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I am more than a bit concerned...


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There are going to be people who act like douche canoes and make fun of others no matter where you may happen to be. There is no need to hide and honestly, if you are dressed appropriately I really don't think people would care. So many people these days are over weight, it's not like the world is filled with supermodels just ready to make fun of everyone else.


Be comfortable in your own skin and kudos to you for working on yourself, but happiness lies within. Never let what others think dictate your own actions, as 9 times out of 10, they are complete morons with a whole set of issues of their own.


But yes, if you dress to attract attention and you look like a $5 hooker (think of the hoochie mamas who would go on shows like the old Jerry Springer or the lady who wore the CHAIN MAIL halter dress on a Carnival cruise), people are going to stare and make comments. Myself included, because it is human nature to wonder what makes a person dress/act that way and feel a desperate need to get attention.

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There are going to be people who act like douche canoes and make fun of others no matter where you may happen to be. There is no need to hide and honestly, if you are dressed appropriately I really don't think people would care. So many people these days are over weight, it's not like the world is filled with supermodels just ready to make fun of everyone else.


Be comfortable in your own skin and kudos to you for working on yourself, but happiness lies within. Never let what others think dictate your own actions, as 9 times out of 10, they are complete morons with a whole set of issues of their own.


But yes, if you dress to attract attention and you look like a $5 hooker (think of the hoochie mamas who would go on shows like the old Jerry Springer or the lady who wore the CHAIN MAIL halter dress on a Carnival cruise), people are going to stare and make comments. Myself included, because it is human nature to wonder what makes a person dress/act that way and feel a desperate need to get attention.


1) best phrase ever... in your opening line.... I totally laughed


2) I agree 100% and I am happy to see so many other people thinking along the same lines. It as confirmed that the DC's are the minority.


I am already less concerned than I was when I posted this...give me a few days and I'll likely have forgotten it....

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Apparently you didn't see the recent, now deceased, 'Klassy Kruise' thread.


Oh so that's what happened to it! I posted on it that I thought the Klassy Kruisers were out of line with their posting pictures of innocent people without their knowledge and then making fun of them. I'm glad it got pulled, it was upsetting a lot of people.


Well, I'm 65 and glad to be alive, so if someone wants to snap away at me and my fluffy body in my swimsuit (a modest one...I'm not one of the brave:D), and make fun of me, hey go to it. I don't care, because as Halos says, it's your bad Karma not mine! I'm a healthy, happy, senior, with a loving husband of 40 years, and the mom of a 16-yr. old DS. Yes, I did say 16-yr. old. Life is good! Too good to waste on worrying about a few rude bullies.

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Oh so that's what happened to it! I posted on it that I thought the Klassy Kruisers were out of line with their posting pictures of innocent people without their knowledge and then making fun of them. I'm glad it got pulled, it was upsetting a lot of people.


yes, but due to its unique spelling, quite google worthy.


i thought it was pretty funny in the light it was intended.

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I understand your fear.

Even the most beautiful person can be caught in a 'bad moment' on camera (think of tabloids/celebrities).

It's mean and nasty and says a lot about the person who does it, but there is nothing you can do. We live in an age where people photograph EVERYTHING. And it seems a lot more people photograph others with bad intentions.


There are some people here (just a very few) who I have noticed in the past, have blurred out faces of people who inadvertently got caught in a photo. That's admirable, but rare.


The only thing that keeps me sane is I am a firm believer in Karma....:D



Karma's gonna get you every time!:)

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well if someone snaps a pic of me in my mankini:eek:..more power to them....

Should they want to show it to the world. So be it....


I personally have a saying that i follow in life....

F what people think..


If that a hole..or bully or whatever you want to call them..wants to live there life like that....good for them...its people like that i use as an example to my teens and show them how not to become and they can spot losers like that a mile away....


To the op..don't worry be happy!

Chances are nil that it would happen to you anyway... You have more choices and things to worry about such as what desert you order, which show you will be going to!



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This isn't an issue unique to the anonymity of the internet. Since I was a teenager....and that was a long time ago...I can remember seeing the "Don't" pictures in Glamour magazine and the like. It seems as if weekly the news (and I live in a major metropolitan area) will have a segment on obesity which is promoted by showing the rear ends/side views, etc. of overweight people walking about, minding their own business, but still left with their jiggly bits displayed for the world to see. Sure, it's mean to draw attention to others' shortcomings, but it's not a new phenomenon.


I'm guilty of having a somewhat sick sense of humor from time to time, and I admit to having a chuckle at another's expense more than a few times. It's not nice, I agree. Unfortunately, while we negotiate through life's assorted unpleasantries, we often find humor in them. It helps keep us sane. I certainly don't condone photographing a person simply to make fun of them, but we're all guilty of telling tales about someone/something that we saw that we thought was tacky, unattractive, shocking, etc. Is it further than I would go to actually post a photo? Yep. Are most of us guilty of that same behavior to a lesser degree? Again, Yep.


I usually ignore anything that I consider "over the top". I figure most people that engage in really mean-spirited behavior are looking for attention. I don't give it to them.

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This is true.


And I'd be lying if the recent thread formerly related to 'klassy' had nothing to do with this post.



I try to not overly post photos of myself, friends, family (personal preference) and even when I do a review on here (and future reviews) I am likely to not be in the any of the photos.



It would just be disheartening to then see myself pop up somewhere... and I think most people feel the same.



And I will reiterate I mean in some everyday act, like getting breakfast, enjoying a show, walking around Lido....



and I kind of feel this way whenever I see it........ I'm not JUST thinking of myself, I am more concerned with the entire idea of ANYONE taking a picture of a stranger to then post and make fun of it....


I don't enjoy seeing anyone made fun of (maybe that's the teacher in me)



I think as our society gets more and more 'digital' more and more privacy concerns arise, and I come from a family that has always taken privacy issues seriously.


Celendine, I know exactly what you're talking about. I get now more clearly what you are feeling. I too do not like to have my picture taken, I hate when I go to the photo gallery on the ship and see crummy pictures of myself, especially since my DH and DS are extremely photogenic...then there's old mom looking like a train wreck..LOL If I feel that way about the photo gallery, imagine how I'd feel if I saw a picture of myself online with mean comments posted next to it. I'd be embarrassed, angry, hurt, etc., etc. My SIL just downloaded some of our past cruise pictures of us in one of those Kodak snapshot book things. At first I got bummed then I realized she was just wanting to share photos of our good times with us. So, I got over it and appreciated her efforts. Just remember, as I have to remind myself these days, there's nothing we can do about pictures of us going online so I'm no longer going to sweat it. I am what I am, my DH, DS, family and friends think I'm beautiful so I don't care anymore about anyone else. I just tell myself that we are our own worst critics. I've seen pictures of me that I hate and my DH will say, "I just went down to the photo gallery and there's a really great picture of you that I want to buy." Then I get all excited go down there to look at it and I think, "Really, is he like blind!" LOL I guess that's life, we are all our own worst critic!:D

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The skeptic in me makes me think that many of the pics on the WalMart site are staged by people who deliberately do it to get their pics on the site.


If that is true, whoa, how desperate do you have to be to get attention.:eek:

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this isn't an issue unique to the anonymity of the internet. Since i was a teenager....and that was a long time ago...i can remember seeing the "don't" pictures in glamour magazine and the like. It seems as if weekly the news (and i live in a major metropolitan area) will have a segment on obesity which is promoted by showing the rear ends/side views, etc. Of overweight people walking about, minding their own business, but still left with their jiggly bits displayed for the world to see. Sure, it's mean to draw attention to others' shortcomings, but it's not a new phenomenon.


I'm guilty of having a somewhat sick sense of humor from time to time, and i admit to having a chuckle at another's expense more than a few times. It's not nice, i agree. Unfortunately, while we negotiate through life's assorted unpleasantries, we often find humor in them. It helps keep us sane. I certainly don't condone photographing a person simply to make fun of them, but we're all guilty of telling tales about someone/something that we saw that we thought was tacky, unattractive, shocking, etc. Is it further than i would go to actually post a photo? Yep. Are most of us guilty of that same behavior to a lesser degree? Again, yep.


I usually ignore anything that i consider "over the top". I figure most people that engage in really mean-spirited behavior are looking for attention. I don't give it to them.




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People can be mean. As someone who has finally tamed my own overweight problem, I know what a struggle it can be. I always try to think that the woman who weighs 350 pounds might have weighed 400 a year ago. For her, 350 is an accomplishment.

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Like many others, I go through phases of reading CC and not. Once I have a cruise booked, I read the site almost daily.


I have noticed in the last few weeks/months (at least compared to before) a lot of people posting pictures of strangers to make fun of them/poke fun/etc. etc.



I am now starting to second guess my cruise because I am worried I am going to be paranoid that someone is going to take a picture of me to then post and make fun of me on a website...



why do people do this? Yes I get that we all judge people, and something said in the moment to a friend is completely different than taking a photo and then posting that photo in your review.


I've never been worried before in my other cruises, but now after seeing several reviews and threads with people posting pictures of strangers I'm not as excited as I should be for my cruise.


ditto on what mousey posted. agreed.


I work in a mall so trust me I seen good bad and ugly and the *** were you thinking? And stores will you you this stuff.I'm opinionated in general. No one would actually come up to you and say what an ugly outfit, they would do it from afar out of earshot.

It is human nature to a bit mean, judgmental or have an opinion. I certainly can be like that sometimes. On the flip side I also have done bad fashion choices over the years. I just don't care what others think. I made the choice to buy the clothes and walk out of my house dressed in whatever outfit I chose good or bad. I like what I'm wearing- that's why I wore it. If some one whispers in the shadows how ugly it was- their opinion.


If someone wants to ride naked on a polka dot unicorn- their choice-

I got to admit as mean spirited as it sounds that would be entertaining to watch-LOL.


in a nutshell- don't stress it..,.

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That was really from another website. I (as I expect any other decent person) got bored with it very fast. I have never seen that idiotic behaviour from a CC member.


I know it was not posted by the writer on here, but it was seen/read on here.

To the others about the Walmart site, I'm sorry but some of those people deserve to be ridiculed. I agree that some are staged, but others .... HE** NO!!! :eek:

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That is why we have kids being bullied because adults do it all the time. Then we have suicides and lots of kids being killed at school. Get a grip folks over 21 are not the only people that read FB or CC. Just saying.....

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There are some strange people on here hiding behind their computer.


However the vast mafority of people here are good people who are very helpful to others.


Have no clue why anyone would need to post a picture of another to make fun of them.

I remember one guy who kept making snide remarks about women over a certain weight, (I think it was 135 lbs.) wearing bikinis! Now that was not only strange, but rude.

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Like many others, I go through phases of reading CC and not. Once I have a cruise booked, I read the site almost daily.


I have noticed in the last few weeks/months (at least compared to before) a lot of people posting pictures of strangers to make fun of them/poke fun/etc. etc.



I am now starting to second guess my cruise because I am worried I am going to be paranoid that someone is going to take a picture of me to then post and make fun of me on a website...



why do people do this? Yes I get that we all judge people, and something said in the moment to a friend is completely different than taking a photo and then posting that photo in your review.


I've never been worried before in my other cruises, but now after seeing several reviews and threads with people posting pictures of strangers I'm not as excited as I should be for my cruise.


Well, if your not doing something or wearing something inappropriate, then don't worry about it! Cruise on...

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Are you saying that you are seeing these pictures on Cruise Critic? I am on this board alot and I do not recall seeing pictures of people.


I agree... I am on here daily and have never seen any photos like that

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How feel in my skin has nothing to do with this.


My desire to NOT have my picture posted has everything to do with this.


You do realize you are in a public place and anyone has the right to take a picture of anything and post it any way they choose? Now, if they make money off of it I believe they have to give you a portion of that, but I can't be sure. As someone else mentioned, they only way to guarantee you are never photographed and displayed is to live you life in your home and how boring that would be?

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This is true.


And I'd be lying if the recent thread formerly related to 'klassy' had nothing to do with this post.



I try to not overly post photos of myself, friends, family (personal preference) and even when I do a review on here (and future reviews) I am likely to not be in the any of the photos.



It would just be disheartening to then see myself pop up somewhere... and I think most people feel the same.



And I will reiterate I mean in some everyday act, like getting breakfast, enjoying a show, walking around Lido....



and I kind of feel this way whenever I see it........ I'm not JUST thinking of myself, I am more concerned with the entire idea of ANYONE taking a picture of a stranger to then post and make fun of it....


I don't enjoy seeing anyone made fun of (maybe that's the teacher in me)



I think as our society gets more and more 'digital' more and more privacy concerns arise, and I come from a family that has always taken privacy issues seriously.


I get you, & I agree... not that you need my opinion... LOL

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First off, the "Klassy" review I found funny and was taken out of context here on cc. Especially the "rape" part. I mean did you even see the picture?


making fun of others is not right and I don't condone that, but there has to be a line btn comedy and being mean. I thought that review was a "spoof" and as such saw the comedy in it. I don't believe it was intended to be hurtful.

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I know it was not posted by the writer on here, but it was seen/read on here.

To the others about the Walmart site, I'm sorry but some of those people deserve to be ridiculed. I agree that some are staged, but others .... HE** NO!!! :eek:

No one deserves to be ridiculed :confused:

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OP, what exactly is the difference if someone posts a picture of people on their review in a complimentary way.


No matter good or bad reasons .. everyone shoots pictures and sometimes they catch people in them who would rather not be posted all over CC. I know I feel that way when people post my picture. It never occurs to them to ask. They think its being nice, so I rarely say anything.

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