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Sounds like a wonderful Splash, as always! Those Painkillers are quite good, aren't they?


I forgot that you will see the Degustation Menu (The "D" menu) twice. Another option is to choose course from the Vegetarian side of that menu and then something like steak for your main course. I am not a Vegan but do have some food allergies (sadly caviar is one) so I have found some wonderful options by going that route.


Too funny about the cheese! DJ's DH and I have a standing order for a cheese which is delivered around 5 so we can nibble on it while preparing for dinner. We found a cheese plate for 2 is just too much so we order it just for one and it is perfect ... just another idea:D


Enjoy turnaround day!! Will be interested to hear how they handle you clearing the ship twice in SJU!

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Dinner part 2

Pear sorbet with an edible habiscus. Sorbet so light, habiscus so sweet.


Beef wellington with potatoes. Excellent. Could cut it with a fork. Sauce was some sort of mushroom calvados thing. Excuse me, Olivier, would you mind bringing me a cup of sauce and leaving that bread basket right over here next to me? Think I'm going to do some dunking! Really, really good.


Starts with an M french cheese. It is sort of layered and each layer is made from either the morings milk or the evenings milk. The things that stick in my mind. It scares me sometimes. Excellect


White chocolate moose with baileys ice cream. Yes it was that good. They always bring a little plate with truffles, etc. But honestly at that stage all I can do is look at them sadly as avwasted opportunity.


The dining room was packed but again never missed a beat. DJ thanks for reminding me about the vegetarian side which is always there including last night. The main course there was artichoke hearts. Their menu always sounds good even to a non vegeterian. Newbies, also available all the time is ny strip, salmon, chicken, pasta, and something else that I forget.


This morning was the turn around point and most got off. There are 5 couples staying including us thank goodness. I wondered if it would be a hastle to get off and go through immigrations and get back on. It was nas not. Around 8:30 they announced that thye were cleared and most got off and started searching for their luggage. We just walked strait ahead and were about 3rd in line. I had filled out the forms just in casae but they were not needed. He looked at our passports and we were done. Made a u turn and got back on board. The Captain was funny. He wouldn't shake my hand on the way off and said it was becasue I was staying on. When I got back on I told him he couldn't welcome me since he didn't say goodbye, haha. He did anyway. The whole process was maybe 5 minutes.

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So last cruise was 102 and this will be 57. It will really be like a private yacht. The Captain last night told us we were a tame crowd as we had only gone through 587 bottles of whatever. I want to say 400 something knots and $9000 worth of fuel. The yacht must hold a lot as it filled up for the crossing and is just now getting topped off, not filled as it is cheaper somewhere along the way.


Massages this AM were very good. Was offered soft, medium, or strong. I opted for strong and DW did soft. Once again knees walking up my back. I was afraid to move out of fear I would throw her off! Got through a little before her and walked back down the hall to 402. In a moment she crawled in and collapsed saying OMG! She describes her type massage as fluff and buff which seems a waste to me. Whatever, she was a happy camper. Can I go back and tell her I want another later?? Yes dear.


Met Felix at lunch, a server just returning from 2 months off. Seems terrific and why not? Spaghetti Bolagnese for me and salmon for her. I am refusing to think that the differences in our size has anything at all to do with these kind of choices! It's too hot here in SJ. Someone said 100. I'm just looking for shade.

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57! Wow. We had 59 on our very first SD in Mexico and it set the bar for all the rest. I know you are glad to still be on board. We did a 5 day and it was over way too soon. Sometimes it just fits into the schedule though. Keep up the good work.:D

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Actually knotheadusc, St. Barts was owned by Sweden for quite sometime!


can you believe the Swedes traded St. Barts for Gothenburg?

If you haven't been lucky enough to go there in December - where its dark almost 19 hrs a day, you'd understand my question. It can be beautiful in the summer. . but its no St. Barts



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dinner last ight was a repeat with the filet which was just as good as before. The dining room was only half full. There were quite a few couples dining outdoors though. The pace is definitely slower this time. The staff less huried. Job is smiling, Pablo is still running around helping everyone he can find, Silvio is thinking about his countdown which is a couple days now, Olivier is gone, Felix has joined us and he will be in board next time I'm sure.

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Went in to St John today. Not as hot as SJ, thank goodness. Bought a little something for DW while she ws on a hike with Jeff the Club Director and a few others. Rained a bit but was cooler. Not a lot of shopping but enough to leave a deposit.

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Walking across the pool deck and a gentleman stops me, " Excuse me, I have to ask, are you Mr Cheeseplate?" How funny is that? We all laughed and I pointed out the real cheese plate eater which as we all know by now thanks to the power of the internet was not me but DW!! He had read it on this very sight, haha. Captains table tonight. Poor guy is not ready for DW. Lovely day at the pool with new friends. Like the group this time better. Had a 76. Never had heard of it. Champaigne and vodka. Feel a late night coming on ---maybe even 11?? Hope you all will be yachting soon.

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I fear you will have a late night Artlee.:eek: Last time at table with Captain Tysse, dinner lasted till near midnight. And, since the TOY bar was right there and working well------I dont think I need to tell you what happened. :eek: Why do I always seem to have those nights before a next morning snorkeling trip??:eek::D Have fun.


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I fear you will have a late night Artlee.:eek:


I agree Jim. I can almost see the TOY bar and feel that delightful Caribbean breeze right now.


I must add one more thought, cheesy though it might be, I do believe that people who are very focused on low-fat eating (i.e., no cheese) might spend a little longer time on this side of the dirt, but I have to wonder just how much fun they have. . .;)


Keep on having fun, Artlee and have a little cheese in my honor. :p

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Thanks for the tip Ragnor. Dinner was very nice. Just 6 of us all who had done btb. Captain was both gracious and entertaining. Talked about how difficult it is to get hired, i.e. all waiters must have worked in a major hotel. It seems they have low turnover whicjh says a lot considering the hard work that is required. Seems to be a family atmosphere to some degree. Mentioed how nice it is when SD2 and SD1 are in port together overnight as the crews have friendships and get together for cookouts. Meal was lobster, veal, or I should have done the veal instead of chicken. The was a delicious pasta with ham, spinach, and tomatos 2nd course. Trying to be a little good I had grilled pineapples with coconut ice cream. We were not rushed and finished around 10 or so.


Was tired but DW wanted to go to the piano bar where we sang and drank until 11:30. George is the pianist/singer and is quite good with a wide array of songs and encurages singalongs. One passenger was quite the singer.


Ther are a couple problems that have come im. Most importantly, plumbing. Our toilet has not quit working 3 times typically as we go to bed when it is too late to call someone as you just want to go to sleep. Of course the next morning you have a problem when you first get up. I know of at least one couple who had to change rooms because of continuing problems. The aft restroom on 5 has been stopped or broken at least twice that I know of. Disconcerting a bit since they were in for "refurbishing" earlier this year. Could be just bad luck and our room steward has been quick to address and very apologetic. Hot water is a little erratic at times but I think that is probably a supply and demand issue. In the scheme of things these are small issues but but based on the high level of everything else need addressing. I don't like saying anything negative as everything else is so over the top good.


It is very hot in Tortola today. DW in pool, me cooling off. Another demo day in the lounge and a Club gathering tonight. I don't think I mentioned it but the Captain announced during introductions last night that they hae not been able to get one couple off as they are now on their 5th strait voyage.:rolleyes:

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Off to another good start of the day. Sorry about the plumbing issue. As a former ship master and having used to live on a boat, these type plumbing issues almost always result from someone flushing something "inappropriate".:eek: Toilets on ships/boats are far different from the gravity flow types in homes or hotels. It is all done with vacuum pumps and macerator pumps. Add the wrong stuff and, Bingo, bad times.:eek::eek: I hope they get it solved for you asap. Using the old oaken bucket is no fun.:D

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Jim, it is fixed again. We have tried to be " sensitive" to that ;). I'm sure it will be fine now. Everything else is wonderful so all is good.


No wifi at the pool today so I assume it happens now and then. That's probably why I orignaly thought it did not work there. Just step into the lounge and you're all set plus you get air conditioning! :)

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Hi Artlee. I was not suggesting you had anything to do with the toytee issue, it could have been from anywhere. If we ever sail together, remind me to tell you the story of the drunk cook on my ship that was breaking and flushing whiskey bottles down such a sensitive system.:eek::D:eek:

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So home now for a couple days. The trip home was exhausting and I can't wait for the weekend so I can catch up on my sleep. I'll try to give my opinion of the voyage(s) mostly for newbies. Keep in mind my opinion will probably vary from others. Each of us look for different things in a vacation so what is good for me may not be good for you, and of course the reverse as well.


I think a voyage on Seadream is all about 1) service and 2) food. The yacht itself while nice is not over the top. The dining room is quite nice and the TOY and Balinese beds are superb. The main lounge area is just fair -- maybe a bit dated. The piano bar is fun, but is quite confined. The casino is really just a black jack table, the brochures show and speak of a couple slot machines. They were not there, nor were they there on SD 2 a couple years ago. If you are the kind of vacationer that wants to be entertained, then SD may not be for you. Entertainment is really eating, drinking, and interaction with fellow passengers. Night time seemed to be split between TOY and the piano bar with a specific group for each. In my opinion this is not a voyage for kids. There were none on board. There would be nothing for them to do. The yacht is very small obviously. If you can't spend a lot of time in the sun (me) there is little alternative as you would find on a large ship. Land excursions are not something we do much of as we have been to the Caribbean many times. I'm sure these can be secured seperately for a savings if you are so inclined. Jeff, our Cruise Directer (called something else on SD) was very kind and very available. He had several hikes and bike rides at no charge for those who wanted to join him. My wife went on one of the hikes and was very complimentary of him. Bikes are available at no charge if wanted. Also snorkle equipment. About half the days the water toys and swimming was available off the back of the yacht. Some islands won't let them do it. Folks really enjoyed that.


The dynamics for whatever reason were different on the first leg (5 nights) versus the second (7). There were a couple large groups on the first and while they were very nice it kind of changed the dynamics a bit. Louder for sure. Again, nothing against them as they were very nice and were having lots of fun. It just can be kind of overpowering if 15/20% of a passenger total all know each other. You will invariably connect with another couple as we did the second week. We had a grand time and felt like long lost friends by voyage's end.


The service in my opinion is about as good as you can get. Crew knows your name almost immediately and always treats you like they are here to make sure your time is all it can be. There without being obrusive. A fine art for sure. By the end we were sad to leave them as we felt like they were new friends. Often you hear and see on this board people referring to crew they were anxious to see again on their next voyage. There is a reason for that. For us Silvio was the constant between our first voyage on SD 2 and this one on SD 1. It was so nice to see him and he couldn't have been nicer to us. But within days we had added new "favorites" that we now look forward to seeing again. The list is long, Jose, Pablo, Olivier, Mihael, Gideon, Eugene, Job, Brian, Mikee, Felix, Doramas, Brenda, Kristine, Manuel, Pierre, Fatima, Rose, Roland, Louisa, Sammy, George, and more my tired mind can't recall right now. I ask you how many cruises you have been on where you can list that many folks right off the top of your head? Each was special in their own right and contributed to our great time. I can't thank them all enough. To me the people are the number one reason I will come back again and again.


I like the food very much. That said, we eat out a lot and probably have a fairly wide level of tastes in food and can be a little adventuous in our eating. If you are a basic meat and potatoes eater then what I consider a plus will not be as good for you. There are plenty of steak/chicken options available every night but I would not think that is their strength. If you have a wide like in tastes then you will really enjoy your options. Dining is open and runs for 2 1/2 hours so you can pick when to dine. If it is nice out you can dine out on the deck under the stars, a nice touch. Of course if it is a hot, still night, the dining room is bit more comfortable. If you have specific likes or requirements they seem to go out of their way to please you. The chef was a new head chef - Gilles - and did a great job and was very visable during the entire cruise. I told him how much I enjoyed his soups and he had someone drop off the recipes to three of them to our cabin. Very nice. One evening my wife was a little under the weather and they brought me the full dinner with all the courses to enjoy in our room.


I had heard that sometimes they ran specials on laundry and dry cleaning towards the end of the cruise. They did not this time so don't know if that is common or not. I do know that we packed way too much and so will you, haha. I swear next time I'm bringing 2 swim shorts, 2 shorts, and 2 pair of pants. Dry cleaning is your friend and lugging around all those clothes is a pain. Not to mention that storage is at a premium. Keep in mind that during the day you will either be in shorts (I'm talking Caribbean) if on shore or swim suit if on board.


The cabin is small and the bathroom ridiculously small -- probably the most negative thing to say about SD. It is well appointed but you really feel claustifobic. The beds are fine but nothing special. There will either be a port hole or a window depending on what deck you are on. No balconies. For some that could be a major negative. I would prefer to have one, but it is not a deal breaker. The room stewardesses are super and keep everything clean and picked up and will provide you with special requests for your refrigerator.


Wifi is now available on ship for an hourly rate and also for $35 a day with no multiple day discount. Having internet access to me was wonderful as I can't stay in the sun for the whole day. I could stay in touch with the office and entertain myself as well.


While on board they offer a 15% discount on future booking. I did the open booking which is for anything booked within a year and actually taken in two years. That cost was $2500. Counting these two voyages we have now been on three and are booked for another. For us it is the most wonderful vacation we can take. It is expensive for us and probably needs to be an every other year deal. Service and food for us are really important and SD excels in both areas in our opinion. We like to just vegge and SD allows us to do just that. We would love to do Europe but expense and time makes that difficult for us. This turned out being 12 nights and for me, I think 7/9 is better. It's a lot of food, drink, and sun for me over a 12 night period.


I hope this is somewhat helpful to those who haven't sailed on SD and am happy to answer specific questions any may have. I'm sure some SD'ers will offer their different opinions than mine and expect that others may feel differently about some things posted. That's why there is Baskin Robin with all those flavors!!


All in all an excellent voyage once again on SD. Thank you SD for your wonderful people and making our vacation special.

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I agree! A very accurate and well balanced review. We were on SDI in the Baltic in June/July and that crew is just fabulous! We will be on SD II in late Feb out of Barbados. We are really looking forward to seeing that crew again, too. You are right it is about service,food and THE CREW!

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We will be on SD II in late Feb out of Barbados. We are really looking forward to seeing that crew again, too. You are right it is about service,food and THE CREW!


Late FEB., whatnot?! :eek:


Thanks for the excellent reports and summary, artlee! Very accurate and interesting to read. ;)

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