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Fab Five Finally "Reach The STAR" 2/26/12 Sailing!


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(Thank you Lost Sailor and Debnjoe)






Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, the wind was minimal on the bow balcony throughout the week with a few exceptions. Some think these suites are too windy and never book them. Mr. coka and I do not think so at all. This is the only suite category I have sailed in so not sure if something’s missing by not ever trying the haven areas or not. Mr. coka said this location is the only way to go but I still can return to any of the lower categories with no hesitation. Cruising into Cozumel was great. We sailed by other ships and our pier was the downtown one across from Senor Frogs/Carlos and Charlies. The Spirit docked next to us.


The newbie had her 2 tank dive so she left the ship early and was gone for the day. The original plan was to rent a car and drive around the island. This felt like too much effort and responsibility for whoever the driver would be. BIL and GalPal tried to do a tour but it was already full. No matter, they knew the risk. If no availability, then they would walk around the port so BIL could practice his Spanish and find some China for GalPal’s sons’ wedding. HUH? You are going to look for Fine China dinnerware in downtown Cozumel? What? You are going to walk it? What? I am going with everyone? I replied to the three of them, “It’s easy, you all walk down the pier, go up the escalator to the right, walk a U-turn by all the stores, do not get scared by everyone inviting you in, and then take the escalator downstairs to get to the street below.”


I should have made it seem easier. Oh well, we ended up getting plenty of sun standing 40 minutes on the pier as we could not pass through due to Regent Seven Seas coming in to dock. Once up the escalator to the right, I suggested BIL inquire in Spanish to the shopkeepers just what he was looking for. About one half mile later up the street, we arrived to a large complex directed to. Inside, everyone except BIL laughed out loud. There were no fine China place settings, yet most everything in there was indeed made in China.


More Spanish inquiries had us walking back down the street past the original complex. No worries about Cozumel downpours I told them as we rushed through the rain. We will not melt and they do not last long. Mr. coka runs pretty well now with his new knees yet BIL was hurting. Four Spanish speaking recommended stores and one mile later, he still had no chinaware. “Why not get them a Turkish rug from the store we passed?” “How about a chess set?” “Oh, New brides love vanilla and other spices!“ “Cuban cigars?…”


Defeated, in pain, disappointed, and sweating profusely, BIL rested upon the interior staircase risers of an air conditioned main street store. I wondered about Cozumel hospitals. How good are they and how fast is their 911 response? Would I need to run back to Star and ask for wheelchair? How much is an airlift home and did he purchase the recommended insurance should such things be needed? Where is GalPal and Mr. coka?


While wondering, I stood with my elbows resting on the handrail. As BIL leaned against the balusters catching his breath, my elbows felt some wonderful material. What are these? Draped along the staircase we inquired further together. BIL held one end and I held the other to discover gorgeously crafted table linens. My eyes got bigger, BIL’s eyes got bigger, and without words we nodded to each other in agreement. Upon check out, BIL had a big smile and concluded out loud these items would definitely be easier to pack. No shipping necessary.


We finished our Cozumel day at Starbuck’s Coffee. Having new ipad and online searching experience, we heard Starbucks, Carlos/Charlies, and Hard Rock Café were the wireless connection sites. The Star is wireless as well yet I never looked to see how much their internet package was. It cost me four dollars for a frozen coffee at Starbucks and to get the connection site and password. BIL was very happy and much less worried to know he now had a Tampa airport hotel for only 75 dollars. Regular price would have been 229 plus. It had restaurants, pool, everything needed for his extended stay.


Once finished, I realized everyone left me due to being hungry and wanting to put their feet up. Alone, I thought about going to Carlos and Charlies to see if anything crazy was going on in there. If there wasn’t, then I would take the responsibility of making sure something did. Not having sunglasses or hat to go incognito, I passed. With six to eight ships in port that day, and with the power of cell phone/ipad technology, I did not need to hear “I saw Mrs. Coka…” nor did I wish to find Mrs. Coka posted dancing on the internet. Live your life as though someone is always watching. Because there is.


So have a set plan for what you want to do in ports unless you like to go where the moment takes you as we do. Most passengers went to the beaches, shopped, went on Norwegian or independent tours, rented a vehicle or scooter, or stayed on the ship. Most crew like Cozumel port because Pearl is further down the way, so all three ships (Star, Spirit, and Pearl) can meet up with their buddies. Well, everyone can except Peter. Poor Peter. Peter, a member of the cruise staff, had to stay behind on ship. This is evidenced by the Freestyle Daily list of activities: “Morning Trivia with Peter,” “Ping Pong Challenge with Peter,” “Goofy Golf with Peter,” “Wii Tennis with Peter,” and “Paper Boxes with Peter.” Peter had to have been pooped by late afternoon, because the 5pm Shabbat Service was Self-Led.


Either that or Peter quit and debarked with some of the others. Passengers can begin and end their cruise in Cozumel. Do not know how, why, or the ruling, but we saw some getting off the ship and others getting on. The muster drill for them was scheduled in the freestyle daily.


Suite treats arrive daily between 4 and 5 pm. Something different each day, there were always five of them. We divided it among the five of us in the afternoons as we did the coffee in the morning. This day I went to the buffet at 5pm and got cheese, bread, crackers, olives, and other little items so I would have more for our balcony company. Only newbie arrived because the others were all asleep. We planned for the evening as there were many activities going on as usual. SharkBait was on onboard!:D



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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, the sounds of SharkBait’s Gidda-digga-gidda-digga-gidda-digga-gidda-digga sounds brought back lots of laughter and fond memories of when they were on the Pearl. Juggling comedians or comedian jugglers, they are a riot. Sit in the back if you do not want to be part of the show. Although, you still might as one of them can run really fast the length of the stairs to the balconies above!


The chocoholic buffet took place on this evening. We saw some suite guests get the private escort/viewing beforehand. Perhaps I missed something in our cabin or perhaps one had to attend an art viewing that concluded with the walkover to the pre-buffet afterwards. We came across an angry couple who discovered the Market Café dinner was not as much as previous nights due to the chocolate taking up one side of it. I took a guess the dining rooms would be crowded so I suggested the Blue Lagoon or the Tex Mex Endless Summer on deck 8 mid ship overlooking the atrium.


Our Blue Lagoon dinner worked out perfect. Hardly anyone present upon our arrival, we had eye level seating to the three musicians playing on the mid stairwell balcony. This night’s theme appeared to be country-ish. The Melodic Trio played country music in the Grand Atrium to a fairly decent crowd below. Others could go to the country western hoe down with Pedro and his cruise staff. Sean Burns was giving a Johnny Cash tribute in the Red Lion Pub. Again, just another example how each evening program had similar themes throughout.


Liars Club, Second City Scriptless, karaoke, and music everywhere else complimented the rest of the evening’s entertainment options. We finished the night by listening to Nick Petris and the Star showband performing a tribute to the Kings of Swing in Gatsby’s Lounge. The fantastic band and the exquisite crooning to Frank, Dean, and Sammy are not to be missed.


Back in the cabins, all paperwork and information needed for debarkation were placed on the beds. Although a horrible but necessary sight to see, the towel animals makes one forget about having to leave soon. My favorite was the washcloth in the tipped coffee mug. The jury is still out whether it was a pig or a mouse. As long as it was not a Costa Mayan horse fly. With only one full day and two mornings left of the cruise, we all packed as much as possible so we did not have to use up a fun day at sea or last supper time to do so. Fun days at sea are always interesting and the Freestyle Daily looked promising…



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Hi Annie, Yes, I loved the suite due to the bump out window. The two middle bump outs are different from the others in the same category. This cabin has more space inside and more natural light during the daytime. Curtains must be closed at night to not give a glare on the bridge guys' water views. The balcony is not as big as the others next to them or on deck 9 below. I have sailed in a 9500 on the Pearl and a 10500 on the Jewel so I knew the difference. One thing I noticed on the Star was a steel bar jutted out rim from the deck above...which interrupted my sunning moments. I would wake up and find a bar shadow across my face, my leg, or tummy. Know there is not a lot privacy if someone on the bridge is right up at the window looking down below. I was never naked so that did not happen. haha.


I took a four pictures throughout the entire week. Here they are:


coka :D



Oh My Gosh........ What have you done to my Coka?

You NEVER post photo's ..... say it isn't true? Have you mellowed? I know you are traveling with Mr. Coka ...... but we have rules! (Just joking - haha)

As usual ..... your review is awesome and I'm so glad to see Mr. Coka cruising with you.


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ROFL OceanDreams! Hey, I am not in any of them! ;)




Final Day At Sea and Debarkation!

I have no idea what was on the Freestyle Daily. Even so, what a great day! Probably one to last in my mind for a long time. While resting on the forward balcony almost asleep, Mr. coka, BIL, Gal pal, and the Newbie rush onto the balcony. “Captain Fafalios is responding to a mayday to some sailors in trouble” they announced. “How do you know?” I asked. “They canceled the bridge tour…Look! The sailboat is afar and we are heading to it!” Mr. coka had two sets of binoculars for us to share. We took turns peering through them. Moments later we hear the Captain, the Coast Guard, and the distressed vessel’s skipper communicating. Now I know the Coast Guard plane was flying low above and the Star bridge was just over our heads, but we were not THAT close to hear them talking.


Mr. coka! He brings everything! I guess he was prepared for anything. This included not only the first aid kit, but motion night lights for the cabin, for the bathroom, miniature flashlights (for each of us in case of emergency), a sewing kit, and 2 way marine radio. “Are you sure you do not have any illegal flares with you?” I inquired as we all hovered around the radio listening and watching. By this time all the forward suite guests and their friends were out on the bow to observe. Hooray for Captain Fafalios and his team I thought. All heroes! They were not going to continue on their way. They were going to make sure the sailors were safe and not in further danger.


The little sailboat bobbed up and down and over and under but was still afloat as we got closer. More communication took place among the Captain, the Coast Guard, and the skipper. We were shushing each other and be quieting each other so we could hear. Let me hold the radio. No, hold it this way so the five of us can hear. Hold it that way for everyone else to hear. Let’s just translate. Take it away from your ear! At one point we thought we heard the skipper say he did not want to be rescued. Huh? He called the mayday. Yet God Bless Captain Fafalios! He was just so present, so understanding, and just so Captain-ish! “Ve vill stand by anyvay.”


What seemed like a while later we were still standing by. Distressed sailboat strived futile attempts to continue onward to no avail. Platinum pita me thought about clicking the radio button and telling distressed skipper he needed to get on our lifeboat, go to the stern on the port side, climb up the rope, and get on our damn ship now! Although we all had our points of view, our convictions, and our conclusions about how or why the little sailboat was in their predicament, we became serious the moment the skipper announced the vessel abandonment. The fab five each had moments during their lives skippering a sailboat or a motorboat. Three of us served on police search and rescue boats as well.


We hastened to balcony 10528 because little sailboat was out of bow view. Three Star officers were in the descending life boat. Perhaps they were the 1st officer, the 2nd officer, and the safety officer. Other passengers were all on their balconies and above us on the open decks.

Captain Fafalios calmly, collectively, and reassuringly told the skipper and his wife what they needed to do as the two awaited their rescuer’s arrival. Leaning just a bit over 10528 railing, I could also see Staff Captain Zjelko’s awesome presence in the bridge overhang. Angel’s singing in the background, the sun beamed through the window upon his crisp white pressed uniform. Seriously, some awesome super star maneuvers took place that late morning from the Captain, Staff Captain, and others on the bridge and from those in the water. Maneuvering the rescue boat to the sailboat, getting the sailors on the rescue boat, driving in choppy seas, maneuvering the Star to avoid abandoned sailboat from hitting her, and lastly, the maneuvering of mrs. skipper up the stern rope lapper.


The sad somber sight of solo sailboat floating off the horizon dissipated as everyone rejoiced knowing the sailors were saved. A beacon had been activated so the vessel could be later located and not become a navigation hazard to other sailors. A happy tone was evident thereafter throughout the day. We gidda gidda giddied out loud like SharkBait each time we threw the bean bag in the air at the oasis pool game. We boogy boogy boogied in the pool water as we listened to the awesome sounds of pool band Xcite. We ate barbecued ribs and talked to people without a worry while sauce dripped down the corner of our mouths . We started a conga line back in the pool and danced with ourselves in the water’s waves to the Caribbean beats. We picked up speed as the sun set and we were back on course to Tampa.


Remember the old days when nothing was going on the last night of a cruise? Not so on Norwegian. Pack up, rest up, and fill out your forms earlier than the last night onboard. The Fab Five saw the Elements production show and OMG, we wanted to skip dinner afterwards and see it again. Well, some of us did! The orchestration of the dancers, the magician and his assistant, the aerialists, the music, the lights, the sound, and the special effects were just as beautiful as the orchestration of the rescue earlier in the day. The “elements” of earth, air, water, and fire are sensationally represented through the various art forms and each performer was outstanding. We LOVED this show. Special notes: get their early, go to the bathroom beforehand, and if you are sensitive to dry ice fog machines, know that at one point the theater uses them. Do not leave after the show because the special Norwegian farewell performance takes place immediately thereafter. On this evening, the flags waved the highest ever.


We did not skip our meal and we were all happy to spend the last supper together. I ordered the beef stroganoff because I remember some cruise critic made fun of it as it included beets. I thought the beets were what made it great! That, along with the tenderloin strips and the awesome sauce the noodles were in. I should have asked for the recipe as Executive Chef Barrington and Food/Beverage Director Vik were as usual visually present checking of course with everything. Instead, I asked if they could let the Park West staff know that BIL was going to be a little late to complete the final transaction for his art purchase. No problem, they were sure ParkWest would wait and they contacted them. They know their number too?


BIL loved his new painting of a woman staring out in the yonder by Pino. He explained during supper. It spoke to him as it caught his eye all week long whenever he saw it from Gatsby's Lounge or walking by. Mr. coka asked which ex wife the painting reminded him of. Throughout their conversation I chewed not only on the stroganoff but on what was wrong with this picture. And I did not mean the Pino print at this time. When he left after dessert, I inquired to mr. coka how BIL could quiver about 100 dollar plane fee change yet drop a considerable amount on a whim. GalPal and Mr. reassured me that is just how it is. I should see the Venetian Glass bowl he shipped home from Italy once.


Regardless of all that, the Park West reps were not pleased at all that Newbie and I showed up to be sure BIL was fully aware he was not getting that particular painting print he purchased. That he still wanted it even though Park West did not know what print number they would be shipping him. That he still wanted it even though he had to go to reception on his own to use a particular credit card instead of the one he had used at check in. For that price, how come they could not run upstairs? That he still wanted it even though they were not serving champagne at signing and completing the transaction in a public hallway on deck 6? Newbie and I were snarkly referred to as two breaths of fresh air that just blew in. Of course we were. She is the smartest woman in my workplace and I am a platinum pita. Besides, they were almost getting him to buy another one.


When asked the best and the most memorable part of the entire week‘s cruise, buying the painting was number one on BIL’s list so in the end, all is well. Gal Pal answered hanging out at Gatsby’s listening to the piano player. Newbie’s response was walking into her cabin one night and seeing her first towel animal. I had to respond, “Really? Everything you did all week and that is top of the list?” She clarified that everything about the week was great but that was the first thing she thought of based on my question. I always ask other than being with friends and family, what is the most memorable or cherished moment of the week that comes to mind. Mr. coka answered the rescue operation because he was prepared for it. Can anyone guess what my answer was? I have been around here for ten or so years so let’s see who is still reading this and who can guess which one moment mentioned in this review is my number one most cherished moment. Hint: It was not the balcony.


Quest, Music everywhere, and late night dancing are still available on the last night. None in our party attended and I was just as happy retiring late evening to wake up early for the sail into Tampa Bay. We docked briefly at some other pier while cars drove up to us prior to sunrise. A mystery, I was surprised mr. coka did not have a gadget from his drawer to figure out what was going on there. Afterwards, we sailed further up the bay and finally docked in our assigned pier. Debarkation was no matter to us. We did not have to catch a plane, nobody was picking us up, and we had until Monday to get to St. Petersburg/Clearwater airport and to Tampa airport.


The Fab Five characters all left with good memories and with mementos from the trip. Having realized mr. coka had the other 150 onboard credit, I ended up with some La Therapie skin products from the spa. Sailing with a group is different than sailing with just a spouse, a friend, a coworker, or going solo. We all followed the guidelines of being able to do whatever whenever in a freestyle fashion that Norwegian is famous for. The officers protected and provided a safe journey, the cruise staff entertained, and the crew took excellent care of our few needs. We all enjoyed ourselves very much! Although we have no future cruise booked, no future cruise credits, and we do not really know where any of us will be next, we are all very blessed to have the ways and means to vacation and to have spent the time we did together.




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coka, Thank you for your wonderful review of The Star. I will be sailing on Her for Her Trans-Atlantic adventure in April 2013. I loved your descriptions of Staff Captain Zeljko Jurac. He is a very competent individual as well as being "An Officer and a Gentleman". My friend Don Alexander was the one playing in Gatsby's. Did he play his saxophone and piano at the same time for you? The amazing thing about Don is that He does not read music.

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coka, Thank you for your wonderful review of The Star. I will be sailing on Her for Her Trans-Atlantic adventure in April 2013. I loved your descriptions of Staff Captain Zeljko Jurac. He is a very competent individual as well as being "An Officer and a Gentleman". My friend Don Alexander was the one playing in Gatsby's. Did he play his saxophone and piano at the same time for you? The amazing thing about Don is that He does not read music.


It really was a good feeling to know we were in good hands the entire journey.


Yes, Don did do that! BIL and GalPal really enjoyed listening to him as often as possible. I had fun walking down the big staircase kicking my legs up every time I descended to meet up with them.


coka :D

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It really was a good feeling to know we were in good hands the entire journey.


Yes, Don did do that! BIL and GalPal really enjoyed listening to him as often as possible. I had fun walking down the big staircase kicking my legs up every time I descended to meet up with them.


coka :D

Zelkjo would not be very happy with us if he knew we were throwing compliments in his direction. He is very much a "behind the scenes" kind of guy.

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What a nice review! Thanks for taking the time to write it. I am glad you had a good time on the Star. I cannot believe the McGuyver had all his equipment with him, lol! Mr. Coka comes well prepared for sure :)


Showing Mr. Coka the suite life must have been up there as far as your favorite memories from the cruise. I bet having the opportunity to see Darren again was nice too.


It sounds like you had a restful time, enjoying the balcony. You are resting up for another pool plunge I bet! Talk to you soon.

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Really enjoyed this, your writing style is GREAT! Thanks for taking the time to post. I sail in 7 + months and this helps the time pass. Some reviews about the star have been negative lately, yours was funny + upbeat. Honestly it's a cruise- i am on vacation from real life and I am not cooking or cleaning. People just like to complain! Fran

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Thanks for the feedback! A few times during the week I had to remind myself of that (as I was told my facial features, skin tone, and blood vessel size transformed drastically during the gin and tonic incident and during the breath of fresh air remark. My aunt, who was a teacher, taught me that "look" years ago and trust me, it is very very scary):eek:


Dear Jimswims...good guess but not the number one most memorable. Hint: Think water...think music



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Thanks for the feedback! A few times during the week I had to remind myself of that (as I was told my facial features, skin tone, and blood vessel size transformed drastically during the gin and tonic incident and during the breath of fresh air remark. My aunt, who was a teacher, taught me that "look" years ago and trust me, it is very very scary):eek:


Dear Jimswims...good guess but not the number one most memorable. Hint: Think water...think music





Could it be Fountains...;)

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Then it has to be dancing.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk - Jim



Hehehe, Yes! Getting everyone dancing in the pool water while listening to Xcite. :D It did not hurt during or afterwards!



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Hehehe, Yes! Getting everyone dancing in the pool water while listening to Xcite. :D It did not hurt during or afterwards!




And security did not come to find you and remove you from the vessel either :D!!!!

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