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What's your opinion on this? Ill passengers on excursions...


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We are back earlier this week from the trip of a lifetime - our honeymoon cruise on the Equinox. I just finished my review (which will be published soon) and I included among all of my extremely high praises to this amazing ship and its crew a paragraph about improvement.


I'm really interested in hearing what others think about this and if it's happened to you too. Here's what I wrote:


In the interest of giving a balanced review, a few areas could be improved upon. However, these in no way majorly impacted our experience, as we are mostly laid back and easy to please. First, someone became physically ill on the bus during our excursion in Sicily. Granted, it was a long ride to Mount Etna and back, and I felt badly for this woman who clearly was in distress. However, instead of Celebrity arranging a way to bring the ill person back to the ship away from other passengers, she continued to ride the bus with us after our stop in Taormina. The woman's husband claimed it was "motion sickness," however an hour and a half after getting off the bus in Taormina, I saw her throwing up in the street. I have suffered from motion sickness many times, and it does not occur this long after getting off the bus! I was upset that on the 2nd day of our trip, we were being exposed to someone who might have a virus. I think there should be a policy for those who become ill on a Celebrity excursion to have alternate means of returning to the ship to protect other passengers. We all know how quickly and violently noro can spread. All other excursions were perfectly smooth.


I also included a statement about the temperature of room service breakfast, but that's not really a major deal!


Let me know your thoughts. Should passengers who become physically ill (vomiting, feverish, etc.) be allowed to continue on excursions on and off the bus with others? Should Celebrity send a taxi to take them back to the ship? Should the ill passenger be required to arrange a taxi themselves? Obviously, in some situations this isn't possible, but in Sicily, it would be. Please weigh in!

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That's disgusting. You have an interesting point, though. I mean, why should everyone else be subjected to someone else's illness in the close confines of a tour bus? I don't do group tours on cruises, but I can imagine if I were the one who was sick, I would have the courtesy and common sense to find my own way back to the ship. It's pretty outrageous that this woman and her husband continued on the tour in this state. I think that there should be some policy in place that if someone becomes ill on a tour, they should be returned to the ship. Gross!




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We just got back from the 7/8 Equinox too. Can't wait to read your review. Mine is a few posts down.


That's is crazy that they let them continue on. But I think celebrity contracts out those excurions. We did Taromina on your own. I would have never continued touring - plus it was really hot that day.

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As a motion sickness sufferer (pretty severe motion sickness) there have been plenty of times when I remain sick for hours after the motion stops, it just effects everyone differently.


I know for my personal comfort I would not want to remain on a tour if I was sick, but also, if you are in a new place and don't know how to get around how would you get off the tour and find other transportation especially feeling awful?


It wouldn't be the worst thing for Celebrity to provide some type of voucher or something to the tour operators to help those in distress get back to the ship so everyone is comfortable on their tour.

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We also had a sick lady on our bus on that same cruise. It was in Athens so 2 days after Sicily. They also did nothing to get her off the bus and it happened probably 5-10 minutes into the ride. She was on the return bus as well but did not get sick that I know of. She was with her husband and 2 kids I think. I wonder if it was the same woman.

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The companies that run the excursions are hired by Celebrity. Celebrity, or any other cruise line, doesn't make the policies of the tour companies. I don't think the cruise lines have much to say about how these excursions are managed.


We try to arrange our own private excursions because of this situation.

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Was a Celebrity rep on the bus who would even know about the illness. I don't remember ever having an excursion with a Celebrity rep on board. Also, please remember that when you sign up for excursions, the cruise line basically does not have any responsibility which you sign for in your contract. Finally, much of the responsibility would lie with the passenger and her husband. If they refused to leave the tour, I don't know that there is much that could be done.

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I agree 1000%!!!


We've run into this, and it was on a mini-bus holding under 20 passengers. I don't recall if they made the entire trip or not but we all doubted it was motion sickness (but could have been). Celebrity should make some sort of arrangement with the tour vendors for this.


Unfortunately the bigger problem is the stupidity of the sick passengers. While I can understand them not wanting to miss out on one of their planned excursions, it is very selfish to board one of these tours when they are sick and they are exposing the other passengers to something that may be contagious. This is especially so after they get sick and apparently decide to press on rather than requesting transport back to the ship or just taking a taxi back on their own.


It could very well be that the excursion guide offered to get them back to the ship and they refused for the same reason they decided to make a go of it in the first place.


We've also been on day sailing excursions where people who had severe sea sickness issues on small boats decided to sail with us.

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I'm really glad others think this is pretty gross too! I hate to be insensitive, but I just can't handle other people vomiting right next to me on a bus - particularly on a hot and sweaty day.


I agree that motion sickness probably does affect everyone differently. My personal experience is usually that getting off the bus (or out of the car or whatever) usually makes me feel much better within 10 - 15 minutes.


This woman was traveling with her husband and no kids, so it probably wasn't the same person as on your tour, shayelle.


I feel pretty strongly that anyone who gets sick should be taken back to the ship separately. My husband and I were able to move our seats to the back of the bus so we didn't have to be directly next to the sick person. But, I was significantly uncomfortable with the situation.


Can I post the review here on the message board too? I guess I will do that while there is lag time in the review section.

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How inconsiderate of these people ruining your excursion. While you wanted them to find a taxi and get out of your face, I'll bet all they wanted to do was get back to the ship as quickly as possible and try to recover. I hope that you are never in the position of becoming ill on an excursion and inconveniencing others.

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How inconsiderate of these people ruining your excursion. While you wanted them to find a taxi and get out of your face, I'll bet all they wanted to do was get back to the ship as quickly as possible and try to recover. I hope that you are never in the position of becoming ill on an excursion and inconveniencing others.


I might be wrong here, but I think more likely than not that if someone was ill and vomiting and requested to be returned to the ship the guide would find them a way. After being on a number of these tours my impression is that the guides are human beings interested in every one's comfort and safety and they are not going to tell an obviously ill person they must continue to sit on the bus with them vomiting for the next few hours. Of course I'm guessing here, but my guess would none the less be that if ill people stayed on throughout the tour that they did so by their own choice.


Besides, if it was my or my wife we'd make sure that we could get back ASAP one way or the other. I wouldn't stay on the bus for hours and remain uncomfortable and a nuisance to everyone else.

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Jim, no need to get inflamed about the situation. It's just a discussion. And, I completely agree with you - I'm sure this poor lady just wanted to go back to her room. This is why I think everyone would benefit if Celebrity had a policy where, when possible, they send a taxi to fetch the ill passenger and take them back right away. I understand in some places like Mykonos, where there are only 35 taxis on the whole island, it's not possible. But this was Sicily, and taxis are plentiful. It would have been an option. I think Celebrity, being the well oiled machine that they are, might consider putting a plan in place so that everyone is comfortable - sick and healthy.


Did you know that sick passengers can be quarantined to their rooms for several days? Viruses spread quickly when people live, eat and play in close quarters.

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While I agree with you all that someone vomiting on a bus would be really horrible and upsetting to everyone, maybe this woman had a chronic disease like Crohns. It is not contagious and can strike at any time and maybe she was not feeling sick when she boarded the bus. I agree that there should have been some means to get her back to the ship and away from the rest of the tour. As someone mentioned she would probably have preferred this herself.

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I agree 1000%!!!


We've run into this, and it was on a mini-bus holding under 20 passengers. I don't recall if they made the entire trip or not but we all doubted it was motion sickness (but could have been). Celebrity should make some sort of arrangement with the tour vendors for this.


Hi Larry, I usually think your posts are spot on, but how realistic is it to have alternative transportation for every excursion on every cruise for those who become ill, especially those many miles from the cruise ship?


We too have had the unfortunate experience of having sick people on buses, I never even gave a thought to getting them off the bus, rather had empathy for them. It is a risk we all take when doing a group tour.

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I've had motion sickness that lasted for hours as well.


I guess people getting sick just don't bother me that much. It's one thing if you're in a bus sharing a seat, but goodness, unless it's jammed pack, no standing room, you could move. Keep your hands clean, etc and it's doubtful you'll pick up germs from across a parking lot outside.


Sometimes there are situations no one can control, and that are no one's "fault". It's life.

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While I agree with you all that someone vomiting on a bus would be really horrible and upsetting to everyone, maybe this woman had a chronic disease like Crohns. It is not contagious and can strike at any time and maybe she was not feeling sick when she boarded the bus. I agree that there should have been some means to get her back to the ship and away from the rest of the tour. As someone mentioned she would probably have preferred this herself.


And how about those who are really hung over?;)

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As a motion sickness sufferer (pretty severe motion sickness) there have been plenty of times when I remain sick for hours after the motion stops, it just effects everyone differently.




I'm glad you posted this. I saw this about the lady being sick on another thread and wanted to post a comment but decided not to until I saw your post on this thread. I, too, have severe motion sickness and it can last for a couple hours after all motion has stopped. So, to the OP and others - YES, for some people the motion sickness can last for hours even after removing oneself from the moving vehicle, ship, amusement ride etc.

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I'm with Oville on this. To me, it's just life that sometimes everything isn't perfect, and nothing was shown that it was poorly intended.


I agree with the OP that it would be nice to have but as they pointed out, in many cases it also wouldn't be practical.

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As a motion sickness sufferer (pretty severe motion sickness) there have been plenty of times when I remain sick for hours after the motion stops, it just effects everyone differently.


I know for my personal comfort I would not want to remain on a tour if I was sick, but also, if you are in a new place and don't know how to get around how would you get off the tour and find other transportation especially feeling awful?


It wouldn't be the worst thing for Celebrity to provide some type of voucher or something to the tour operators to help those in distress get back to the ship so everyone is comfortable on their tour.



I second this. When I get motion sick it can last long after the motion has stopped. Think of how many people report vertigo after sailing up to two or three weeks after leaving the ship.

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My experience with friends and family is that motion sickness isn't a surprise. Most know that certain events trigger it. That's why so many get the "patch" before a cruise. If you've had motion sickness before, you will probably get it again in similiar circumstances. Exposing yourself to those possibilities, when others are involved, is inconsiderate.

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Yes, I can see where you are coming from, but did the tour operator contact the ship? Surely they would not have known unless someone told them, so I don't really think it is Celebrity at fault here, probably just poor communication about how to handle the situation. Still doesn't make it an any more pleasant experience for you though!

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My experience with friends and family is that motion sickness isn't a surprise. Most know that certain events trigger it. That's why so many get the "patch" before a cruise. If you've had motion sickness before, you will probably get it again in similiar circumstances. Exposing yourself to those possibilities, when others are involved, is inconsiderate.


That's not necessarily true. Our daughter when she was in her 20s had never gotten motion sick. She went snorkling and got motion sick. A few months later she got sick on a plane. Then she began getting sick when she rode in the back seat of a car. Each one of these instances began without her even thinking she was a person who got motion sick.


It can happen out of the blue to people who have never had a problem with it. Here's a funny story. I went to a 3-D movie which involved watching bobsledding with a 3-D effect. I took a Dramamine before the group went. Everyone laughed at me. Two other people in the group got sick :rolleyes:. They weren't laughing then. They had no idea something like that would make them sick.


Plus, it is rather condescending for you to imply that people who get motion sick would not take precautions and they are inconsiderate for not doing so. I don't think anyone would do that on purpose. Motion sickness is one of the worst feelings in the world. A lot of people who have it just want to die it's so bad. For me a bad case of motion sickness is worse than child birth and I do everything in my power to avoid it.


Anyone who has a history of motion sickness would not knowingly expose themselves to this sickness.

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Cruise lines just act as agents to book tours. Just like a travel agent does bookings.


If you get sick on a tour, the best thing is to tell the tour organizer that you have an emergency and need to return to the ship. They are local and will know the best way to get your transportation arranged most likely at your own expense. I'm guessing the sick passenger did not want to leave the tour so stayed mum. I'm guessing you could of reported the sick person to the tour guide and they could decide if the sick person was endangering themselves or you and then made them leave the tour. In my area a taxi will not transport a sick person. The tour organizer is probably the only one that would know how to handle the situation based on local conditions.


There are many things that can cause nausea such as a migraine that can be a real pain when traveling.

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I also get motion sickness, both on transport and rides, which can last for hours after I get off the ride.

My motion sickness does not happen all the time, depends on the driver and how I am on that day.

Heat can also be a big factor in getting sick.

I know it is not nice to be sitting next to someone who is throwing up, but they are not doing it on purpose.

I am not sure it would be practical to put the woman off or even make her take a taxi back to the ship.

If she was not hurting anyone then she has a right to take the transport back.


Maybe a little more consideration is in order, having been Ill on a public bus, it does not help if others are giving you grumpy looks!


And you wouldn't like my method of combating the chance of getting sick, on rides I find screaming at the top of my voice stops the illness!! (I don't use that on busses though!)

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That is a tricky situation. If she just had motion sickness then it couldn't harm anyone else. But if she was throwing up because of eg noro virus then it could harm everyone on the excursion and also on board the whole ship.


I think that tour guide should have contacted ship and ask for their opinion what to do. For maximum safety it would have been easier to provide her and her husband transfer back to ship asap.

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