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How can one keep a Meet & Greet to it's original purpose?


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Well now you all are making me think and I hate that!


I organize a lot of M&G for 30 day type cruises. There are a lot of private tours we set up. We usually manage not to spend the M&G discussing them all.


Several years ago we were on a cruise with a GRM that we knew. She very graciously offered to have all 35 of us put on the first tender so we could make our private tour. I had never thought to do such a thing. However, it was very helpful for getting us all together in one area and then on the tender. The GSM stated they do this quite often and I was just to ask. So on future cruises I have done just that with no problem.


After reading all the posts here I am now questioning that. I honestly never thought about hurting HAL's bottom line with this. Which may make me thoughtless but does it make me rude or grasping? I'd love some opinions on this from all of you.


That was very nice of the GRM indeed IMO. She offered - you didn't demand, so no, you weren't thoughtless, rude or grasping - you accepted a generous offer. If she said to go ahead and ask, then i can't blame you one bit. I've never been comfortable to do it but I've also never gotten the offer either. Mind you most of our groups aren't large (unless we are doing a transfer) so a tender port has never been an issue.

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"Kazu while you are here, just a quick question about Antartica..Does HAL sell the special tours to go ashore in Antarctica or do all Psgrs automatically get to go ashore in a HAL tender? I'm trying to figure out the costs of Tours etc. on the Ft. Lauderdale to Ft. Lauderdale on the Prinsendam next Jan.......

"Kazu while you are here, just a quick question about Antartica..Does HAL sell the special tours to go ashore in Antarctica or do all Psgrs automatically get to go ashore in a HAL tender? I'm trying to figure out the costs of Tours etc. on the Ft. Lauderdale to Ft. Lauderdale on the Prinsendam next Jan..


Sorry to but in- I'm not Kazu- but the HAL ( and other large )ships don't go ashoe in Antarctica. They do a sail by/ scenic cruising. I understand that HAL offers a flight from Ushuhia to Antarctica if the weather is okay and there are enough pax who sign up...... Back to M&Gs

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Sorry Betty i didn't see this until now - unfortunately we didn't hit Antartica - we went around the Cape and full South America but didn't do Antartica so I can't answer this question. hopefully someone can.



OK Thank you..Our cruise in 2003 only went around the horn & not into Antarctica..However the next departure did go into Antartica & we've always kind of regretted that we did not go into Antartica..

Now DH want to do it & I'm trying to come up with a figure for the entire trip..which will include some shore excursions..The ports are exciting..Don't believe we can pull up the shore excursions until we actually book the cruise though..Also think he's hoping that the cruise around the Horn will be a little more exciting, since it was smooth as glass on our cruise & he was disappointed..LOL



Edited by serendipity1499
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Well now you all are making me think and I hate that!


I organize a lot of M&G for 30 day type cruises. There are a lot of private tours we set up. We usually manage not to spend the M&G discussing them all.


Several years ago we were on a cruise with a GRM that we knew. She very graciously offered to have all 35 of us put on the first tender so we could make our private tour. I had never thought to do such a thing. However, it was very helpful for getting us all together in one area and then on the tender. The GSM stated they do this quite often and I was just to ask. So on future cruises I have done just that with no problem.


After reading all the posts here I am now questioning that. I honestly never thought about hurting HAL's bottom line with this. Which may make me thoughtless but does it make me rude or grasping? I'd love some opinions on this from all of you.


I am pretty sure that the cruise lines only expect to get a certain percentage of people that purchase excursions through the ship. If they have no problem accommodating tenders for private excursions then I wouldn't worry about it. It is not hurting their bottom line and if it was they would tell you no that you had to wait in line like everyone else :)

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As the author of the Rotterdam Cruise Review that caused some people to make some unsupported assumptions about what was requested and what was granted, I want to set the record straight. At no time did I request “priority” treatment over those that had booked ship tours nor was it ever offered. In fact, it was always understood that Priority Tendering for 4-Star Mariners and for those holding positions on Ship Tours would be honored as it always is. But the Guest Relations Manager looked at our timing & needs and worked us in during lulls between those other priorities in a very effective way to meet our needs while honoring the others. And if those who now have their knickers all twisted in a knot will go back and read what I wrote they will see that I said that.


I completely understand what Kakalina has written about Ship’s staff being willing to help with things like this. I have reason to believe it is done frequently and that it certainly was done on earlier sailings of this exact cruise. They do not all necessarily cast icy cold cynical competitive eyes on the efforts of the CC people to set up independent tours as is being attributed to them by certain posters on this thread. I have found them to be open and helpful and supportive of what we CC members set out to do if they are approached in a respectful way. I have sailed with Kakalina and I know that is how she does it!



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I also read the world cruise blog where It was mentioned that Henk had made comments in regards to CC meetings and I'm not surprised. Can you imagine having to listen to that lot ( "Oh, Henk the paint fumes offend me" , "Oh Henk, the sun loungers are dirty etc). Supposedly poor old Henk was hosting a dinner for them, he probably felt like a " deer in the headlights" listening to them ramble on all evening and said that just to annoy them (either that or cut off his arm). That blog is full of "sugar coated" complaints that are supposedly never hers but she always has "on good authority" belong to other passengers . "One of us" ( as she refers to herself)- and all those other repeat world cruises with that agency they go with, sound like complete "pains" and IMO a little too condescending for their own good. Flame away:)

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At our M&G's I try to start with a huge thank you to everyone in attendance, from the Officers, wait staff and CC members.


Then I ask all of the attending Roll Call members to introduce themselves and telling a bit about themselves, as little or as much as they wish.


Then I ask the Officers in attendance to tell us a bit of themselves, their duties and whatever they wish.


At times I will then ask them (the Officers) to tell us who we should contact in case of... and how we should contact them.


After one of our M&G's on Westerdam, I believe it was, the Hotel Manager, Ron Botenfels said that it was the first M&G he'd attended in quite a while and that he was happy he had. He said that he had stopped attending previously due to the complaints he was bombarded with at them. After our M&G was over officially, he sat and talked to us for well over 1/2 hour and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all:)


It is up to the host or hostess of the M&G to keep things on track. Sometimes though this can be difficult, but you have to try.




Joanie - you it hit the target. many people who host the M&G do not know how to hold/manage a meeting. The host is the one that has the responsibility to keep it focused, to "shut down" people who go on the attack, to ask folks to discuss their private tours privately. If they can't or won't manage the meeting they should ask someone else to host the meeting. The last M&G i attended was hosted by an individual who was "afraid" to speak in public and did not tell anyone that she had no plans for discussions. It was a disaster.

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Hi Everyone!


First, a few "kudos":


1. Thanks to all of you who take time out during your vacation planning and your cruise to plan and "host" a Meet & Greet on your cruise -- no matter what cruise line you are on!


2. A huge KUDOS to those of you who share the word about Cruise Critic, and invite lurkers, passersby and "lookyloos" into your Meet & Greet!


3. And an even BIGGER thanks to those of you who quoted some of the stuff I write and plaster all over the site and in emails! Good to know some are reading!


A few thoughts about Meet & Greets on cruises:


- We think it is fantastic when cruise lines reach out to our members by recognizing their loyalty to their cruise brand with a planned Meet & Greet on board.


- What each cruise line chooses to offer at these events -- whether it is sending personnel, drinks, cookies, raffles etc should be looked upon as a nicety and our members should politely thank the staff. Personally, I don't think people should be demanding anything of any cruise line because they are a member of Cruise Critic! Period.


- The above said, there are all kinds of people in this world. They shop with you, they work with you -- and they cruise with you. Surely, those in the cruise business have met every single type of personality, and should be able to handle them with professional expertise.


- Someone mentioned how organized the Royal Caribbean Meet & Mingle parties are, from registration to invitations to what is served. That's because we have a formal marketing partnership with the RCI Brands. Ditto Crystal Cruises. Of course, we're always open to new partnerships and would love to work with other cruise lines. Still, the majority of the major cruise lines do work directly with our members in setting up -- at a minimum -- a gathering place for your meetings; many do much more! Can't beat that!


- Meet & Greets, or Meet & Mingles really should be about finally putting a face to all those people you have conversed with on your ROLL CALL. Now, keep in mind that the majority of web users *are* lurkers, so it would stand to reason that many people are constantly reading your ROLL CALL but haven't posted. It's just the way of the Internet. People may also lurk at your Meet & Greet. It may just suit them.


- The above said, I know some of you have been to Meet & Greets where the staff on board made it all about them! They stand at the front, introduce themselves as if they are at a show! Pretty hard to "mingle" at one of those.


- All ROLL CALLS are different. I always participate in my ROLL CALL, and each and every one has been so different! I remember a Freedom of the Seas cruise back in 2006 -- there were over 350 Cruise Critic members on that sailing! WOW. Every where I went there was logo stuff. It was great. On that sailing, everyone went their own way. On my Oceania Marina sailing last Fall there were maybe a dozen. We shared shore excursions together, saw them constantly -- it made a huge difference in the overall experience of the cruise. On another sailing -- I thought I was alone on the ship! Only one other couple -- we met, had a drink, said hi and that was it. Each experience different, but I can't imagine not -- at the very least -- making an effort to connect on my ROLL CALL. It has changed how I cruise (you know, cruising has always been such a SOCIAL vacation. Think about it).


- Not everyone shows up for a Meet & Greet. It's just the way it is. Don't be offended or embarrassed if only half show up. That's pretty standard.


- I'll admit I'm not happy when I hear our members referred to in a derogatory way. The old "one bad apple" spoiling it for many seems to apply. Some cruise lines embrace what is said here in the community, others mock or claim they'll "do away with these parties if people keep doing XXXX". I've worked here for 17 years and our members have made a huge impact on many timely issues. Just last week, Princess Cruise lines reversed a decision they had made about furniture on balconies. Last year, Celebrity Cruises addressed issues our members had with a new ad campaign, and Dan Hanrahan himself came here to discuss with our members. Those are two of many many instances where our members have influenced policy or decisions. My thoughts are cruise lines should at least take note when people make choices about shore excursions, and why and perhaps change up their offerings.


Finally, my biggest piece of advice for attending your Meet & Greet: DO NOT SIT DOWN. It's like the kiss of death for a gathering. If everyone is sitting at a time, how can you possibly MINGLE? Get up, move those feet and just say "HI". Or maybe thank someone who offered up help on the ROLL CALL. Anything -- just don't sit down.



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"Kazu while you are here, just a quick question about Antartica..Does HAL sell the special tours to go ashore in Antarctica or do all Psgrs automatically get to go ashore in a HAL tender? I'm trying to figure out the costs of Tours etc. on the Ft. Lauderdale to Ft. Lauderdale on the Prinsendam next Jan.......

"Kazu while you are here, just a quick question about Antartica..Does HAL sell the special tours to go ashore in Antarctica or do all Psgrs automatically get to go ashore in a HAL tender? I'm trying to figure out the costs of Tours etc. on the Ft. Lauderdale to Ft. Lauderdale on the Prinsendam next Jan..


Sorry to but in- I'm not Kazu- but the HAL ( and other large )ships don't go ashoe in Antarctica. They do a sail by/ scenic cruising. I understand that HAL offers a flight from Ushuhia to Antarctica if the weather is okay and there are enough pax who sign up...... Back to M&Gs


OH, You are not butting in..I misunderstood DH...Will take a look at the brochure again..Thanks for your imput..

Sorry everyone for changing the subject..

Have a good day..


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I also read the world cruise blog where It was mentioned that Henk had made comments in regards to CC meetings and I'm not surprised. Can you imagine having to listen to that lot ( "Oh, Henk the paint fumes offend me" , "Oh Henk, the sun loungers are dirty etc). Supposedly poor old Henk was hosting a dinner for them, he probably felt like a " deer in the headlights" listening to them ramble on all evening and said that just to annoy them (either that or cut off his arm). That blog is full of "sugar coated" complaints that are supposedly never hers but she always has "on good authority" belong to other passengers . "One of us" ( as she refers to herself)- and all those other repeat world cruises with that agency they go with, sound like complete "pains" and IMO a little too condescending for their own good. Flame away:)


Absolutely agree with you, but that is part of what the Hotel Managers responsibilities are, customer relations. He is paid to remain professional regardless of the whining of the customers, and I am not sure that his comments were actually necessary or professional.

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I also read the world cruise blog where It was mentioned that Henk had made comments in regards to CC meetings and I'm not surprised. Can you imagine having to listen to that lot ( "Oh, Henk the paint fumes offend me" , "Oh Henk, the sun loungers are dirty etc). Supposedly poor old Henk was hosting a dinner for them, he probably felt like a " deer in the headlights" listening to them ramble on all evening and said that just to annoy them (either that or cut off his arm). That blog is full of "sugar coated" complaints that are supposedly never hers but she always has "on good authority" belong to other passengers . "One of us" ( as she refers to herself)- and all those other repeat world cruises with that agency they go with, sound like complete "pains" and IMO a little too condescending for their own good. Flame away:)

Personally I like to hear the good and bad about a cruise instead of the sugar coated variety that some folks love to spin on this board. I'm also very appreciative of the fact that people will spend hard earned cash and time while on a world cruise to let people know what it's like. In my job, I listen to people all day long whine and gripe about what we are charging them and it does get tiresome. The fact of the matter is that this is a significant part of my job. I have 2 choices, put up with the crap and get paid, or leave an go somewhere else. I'm sure he gets paid plenty for his "pain". You could skip by the world cruise thread if you find it offensive.

Edited by lorekauf
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As the author of the Rotterdam Cruise Review that caused some people to make some unsupported assumptions about what was requested and what was granted, I want to set the record straight. At no time did I request “priority” treatment over those that had booked ship tours nor was it ever offered. In fact, it was always understood that Priority Tendering for 4-Star Mariners and for those holding positions on Ship Tours would be honored as it always is. But the Guest Relations Manager looked at our timing & needs and worked us in during lulls between those other priorities in a very effective way to meet our needs while honoring the others. And if those who now have their knickers all twisted in a knot will go back and read what I wrote they will see that I said that.


I completely understand what Kakalina has written about Ship’s staff being willing to help with things like this. I have reason to believe it is done frequently and that it certainly was done on earlier sailings of this exact cruise. They do not all necessarily cast icy cold cynical competitive eyes on the efforts of the CC people to set up independent tours as is being attributed to them by certain posters on this thread. I have found them to be open and helpful and supportive of what we CC members set out to do if they are approached in a respectful way. I have sailed with Kakalina and I know that is how she does it!





and I say the same thing to you as I did to Kakalina - it was offered - not demanded. It's a whole different kettle of fish. It was very nice of the Guest Relations Manager and I am sure you showed your appreciation:D

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We just noticed this thread because we have been off cruising and there was much to do when we returned. Thank you to the original poster for bringing to our attention the point raised by Maryann in her blog from the world cruise 2012. We find it interesting that the hotel manager on the ship noticed the "problem" that has developed in regard to CC meet and mingles. Doubtlessly this problem was evident to the hotel manager on the 2012 world cruise; CC meetings were being used to manage private tours offered by the CC leaders.


We encountered a similar situation on our Prinsendam 2011 South America cruise. The meet and mingle was chaired by folks who had arranged many tours. The primary focus of the meet and mingle was to go over arrangements for those tours.


Since we tend to do our own thing in port, the gatherings were not so productive as prior gatherings on cruises where there would be considerable mingling and some general discussion about what was great to see in upcoming ports. We stopped participating in CC shipboard events on the SA 2011, because of the focus on tours being offered by a few CCers.


We were fortunate to know numbers of people on the SA 2011 cruise from prior cruises; as a result, we did not miss the CC interactions that we had enjoyed so often in the past.


But would it not be terrible if HAL chose not to have anything to do with CC on long cruises? If they could dump Sterns from those offering sessions on the ship, HAL could logically decide not to help with CC meetings. After all the private tours being managed through the CC meetings are cutting into HAL profits. HAL is in business, after all, to make a profit for shareholders.


The important question is how to prevent future meet and mingles from turning into a checking-up-on-tours-we-are-offering-session. I intend to reference this thread on the threads for the two long cruises we have booked—the 2013 SA and the 2013 Asian/Pacific. I am certain that Homeless, who is managing the 2013 Asian/Pacific list, will do a good job and keep the focus on meeting and mingling and sharing port info. I am not concerned about that cruise.


However, I can foresee a focus on putting together tours on the world cruise 2013, just by reading some of the postings on that thread. Fortunately we are not doing that one! But if that situation turns off the hotel manager on Amsterdam, it could affect each and every one of us on future cruises.


What can we do to keep the focus of Meet and Mingles to meeting and mingling? How can we prevent situations such as that which turned off the excellent Hotel Manager on world 2012 from occurring again?


This may sound naive, but why would anyone want to organize buses with 20 or more folks in numerous ports and assume the legal responsibility for this? After all, this is their vacation. On our trips, there is never enough time in a day to do all we want to do. Why use up time becoming a tour agent?


Well, let us hope that we can all achieve some change. I intend to post a reference to this thread on the threads for longer cruises where this situation might develop.


Perhaps the company that runs CC can do something, such as warn organizers of M and Ms to take care not to monopolize meetings with tour arrangements.


Blue Whale

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We just noticed this thread because we have been off cruising and there was much to do when we returned. Thank you to the original poster for bringing to our attention the point raised by Maryann in her blog from the world cruise 2012. We find it interesting that the hotel manager on the ship noticed the "problem" that has developed in regard to CC meet and mingles. Doubtlessly this problem was evident to the hotel manager on the 2012 world cruise; CC meetings were being used to manage private tours offered by the CC leaders.


We encountered a similar situation on our Prinsendam 2011 South America cruise. The meet and mingle was chaired by folks who had arranged many tours. The primary focus of the meet and mingle was to go over arrangements for those tours.


Since we tend to do our own thing in port, the gatherings were not so productive as prior gatherings on cruises where there would be considerable mingling and some general discussion about what was great to see in upcoming ports. We stopped participating in CC shipboard events on the SA 2011, because of the focus on tours being offered by a few CCers.


< SNIP >


Perhaps the company that runs CC can do something, such as warn organizers of M and Ms to take care not to monopolize meetings with tour arrangements.


Blue Whale



Blue Whale, I put your last sentence in bold font, only because I wanted to bring to your attention that "LauraS" is the Community Mgr (The Head Administrator) of Cruise Critic..She posted her thoughts on this thread yesterday..See her LauraS post No. 133 on this page..


Edited by serendipity1499
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Wow, don't know how her post got by me but I just read it now (thank you, serendipity). Always nice to have the word from on high ;).


God forbid we make too much of a deal about all of this. I have been to what- 10 M&G's- admittedly a very small amount compared to everyone else on this forum, but they have been on different lines, FWIW. I have NEVER met "the bossy one", "the complainer", "the tour operator" or "the officious staff member". Never. Hopefully we all can move on from this before we start getting rules handed down. It's bad enough not being able to mention specific TA's- I would have loved a good referral!


Thank you again to Laura S.! Now can you get working on some more variety at the CC store so we can fly our colors even more?:p

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I think Okie1946 mentioned being "put off" at their first Meet and Greet they wandered into by accident, when they were told that the "meeting" was for CC members only. This got me to thinking - has this happened to others as well?


At a recent M&G, HAL setup refreshments on the outside of the meeting area (in the Crow's Nest). Normally they put them inside the meeting area. This caused some confusion, as folks just wandering by were helping themselves to our "refreshments". We politely (I think) asked these folks if they were part of CC, and if they said "no", informed them that they were intended for the group only.


Opinion - was this wrong of us to do?



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I think Okie1946 mentioned being "put off" at their first Meet and Greet they wandered into by accident, when they were told that the "meeting" was for CC members only. This got me to thinking - has this happened to others as well?


At a recent M&G, HAL setup refreshments on the outside of the meeting area (in the Crow's Nest). Normally they put them inside the meeting area. This caused some confusion, as folks just wandering by were helping themselves to our "refreshments". We politely (I think) asked these folks if they were part of CC, and if they said "no", informed them that they were intended for the group only.


Opinion - was this wrong of us to do?



I think unless a member of the group had paid for the snacks it was really up to a crew member to say something to the other passengers.

It would have been nice though if you had invited the others to join you.

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I think Okie1946 mentioned being "put off" at their first Meet and Greet they wandered into by accident, when they were told that the "meeting" was for CC members only. This got me to thinking - has this happened to others as well?


At a recent M&G, HAL setup refreshments on the outside of the meeting area (in the Crow's Nest). Normally they put them inside the meeting area. This caused some confusion, as folks just wandering by were helping themselves to our "refreshments". We politely (I think) asked these folks if they were part of CC, and if they said "no", informed them that they were intended for the group only.


Opinion - was this wrong of us to do?




That is awkward but not your fault. I would have kept my mouth shut as they are only cookies, etc, and obviously all free on board the ship. But the set up was at fault, not your group.

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I think Okie1946 mentioned being "put off" at their first Meet and Greet they wandered into by accident, when they were told that the "meeting" was for CC members only. This got me to thinking - has this happened to others as well?


At a recent M&G, HAL setup refreshments on the outside of the meeting area (in the Crow's Nest). Normally they put them inside the meeting area. This caused some confusion, as folks just wandering by were helping themselves to our "refreshments". We politely (I think) asked these folks if they were part of CC, and if they said "no", informed them that they were intended for the group only.


Opinion - was this wrong of us to do?




Our last cruise we had someone, not a CC member just walk on into our roped off area and start helping himself to some of the pastries the ship had provided.


I discreetly went to him and asked him if he was a member of Cruise Critic, to which he replied no and asked forgiveness for intruding. I politely asked him to stay and told him who and what CC was and said this was just one of the things theat HAL will sometimes do for us as CC members.


He stayed and joined CC upon returning to his home in Ohio:)


If it happens again to y'all, invite them in to see what we are:)



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Thank you again to Laura S.! Now can you get working on some more variety at the CC store so we can fly our colors even more?:p


Would love to hear suggestions, email me!

Edited by LauraS
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I also read the world cruise blog where It was mentioned that Henk had made comments in regards to CC meetings and I'm not surprised. Can you imagine having to listen to that lot ( "Oh, Henk the paint fumes offend me" , "Oh Henk, the sun loungers are dirty etc). Supposedly poor old Henk was hosting a dinner for them, he probably felt like a " deer in the headlights" listening to them ramble on all evening and said that just to annoy them (either that or cut off his arm). That blog is full of "sugar coated" complaints that are supposedly never hers but she always has "on good authority" belong to other passengers . "One of us" ( as she refers to herself)- and all those other repeat world cruises with that agency they go with, sound like complete "pains" and IMO a little too condescending for their own good. Flame away:)

Annoying or not, this is his job and if he can't understand that a professional doesn't vent his frustrations in front of customers, he's in the wrong job.


The best thing a loyal customer can do for HAL (or any product or service, for that matter) is to point out when things aren't living up to the brand promise. It isn't disloyal, in fact, it's the most loyal thing you can do to help the brand stay high quality and relevant.

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Annoying or not, this is his job and if he can't understand that a professional doesn't vent his frustrations in front of customers, he's in the wrong job.


The best thing a loyal customer can do for HAL (or any product or service, for that matter) is to point out when things aren't living up to the brand promise. It isn't disloyal, in fact, it's the most loyal thing you can do to help the brand stay high quality and relevant.



I agree with you. I posted something similar in Post 26 and was told I was "completely missing the point." :eek: That the Meet & Mingle was no place for complaints.

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I agree with you. I posted something similar in Post 26 and was told I was "completely missing the point." :eek: That the Meet & Mingle was no place for complaints.


There is nothing wrong with making a company aware of what is lacking. I've certainly done it. It's the best thing you can do so they can 'fix' it.


BUT, I don't do it at a meet and greet. i do it after at a mutually convenient time. Most meet and greets are set for the 1st day at sea or short port - this is often the day after you set sail. How many complaints can anyone have in this short a time frame?:confused:

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