can do about. You reported it, they'll have a record of it and if that stewards name pops up repeatedly with a missing item then perhaps they'll fire him. And if they do, they'll never tell you or anyone else.


Sometimes you gotta shrug your shoulders and move on. Head to Walmart and grab another one.

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Unfortunately, there is not much that you can do. If you noticed it missing while on the ship, perhaps security could have searched your attendant's room.


It is possible that your attendant took it. It is also possible that someone else came into the room (they are left unlocked while cleaning is done- I have often walked by and seen a room open and no one inside). It is possible that it got packed and lost/stolen in transit. It is possible that the stateroom attendant didn't see it but the next passenger did and pocketed it.


You have learned an expenisve lesson- valuables need to go in the safe. When traveling with a lot of stuff, checklists can be very handy so that you are sure that you are leaving with everything you came with.


It would also be sad if you stopped cruising with RCI, a company you seem to enjoy, because of this.


Imagine if RCI reimbursed everyone for everything they lost/said they lost? They would be out of business in a year. If they say it wasn't found, I doubt that much else can be done.


Good points, while I feel for the OP, if I was 95% sure of what happened, I couldn't press it for the 5% chance of ruining someone's career. I've been on the wrong end of a similar situation, wtih an Angry VP coming down on me, fortunately i had an understanding boss and a credible witness.

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The "small children" are 4 and 6. They wouldn't have been out of the OP's sight to be out giving a DVD player to one of their friends.


To the OP -- traveling with little kids is chaos at best. :D I once misplaced $1,000 in cash and thought the hotel pizza delivery guy stole it before I found it 3 days later in the baby's coat pocket. :eek: Hang in there.


Did you check for your baby's fingerprints?;) Just kidding, I've seen your reviews and enjoyed pictures of your family. It does remind me of the time I got a $75 bill for a VHS tape (dating myself) that I swear I returned via the night drop at the store. I raised a stink a fuss, and a conniption about it and got it taken off my charge card. 2 years later a child ran out in front of me and I slammed on the brakes stopping just short of the kid and wouldn't you know the tape slid out from under the seat. I swear I checked that seat 10 times and vaccumed that car that many times.

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