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Last Dec. an gentleman in a Hover-round and I, in a wheelchair, were some of the first people waiting to enter the ice show on Freedom. But, when the doors were opened people stepped over us and pushed ahead (one lady stomped on my toe pretty hard). When we got in to the theater, there was a group of people sitting and standing in the space for wheelchairs. My husband tried to explain that this area was for the wheelchairs. They did not speak English, but hubby and I are fluent in Spanish, French and know a smattering of Italian. They were laughing at us and drinking (drinks served by RCCL employees). My husband finally went to find an employee who did make them move, but it was so disturbing that neither of us enjoyed the show. We did not try to save seats for the rest of the family. We did not insist on having the companion seats that we could have had emptied. We don't ask for special treatment. We cannot sit anywhere else. I wish they would assign seats. It would make the whole experience more enjoyable.

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Dude, Carnival and RCL have the same clients.....not necessary worse on either line. Low rent? Really....same $ scales. People just need to grow up. It is not all about YOU. (in general, not the op or anyone else.)


Um sorry you couldn't be more wrong. Most people on carnival are on the line for the cheap price and think people who can or do pay as much as they do for say allure or oasis a crazy. Rccl's prices are typically always higher when you compare the the same size ships or larger when talking about rccl. Looking at your list of ships you have been on I can see why you would have this skewed idea of the lines. But I can say without question the people sailing on allure and oasis forte most part are not the same people sailing on carnival.

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Um sorry you couldn't be more wrong. Most people on carnival are on the line for the cheap price and think people who can or do pay as much as they do for say allure or oasis a crazy. Rccl's prices are typically always higher when you compare the the same size ships or larger when talking about rccl. Looking at your list of ships you have been on I can see why you would have this skewed idea of the lines. But I can say without question the people sailing on allure and oasis forte most part are not the same people sailing on carnival.


Sorry...but I disagree...I've sailed Carnival a number of times...I'm also D+ on RCL...doesn't make me any better...and I don't act any "worse" when I sail carnival...any line or any cruise will have there good days & there bad....

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Um sorry you couldn't be more wrong. Most people on carnival are on the line for the cheap price and think people who can or do pay as much as they do for say allure or oasis a crazy. Rccl's prices are typically always higher when you compare the the same size ships or larger when talking about rccl. Looking at your list of ships you have been on I can see why you would have this skewed idea of the lines. But I can say without question the people sailing on allure and oasis forte most part are not the same people sailing on carnival.


This is the second time I composed a response to the above comment. I erased my initial response as I took into consideration that the poster may be a 12 year old, and therefore didn't want my post to be overly harsh. However, regardless of age, I can only hope that you soon learn that being so judgmental while trying to be superior only makes you appear inferior. Please consider what may be missing in your own life that makes you feel the need to belittle others in an attempt to increase your own worth.


I am happy that you enjoy the Allure and Oasis. I am also happy that there are so many WONDERFUL cruise lines and cruise ships to sail, as some people actually enjoy much smaller, more intimate ships. Celebrate our differences! The world would be a very boring place if we were all the same.



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This is the second time I composed a response to the above comment. I erased my initial response as I took into consideration that the poster may be a 12 year old, and therefore didn't want my post to be overly harsh. However, regardless of age, I can only hope that you soon learn that being so judgmental while trying to be superior only makes you appear inferior.


Great post however I believe the poster is 12 .

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Sorry...but I disagree...I've sailed Carnival a number of times...I'm also D+ on RCL...doesn't make me any better...and I don't act any "worse" when I sail carnival...any line or any cruise will have there good days & there bad....

As I stated for the most part it is not the same crowd. I didn't say everyone. It's a fact that A LOT of people travel on carnival because it is more affordable the rccl.


This is the second time I composed a response to the above comment. I erased my initial response as I took into consideration that the poster may be a 12 year old, and therefore didn't want my post to be overly harsh. However, regardless of age, I can only hope that you soon learn that being so judgmental while trying to be superior only makes you appear inferior. Please consider what may be missing in your own life that makes you feel the need to belittle others in an attempt to increase your own worth.


I am happy that you enjoy the Allure and Oasis. I am also happy that there are so many WONDERFUL cruise lines and cruise ships to sail, as some people actually enjoy much smaller, more intimate ships. Celebrate our differences! The world would be a very boring place if we were all the same.




Again read the above post. I said for the most part it is a different crowd. Nor did I say I was better then anyone because I cruised rccl. Nothing is missing in my life which is why I clearly didn't belittle someone. Think you need to read the post again. Nor did I say everyone needs to be the same. I personally know people who won't travel rccl because they claims it's "too high priced" compared to carnival which is the only line they have travel. Again that's a fact. You can also take a peak on the carnival section on cc and see the same thing being said by many people over there. Again fact.


Great post however I believe the poster is 12 .


28 but thanks I know I look great for my age.

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On Oasis I saw a group saving several center seats, while others were filling in the seats around them. When their group arrived, two people didn't like these seats and went to find seats elsewhere. Therefore a couple next to the empty seats moved over. About a minute later the 2 women returned and decided they did want the seats after all. By now the other seats were filled in and they really expected the couple to get up and give them the seats back. They were very verbally abusive to the couple until other people around who knew what had happened told them to get real. The nerve of some people just amazes me.

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I know what you mean. While on our last cruise I wanted to take a seat and a woman said she was saving all the seats. I wanted to sit down anyway and try to force her to MAKE ME move. My hubby said, "Don't make a scene." So on our up coming cruise, I'm going to fib to darling hubby and tell him they changed the rules and said that if anyone tells you they are saving seats to ignore this and take a seat and if they keep on and on about it to get your cell phone out and tell them you are phoning security to get it straight. I think if we all did this around the pool or in the show area or anywhere, maybe they will take the HINT and stop with their RUDE behavior.


Ok folks, everyone that has a cell phone needs to take them on their cruise and call their bluff. I may go as far as to ask for their security phone number. I'm about "sick of the rude behavior" of others.


I was going to ask the same thing somebody else pointed out...do you call 911?? or what # do you call?? ;) When you get their phone # that people can call from their cell phone, please post it on her for everybody. I'm still trying to figure out the logistics of how you could even do what you're suggesting. I guess you probably could, but boy would it be expensive to go through the high seas operator and have them patch you through to security on the ship :eek: by time ya jumped through the hoops, the show would probably be over......lol

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@UNV=IT - I really enjoyed your post about sitting in a "reserved" seat. I appreciate people who take a stand against against incivility.


I don't really understand your position about passengers choosing to spend less on a Carnival cruise are different from cruisers on RCI. There are many cruisers on RCI who select, for example, an inside cabin on a lower deck because it is cheaper. Does that make them different from the RCI cruisers who book an ocean view, balcony or suite? That hasn't been my experience. Having good friends who sail on Carnival often and get balconies/suites and I can say they wouldn't be out of place on any RCI ship anymore than the D+ members I've met who have booked an inside cabin on RCI ships.


The ability to pay more doesn't always equate to having good manners or class anymore than spending your money in a cost-effective way means you don't. Perhaps the reason you don't see the same "type" of cruisers on Oasis or Allure as you believe cruise on Carnival is because you don't recognize them as Carnival cruisers. Not everyone feels the need to detail their cruise history to everyone they meet on a ship. FYI - I'm not trying to say your personal observations aren't correct in your eyes, I'm just saying that they may be limited. JMHO.

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A little off topic but I never understood why a group of say 10, traveling together, HAD to sit all together on the same row for a show. What is the big deal about splitting up to a few smaller groupings? I’m not talking about splitting up parents and young children, just perhaps a few adults.


They want to sit together because they all want to sit in the very best seats. So they send one person ahead to hog a whole block of good seats while the rest enjoy another drink or dessert and show up at the last moment. Meanwhile, people who have made the effort to arrive in good time are stuck taking seats in the back corner, or having no seat at all.


I've just decided what I'm going to do from now on. I'm going to plonk myself down on any seat I fancy that doesn't already have an actual person sitting in it. If someone tries to tell me I can't sit there, I will put a pleasant, puzzled smile on my face and pantomime that I can't understand what's going on. Let them assume what they wish - that I'm hard of hearing, just plain stupid or don't understand their language. Do I care what they think of me? Not! :rolleyes:

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When I posted my remarks above I don't think FRESHOFFTHEBOAT understood that the lady was saving 6 rows of seats. That's a lot of seats and that is a little above the normal hogging of seats. It's one thing to save a few but to snap and scream at a fellow passenger while on vacation is uncalled for.


I agree with you that saving a few seats is not a big deal, and that there is a point that saving too many seats is rude and obnoxious.

The last line we sailed on was so strict about no-saving policy that they almost gave up a seat we were saving for one person. We had 8 in the group, and one was running a little behind. The facial expressions we received from the crew member when we wouldn't give up the seat (one seat to a family of four), would have led one to believe that it was one person saving seven seats.

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I brought it up to the waiter on a subsequent night and he told me that the parents of those kids were sitting at a near-by table. I never saw them speak to the kids. I don't think they could have been paying ANY attention. They designated a KIDS' table in order to enjoy their ADULTS' table and made the unchaperoned gang the waiter's problem.
When we go out with a group of people, we frequently break up into adults' table /kids' table . . . but our kids've been taught to see this as a treat -- a chance to act grown up. They love it. We keep an eye on them, and we've never seen ours misbehave in this circumstance. They know that punishment would follow, and that next time we go out they'd be sitting squarely between mom and dad.


The problem isn't kids sitting together. It's the attitude of the kids . . . and the parents.

I had a lady try and hold a bunch of seats on my last allure cruise for chicago. I laughed and sat down anyways. She yelled at me for about 10 mins and then proceeded to go get someone from rccl. She brought him back and yelled at him to tell me to move because she is holding the seats. He made it clear your not allowed to do that and I'm doing nothing wrong since I'm in my seat waiting for the show to start. She cursed him out and said she was going to the front desk and reporting him for not doing his job. She left and the row quickly filled up. She showed up about 5 mins after the show started with the rest of her party. She made a big scene and stormed off. I just waved my drink in the air and smiled.
I find one falsehood in your story: No woman who'd behave that way is a lady.
So there is a clearly written "no saving seats" policy?


I wish I was brave enough to do what you did! I don't mind if someone is holding one or two seats, but the people who try to save entire rows just burn me up. I think it is the height of tackiness. If you want the best seats, then come sit down early like everyone else. Otherwise - too bad!

Yes, it's a written policy.


I agree with you: I don't have a problem with 1-2 seats momentarily. A husband who's gone to get drinks. A wife who was cold and went back to the cabin for a sweater . . . but the problem is groups who want to send one person an hour ahead of time to reserve a block of seats. And it happens.


The one person going to the restroom thing doesn't seem to be a problem though because few people come to the shows alone; thus, no one wants that single seat.

It never works for me to be confrontational with someone about seats. Invariably if a scene gets made, that person who screams at me will be in the cabin next to me, at the adjoining dinner table, on the same tender, and sitting next to me on the flight home.
Then that person should feel ashamed of his or her bad behavior -- not you, the person who's following the rules. Maybe I'm growing mean as well as old, but I'm pretty good at being assertive without conflict. Maybe it's part of being a schoolteacher; I can definitely use teacher-eye and teacher-voice to assert authority well beyond my size and ability to use force.
Love this and I would also say "Oh no, I was in here earlier and already had this one saved, sorry."
Now that's a great answer!
Last Dec. an gentleman in a Hover-round and I, in a wheelchair, were some of the first people waiting to enter the ice show on Freedom.
I witnessed a similiar experience at the Grand Canyon National Park: We'd signed up for a dinner event, which began with a little train ride to the dinner location. My family arrived very early to the train area, and we were chatting with a woman in a wheelchair and her family -- they'd also arrived very early. As the time approached, a large group from ElderHostel (they were wearing name tags) arrived and took places in front of us. When the train arrived, they began to push their way ahead onto the train. I pointed out to the adults with the group that they were pushing ahead of people who'd been waiting, and they just turned turned their back. I said something to the train conductor, and he moved all of them back and gave us the front seats on the train, where there was a handicapped seating area (he thought we were all one big group, which was fine). When we reached the location -- a big tent -- I saw that this group pushed their way to the front tables too.


The woman in the wheelchair said she'd eat dinner with me instead of them any night.

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While I have plenty to say on the topic of seat saving, that was not WOW part of the OP for me. It is the amazing carelessness people have with their children on cruise ships. On our last cruise, my we were playing on the water slide area with our 4 y.o daughter. My DH could not help himself and was playing "water park patrol" to try to keep the children there from hurting themselves. After about 20 minutes a woman said to him, "Could you keep an eye on him for me?" and indicated her 3 yo son! Now, my DH does not look like a cruise ship employee so that was not her mistake. She was just willing to let a random stranger watch her kid! Apparently, child molesters/killers do not sail on cruise ships. He told we might not be there very much longer. She just said ok and left. We stayed 20 mins then stepped out of direct sight because we would never leave a kid alone and watched to see how long she was away. 45 min total. What a moron. There were also many very young children (5-9) running all over completely unsupervised. I am always astounded by that because I am sure if that unsupervised 5 year old ends up in the water it will be the fault of the cruise ship, not the stupid parent. Ok, stepping of my box. Thanks.

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My favorite happened on our last cruise where a woman and man were saving half a row in the main theatre before the show. Another woman and her group came up and tried to set there. Then the man who was saving the seats got in a shouting match with the woman and then the two women got into a shoving match. To make a long story short security finally came and escorted all involved out. So get to the shows early and you never know what you'll see.

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My favorite happened on our last cruise where a woman and man were saving half a row in the main theatre before the show. Another woman and her group came up and tried to set there. Then the man who was saving the seats got in a shouting match with the woman and then the two women got into a shoving match. To make a long story short security finally came and escorted all involved out.


I think this might be why it is better to just smile and nod to everything they say when yelling at you for taking "their" seats. They'd just yell back at anything you could say.


I cannot imagine shoving someone because they sat down in a seat I wanted. That really blows my mind. I guess some people really do live in a Jerry Springer world.

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This might not have been my finest moment, but I got into it last week with a guy on Allure over the whole seat saving thing.....I was cruising with my mother and it started the night we went to see Chicago. We lined up early for the doors to open as we had reservations. We noticed two little girls at the front who couldn't have been more then 7 years old. They had been standing at the doors for awhile. When they started to let people in they ran to the beginning of the middle section (right before it drops down a bit and a nice ledge is there). The spread out and sat on opposite sides of the row thereby saving around 8 seats total. Basically, all the seats in one of the prime spots in the theatre. The 6 or so adults finally arrived as the show was starting after the girls had sat there for 45 minutes telling people the seats were saved and causing a lot of commotion because people kept filling in to sit there.


A few nights later we went to see "Blue Planet" and the same exact thing happened. This time my mom and I sat in the same row, but near the aisle. The girls had come in first and proceeded to save the same 8 seats. The show was filling up fast and the girls kept running across us, out of the row and into the aisle to stop people from coming in. After awhile, it became a bit crazy as more and more people were coming in and everyone kept trying to come down our row to sit in the seats. They would make it down to the area and the girls would turn them away. We (my mother and I and another couple sitting on the other side of us) would have to stand up and let them pass each time. It was maddening after awhile.


About 10 minutes before the show, the mother and father come in and sit down, but we were still missing the other four people. The show was packed so more and more people kept coming in to sit down. One couple made it down there and the father told them that people were sitting there. I just told the couple to "sit down because the seats had been empty the whole time". I was tired of it.


This started a huge argument with the father who made a comment to me about "minding my own business". To which I said I would if they would stop being so rude and inconsiderate. Needless to say we got into it. It was pretty bad. He kept telling me they had a right to save seats because they had a "Gold colored sea pass (for having a suite)". I explained that only meant they had certain sections reserved for them at some shows, etc. It did not give them the right to be so rude and inconsiderate as to leave two young girls to save a chunk of seats for nearly an hour as they did what they pleased until they were ready to show up at the last minute.


This went on for awhile. The whole time this guy was yelling at me I could tell he was just trying to bully me and intimidate me, but I wouldn't back down. I just made a point of explaining that he knew it was wrong, everyone around us knew he was rude, and I was simply going to be the one who would say it to his face. There was more and it was very heated, but you get the idea.


At least it is a big ship and I never saw him again.

Good for you! Had the same situation a few times over the years. I just sit in the seat and tell the indiviual there is no saving seats plain and simple. Had a man last year on Allure try this and he was infuriated that I sat in two of "his" seats. If you looked up ignorant in the dictionary it would have had a picture of him. I finally told him in the nicest possible way to let it go. His wive encouraged him to do the same. And Blue Planet was a very enjoyable show!;) Happy cruising, K.O. near Philly
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I've just decided what I'm going to do from now on. I'm going to plonk myself down on any seat I fancy that doesn't already have an actual person sitting in it. If someone tries to tell me I can't sit there, I will put a pleasant, puzzled smile on my face and pantomime that I can't understand what's going on. Let them assume what they wish - that I'm hard of hearing, just plain stupid or don't understand their language. Do I care what they think of me? Not! :rolleyes:


Does this mean if I go to the bathroom and my husband is holding my seat you would sit in it? That is the exact thing that happened when the old lady took the seat from the 2 year old. (An earlier post in this thread that I posted). I believe that it is wrong to hold seats; I also believe that it is wrong to be rude and take a seat that is being held for someone in the bathroom or, in my example, sitting on their grandmom's lap until the show starts. I agree that I think holding a ton of seats is WRONG, but if it's one seat then I think that it fine.

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Does this mean if I go to the bathroom and my husband is holding my seat you would sit in it? That is the exact thing that happened when the old lady took the seat from the 2 year old. (An earlier post in this thread that I posted). I believe that it is wrong to hold seats; I also believe that it is wrong to be rude and take a seat that is being held for someone in the bathroom or, in my example, sitting on their grandmom's lap until the show starts. I agree that I think holding a ton of seats is WRONG, but if it's one seat then I think that it fine.


Most of the time in groups of three or more, the seat vacated for the bathroom break could be in between the rest of the party. That way if one person is seeking a seat, then it is more understandable to them if you explain the situation.

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Slightly off topic, but one line that we sailed on actually had ushers ask people to slide towards the middle of the row to allow latecomers to get an aisle seat. Being that I went early to get an aisle seat, I would not budge. I was kind enough to slide my legs as far back as possible to allow the people access to the middle of the row.

Please note that I would have gladly moved if there was an obvious challenge for them to cross to the middle, if they had a kid, or some other circumstance that would warrant them needing an aisle seat.

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I had a lady try and hold a bunch of seats on my last allure cruise for chicago. I laughed and sat down anyways. She yelled at me for about 10 mins and then proceeded to go get someone from rccl. She brought him back and yelled at him to tell me to move because she is holding the seats. He made it clear your not allowed to do that and I'm doing nothing wrong since I'm in my seat waiting for the show to start. She cursed him out and said she was going to the front desk and reporting him for not doing his job. She left and the row quickly filled up. She showed up about 5 mins after the show started with the rest of her party. She made a big scene and stormed off. I just waved my drink in the air and smiled.


Good for you! These seat savers somehow think they're in the right and I don't understand their thinking either. I still think the ship needs bouncers the escort you to wherever you want to sit. Then let's see the seat hogs try it.


Happy cruising everyone! and think about your fellow cruisers!:)

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OMG, I never realized when I started this thread how common this behavior was. The hockey rink brawl and Divorce Court moment in the WJ would have been fun to watch. However, the story about a woman leaving a toddler alone at a pool to fend for itself and the kindness of strangers is just plain scary.


That "It isn't saved any longer" remark should go down as a classic. I also love the one where someone waved their drink in the air in victory. My compliments to both of you.


I'm just not brave enough to make a scene. I'm always the one who runs into the same rude people the entire vacation. BTW, the rest of my cruise on FOS was fabulous. I'll post a review when I get done with the laundry and catch up at work.


Thanks for sharing your stories. I must concede I was bested by several of your accounts. You really get a cross section of society on any cruise line. An it's not always a bad thing. I've met people from around the world and my life as been enriched by the experience.

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Good for you! These seat savers somehow think they're in the right and I don't understand their thinking either. I still think the ship needs bouncers the escort you to wherever you want to sit. Then let's see the seat hogs try it.


Happy cruising everyone! and think about your fellow cruisers!:)

Don't they come with the larger suites?:D

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Um sorry you couldn't be more wrong. Most people on carnival are on the line for the cheap price and think people who can or do pay as much as they do for say allure or oasis a crazy. Rccl's prices are typically always higher when you compare the the same size ships or larger when talking about rccl. Looking at your list of ships you have been on I can see why you would have this skewed idea of the lines. But I can say without question the people sailing on allure and oasis forte most part are not the same people sailing on carnival.


I find it interesting that you have made this kind of judgement call based on the fact that you have been on zero carnival cruises... but I digress...

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