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Anyone cruised these ports with 1 year old? (please advise)


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I am new on the forums and posted in another section (other ports) but am thinking now I should have probably asked my question here.

Has anyone done a port intensive meditarrenean cruise with a very young child? Or gone on one where you can give insight about taking a young child there? My friends and I have a very rare chance to take a cruise together but they have a baby that will be 1 at the time and noone to leave baby with. We really want to a 12-14 night cruise but I am wondering about how taking one so young (and too young to leave on ship in kids clubs) would be on the trip. Is this doable? Has anyone done so, or have any thoughts/advise to share? Any insight/tips?

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Having a baby along on a Med cruise won't be much different than traveling with her in the states. Stops for diaper changes, dealing with crankiness, managing a stroller, etc.- all things that parents do for their little ones at home need to be done abroad.


Keep in mind that if you go everywhere together, you will be traveling at the pace having a baby along demands. As you visit the various ports, be prepared for more breaks which will reduce your sightseeing .


The good news is that with one that young, the "This is boring" complaint won't be heard....

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I am new on the forums and posted in another section (other ports) but am thinking now I should have probably asked my question here.

Has anyone done a port intensive meditarrenean cruise with a very young child? Or gone on one where you can give insight about taking a young child there? My friends and I have a very rare chance to take a cruise together but they have a baby that will be 1 at the time and noone to leave baby with. We really want to a 12-14 night cruise but I am wondering about how taking one so young (and too young to leave on ship in kids clubs) would be on the trip. Is this doable? Has anyone done so, or have any thoughts/advise to share? Any insight/tips?


Question: Have you traveled -- or even spent a whole day -- with these friends in the US since their baby was born? How did you feel about that experience? How will those experiences feel when you're in Europe? For example, How will you feel about helping carry the baby in his/her stroller if you visit Pompeii? I don't think there are many stretches of useful sidewalk there.


Questions: Have you visited Europe before? If this will be a repeat visit to many ports, you may feel differently about going at a pace dictated by the baby than if this is your first trip to Europe.


Is this visit do-able? Of course. Should you do it? Only you can answer that. Ask yourself which is more important: Seeing Europe or socializing with your friends? The answer to that question will shape you decision.


At the least, I suggest that you be prepared to go separate ways in port. Perhaps you could plan on starting the day together seeing a sight, and then go your separate ways. You could spend most of your together time on the ship.

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Question: Have you traveled -- or even spent a whole day -- with these friends in the US since their baby was born? How did you feel about that experience? How will those experiences feel when you're in Europe? For example, How will you feel about helping carry the baby in his/her stroller if you visit Pompeii? I don't think there are many stretches of useful sidewalk there.


Questions: Have you visited Europe before? If this will be a repeat visit to many ports, you may feel differently about going at a pace dictated by the baby than if this is your first trip to Europe.


Is this visit do-able? Of course. Should you do it? Only you can answer that. Ask yourself which is more important: Seeing Europe or socializing with your friends? The answer to that question will shape you decision.


At the least, I suggest that you be prepared to go separate ways in port. Perhaps you could plan on starting the day together seeing a sight, and then go your separate ways. You could spend most of your together time on the ship.


Excellent advice! And may I add the idea of bringing asiter along is wise..grab a 17 year old pay her way of course and bring her in port with you..as for the sites..she can sit with the mostly sleeping baby in say a spot in st peters while you climb to cupola for example or stay on the main level of the colesieum while you tour the underground and third level.

You could make it work providing the cruise is not during the school year. Also this allows you to enjoy your meals and later evenings on the ship. You will probably benefit from doing private tours in port. My main concern is that if the others are childless..they may also be clueless if you get my drift.


I have 3 dd's who make a small fortune as they are in demand babysitters but we cant help you out as we will be cruising the med ourselves this summer..lol


I think you should take advantage of the opportunity to cruise..but be prepared for the others to not be as receptive.to the baby as you might hope. And dont forget the diapers and only give the baby bottled water wherever you go..regardless..give juice over milk in the hot hot hot ports...bring extra tylenol for the baby and see the pediatrician and ask for any medical hints...i am sure you will get the go ahead but it doesnt hurt to ask for ..what if..types of advice

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this is for my friends' baby - but I have been around enough neices and nephews to glean that this kind of trip may not be easy on a child.

None of us have ever been to Europe although we have traveled on other trips together. When I have been somewhere with a little one, it of course made a huge difference when it was a local theme park or such similar place vs a place you would go to on a once in a lifetime trip to soak in all there is to see there.

my friends feel very positive that we can entirely paint Europe and see all there is to see and that the baby will just "come along". I'm not so sure, but don't want to be a naysayer, since I have not been there (to Europe) and so how can I tell them it isn't doable. Which is why I ask on these boards from those who have been.

The thing is with planning, we would be trying to book things ahead of time and such to do all together and it would be difficult if they later back out because of a baby to take care of, if they find that it is a little too much after all.

With a very port intensive type of vacation where long days after long days of touring/seeing places are planned, I cannot imagine what the experience might truly be like when taking care of a little one all at the same time.


I have heard that in places like Rome, it would be hard to do everything in one day (and that's without having a little one with you), so not sure how best to plan such a trip.

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It is probably best to agree on everything beforehand and to be sure that the friends know the baaby is 100% their responsibility...so you should just plan the days out...ask who wants tickets to what...collect the money and be done with it....if your friends cant make a tour amd lose the money...so be it..it is their child afterall.....


As you have never been to europe before..do try to arrive days in advaaance as jetlag really takes a toll....and be prepared for the good and the bad......magnificent europe.....and horrendous crowds and exorbinate costs....



It is the center of the universe imho but can also be hard on novices....and without a positive mental attitude can be a horror show.....basically because of inexperience travelling to europe.


Imho i would not take the baby but that is not your call anyway...so just offer them the tours you want to do...buy their tix if they say yes and dont worry if they miss them. I would not try to micromanage their trip for them...but do make sure that everyne on this trip buys travel insurance..and buys it within 14 days of initial booking. Also if you start to hear grumbling for anyone then just send them links to stuff..tell them to make their own decisions...and just start to worry and take care of things for those that are in the cabins that directly affect your pocketbook.


I do see trouble brewing ...sorry but i had to post that

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Crusin6, don't be sorry! I'd much rather hear it like it is. My friends ARE overly positive - more focused on the opportunity/excitement of seeing Europe vs reality of what it might be like with a young baby.

From my perspective I don't want to rain on their parade at all or be the naysayer in the matter, but the fact that I'm concerned is true. I don't want to go to be someone's baby sitter or such, even though I love them and the baby to death. The more I researched the ports the more I started to wonder if we will all be asking for trouble like you said, especially since they believe we can do it all and want to see everything.

Their baby is very easy going, so we have that much going for us. But how easy-going will things still be after 10 hour days of sightseeing Europe day after day...

of course if there is any advise or insight on someone who has pulled it off, it is much appreciated :)

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We have travsled all over with our 4 kids but waited for europe until the baby was 7. Howevee your friends baby will be practically free for them so i truly understand them wanting to do this......so whatever they decide will work for them but do lay down the babysitting law with them...and remind them they may miss out on group outings...as you may be forced to leave them behind....make sure they realize that they...not you..need to get on these boards..and stay on these boards.....remind them that no one else will be responsible for the baby but them........


And by no means put up any money for them......get their payment in advance........or be prepared for them to ba ck out of those private tours you need to book...another thought might be in certain ports to actually use the ships tour...at least thw bus has space for the stroller....and in places like pompeii where it is madness to not just use a baby carrier...at leasrt the stroller can be easily ztored.....



I do think you will need to take tough up front stand with them...al beit...in a gentle manner.lol....


But most importantly....get the parents on these boards........and dont feel overly responsible for them.,it is their money...and their choice.....if it goes well..fabulous...if they and the rezt of your group starts complaining about the baby issues...juzt ignore it and do you own thing....


The reality is that taking a ba y is quite doable....the problem is that they should be doing it alone and not in a big group...........we never travel with friends or family...we do however meet up all over the world with them..for short periods of time...like an afternoon....should they be traveling to a place we also happen to be...........remember less is more.......

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Their baby is very easy going, so we have that much going for us. But how easy-going will things still be after 10 hour days of sightseeing Europe day after day...

of course if there is any advise or insight on someone who has pulled it off, it is much appreciated :)


Please remember that a trip to Europe will involve a time zone change. Almost everything you know about the baby's easy-going ways will become a question mark as everyone -- adults and child -- adjust to the time difference. (Rome is six hours ahead of the East Coast time zone.)


Another thing to clarify is financial responsibility if the baby's health/behavior makes your friends change their plans during the cruise itself. The last thing you want is personal financial risk because your friends make last minute changes. For example, let's say you arrange for private transportation/sightseeing in Rome. If the baby is sick or simply too fussy to take sightseeing, how will you friends feel about paying their share of the costs even if they don't go? How will you feel if they refuse to pay their half of private arrangements you've made? How will your friends handle the situation if they have to return early to the ship? Make you leave early, too since you've arranged to share transportation?


If your answers on this board make you feel you're ready to take the next step planning this trip, all particpants should list all the things that could be impacted by the baby's presence and agree on the handling of situations in advance.

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I am new on the forums and posted in another section (other ports) but am thinking now I should have probably asked my question here.

Has anyone done a port intensive meditarrenean cruise with a very young child? Or gone on one where you can give insight about taking a young child there? My friends and I have a very rare chance to take a cruise together but they have a baby that will be 1 at the time and noone to leave baby with. We really want to a 12-14 night cruise but I am wondering about how taking one so young (and too young to leave on ship in kids clubs) would be on the trip. Is this doable? Has anyone done so, or have any thoughts/advise to share? Any insight/tips?



Of course it is doable, and don't let any one tell you that it can't be done, but it will be challenging. The biggest issue will be supplies like diapers and food, other than that it is just like traveling anywhere else.

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It completely depends on the parents and the child. We had one that we could take anywhere, anytime, with no issues, a very placid child. The others were slightly less flexible, with one being almost impossible.


A loving but firm chat ahead of time might help avoid problems, telling them that you'd love to go with them but if the baby prevents them from leaving the ship some days, you're not going to put your vacation on hold to stay with them. Maybe they (the parents) can agree to alternate responsibility in the event that someone has to stay behind, so that at least one of them gets to sightsee.


At this point in my life I'm traveling (sometimes) with older family members who require a fair amount of care and "stuff". We travel with an entire suitcase full of bandages and other medical equipment ... it can be done.

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I'm sure it can be done too - I know they travel with the baby. But I feel that there is a big difference when the trips are to beach locations like caribbean and such vs when there is an intense all-day sight seeing place. That's what makes me nervous. I totally agree that perhaps as some have suggested we should not tie plans too closely to them for that reason.

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One factor that should be considered is how a 1 year old deals with heat (and sometimes humidity). Some of the Med ports can get pretty hot in the summer months (90s) and this can make some babies quite miserable. We think folks traveling with babies and young children need to take that into consideration when planning port days and/or excursions. For example....we cannot imagine taking a baby to Pompeii on a typically hot summer day.



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Their baby is very easy going, so we have that much going for us. But how easy-going will things still be after 10 hour days of sightseeing Europe day after day...

If you are talking about cruising next summer, keep in mind you have no idea what the baby will be like then! Babies change constantly. There are a lot of adults that are pretty unhappy after ten hours of sightseeing in the heat.

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Having raised 2 children and traveling with them when they were young, I would never attempt something like this. Even the long airplane ride will be a challenge. Spending a day in the heat carrying an unhappy baby that young will make for a miserable day for everyone nearby.


Just my opinion.. Can it be done? yes, but why??

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I'm sure it can be done too - I know they travel with the baby. But I feel that there is a big difference when the trips are to beach locations like caribbean and such vs when there is an intense all-day sight seeing place. That's what makes me nervous. I totally agree that perhaps as some have suggested we should not tie plans too closely to them for that reason.



With a good stroller it is probably easier than a beach day.

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I think this is a very bad idea. Even an easy going baby will be stressed by this type of trip. Babies like routine - but everything during this trip will be different. Nap times will be irregular because of your touring. Will they be able to keep regular bed times or are they planning to skip that so they can attend the evening show?


Also, the food will taste different, even if the parents try to order familiar food. The milk won't taste the same as home, everything else will taste a little bit different. We always had difficulty feeding the kids when traveling because they would refuse to eat things that they loved at home.


Finally, are the parents going to be willing to take the baby outside or away from the group when it starts having a meltdown during a tour they have looked forward to and paid a lot of money for? Or is everyone going to have to listen to their baby cry? I would really be worried about this, since it seems that they are gung ho to do this trip and not thinking realistically.

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I think this can be done. But it has to be planned realistically. A backpack carrier is easier than a stroller on city streets. Frequent breaks are necessary to let the baby play and stretch. The child may have the easiest day if he/she can snooze on dads back. We dragged our son all over the east coast when he was that age and it wasn't a problem, you just have to pay attention and know when he has had enough.


You know if the parents are the all about me variety or all about the child - if they are pretty level headed it's probably alright, if they're into drama - run away!


Good luck,


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