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Why the need to know the crew?


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I am just a naturally chatty guy . I enjoy talking with the staff and getting to know them during our cruise. Like others have said , it makes the time more pleasent. We don't exchange numbers or e mails, or keep in touch after the cruise, but its nice to get to know eachother during.


My mother on the other hand *LOL* She just has a way about her that makes everyone just open up and chat with her. :)


It can be the first day of the cruise and you can say "Gee our waiter seems like a nice fella "


and Mom will say "Yes he is , poor guy he has 3 kids and his wife left him for the gardner . But he is dating a nice girl now and she is a widow with 2 boys . She lost her husband 4 years ago in a car accident and she works on another ship and when they get to Miami next week.............. Good God *LOL*

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i find it odd.


cruising must create some kind of illusion for some, that i think some must identify the help as family.


i can only assume that some having a void to fill, fill it with strangers.



Wow, how can so few words be so rude in so many ways? What a gift you have.:rolleyes:

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Kujobie...don't want to hijack this thread but concur with you with respect to some passenger's fascination with the Cruise Director and agree with your comments about John Heald and Jen. Jen's voice made me think of nails on a blackboard, very irritating and couldn't get beyond it until I saw her in person in one of her wild outfits and hair, then the whole image came together to create a startling personality but not in a good way.

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We are friends with another line's hotel director. He treats us very well when we are onboard (not that we expect it) but no charge in the specialty restaurants put on the VIP list for all perks the suites get (except the cabin larger)


Unfortunately the line pulled out of our home port so we haven't cruised with him as often as we would like.

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I have been reading alot of comments lately about getting to know the crew, waiters, bartender, juggler and room steward. Why do folks feel that this is necessary? I mean really, I don't see the specialness. They are there to do a job and I am there to enjoy my vacation. Knowing their personal lives and history has no bearing on my vacation. Plus if I knew they didn't see their families (wife and nine kids or ailing parents), I'd probably be bummed. So I just want to go on my merry way and have a great time and relax. I don't Facebook or Twitter or whatever is the newest social opportunity. Please explain why you do it or need to.
I am with you, I don't get that either.
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Most people are social animals, so they enjoy talking with other people. Plus, you are on this ship for several days with the same people so you tend to talk to them.


We do not pry into their personal lives when we talk to the crew (unless they bring it up), but we also don't treat them like servants like we have seen other people do.

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I enjoy getting to know them and hearing a little about there background and life b4 cruising...

It makes my cruise enjoyable...

Now and again, one or two individuals stand out

and you get to know them a bit better.


We don't take a Life History, but we do get to know a few ppl a bit better.


Last cruise (Carnival VICTORY) it was Katarina Komanovich -from Montenegro

who greeted us at the entrance to the Dining Room and ushered us to our table for Breakfast

--and our Trinidad-born cabin steward, a cool guy born on the same island as my wife.


Katarina (a sweet child) is now a Facebook friend of mine

and 'Trini' got me a rare ship-card for my collection of ship-cards.


That kinda thing.




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Maybe if you ask them about themselves they will be less likey to clean the toilet with your tooth brush




I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=42.125916,-88.001007


Well I find it hard to believe they would do something like that just because you dont ask them about every aspect of their lives. :rolleyes:


We are always friendly with the crew, smile, say please and thank you, give a hello and how are you today and most importantly we are never rude....but as far as wanting to know all the details of their entire lives, no. If the conversation turns that way of course we will reciprocate but we dont go out of our way to know all the details of someone's life ect. We dont care what captain, CD, maitre'd, steward, ect. is on what particular ship. As long as we get the service that carnival is to provide we are happy.

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H82seaUgo][/b]i find it odd.


cruising must create some kind of illusion for some, that i think some must identify the help as family.


i can only assume that some having a void to fill, fill it with strangers.


Wow, how can so few words be so rude in so many ways?

How on earth was that rude? :confused:


I guess the truth hurts.

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(I) concur with you with respect to some passenger's fascination with the Cruise Director

and agree with your comments about John Heald and Jen.


Jen's voice made me think of nails on a blackboard, very irritating and couldn't get beyond it

until I saw her in person in one of her wild outfits and hair,

then the whole image came together to create a startling personality

but not in a good way.

:eek: OMG I hope she's not on GLORY when we cruise in 3 wks. time.

Who is Glory's Cruise Director anyway?




We had Karl-with-a-K on VICTORY....he's a great guy...lotta fun (Brit, you know..)



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That's what I'm asking. Why does knowing the crew make your cruise better? I can go the whole week without having a conversation with a crewmember. We also don't cruise for the ship but for the destinations. Now that I think about it, that's probably the difference. I know all my neighbors but we don't hang out. I'll wave but I don't need to talk to them.


As others have said, if the conversation is started by the crew member, I will listen. Sometimes they want to talk about home and I am more than willing to talk to them and ask questions. They are from a country I will never get to go to, so if they want to have a conversation, I will gladly engage in it. They get something from it and I learn about their life in their home country. My dd is facebook friends with our head waitress from our Conquest cruise in 12/07.


How many of your high school graduation class do you still talk with?


Quite a few thanks to facebook.

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So, let me play Devil's Advocate here (again).


Just like in the thread mocking people who storm the watch and "gold" sale tables, I have to wonder why the OP cares?


Why does it matter to you that some people like to get to know the crew?


What does that have to do with YOUR cruise experience??


To each his own. If you want to buy cheapo watches, that's fine. None of my business. If you want to chat up the crew and find out all about their lives, fine. None of my business.


I just don't understand this need to ask others why they do what they do? Unless it has an impact on your life, then what difference does it make?



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So, let me play Devil's Advocate here (again).


Just like in the thread mocking people who storm the watch and "gold" sale tables, I have to wonder why the OP cares?


Why does it matter to you that some people like to get to know the crew?


What does that have to do with YOUR cruise experience??


To each his own. If you want to buy cheapo watches, that's fine. None of my business.

If you want to chat up the crew and find out all about their lives, fine. None of my business.


I just don't understand this need to ask others why they do what they do?

Unless it has an impact on your life, then what difference does it make?



Some people just like to start threads? :cool:





Whaddya think of the price of rice in China? :D



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Well NC I'll try and answer your questions.


I read alot and I like to people watch. I have been in charge of hundreds of folks and it serves me to know what makes people tick. Have you ever layed off permenantly 450 people in afternoon? Let me tell you it sucks and it helps to know how people will react. I have traveled alot and enjoy different countries but I don't need to be weighted down with useless info. So I was wondering if I was abnormal or there were others. I don't understand the why the need hence the question. It adds no value to my vacation because I cruise for destinations. I'm not decorating my door, bringing goodie bags and collecting emails or numbers.


I received a card in the mail saying I won a free cruise last week. Would that have been a better question? The boards are for any question that strikes you, some get answers and some die a quick death on page 5. Now I know a little about some cruisers and maybe share a brew next cruise. But I didn't have to endure their history.

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How on earth was that rude? :confused:


I guess the truth hurts.


Really???:confused: I guess rude can't recognize rude.:rolleyes:


So, I'll explain (below). But first, as far as your comment, just because I recognize something as rude doesn't mean it has to apply to me. The implication that it must is juvenile and ridiculous.


i find it odd.


cruising must create some kind of illusion for some, that i think some must identify the help as family.


i can only assume that some having a void to fill, fill it with strangers.


Calling the crew and staff "the help": That phrase is historically and commonly used to give the speaker some sense of social superiority over those that he thus lables. It is often said in a disdainful way. It reeks of snobbery. The phrase has very well-known connotations and I don't believe it was used coincidentally or accidentally.


Then, to assume that just because people chat or get friendly with crew means that they "have a void to fill": how judgemental and, yes, rude. People can like to chat with other people without having a void to fill. Just because one likes to talk to another, doesn't mean one needs to talk. Some of us (maybe even most of us) who like to chat are actually quite content to be alone, also. One can be perfectly comfortable in one's own skin and in one's own company and still enjoy chatting with crew members.


If all that the speaker "can assume" about these people is that they "have a void", it says more about the speaker than anyone else.


Then, there are the lesser rude parts: to say that such people must be illusioned and identifying the crew as family. Some people are friendly. Some people are friendly and like to chat. Some people don't see the crew as beneath them. That doesn't mean that these people think they are family. It also does not mean that they are less aware of the real state of matters than anyone else. That is once again judgemental and assumptive to the extreme.


See how many words it took me to explain his rudeness to you? I'm obviously not good at being concise. That's why I said he has a gift. He got all that assumption, innuendo, judgmentalism, insult, and snobbery packed into just a couple lines.:cool:

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I have been reading alot of comments lately about getting to know the crew, waiters, bartender, juggler and room steward. Why do folks feel that this is necessary? I mean really, I don't see the specialness. They are there to do a job and I am there to enjoy my vacation. Knowing their personal lives and history has no bearing on my vacation. Plus if I knew they didn't see their families (wife and nine kids or ailing parents), I'd probably be bummed. So I just want to go on my merry way and have a great time and relax. I don't Facebook or Twitter or whatever is the newest social opportunity. Please explain why you do it or need to.


I think some people just love to talk (some to the point of being annoying). While I consider myself an extrovert, and I do speak to the crew, I am not one to stop and talk for hours on end getting to know them. I agree with the person who spoke about their neighbors. I know who my neighbors are, I wave when I see them on the street, but am not one to go visit their house to get to know them. I think you can pick the people who love to talk out of a crowd. Just go to any roll call that has 7 zillion posts and you'll be able to spot the talkers. I do not enjoy small talk. I am not one who goes to a roll call to hear about "Marcie's best friend's next door neighbor's daughter's illness". I could care less.


I guess this is what makes the world go round because being in the presence of these "talkers" drives me out of my mind. I always think to myself, "Oh my God, thank God I don't live with her (they're almost always "hers")." This is another reason why we typically get tables for 2 in the MDR, because I have no desire to hear anyone's small talk, nor would I want to burden them with mine (which is little, because I hate it). I am amazed at the number of people who are completely uncomfortable with silence.

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I'm with you. When I check into a hotel, I don't feel motivated to hear family stories from the check-in clerk or the housekeeping staff serving my floor. When I go to a restaurant, I don't really care where the server is from or what she did on her time off the day before. When I go to a show, I don't stop to shake hands with the usher.


I am as friendly with the crew as I am with other passengers. I am as likely to strike up a conversation with them as I am to engage other passengers in the same situation. But I don't go out of my way to make it so. It doesn't make my vacation any better, just in the same way it wouldn't make a hotel stay, restaurant meal or evening show any more enjoyable.


That isn't to say I don't get to meet those people. Occasionally it happens because it happens. But I don't make a point of it. I couldn't tell you the name of any crew member of any cruise I've been on, ever.


This sums up my feelings nicely.

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I really don't care about them or their personal lives one way or another, but that's my position on most people I meet. Polite pleasantries and greetings suffice for most interactions for me. I won't seem them again and can't remember their names post cruise anyway.


I certainly don't try and start a questioning conversation with the waitress or bell hop either, but if someone strikes a casual conversation in the right situation of course I'll participate, we are sharing the human experience after all.


Really not one to get into involved conversations regarding children, living conditions or job situations with them, I really have nothing in common with them nor do I care.

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Really???:confused: I guess rude can't recognize rude.:rolleyes:


So, I'll explain (below). But first, as far as your comment, just because I recognize something as rude doesn't mean it has to apply to me. The implication that it must is juvenile and ridiculous.




Calling the crew and staff "the help": That phrase is historically and commonly used to give the speaker some sense of social superiority over those that he thus lables. It is often said in a disdainful way. It reeks of snobbery. The phrase has very well-known connotations and I don't believe it was used coincidentally or accidentally.


Then, to assume that just because people chat or get friendly with crew means that they "have a void to fill": how judgemental and, yes, rude. People can like to chat with other people without having a void to fill. Just because one likes to talk to another, doesn't mean one needs to talk. Some of us (maybe even most of us) who like to chat are actually quite content to be alone, also. One can be perfectly comfortable in one's own skin and in one's own company and still enjoy chatting with crew members.


If all that the speaker "can assume" about these people is that they "have a void", it says more about the speaker than anyone else.


Then, there are the lesser rude parts: to say that such people must be illusioned and identifying the crew as family. Some people are friendly. Some people are friendly and like to chat. Some people don't see the crew as beneath them. That doesn't mean that these people think they are family. It also does not mean that they are less aware of the real state of matters than anyone else. That is once again judgemental and assumptive to the extreme.


See how many words it took me to explain his rudeness to you? I'm obviously not good at being concise. That's why I said he has a gift. He got all that assumption, innuendo, judgmentalism, insult, and snobbery packed into just a couple lines.:cool:


i believe it is you with the gift. you read into all that with my few words?


next you will claim to know what i'm thinking.


what is your take on when some here are referred to as posters? :confused:

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Actually I have told my wife that in the unlikely event of her demise ( I tried to be delicate), I will retire to a ship. Get a room on a ship, no mail, no phone, everything taken care of and visit with the kids every 6 months or so. Sounds ideal to me. With the Internet and electronic deposits, sell everything and see the world. Would I have to pay taxes without a legal US residence?


LOL You tickle me. I told my kids last night after they move out, me and poppa are moving to a cruise ship.

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LOL You tickle me. I told my kids last night after they move out, me and poppa are moving to a cruise ship.



We have 2 out, 2 in college and working and 2 years til retirement for me. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer . And I am only 48

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