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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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what is a weight watcher point system? I like to joint in , i have one month to go to Canada and Alaska cruise. Hopefully I will be lighter.




Google weightwatchers.com ( or whatever the ending is in Australia) . This is the latest system from WW. You are assigned a certain umber of daily points to eat based on your weight. Each food has points value, based on its content of fat, carbs, fibre, and protein. The idea is to eat your daily points value ( fruits and veggies generally have 0 points) and you will drop pounds. Some foods are considered power foods as they take longer to digest thereby keeping you feeling full. By looking at the website, you will get a very good idea of how it works. It is an extremely successful method. Good luck and enjoy your cruise.


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Well, I bit the bullet and joined WW yesterday. I admit I am pretty nervous because I know myself and in the past gave up after backsliding. I really feel motivated to be healthier overall though. I had a kidney transplant in January and so I feel like I need to cherish the gift I have been given and instill a healthier lifestyle overall. Especially knowing I was given the gift of life at the expense of another's (the young lady whom I received a kidney from that passed away was only 20 yrs old). So here I am.


I don't have a lot of weight to lose, but I do feel conflicted about what is considered a healthy weight for me. At 5'5 it says I should be max 150 and to be honest the last time I was in the 150s I was 9 going on 10 yrs old. I was a chubby kid, but was also tall for my age (5'3) so no one classified me as obese. My highest weight was 225 (prior to kidney failure) and now post transplant I am 176. People say I look good right now, but I know I have ALOT of fat especially in my stomach (i look pregnant all the time). So, im not sure where to set my goal. I have decided to work on that 10% and go from there.

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Well, I bit the bullet and joined WW yesterday.


I don't have a lot of weight to lose, but I do feel conflicted about what is considered a healthy weight for me. At 5'5 it says I should be max 150 and to be honest the last time I was in the 150s I was 9 going on 10 yrs old. I was a chubby kid, but was also tall for my age (5'3) so no one classified me as obese. My highest weight was 225 (prior to kidney failure) and now post transplant I am 176. People say I look good right now, but I know I have ALOT of fat especially in my stomach (i look pregnant all the time). So, im not sure where to set my goal. I have decided to work on that 10% and go from there.


First of all, congratulations on your successful transplant surgery. I also am 5'5'' and my goal is 150 pounds. It has been an up and down experience for me but I finally realized that this is a lifetime commitment. I do not intend to become a person of size again.

Last week I reached my 5 % weight loss and am hoping to have lost enough to reach 10 pounds tomorrow. My goal after that is the next 5 pounds which will put me within 4 pounds of my goal of 150. I may be happy there, but will reconsider when I reach and maintain that long enough to become a lifetime member. What has gained my attention is the variety of healthy foods I can eat that are taking the place of other fat-laden foods I used to eat. Like oven 'fried' onion rings. My DH says he prefers these ones. Tonight, I used up a bit roasted chicken and past their prime veggies and made chicken fried rice using brown rice. It was both tasty and filling and passed the husband test.

Do this one day at a time, with mini achievable goals, like 5 pounds at a time. This is easier than trying to reach a goal that could be more than 20 pounds away. Each time you achieve one of these goals you gain confidence and are less likely to get discouraged and give up. Hang in there on this journey with the rest of us. your new kidney will be grateful!!


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Hi...I didn't read the thread but I just went to my first WW meeting

yesterday and am a bit overwhelmed.......I got the Points Plus Calculator

but if I could get some help I would appreciate it. Do you go grocery

shopping and check all the stuff on it? Fat, Carb, Fiber and see how many

points the item is....for every item you buy?:confused:

I am the heaviest I have ever been in my whole life:( and understand

this program really works.....

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you:)

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Hi...I didn't read the thread but I just went to my first WW meeting

yesterday and am a bit overwhelmed.......I got the Points Plus Calculator

but if I could get some help I would appreciate it. Do you go grocery

shopping and check all the stuff on it? Fat, Carb, Fiber and see how many

points the item is....for every item you buy?:confused:

I am the heaviest I have ever been in my whole life:( and understand

this program really works.....

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you:)


It can be a bit overwhelming when you first start out. Just like everything that is new, it will get easier. So, to answer your question, yes, I used to check the back of the packages and calculate EVERYTHING!! Now I just immediately zone into anything that has low fat or no fat in the ingredients. Also remember once you have had something (potatoes, rice, pasta) the point values kind of sticks with you.

When I first started on WW (Jan 8, 2013), even though I was allowed the extra weekly points, I never used them and still have only used a few of them. Another important factor is exercise. I started by walking at a slow pace about 15 minutes a day and have built it ip from there. I have to say tracking and exercise are key to a successful weight loss. I'm down 26.2 total and feel (and look) like a different person! Wishing you all the best on your journey to a healthier you!! Good luck, I know you can do this!

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Hi everyone, been away from the computer a few days because my mom died on Saturday. Not really unexpected, but still sudden. I'm trying to stick to my food plan, but am thinking about eating all the time. I really really want to binge! Realizing I've never dealt with stressful things without eating. So far I've stayed in my points, but the nutritional breakdown isn't that great. Tonight is the viewing, and tomorrow is the funeral, so the next few days are going to be a struggle to eat right. I didn't get to make my 1 point veggie soup over the weekend, so my veggie counts have been low. Squeezed in a quick batch last night, so will hopefully do a little better.

There's so much I want to comment on regarding the new posts, but I just can't organize my thoughts. So I'll just say welcome to the new people, I think you'll like it here, and great news on the weigh ins so far this week. Go strong everyone. And Nikki, I really hope you see a number you like on your WI this week!

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Hi everyone, been away from the computer a few days because my mom died on Saturday. Not really unexpected, but still sudden. I'm trying to stick to my food plan, but am thinking about eating all the time. I really really want to binge! Realizing I've never dealt with stressful things without eating. So far I've stayed in my points, but the nutritional breakdown isn't that great. Tonight is the viewing, and tomorrow is the funeral, so the next few days are going to be a struggle to eat right. I didn't get to make my 1 point veggie soup over the weekend, so my veggie counts have been low. Squeezed in a quick batch last night, so will hopefully do a little better.

There's so much I want to comment on regarding the new posts, but I just can't organize my thoughts. So I'll just say welcome to the new people, I think you'll like it here, and great news on the weigh ins so far this week. Go strong everyone. And Nikki, I really hope you see a number you like on your WI this week!


My deepest condolences on your loss. There is just something different when you lose your mom. If you can make it through this stress without eating to satisfy the sorrow, you did good!! Take the time in the next few days to validate your feelings and know you aren't alone!

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It can be a bit overwhelming when you first start out. Just like everything that is new, it will get easier. So, to answer your question, yes, I used to check the back of the packages and calculate EVERYTHING!! Now I just immediately zone into anything that has low fat or no fat in the ingredients. Also remember once you have had something (potatoes, rice, pasta) the point values kind of sticks with you.

When I first started on WW (Jan 8, 2013), even though I was allowed the extra weekly points, I never used them and still have only used a few of them. Another important factor is exercise. I started by walking at a slow pace about 15 minutes a day and have built it ip from there. I have to say tracking and exercise are key to a successful weight loss. I'm down 26.2 total and feel (and look) like a different person! Wishing you all the best on your journey to a healthier you!! Good luck, I know you can do this!


Thanks for the reply. I appreciate it.

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There is an app for that! Seriously you can download an app that will scan the bar code and tell you the point value. I do WW on line but my SIL goes to the meetings and she was able to download it. I think all you need is your membership #. I use it all the time at the grocery store. It allows you to save the food and the point value. WW does work, I am only 8 lbs short of my goal. Good luck!


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Tracey I am so sorry to hear about your loss. And to have it come so close to Mother's Day is even more heart breaking. All you can do is to keep on trying. Know that your mother would be so proud of the effort you are undertaking and now continue for her.

I had my WI this morning and I was down another 1.6 So in the past 2 weeks I have lost 5 pounds. I need to continue like this and my final goal is in sight. I have a birthday in mid-June so my next goal is to lose another 5 pounds by then. This will work if I continue to follow the plan. This is going to be my summer as a thin person.


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There is an app for that! Seriously you can download an app that will scan the bar code and tell you the point value. I do WW on line but my SIL goes to the meetings and she was able to download it. I think all you need is your membership #. I use it all the time at the grocery store. It allows you to save the food and the point value. WW does work, I am only 8 lbs short of my goal. Good luck!



Hi Karen:) I don't have a Smartphone (that is what you download

an App for, right?:confused:). I do have a question....so if you don't meet

the total points for the day? What happens?

I bought the point calculator and took it with me to the grocery

store after I got off work today.

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My experience has been that if you go too far under,you will not end up losing. You need to think of your body as an engine that requires fuel. Without enough, it will react badly. You just really need to be honest on the counting.

I always eat 3-4 for breakfast, snack on fruit. I then calculate my dinner points as that is my meal with hubby and then fill in for lunch.

It sounds difficult and time consuming at first, but you will soon learn the point values of most things you like.

As someone else said, if you pick up something high in carbs and low in fiber, the points are going to be higher.

Good luck and hang in!

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My experience has been that if you go too far under,you will not end up losing. You need to think of your body as an engine that requires fuel. Without enough, it will react badly. You just really need to be honest on the counting.

I always eat 3-4 for breakfast, snack on fruit. I then calculate my dinner points as that is my meal with hubby and then fill in for lunch.

It sounds difficult and time consuming at first, but you will soon learn the point values of most things you like.

As someone else said, if you pick up something high in carbs and low in fiber, the points are going to be higher.

Good luck and hang in!


Thanks, I am still trying to understand it all...maybe I am just slow.:(

I am not hungry in the morning.....I have a cup of coffee, A Kureig

brand and it says it is 2 points...I put the stuff in the calculator

for the serving....you know, carbs, protein, fiber and fat?

When I come home for lunch I usually have a yogurt and maybe

a breakfast bar or bowl of cereal (whole grain).


I did buy some WW Smart Ones at the grocery store too.

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Thanks, I am still trying to understand it all...maybe I am just slow.:(

I am not hungry in the morning.....I have a cup of coffee, A Kureig

brand and it says it is 2 points...I put the stuff in the calculator

for the serving....you know, carbs, protein, fiber and fat?

When I come home for lunch I usually have a yogurt and maybe

a breakfast bar or bowl of cereal (whole grain).


I did buy some WW Smart Ones at the grocery store too.


Hi Lois:)


Remember me? just a different screen name, Laura from your home town. How are you? I regularly check the Lose before you cruise boards and there you are.


I will give you my opinion, I did this program a few years ago and it works, just follow those points exactly and you will lose weight. Each food has a points value, but always check how many servings a food item has. Like previously mentioned do not go below or over your points for the day. I did the calculator finder too and it does work, easy to find the points value. Did they give you a booklet too? which lists food items and their points value, that should help with non-packaged food items, for instance the points for a hamburger, a piece of fruit, a cup of rice, etc....again just follow those points and the weight will come off. Good for you for trying and I wish you much success. I will check this thread and see how you are doing:) oh, and a bit of exercise goes a long way too, just walking everyday will add to your weight loss. I hope you keep coming back here to let us know how you are doing.

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Hi Lois:)


Remember me? just a different screen name, Laura from your home town. How are you? I regularly check the Lose before you cruise boards and there you are.


I will give you my opinion, I did this program a few years ago and it works, just follow those points exactly and you will lose weight. Each food has a points value, but always check how many servings a food item has. Like previously mentioned do not go below or over your points for the day. I did the calculator finder too and it does work, easy to find the points value. Did they give you a booklet too? which lists food items and their points value, that should help with non-packaged food items, for instance the points for a hamburger, a piece of fruit, a cup of rice, etc....again just follow those points and the weight will come off. Good for you for trying and I wish you much success. I will check this thread and see how you are doing:) oh, and a bit of exercise goes a long way too, just walking everyday will add to your weight loss. I hope you keep coming back here to let us know how you are doing.


Hi Laura:)...yes, I remember you....how are you and Kevin doing?

Thanks for the reply.


Yes, there is a booklet too. Maybe I am just not cut out to remember

it all:rolleyes:....I went to the meeting on Tuesday night......ok...then

yesterday went to the grocery store and bought a bunch of stuff and

alot of it has the points on the front....(Yoplait yogurts are 2 points

each). I can tell you being my first day yesterday, I did not have the

26 points.....:o

Anyway.....I will see how it goes.........thanks again:)

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Hi Laura:)...yes, I remember you....how are you and Kevin doing?

Thanks for the reply.


Yes, there is a booklet too. Maybe I am just not cut out to remember

it all:rolleyes:....I went to the meeting on Tuesday night......ok...then

yesterday went to the grocery store and bought a bunch of stuff and

alot of it has the points on the front....(Yoplait yogurts are 2 points

each). I can tell you being my first day yesterday, I did not have the

26 points.....:o

Anyway.....I will see how it goes.........thanks again:)



It is a pain in calculating, but trust me as time goes on it'll get easier! As far as your daily points, you should really try and use as many as you can. You may not be hungry for breakfast but WW is trying to reshape your eating habits. As we all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If I'm not really hungry I'll have one of the yoplait yogurts you picked up yesterday, they are yummy!!! Or instant oatmeal, breakfast bar, something. Same with lunch and dinner. It's also important, as mentioned earlier, portion control. I started WW early in Jan and its like second nature to me when I eat something I immediately start calculating the points. I know to lean towards fruits and veggies and try and stay away from the starches. But if you want them you can have them just use the serving size and no more.

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Hi Laura:)...yes, I remember you....how are you and Kevin doing?

Thanks for the reply.


Yes, there is a booklet too. Maybe I am just not cut out to remember

it all:rolleyes:....I went to the meeting on Tuesday night......ok...then

yesterday went to the grocery store and bought a bunch of stuff and

alot of it has the points on the front....(Yoplait yogurts are 2 points

each). I can tell you being my first day yesterday, I did not have the

26 points.....:o

Anyway.....I will see how it goes.........thanks again:)


Whatever you do Lois, please, please do not give up on this program, it will work for you, if you cannot get all the points in then at least try to get as close as possible to the daily recommended points. Honestly I found it easier to just buy frozen or packaged foods, the label is right there for you to calculate the points. Like the WW foods you bought, that is a good idea, and it will be easier for you the first week until you get used to the plan. I believe the Weight Watchers plan is easier to follow then having to weigh food or count calories, too much guess work. With the calculator points finder they make it easy for you. I am rooting for you!!:) I betcha you will be happy with that first weigh in and it will motivate you even more.


Oh, we are fine here, thank you for asking:)

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Laura and Lisa, thanks for the encourgement. I am going to buy the

newest WW cookbook......maybe that will help me too.


I work 7-4....I guess I could bring my breakfast bar to work and eat it

at a "normal hour".....and not worry that I am not eating at 6am with

my coffee.

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Lois, I get to work at 6 a.m. so usually eat around 7. I need to be up a while before eating :).


On the second week I lost .8 but at least it's going down. I was frustrated at first but I'm 55 and weight doesn't come off very fast now :(

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Lois, I get to work at 6 a.m. so usually eat around 7. I need to be up a while before eating :).


On the second week I lost .8 but at least it's going down. I was frustrated at first but I'm 55 and weight doesn't come off very fast now :(


We are the same age......I have been wanting to cry the last few days....

I was on cruise last month and I fell (I am ok) but I was in a Cabana

in Labadee and fell from the top level onto the bottom...hard:eek:....my

leg still has a bump......I went to the Dr and they took x-rays...nothing

broke or fractured....anyway....they weighed me (of course:rolleyes:) (went

to the Doc after I got home). Anyway, when I saw how much I weighed:(

In all 55 years, this is the most I have ever weighed.......

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Lois, I'm right with you! Menopause has not been good for me! :( I never thought I would weigh this much!


We will do it! We can lose weight and be healthier!


Oh...I have already gone through Menopause....but I hear you.

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We are the same age......I have been wanting to cry the last few days....

I was on cruise last month and I fell (I am ok) but I was in a Cabana

in Labadee and fell from the top level onto the bottom...hard:eek:....my

leg still has a bump......I went to the Dr and they took x-rays...nothing

broke or fractured....anyway....they weighed me (of course:rolleyes:) (went

to the Doc after I got home). Anyway, when I saw how much I weighed:(

In all 55 years, this is the most I have ever weighed.......




So sorry to hear about your accident on the cruise:( glad you are okay. I think we all share something in common here, our ages, just turned 52 last month and it is harder to lose the weight, don't get upset, it can be done. And I am the heaviest I have been in my 52 yrs too, which is why I am trying to reduce calories too. We can do this. You can do this!! just try the program for a few weeks, guaranteed you will see results and want to continue. I know when I lose some weight I feel better about everything else, again don't be sad, think about that next cruise and how much thinner you will be:) Obviously you have the motivation, you took the first step and attended a meeting, keep with this. You know there is also Jenny Craig if this does not work for you, you purchase their foods, the only problem is that it is more of an out of pocket expense but it works as well. I have done both programs. Just saying there are other options out there, don't give up.

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Lois glad you are okay. I'll be 50 this year and I too am done with menopause. I truly believe the past 6 years with my health issues, weight gain and feet growing :/ was all related to menopause. the doctors kept telling me Ii was too young to go through it, pie in there eye! Up until my early 40's the most I weighed was 120. Then it happened.....I was mortified, depressed and thrown into the feeling sorry for myself stage. It really hit home when the doctor write on my note "morbidly obese". I didn't think I was obese let alone morbidly obese, lived like that for a couple of years trying my own thing. I think what hit home was the realization my mother died at 56, I didn't want to be where she was with heart disease, post menopausal, etc... and decided to attempt to turn things around. So far, so good and I refuse to go back to where I was. So when people say 50 is the new 40, for me it's the new 30!

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Hi Lisa and Laura, thanks so much.....I wish the 3 of us lived closer...

we could do it together live and in person. Thanks for the support.:)


I went out to dinner and Applebee's has WW items on their menu.

I had a grilled shrimp dish with rice......it said it had 13 points.

I had some leftovers for lunch with a yogurt. My problem is not

eating 26 points per day and trying to understand all the food/points

Do you keep track on line of what you eat EVERY DAY?:eek: and the

points for each item?


Laura, as for being motivated? That is really not me but when I

saw what I weighed?:confused:.... I knew I had gained weight....but I

didn't realize what the number was (is).........

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