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LIVE from the Ocean Princess - 28 days from Rome to Singapore 10/15 - 11/12/2011


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I just looked out there. There's a canopy above the bandstand and what you said is a screen is really a large while tarp. It's windy on deck and the tarp is wiggling, so I don't know what the movie will look like. This movie however is a good one.




Looks like you may have the opposite experience that I had.

(Good movie but bad weather :( )

I really hope it clears up for you!!!!

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Pia and Donna,


Thanks to you both for your great reports.


Donna, your posts regarding Agra brought back some wonderful memories. We were on Oceania's Nautica in 2008 and we went on a ship's excursion to Agra. We left from Goa - the airport I think was owned by the Navy - and we were on a chartered flight that flew directly into Agra where this time the airport was owned by the Air Force. I could have the two airports mixed up but anyway they were private airports. We too had lots of stamping of documents etc which is probably a way in India of keeping many extra people employed.


We had 3 days/2 nights in Agra and it was a fantastic experience. We then flew back to Mumbai to join the ship. It was something we will remember forever.


Pia, I am interested in your flight to Athens shortly. How were you able to fly to Rome from home and then do a flight to Athens from Singapore. Did you use F.F. points or were you able to split the flights somehow to more or less make a return flight? I am always interested in knowing how people get around some of the finer details of flying. A friend of mine wants to fly home from Tahiti after a cruise from Sydney and yet if she does so, she will have to pay the price of a return flight even though it is only a one way flight.



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Good Thursday morning where the sun has not yet come up. It needs to catch up with the new time change I suppose. I went to the gym earlier when it was still sort of darkish.


Today will be our designated packing day; this afternoon when there's not much to do. We'd like to keep tomorrow free for Kuala Lumpur and whatever we decide to do. As of now, it will be the shuttle (1/2 hour at $8/pp) to a large mall. We had intended to go into KL and spend the day on our own, but turned in those tix yesterday. Decided that we'd been there twice previously and that would suffice.


On the agenda this morning is a 9:15 lecturel "Passion in the Pacific", the On Deck for the Cure (but no mention is made of a contribution or of getting a cap or tee), another last chance outlet sale and a culinary demonstration. Afternoon brings a Veterans Day Remembrance Service and the crew talent show. Tonight's offering is another appearance of the violinist who we chose not to see the first time and will not see again. That's about it. You notice I never mention Bingo, since it's something none of us are interested in. But yes, it's always there.



Jennie: Our flight to FCO was with the other half of the ticket we used from London to PBI in May. Ergo............. cheap round trip for two one ways. The flight from SIN to ATH I bought on Emirates; one way only. No points. Just money. :)

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Thanks for answering my question. We often do half legs of return flights and we have found the easiest way has been using F.F. points. It is interesting to know that Emirates will supply a one way fare, as they do fly from here so we can always use them if we have a flight to Europe but come home via the U.S.



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A few more random notes from the last few days:

We are now 13 hours ahead of the eastern time zone.

I have only seen a few dolphins but on the 8th a number of guest saw a very large pod of them along with a pod of about 8 whales. Yesterday just before lunch there was a large rain storm just off one side that included a water spout. The storm just clipped us for about 5 minutes.

I was talking to a lady that tried one of the veggie burgers offered at the Grill. She could not eat more than a bite. Instead of a mix of vegetables like she was used to in the US, it was mostly a green hockey puck of mashed potato. Otherwise I have heard very little negative about the meals.

In the last couple days I have seen bar staff on deck 9 using a bottle of water to mist any passengers requesting a quick cool off.

Princess had a passenger photo contest that ended yesterday. Not sure what the prize was but there were many excellent shots. The winner was an evening shot of the Coliseum in Rome. It was a beautiful shot, but as it had to be shot at least the night before the cruise started. I heard several people say they felt it should not have been eligible but it was the photo dept. decision.

On the 8th there were the finals of a boat building contest. Five teams signed up but only 3 created a boat. They had to swim one length of the pool, be able to load a 6 pack of Coke and swim back. Each was able to do that no problem so it came down to design. Four of my table mates built a boat that included over 300 wine corks. In memory of our port stops in Egypt the top deck had a Mommy in a bed holding a mini vodka bottle. The design included several other decorations. The Captain chose them as the winners which got them several small Princess souvenirs.

That was followed by the passenger talent show. On the last few cruises they have had trouble getting enough people to signup. We had 2 very good Tango dancing pairs, a singer and a couple comedians.

Yesterday was also a ‘Dancing with the Stripes’ show in the afternoon. This consisted of each of the 6 production show dancers selecting a fellow staff member early in the cruise that had no professional dance experience. Each pairing was given a different dance style. The staff came from dept like boutique, bar and purser. There were also 4 staff judges that gave feedback (all very positive). Each pairing did a great job based on the available time they had to prepare. The lounge was packed. The passengers got to vote for the winner.

As Pia mentioned, at night on deck 9 the Ocean Princess had its version of MUTS. They used the stage at one end to hang up a large sheet and then projected a picture that was about 6 feet wide which was plenty for the few rows of lounge chairs.

This afternoon was quite busy. The final art action was this afternoon. Like the others it was poorly attended. Even with the free champagne only about 20 people were there to start. I wanted to see what the autographed by senior staff Navigation chart of the cruise would sell for. It was the first item sold. Four bidders quickly brought the bidding up to $200, from there 2 bidders brought it up to the selling price of $650 which goes to a charity. From there I went to one of the 2 Remembrance Day events (tomorrow is a port day). There was a religious or no religious option. I was at the religious one in the Cabaret Lounge. Towards the end many people were wandering in trying to find seats for the next event. This was in the middle of Reveille and prayers. There was a sign at the door saying the service was in progress but some people seem totally oblivious to anything outside their own little world.

The next show was the All Star Staff Show. With fewer staff to pick from this included more of the production staff than normal. They did 2 dance numbers and the cruise director and assistant did a politically correct version of Old Man River. Other staff included 4 singers. The show ended with a great version of the cruise staff standard ‘If I were not upon the Sea’. The show was very well received by the packed house.

The production show staff are staying on board until late January. The team captain stays on 1 week after that to help with the transfer of teams. Unlike most other staff coming back from a contract, the production show staff have to go through a period rehearsals. For the current contract they had a 7 week period which included training for other cruise director staff work and for the next one it will only be 3 to 4 weeks.

The Captain farewell party was held before dinner tonight. The Captain got on in Rome and is getting off in Singapore, getting a 10 day holiday and then joining the Grand Princess.

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Thanks for the update.


I am wondering whom our Captain will be in March as I had heard that Captain Ravera would be on leave. Also, we will be getting a new Dance team from what you have posted and also a new Cruise Director.



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It's a cloudy morning in Kuala Lumpur, but already hot and humid at a little past seven. We are docked and tours are already departing. The four of us plan to take the 9:30 shuttle to a big mall.

The schedule on board today will be quite sparse; two movies, both in the afternoon. "Bridesmaids" and "Midnight in Paris." I've seen both and like them both. Otherwise, nothing else going on and the show tonight will be Iris, the lead female singer on board and the singer from a few days ago, the one from Scotland; Kaitlyn.


We are 95% packed for our Singapore departure tomorrow, so off we go for breakfast now. See you later.

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It's hard to believe your cruise is almost over and ours is about to begin. I enjoyed reading all the wonderful information you gave and told what was going on aboard ship. Here it is Thursday night for us and Friday for you. When we are heading off for bed Friday night you will be off and traveling on your way home or to your next cruise. Everyone have a safe journey wherever you may be going!

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It's a cloudy morning in Kuala Lumpur, but already hot and humid at a little past seven. We are docked and tours are already departing. The four of us plan to take the 9:30 shuttle to a big mall.

The schedule on board today will be quite sparse; two movies, both in the afternoon. "Bridesmaids" and "Midnight in Paris." I've seen both and like them both. Otherwise, nothing else going on and the show tonight will be Iris, the lead female singer on board and the singer from a few days ago, the one from Scotland; Kaitlyn.


We are 95% packed for our Singapore departure tomorrow, so off we go for breakfast now. See you later.


Thanks for your wonderful "live" as usual and I will be waiting for you to get on the Pacific and start the next one. Have a safe journey and see you in a few weeks.

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Thanks to Pia and all who contributed to this thread. It's been wonderful to travel to so many special places with you. David, your maps and cams were so helpful, and Donna thank you for taking us to the Taj !! What a great trip that was.

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Went into Klang - the mall was very modern and very 'plain vanilla' - could have been pretty much anywhere. Nice book store with lots of English titles, Starbucks, Papa John's pizza, McDonalds, along with a huge range of other ethnic restaurants, but the stores were what you would find anyplace - boutique clothing, electronics, department stores, pharmacy and grocery. Back on board quickly and went to the gym as it is hard to get DH to a domestic mall, let alone one somewhere else. Ran into some folks who took the city tour to KL - they enjoyed it and found it worthwhile in spite of the three hour bus ride.


We probably should have done that as well, but...


Getting packed up now and ready for our couple of days in Singapore, which is a city we enjoy a lot, and then the long flights home.


TTFN from me. I'm sure Pia will have some last words for this live and will, of course, start up a new one for the Pacific in a few days. Maybe some of the over 150 folks staying on board through Sydney will keep this one going, or start anew.

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CAUGHT! What I'm about to post was done off line and Donna beat me to some of the info. Then again, I noticed some fast food places she didn't. ;)


End of the day in KL and almost time to sail away to Singapore. The mall visit was interesting. Big, beautiful, 3 stories. Very new. Lots of eateries, including Subway, Pizza Hut, McDonald's, Kenny Rogers, Papa John's and Starbucks. Also a 3 story department store with a huge supermarket on the lower level. Wine prices were way too high, so a good thing we didn't need to buy any. For future travelers, there is nothing at the port area but one little convenience store which just carries water, soft drinks and snackies.



When we returned to the ship there were lots of balcony chairs and tables being carried off the ship. I didn't see any new ones. but I'm sure they arrived shortly thereafter. The balcony furniture being replaced were for minis and suites only. The other balcony stuff needs replacing too, but I guess that's for some time in the future.



I hope to check in again before disembarkation, but if not, thank you all for following along with us on our most interesting journey. Any time a thread gets more than 30,000 hits is fantastic! Hope to "see" some of you on the Pacific next week. :)

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I'd like to add my thanks to Pia, Donna and all those who took us along on your journey!

"See" you on the Pacific next week.


I'd also like to add my thanks for giving us such a treat following along with you. Look forward to following you next week!

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Our last full day for this voyage has been another wonderful day. We took a Princess excursion that went from about 7:30 to 3:45. From the port area to the city of Kuala Lumpur was over an hour. We did quite a few short photo stops such as the Blue Mosque, War Memorials and the Twin Towers. It rained twice between stops while we were in the bus. Longer stops included the National Museum, shopping and lunch and the KL Tower. The views from the tower were great although in the distance it was a bit hazy. The city is so different from what we experienced in India. There is virtually no unemployment here and they need to import workers for some of the cheaper jobs. There are nice clean highways, lots of open space that is well maintained, and traffic moved in a much more ideally manner. In the city motorcycles dart in and out of the traffic just like all the other ports we have visited but honking is very discouraged here. I only heard a single short beep which everyone’s ears appreciated after India. Along the highway motorcycles have there own little roadway that runs parallel to the main highway and includes tunnels at off ramps. This makes great sense as many of the bikes are not fast enough in normal traffic but in rush hour they can move on their own road without delays.

The area around the Sultans palace and the Parliament building had a lot of Canadian flags. We have been away from home for awhile but apparently our Prime Minister will be here soon.

There are several major building under construction so if you have not been here for a while you will not recognize the central area of the city.

If you are planning a west bound cruise that includes a stop here it is worth checking out the duty free shop on the second floor of the terminal. I know someone that bought a case of beer there at about a $1 per can and came back after for another with no problem bringing them on board. They had liquor and pop also. There were only a couple shops on the main floor. Someone has made a major mistake in planning this cruise terminal. The building is quite large and the area has a very large complex of stores and housing that was built in anticipation of cruise business. The store area is all empty and about 75% of the apartments also. There is a Malaysian cruise line that makes stops here in the prime season but not many foreign ships. It is a busy container port but that does not bring that kind of business.

Tonight’s diner included the traditional Baked Alaska parade. For the 28 day cruise the menus have not duplicated. Some items have been offered more than once but the menu was different each day.

Tonight’s show is a split between the Scottish female singer we had a few days ago and the female production show singer. I went by the photo area after dinner and there was about 15 people lined up to make purchases. Could have saved themselves a lot of time by buying earlier.

As this part of our holiday draws to a close (we already have our cards for the next segment) I thinks its worth noting that we are overall quite pleased with the experience. Although there is always the occasional minor issues for some passengers I have not heard of anyone that would not recommend this cruise. As we had a 6 day and a 4 day at sea in a row period you have to love sea days to do an itinerary like this. If you like activities like lounge singers, trivia, lecturers, bingo, sunning around a pool and reading in a quite location then there is plenty to do. There is seldom major lines and as the ship is not dumping a couple thousand people off in a port the tours are not as crowed.

We will be doing a 3.5 hour Singapore tour tomorrow before returning to the ship to kick off another 20 days and see what the new crew and passengers will be like.

A lot of the staff on board are from Thailand. As we will be there a few days into the next cruise they are staying on 3 days into the next cruise so we will be getting a new room steward and waiters on the 3rd day.

We received the ships log tonight. A final distance into Singapore is expected o be 8,272 nautical miles, 9,521 statute miles or 15,323 Km.

A couple days ago they gave out a dinning experience pamphlet in the dinning room that included some recipes, some of the averages consumptions per day, eg 500 lb poultry, 60 lb shrimp 350 gal of soup etc along with 10,00 dishes and 4,000 glasses washed per day. Of the 373 crew on board, 139 are either preparing food, serving food or cleaning up.

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