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3 Pre-Cruise Nights in Rome


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I need some help...as you'll see from below:


I just booked our first Med cruise for next May. We will be landing in Rome on a Sunday morning and have 3 nights until we leave on our cruise on Wednesday at 7pm. We are willing to start touring on Sunday when we land, and I found a Twilight City Stroll with Walks of Italy. It doesn't start until 5:30pm, so I figured it would give us some time to settle in, take showers and a nap, and head on out to see Rome at night. It's a 2 1/2 hr tour and sounds like a nice way to get our feet wet. Anyone have any feedback on this specific tour for the evening of arrival? Also while perusing their website, I found a few more tours that sound interesting. Here is what I'm thinking:



Sunday (arrival date) - 5:30pm Twilight City Tour 2.5 hrs


Monday - 8am Premium Colosseum or 1:30pm Colosseum Underground (preferred, if available) 3 hrs


Tuesday - 8am Pristine Sistine 3.5 hrs followed by 2pm Crypts & Bones & Catacombs 3.5 hrs


Wednesday - any suggestions for day of cruise departure? We don't leave until 7pm, but don't know how early they will let passengers on board. Should we just make our way to the ship or spend the day in Rome?


Another option I'm thinking about since my fellow CC friends out there seem to love Rome In Limo is to stick to the Twilight City Stroll with Walks of Italy on Sunday night, but take the Rome in Day tour with Rome in Limo on Monday. From reading on their website and feedback on these boards, it seems like a great tour , but that you don't get alot of time at each site (Colosseum, Vatican). Is this the case? I don't mind booking this tour with them, especially if it means less walking, and we'll be traveling in comfortable vehicles. I would think of it more of a nice overall tour and just book the Colosseum and Vatican tours separately for the next day Tue or Tue/Wed when we can book the VIP early tours and get more time at these sites. Please correct me if I'm misunderstanding the differences between these tours.


Any feedback is much appreciated.


Now for accommodations...I'm also trying to decide between the Sheraton Roma Hotel and the Cavalieri (I can use points for either) for the 3 nights pre-cruise. Based on what we'd like to do activity-wise, any recommendations on either hotel? We are also planning on staying one more night upon our return the following Wednesday and have a noon flight out on Thursday. Any suggestions for this last day/night in Rome would be appreciated as well.


Thanks! I have other ports to research into, but I can't seem to get past my first one!

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You haven't said whether or not Walks of Italy includes the services of a licensed guide. Do you want an expert to accompany you to all the sites you visit? If so, Walks in Italy seems to come out on to. Do you want the convenience of being driven from site to site and can manage without licensed-guide-level information? If so, then LimoinRome comes out on top.

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You haven't said whether or not Walks of Italy includes the services of a licensed guide. Do you want an expert to accompany you to all the sites you visit? If so, Walks in Italy seems to come out on to. Do you want the convenience of being driven from site to site and can manage without licensed-guide-level information? If so, then LimoinRome comes out on top.


Yes, Walks of Italy does include a guide. And, yes, I also want the convenience of being driven site to site. I figured that was the difference between the 2 tours, but just wasn't sure. In that case, since I want both, I think I'll book with RIL for the one day tour and then switch to Walks of Italy for the individual guided tours.

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Yes, Walks of Italy does include a guide. And, yes, I also want the convenience of being driven site to site. I figured that was the difference between the 2 tours, but just wasn't sure. In that case, since I want both, I think I'll book with RIL for the one day tour and then switch to Walks of Italy for the individual guided tours.



A follow up with an opinion about your hotel choices. Sheraton Roma isn't located anywhere in Rome itself. It's located in the EUR, an area that was built in the 1940s by Mussolini to house a world's fair type exposition. (Never held.) There are two really excellent reasons to go to the EUR, it's unified and distinctive architecture has been used as the setting for a number of movies and the Museum of Roman Civilization.


Now, I've never been inside the Museum; I've stood at the front door scratching my head wondering why the museum wasn't open when the posted hours said it should be and a phone call one day earlier confirmed it would be. If I had been successful, I would have seen two models of the lay-out of Rome at two stages in its history. That said, EUR's location adds a lot of commuting time to your day each day, and wouldn't be my choice for a hotel even free with points. I believe the hotel provides a shuttle into Rome proper.


The Hilton Cavalieri isn't centrally located, but it is in Rome. It is on the Vatican side of the river about a mile north of the Vatican itself. The Cavalieri is one of the great luxury hotels of Rome. It's top restaurant, La Pergola is a three-star Michelin restaurant, serving food that's more French than Italian. This is perhaps the only restaurant in Rome where you will have to make reservations many weeks in advance. I believe the hotel provides a shuttle into a more central location in Rome.


You might want to explore whether Walks in Italy could put together a full day tour for you that includes transportation. That way, you'd have a guide's explanation, which you say you want, along with transportation. I've seen posters mention Rome in Limo arranging for a guide at the Vatican, but I've never seen any mention of a RIL-hired guide who explains all the sights on its full day tour.


Finally, I recommend you do a bit of research about what you'll get from any tour. For example, if the Forum is important to you, you might want to clarify if you'll be able to walk inside either/both the Republican and the Imperial fori on a Walk in Italy or RomeinLimo tour.

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We are also looking to book 3-night hotel pre-cruise and 1-night at the end in Rome. Do you have any recommendations for a centrally located, clean, nice hotel?


I love to stay near the Piazza Rotonda (Pantheon). Check out either Hotel del Senato or Hotel Santa Chiara. del Senato has the advantage of being right on the piazza. Santa Chiara backs up to the Pantheon. The Santa Chiara site is somewhat quieter but lacks that OH MY GOODNESS! factor that comes from looking at the Pantheon from your window.

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I agree with suggestions for near the Pantheon, and also highly recommend staying near Piazza Navona.


We are going to return to Residenza Canali to the same terrace room we had before, but the price has risen 50 euro/night! That is for a June booking, but other months are less expensive. T


Search this forum for Rome hotels and there are many suggestions.

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Hoping for additional feedback on the following itinerary:


Sunday (arrival date) - 5:30pm Twilight City Tour 2.5 hrs (guided walking tour) with Walks of Italy


Monday - Rome in Day tour with Rome in Limo


Tuesday - 8am Pristine Sistine 3.5 hrs followed by 2pm Crypts & Bones & Catacombs 3.5 hrs


Wednesday - 8am Premium Colosseum or 1:30pm Colosseum Underground (preferred, if available) 3 hrs

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I am also planning to do a Med cruise next May. We are already looking into doing a Segway tour of Rome. I have done two this year in Washington, DC and Gettysbury, PA. For the one in Washington 8 of my family members took part, including my 67 year old mother. We ALL LOVED it!! It was the highlight of our trip, and we even got stuck in a rain storm!! They are easy to handle and get you to place to place very quickly! BTW, they do give you a training session before you go out with your own guide.

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Since I'm not sure exactly what is on your tours, I would see

Colosseum, Forum and Palatine Hill


Piazza Navona

Campo De Fiori (shopping)


Trevi Fountain

Spanish Steps



Probably Trevi Fountain and Spanish Steps are included in one or more of your tours-?


I would stay in Rome as long as possible if the cruise does not leave till 7.

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Just one suggestion....instead of getting there, napping, and then touring, I'd suggest just getting there, touring some, then crashing early.


If you nap you're going to be eternally tired and might not enjoy the tour that much.


Our last 2 flights to Rome (Newark to Rome; 1 layover) we just landed and hit the ground running. It's very tiring, but I think napping would make it worse. I don't sleep at all on the flight, either, so I tend to be up close to 48 hours by the time all is said and done.


As for where to stay, we stay in termini area, while it's not a favorite of some, we've found it to be terrific for getting around as the subway is only 2-3 blocks from our regular hotel (Starhotels Metropole).


My favorite spots in Rome are (in any order)



St Peters Square/vatican area

Wandering aimlessly and seeing where you end up :-)

Any place that sells gelato haha.


I love taking photos of all the architecture around rome. I love Rome. It's impossible to not love it. And this coming from someone who never cared about leaving the US 3 years ago, and now, it's all I want to do lol

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I need some help...as you'll see from below:


I just booked our first Med cruise for next May. We will be landing in Rome on a Sunday morning and have 3 nights until we leave on our cruise on Wednesday at 7pm. We are willing to start touring on Sunday when we land, and I found a Twilight City Stroll with Walks of Italy.


We booked our first tour to start about 8 hours after we were due to land in Rome.

The tour was prepaid.


We had flight delays and arrived about 12 hours later than expected, and missed our tour and lost the money.


I would recommend that you do not schedule anything for the day your flight is scheduled to land. unless, your tour is not prepaid and unrefundable.

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Here's a different perspective on the napping. Unfortunately we sleep very little on the flight. We usually arrive at our hotel in Rome before 10am. We take a nap for 3-4 hours and then have a light activity day. By the next morning, the exhaustion from traveling is gone and we are adjusted to the time difference.


I recommend doing whatever feels right to you.

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We're coming from Phoenix with a 3 hr layover in ATL. Then a 9hr? Flight to FCO. I can probably sleep a little on the plane but the entire time no way. I know that a shower bare minimum is a must for me. But I can see being so excited that I'll want to head on out. if I have an evening tour to look forward to I just might be able to nap for a little bit at the hotel. I think I'll spend my Hilton points on the Cavalieri vs the Sheraton based on feedback that it's a nice luxury hotel with a nice restaurant. Paying for a hotel closer in isnt something I'm willing to do....I need 3 rooms for 3 nights.

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We're coming from Phoenix with a 3 hr layover in ATL. Then a 9hr? Flight to FCO. I can probably sleep a little on the plane but the entire time no way. I know that a shower bare minimum is a must for me. But I can see being so excited that I'll want to head on out. if I have an evening tour to look forward to I just might be able to nap for a little bit at the hotel. I think I'll spend my Hilton points on the Cavalieri vs the Sheraton based on feedback that it's a nice luxury hotel with a nice restaurant. Paying for a hotel closer in isnt something I'm willing to do....I need 3 rooms for 3 nights.


We are a famiiy of four and had difficulty finding rooms in Rome where four people could sleep in one room. Hotels are so expensive, and I was trying to not have to purchase 2 rooms.


I also wanted to find a very nice hotel, with good ratings.


Hotel Canada was the solution.


Rated very high on TripAdvisor and one room had one queen bed AND two twin beds! It was perfect for us.

Breakfast was excellent, also.

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Do you have starpoints since you mention the Sheraton? If so then either the Westin or Hotel Eden are both good choices.


I think I'll spend my Hilton points on the Cavalieri vs the Sheraton based on feedback that it's a nice luxury hotel with a nice restaurant. Paying for a hotel closer in isnt something I'm willing to do....I need 3 rooms for 3 nights.
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I highly recommend the Albergo del Senato by the Pantheon. One of my favorite hotels ever. Great location. Great views. Awesome bellini's at the rooftop bar. Be sure to get a Pantheon view room. You pay for the view but what an incredible view it is!


I also recommend you hire a driver for transfer between airport and hotel. This hotel offers that exact service. There was a train/bus strike the day we arrived and the airport taxi lines were unbelievable. So wonderful being met by our driver and bypassing that craziness. Others on our cruise who'd planned to save money by taking the train to Rome waited in line for hrs...miserable first day for them, worth every extra Euro for us.


I typically shower and nap after an overnight flight. I never make plans for my first day there. I wish I could hit the ground running but that simply doesn't work for me. Rome is magical at night and Italians generally eat later than Americans so perfect for me to shower and nap a few hours when I arrive, enough to wake refreshed enough to enjoy a wonderful dinner and afterwards, a midnight stroll in one of my favorite cities.


Btw, I generally stay up late and rise early in Rome, making up for lost sleep by napping during the heat of the day.


You will love Rome! :D

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Another option is to rent an apartment. Yep, its been suggested before.


We are headed to Rome for 3 nights precruise in November. We have rented an apartment steps away from the Pantheon (almost next door to Albergo del Senato - which we stayed at last trip)


It can be ALOT cheaper than a hotel (you do have to put up a refundable deposit) and you get alot more room. You do lose the free breakfast (if that is included at your hotel) but we have found that isnt a big deal in most hotels as the breakfasts were only so-so...... I love being able to get up and fix my coffee and have a danish or eggs and the fixins in my jammies before heading out to a long day of sightseeing. It can also provide a place for lunch but we ALWAYS eat dinner out. I AM on vacation !!!!!


There are numerous sites to look at for an apartment.....


VRBO is one

Rentalinrome is another


these are two I have looked at extensively. We finally rented from VRBO which we have rented before from - just not in Rome but on other trips (Costa Rica, Mexico, Bahamas etc.) with great results !!!

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I need some help...as you'll see from below:


Here is another option for you to consider. If you are looking for a great guide in Rome, I highly recommend Rahul Raghavan, owner of Roman Odyssey Tours http://www.romanodyssey.com.


As you will see from his reviews on Trip Advisor http://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/ShowUserReviews-g187791-d1155760-r115357630-Roman_Odyssey_Tours-Rome_Lazio.html#REVIEWS, Rahul come very highly recommended. He conducted a fantastic tour of Rome and the Vatican for our group. I would let Rahul recommend an itinerary for your three days in Rome


Have a great time.




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Just one suggestion....instead of getting there, napping, and then touring, I'd suggest just getting there, touring some, then crashing early.


If you nap you're going to be eternally tired and might not enjoy the tour that much.


Our last 2 flights to Rome (Newark to Rome; 1 layover) we just landed and hit the ground running. It's very tiring, but I think napping would make it worse. I don't sleep at all on the flight, either, so I tend to be up close to 48 hours by the time all is said and done.


As for where to stay, we stay in termini area, while it's not a favorite of some, we've found it to be terrific for getting around as the subway is only 2-3 blocks from our regular hotel (Starhotels Metropole).


My favorite spots in Rome are (in any order)



St Peters Square/vatican area

Wandering aimlessly and seeing where you end up :-)

Any place that sells gelato haha.


I love taking photos of all the architecture around rome. I love Rome. It's impossible to not love it. And this coming from someone who never cared about leaving the US 3 years ago, and now, it's all I want to do lol


Another vote for gelato...and pizza. And wandering aimlessly? Well, we did that by getting lost a lot. :D

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