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Hi, Beth,


Yes, I'm a writer. Two of my books are cruise romances. Anyone who knows me understands my passion for cruising. I write under my own name, Lynn Byer. I'm a court reporter by day...but writing and cruising are my true loves :)


Thanks. I'll look up your books.



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Carol, when is your Allure cruise? I know it's soon. Are you on the same cruise as Cruise Wizard (Gary)? He's very active on our Freedom roll call even though we're over a year away.


I'm going to a community Thanksgiving Dinner. I'm taking cornbread dressing like my mother and first MIL (actually only one I knew) made. I did my grocery shopping today. The store was a madhouse.





am running way behind here, not posting much on CC - getting ready for our allure cruise - Yes Beth, Gary is on our roll call - he's emailed me several times sharing his wife's recipe for lemon meringue pie - he sounds so pleasant - can't wait to meet him - !! that roll call got out of hand - too many folks, I could not keep up - then it's headed by a Critter group and they had a lot of activities planned - our gang and I bought the landyards to help with the kids in Haiti, one of their many charities - and that's all I got involved with - nice of them to do that for the kids -

I had a nice Thanksgiving - spent it at the niece's ... she had a very fancy sit down dinner for 16 of us - wonderful time with the family, super good food, great day - yesterday I roasted my own turkey for me and narce - will have leftovers til we leave on Fri!!ha!ha!

we will surely be ready for some nice ship food - I am looking forward to being served!!!


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I like reading Garfield, but I am allergic to cats, dogs and coffee. No cats or dogs in my house. I am surrounded by dog lovers. Both neighbors have 2 dogs each. DW and I will be on the Century in Jan-- Panama Canal cruise.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.




Yep, Garfield is the best kind of pet to have around!! I loved our Panama Canal cruise and would love to do it again one of these days - ! I know you will be posting pics - can't wait to see those when you do!! carol

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Someone mentioned about colds and flu. Well it is definitely going on here in the Kansas City or Missouri area. In fact, last week one of the schools close down in one of our suburban areas or towns. Several people have been off from work, as well as being out of church.


I had a flu shot, so hopefully that will help me.:)



I always get sick when I get the shot -- I had the flu beginning of the month and thank goodness I am over it now - it's going around - now only around here but in other areas of our great USA too!


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ilovescotland, you caught my attention, when you mentioned about making pies, or "pie crust"


I like to make pies, and have always made them with Crisco. I have "changed" to save time, and no one knows the difference. I now use Jiffy pie mix and roll out the dough, and it is just as good.


Actually, I remember as a young girl when my grandmother used to use "pure lard", and those pie crust were the BEST!



I use Crisco but lard is the best - I haven't tried the butter flavored Crisco yet - maybe that will add flavor - I only made a pie ONCE, didn't turn out very well - I had a problem getting the crust into the pan - looked so messy - then pinching the dough on the rim of the pan was hard too - super messy - it was a strawberry pie and it didn't taste good so we threw it out! ha!ha! but I am determined to try it again - maybe make a custard or a lemon meringue this time - carol

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I am with you beshears, lard is the way to go for pies. I grew up with this method and still use it today.


You mention Aruba, I have been there a couple of times, and never felt not-safe.


Oh and I think I figured out how to add the cruise list on bottom (well I think I did...we'll see if it posts :) )


To all my new American friends....HAPPY THANKSGIVING



Hello and welcome to our little group here - I am so glad you found us and hope you will join us often -

I love Aruba - beautiful island - !!

I forgot to mention something about my baking experience = since we were talking about pies -- that I have a hard time working with yeast too - don't know when the water or milk is WARM enough - my friends told me it's like a baby's milk bottle temp... I never had kids!! heehee! the last time I attempted to make rolls, it didn't rise at all - I definitely did something wrong - threw out that batch too --


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Ilovescotland (Beth), well I don't know about you, but I am 69, and MADE it through eating all those pies my grandmother made with "pure lard.":)


So you booked a cruise for next April? I am in the process of booking a cruise through my TA for the end of March on the Caribbean Princess, which we have never been on before. We are to go to Aruba as one of the places. Every time I mention it to someone, the first thing out of their mouth.........that is where that young girl got killed. Yes, I definately remember that too, but we will NOT go into places where we would not think it is safe. They say to go to downtown at night time, but I'm not for sure of that.


Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We are going to our youngest son this afternoon for Thanksgiving.



Aruba is beautiful - and that was just ONE incident that was known to everyone - I am sure you will be fine - we were there twice and I felt safe with the tour drivers and walking thru town -


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Beth - forgot to answer your question -

we embark - Dec 2 and the next sailing is Dec 9 ... for our B2B ... glad we are able to stay in the same stateroom so that we do not have to move our stuff - when we get back, late Dec 16, we have only that week before Christmas - I do not plan to do anything - I'll be bush recuperating from all the fun we will have - tropical weather then back to winter!


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Well it sounds like several of us had a GREAT Thanksgiving.:)


I have 3 sons and "15" grandchildren, so as you can tell, we had a "lively bunch" for Thanksgiving.:)


I say, not just for Thanksgiving, but "every day," we should be THANKFUL for something.:)

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Carol, I've put your sailaway on my calendar and will watch on the port webcam. I usually watch the Freedom leave Pt. Canaveral, so I can watch both.

The only thing going on here is that at my ripe age I joined a dating website a couple of months ago. I have been having e-mails with a guy for over a month. He lives about 100 miles from me, and I use an e-mail address which doesn't identify me entirely.

Anyway, he's suggested we meet! I will be going near his home in about three weeks when I go see my daughter, so we're going to meet at a Barnes and Noble. I'm not expecting sparks, and I'm not sure I want sparks, but it will be a new experience nonetheless.

I like that he doesn't live nearby, because if I really don't like him or he really doesn't like me, then I won't have to worry about running into him about town.


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Ilovescotland, I'm curious. When/if you meet this man, I would like to know how it went?


The reason I ask, my s-i-l has met about 3 men through different websites, and they seemed very good, but then after a while, it did not work out.:( She is working on another one, but "taking her time."


I agree, if you are going to meet him and it does not turn out, it is good you don't live close to each other.

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Ilovescotland, I'm curious. When/if you meet this man, I would like to know how it went?


The reason I ask, my s-i-l has met about 3 men through different websites, and they seemed very good, but then after a while, it did not work out.:( She is working on another one, but "taking her time."


I agree, if you are going to meet him and it does not turn out, it is good you don't live close to each other.


I'll let you all know. We're not meeting until December 21st, so it will be a while. My husband died in May 2011, and he was 18 years older than I am and in declining health for several years. We'd been married 17 1/2 years. I waited a year and also waited until I had moved to my new home and decided that even if I am 70+ I might meet someone. I really don't want to get married again, but it would be nice to have a good friend who would enjoy doing the kinds of things I do.


I have some other single women friends here on CC, and they've given me lots of advice and pointers. I think the key, as your SIL is doing, is taking my time. If someone comes along that I really like, that's great. If not, that's okay, too.



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Carol, one more thing.


Did you notice my transatlantic schedule for April on the Brilliance? I can't seem to stay away from that ship!





Yes, I love that ship - I think I can say it's my favorite - even tho' I've been on the Serenade and Radiance, there's something about that Brilliance - been on her 5 times -

she is going to dry dock in Oct 2013...

I know another person who calls herself Mama Brilliance - she knows the entire staff and crew there!! I think she even emails the Captain and his family!! she's not on CC -

I think if I get another crystal block, I need just a couple more points for my second one, I want it to be of the Brilliance -


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Carol, I've put your sailaway on my calendar and will watch on the port webcam. I usually watch the Freedom leave Pt. Canaveral, so I can watch both.


The only thing going on here is that at my ripe age I joined a dating website a couple of months ago. I have been having e-mails with a guy for over a month. He lives about 100 miles from me, and I use an e-mail address which doesn't identify me entirely.


Anyway, he's suggested we meet! I will be going near his home in about three weeks when I go see my daughter, so we're going to meet at a Barnes and Noble. I'm not expecting sparks, and I'm not sure I want sparks, but it will be a new experience nonetheless.


I like that he doesn't live nearby, because if I really don't like him or he really doesn't like me, then I won't have to worry about running into him about town.





I think that's absolutely wonderful - can't wait to hear about this person - you are right -- far enough yet actually, not that super far - not like it's coast to coast - a companion is nice to have - one you can talk to, share ideas and adventures with - I say, Yay for you!! I know he'll like you from the get-go... unless he isn't very intelligent and will feel inferior because I know you are a smart lady and I do so look up to you and admire all that you are and the way you think and conduct your life.

Thumbs up for you!!! can't wait to hear about your first meeting.... hey! maybe he loves to cruise! Carol

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Well it sounds like several of us had a GREAT Thanksgiving.:)


I have 3 sons and "15" grandchildren, so as you can tell, we had a "lively bunch" for Thanksgiving.:)


I say, not just for Thanksgiving, but "every day," we should be THANKFUL for something.:)


Yes!!! You are right-on.... I am definitely thankful for everything I have and give my thanks every day and several times a day for my most wonderful set of friends, family and CC friends and our health... thank you Lord. carol

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Yep, Garfield is the best kind of pet to have around!! I loved our Panama Canal cruise and would love to do it again one of these days - ! I know you will be posting pics - can't wait to see those when you do!! carol

Hi Carol

I have only been able to post small pics on CC. If you or anyone wants to see any of my pics, I have posted some Russian cruise pics on Facebook(Thomas Keating). For a link to all cruise pics, send me an email(scroll back a few pages for email address). Specify which cruise pics you want.

To the person who wants to post previous cruises go to user cp, then, edit signature.

DW and I have just returned from N. Carolina, visiting DD, DSIL and 3 grans.

We went to a new Trader Joes that just opened in Winston Salem--about 40 mi from DD. Great store!!


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Hi Carol

I have only been able to post small pics on CC. If you or anyone wants to see any of my pics, I have posted some Russian cruise pics on Facebook(Thomas Keating). For a link to all cruise pics, send me an email(scroll back a few pages for email address). Specify which cruise pics you want.

To the person who wants to post previous cruises go to user cp, then, edit signature.

DW and I have just returned from N. Carolina, visiting DD, DSIL and 3 grans.

We went to a new Trader Joes that just opened in Winston Salem--about 40 mi from DD. Great store!!




Hi Tom :

I couldn't find your email - well, maybe I am not that good in looking for it altho' I went thru several pages -- so here is mine:

carfieldtnepo at comcast dot net

thank you... would be interested in your panama canal pics...


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Well it sounds like several of us had a GREAT Thanksgiving.:)


I have 3 sons and "15" grandchildren, so as you can tell, we had a "lively bunch" for Thanksgiving.:)


I say, not just for Thanksgiving, but "every day," we should be THANKFUL for something.:)


Hi All!


I totally agree; I have tons to be thankful for; everyday. My pies turned out very well, so everyone said. My mom used lard in her pie crusts too, but she used crisco later on, they were all still awesome. It is a great memory of her :). Thanksgiving was great and yummy, my whole family was there.

I did do a bit of 'Black Friday' shopping but not the mob scene; I went at 9:30am. I didn't really find anything special, not really looking for electronics which seemed to be the big draw.


Carol-I have never done a B2B cruise. Can you tell me why you chose that reather than a 14 day cruise? Is it the ports? Just currious because I hear people doing that all of the time.

Back to work this week. It is cold here (single digits) and we have about 1/2 of snow, I am hoping it melts this week :p.


Hope all are well. :D

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Hi All!


I totally agree; I have tons to be thankful for; everyday. My pies turned out very well, so everyone said. My mom used lard in her pie crusts too, but she used crisco later on, they were all still awesome. It is a great memory of her :). Thanksgiving was great and yummy, my whole family was there.

I did do a bit of 'Black Friday' shopping but not the mob scene; I went at 9:30am. I didn't really find anything special, not really looking for electronics which seemed to be the big draw.


Carol-I have never done a B2B cruise. Can you tell me why you chose that reather than a 14 day cruise? Is it the ports? Just currious because I hear people doing that all of the time.

Back to work this week. It is cold here (single digits) and we have about 1/2 of snow, I am hoping it melts this week :p.


Hope all are well. :D


I chose to do the B2B on the Allure cuz my friends were doing it!!! ha!ha! I am a follower.... they were saying the ship is so huge and beautiful that it takes more than a week to enjoy it - plus I need to justify my airfare from CA to FL... we normally take 10 to 14 day cruises cuz by day 7, I am just getting used to being spoiled!! heehee! plus it's more convenient to stay in one stateroom than moving to another ship - one of these days when hubby is retired and time won't have to be considered, we can do B2B on different ships as well.

so glad you had a nice Thanksgiving - Christmas is less than a month away - this year went by so fast - I did not do any shopping at all - of course now that I will be back less than week before Christmas I am in a panic as to what to get some of our relatives/friends we normally give gifts to - so I will be doing major last min shopping when I get back!! all good.... it'll work out - Carol

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Several people on the repositioning cruise I just took on the Brilliance were doing B2B. I don't know all the reasons, but I do know that it was partly because they had the 8 nights from NJ with some Caribbean stops and then another Caribbean itinerary.

I would love to do one some day. But it will be 2014 at this point since 2013 is all booked up.

That is...unless I will the big lottery tomorrow night. And, yes, I bought a ticket - just one, but I had to jump into it all. One never knows.

Meanwhile the first six months of this year were long and very difficult. However, the five months since late June have flown by. It seems I just moved yesterday.


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Ilovescotland, yes "taking your time," I believe would be the answer. I say everyone needs someone in their lives, no matter what AGE. Whether they be married or just for companionship. I have seen couples in our church in the late 70's and early 80's get married after losing their spouse, and are very happy together.


I am 69 and have been married 50 years, so I don't know what I would do. I really like being by myself, but then it is nice to have someone around too. I am so thankful for my 3 sons, and "15" grandchildren.:)

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Ilovescotland, yes "taking your time," I believe would be the answer. I say everyone needs someone in their lives, no matter what AGE. Whether they be married or just for companionship. I have seen couples in our church in the late 70's and early 80's get married after losing their spouse, and are very happy together.


I am 69 and have been married 50 years, so I don't know what I would do. I really like being by myself, but then it is nice to have someone around too. I am so thankful for my 3 sons, and "15" grandchildren.:)



Congrats on the 50 years - !! I am hoping we will reach that special anniversary too - we have 13 more yrs to go - ... I agree, it's nice to have a companion especially one to travel with is they both like to go places. I had a co-worker once who was widowed at age 50 and she never remarried but she did have an occasional date with an old friend... she admitted to being lonely when she was home alone and she told me she would go in front of a mirror and talk to herself... sad -

But at least she had her friend and they travelled and cruised together -


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