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The Inmates Are Running the Asylum...JH Chairhogs Comment


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Was up early every morning on a Pamama Canal cruise. Watch some chair hogs lay out their stuff every morning about 6. Then come back for breakfast, then go to chairs around 9:30.


One morning i couldnt stand it any longer so I gathered it all up (2 loads), threw it in the elevator the sent it Down, way DOWN.


The rest of the cruise they kept someone there every minute guarding their stuff. LOL


I rarely spend time around the pool, so I could care less...but I love to get up early, so I may have to try this. Let's hope those people who think "pranking" is good harmless fun aren't chair hogs. I doubt they will see the humor in it. ;)

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having just read the blog, i'm not going to waste my time responding to it.


it seems they are taking the macro lookt on the issue. there's no need to police or enforce the upper outer decks that always have plenty of deck space, with usually a stack of unused chairs within 100 feet.


in the meantime, i will continue to honor the pecking order in life. i definitely have priority over any inanimate object, as well a being a paying guest, and will now throw away said items if they are on an unoccupied chair now that i know carnival is choosing to not do anything. previously, i would either give it to an attendant, or put it on the floor.


If someone is going to "reserve" a chair, they're not going to leave their personal belongings on it. After all, that stuff might not be there when they decide to use the chair. If they do, well, I'm always looking for a good book to read or iPod to listen to (No...I'm not advocating theft, but, if the owner has abandoned their property, is it really theft?).


It seems to me most chair hogs are only willing to risk Carnival's property, so, one way to differentiate between a chair hog and someone who has gone to get a drink or a quick bite to eat is to analyze the items they leave behind. If it's just a towel (or other Carnival-owned stuff), I don't care if it's been there 5 minutes or 30, I'm planting my butt on that chair.


And, if I really want to be crazy, I'll snap a pic of the empty chair, wait 30 minutes (yes...I'm being crazy here), and take another picture. See....digital camera time-stamp everything. Then, I'll move their crap and....voila!!!!.......I have a chair.

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Honestly, I dont know if I have the nerve to move stuff. It'd be my luck they'd be coming around the corner as I was doing it. I will sit in seats that someone has saved for a show. Dont know why I have no problem with that and I do with the other. I guess cause I'm not physicaly touching someone else's stuff.


I have had the pleasure of sitting behind 2 guys at a show that had an argument about chair saving. A lady had saved a seat , one seat for her hubby. A guy came along and tried to sit there, she told him it was saved, he said no saving and sat down. When her hubby got there, a discussion ensued. The man wouldnt move , the hubby literally sat in his lap. And he continued to sit in his lap for the show. Granted it became more of sitting on one of his legs but it was shocking and hilarous. I couldnt even watch the show, for watching them for an hour sit like that. Anyways, I think it is reasonable to save a seat for your partner. I mean come on maybe they went to get a drink or to the restroom. Geez.


If a stranger sits on a person's lap uninvited, I'd consider that assault and a matter for ship's security.

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Agree with you except for the last line. Carnival is in business to make money and for better or worse does not want to alienate paying customers and cause altercations between paid guests and crew.


As a result they take the path of least resistance and they do not enforce their rules.


If alienating one rude person makes the trip better for others, how is that a risk? I risk losing 1 customer but have 10 applauding me for doing so...I win. I have 10 grumbling about rude folks who disobey rules "because they can" and make the cruise a little less fun and 1 happy idiot, I lose.


They can fix these issues with minimal investment and a good return. The bottom line is important but sometimes bean counters don't count things as well as they think...

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Honestly, I dont know if I have the nerve to move stuff. It'd be my luck they'd be coming around the corner as I was doing it. I will sit in seats that someone has saved for a show. Dont know why I have no problem with that and I do with the other. I guess cause I'm not physicaly touching someone else's stuff.


I have had the pleasure of sitting behind 2 guys at a show that had an argument about chair saving. A lady had saved a seat , one seat for her hubby. A guy came along and tried to sit there, she told him it was saved, he said no saving and sat down. When her hubby got there, a discussion ensued. The man wouldnt move , the hubby literally sat in his lap. And he continued to sit in his lap for the show. Granted it became more of sitting on one of his legs but it was shocking and hilarous. I couldnt even watch the show, for watching them for an hour sit like that. Anyways, I think it is reasonable to save a seat for your partner. I mean come on maybe they went to get a drink or to the restroom. Geez.


Maybe it was part of the show

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If alienating one rude person makes the trip better for others, how is that a risk? I risk losing 1 customer but have 10 applauding me for doing so...I win. I have 10 grumbling about rude folks who disobey rules "because they can" and make the cruise a little less fun and 1 happy idiot, I lose.


They can fix these issues with minimal investment and a good return. The bottom line is important but sometimes bean counters don't count things as well as they think...


The only place I have ever seen people grumbling about chair hogs is on these boards:rolleyes:

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The only place I have ever seen people grumbling about chair hogs is on these boards:rolleyes:


Spoken like a true chair hog. Of course, I'm kidding. How could I possibly know whether or not you are a chair hog? Seriously, people do grumble, but there are no "boards" to grumble on when you're on the ship. And, for some odd reason, people are way too polite about removing chair-hog markings. Something tells me that custom will soon change. :p

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Years ago, when we went on a cruise, it was special. I mean holy cow - we are actually on a cruise ship. Back then, there weren't very many cruise lines or ships to choose from. You knew you were in for terrific service, great food, and great entertainment. There were a couple of formal nites and your lady could dress to the nines and you could show her off. And you didn't mind wearing that tux or dinner jacket because you wanted to compliment her. That was the dress for the evening, not just for dinner.

We still look forward to that every cruise now.

It was kinda like that port of call that was undiscovered, that beach where the only foot prints in the sand were you and your wifes', the anticipation of that first bite of escargo, or that beef wellington. Heck, we never ate like that at home.


Nowadays, folks cruise mutilple times a year. It's different now. Just like the times are different. The ports of call are over run with tourists, the beaches are swarming with wall to wall people. Holy cow- - some stops have 6 or 7 ships there at one time. Everyone is "me me me"... "I'm gonna get mine and get outta my way"...... "Rules? what rules? What are you gonna do about it?"..... Folks have no respect for the tradition of cruising anymore.

You know, if people would leave "their attitude" at the dock, and show alittle respect for one another we'd all have a more pleasant experience. After all, it's a vacation, and it sure beats working!!


.........and yet we still can't wait to step foot on the next ship , slip that sale and sign card in the slot for the first time that week and hear that "DING".......and know you are in for another terrific week!!! I LOVE IT

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If alienating one rude person makes the trip better for others, how is that a risk? I risk losing 1 customer but have 10 applauding me for doing so...I win. I have 10 grumbling about rude folks who disobey rules "because they can" and make the cruise a little less fun and 1 happy idiot, I lose.


They can fix these issues with minimal investment and a good return. The bottom line is important but sometimes bean counters don't count things as well as they think...


I wish they would enforce their rules and agree it would not be that difficult.


Just saying why I think they do not.

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Was up early every morning on a Pamama Canal cruise. Watch some chair hogs lay out their stuff every morning about 6. Then come back for breakfast, then go to chairs around 9:30.


One morning i couldnt stand it any longer so I gathered it all up (2 loads), threw it in the elevator the sent it Down, way DOWN.


The rest of the cruise they kept someone there every minute guarding their stuff. LOL



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What the world needs is a decent deck chair 15 minute countdown timer. If the timer is at zero and no one is in the chair, it's free for use, regardless of what may be sitting in it.


As an additional incentive, the timer could take quarters. Who'd bother to keep feeding quarters into the meter all day just to keep a seat reserved?


Love it!! I would totally pay extra to have a good chair and not have to move other's things!


You could call it the "Chair Meter"

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Years ago, when we went on a cruise, it was special. I mean holy cow - we are actually on a cruise ship. Back then, there weren't very many cruise lines or ships to choose from. You knew you were in for terrific service, great food, and great entertainment. There were a couple of formal nites and your lady could dress to the nines and you could show her off. And you didn't mind wearing that tux or dinner jacket because you wanted to compliment her. That was the dress for the evening, not just for dinner.

We still look forward to that every cruise now.

It was kinda like that port of call that was undiscovered, that beach where the only foot prints in the sand were you and your wifes', the anticipation of that first bite of escargo, or that beef wellington. Heck, we never ate like that at home.


Nowadays, folks cruise mutilple times a year. It's different now. Just like the times are different. The ports of call are over run with tourists, the beaches are swarming with wall to wall people. Holy cow- - some stops have 6 or 7 ships there at one time. Everyone is "me me me"... "I'm gonna get mine and get outta my way"...... "Rules? what rules? What are you gonna do about it?"..... Folks have no respect for the tradition of cruising anymore.

You know, if people would leave "their attitude" at the dock, and show alittle respect for one another we'd all have a more pleasant experience. After all, it's a vacation, and it sure beats working!!


.........and yet we still can't wait to step foot on the next ship , slip that sale and sign card in the slot for the first time that week and hear that "DING".......and know you are in for another terrific week!!! I LOVE IT


Not like the 'good old days' eh? Young kids these days got no respect, no respect at all I tells ya!:)

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Exactly! And I have never seen anyone as brave as some seem to be on here that remove peoples personal belongs :rolleyes:


Oh ya, the internet makes alot of people into 'tough guys'. I have never once seen someone grab belonging out of an empty chair and move them, let along throw them overboard or into the elevator. People are internet passive/aggresive.:)

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Oh ya, the internet makes alot of people into 'tough guys'. I have never once seen someone grab belonging out of an empty chair and move them, let along throw them overboard or into the elevator. People are internet passive/aggresive.:)


The thing about chair-hogs is they are inconsiderate and take advantage of and depend upon the politeness shown by others who wouldn't dream of removing someone else's personal property. But, some of us are on to ya ;) and we don't play your game.

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Love it!! I would totally pay extra to have a good chair and not have to move other's things!


You could call it the "Chair Meter"


If a chair does not have a sizeable weight for a certain amount of time the chair will eject the contents:D

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The thing about chair-hogs is they are inconsiderate and take advantage of and depend upon the politeness shown by others who wouldn't dream of removing someone else's personal property. But, some of us are on to ya ;) and we don't play your game.


First of all chief, if you are worried about me being a hog, you can find me up on deck 10 or 11, alway from everyone else.:rolleyes:

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Oh ya, the internet makes alot of people into 'tough guys'. I have never once seen someone grab belonging out of an empty chair and move them, let along throw them overboard or into the elevator. People are internet passive/aggresive.:)


LOL! Scare tactics:p Evidently it's not working people are still complaing:D

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there were more chair hogs on the freedom of the seas than any carnival ship i have been on. yes, i saw the "deck patrol" people of rccl on the freedom of the seas, but they didnt do anything but stand around, look around then disappear. i have never had a problem finding a chair on carnvial. if you weren't out by 9am on the freedom of the seas you were screwed for the day

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Every Carnival cruise we've enjoyed.......chair hogging exists and it would be nice if it could be addressed. But it probably WON'T be dealt with. The Carnival target market is what it is.....why should the successful company get in the middle of the problem. It might cause more confrontation !


Let them fight it out themselves is likely the top management point of view. Rather than let the animals bug us on vacation......if things are too crowded with empty chairs, we get the sun we need on the balcony !

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On both the Liberty of the Seas and the Allure of the Seas, the pool patrol was present on the pool deck. I think they did a good enough job, but it is an impossible task. I was happy to see them trying, since this is clearly an issue that bothers people. When the pool deck was not full, they seemed to do better at removing belongings with no visible owner, but once it gets full, it is hard to keep track. That's my guess, anyway.


It would take more staff for RCI or Carnival to do it right, and they have to be careful not to offend their paying guests, whether they deserve it or not. Some people just don't get it and saving chairs/seats is what they do.

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All they need are cards with times written on them. If it's 12:00 noon, and they see an empty chair, put a 12:00 card on it. At 12:30 remove everything and store it away. Have a stack of cards with every 30 minutes different on them.


Once passengers see them doing that, they won't be tempted to lose their valuable flip flops:p saving chairs as they will see that it doesn't work. It won't take long for word to get around and hogging will decrease immensely.:D

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