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Zaandam nitemares!!!

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My wife and I just disembarked the Zaandam in San Diego. I am sitting at the airport scanning this thread, and I thought a few facts would be helpful here. So here they are as best I know them, without any editorializing.

  1. when we booked this cruise we were not told by HAL that the planned drydock had been cancelled. We learned this later from this forum.
  2. we also learned later from this same forum, that there would be carpet replacement in PV and that tours that day would be complimentary. It was difficult to find, but I eventually found the reference to this on the HAL web site.
  3. shortly after sailing from Vancouver, Captain announces that they would have divers in the water in LA and PV to work on replacing the propellor shaft seals, and that there would be carpet replacement happenning in the stairwells and atrium.
  4. The carpet work began almost immediately and was still under way when we disembarked at 1:30 today. Various stairwells and atria were closed throughout the cruise, often without warning.
  5. There was also extensive other work around the ship and the outdoor promeande deck was often partially closed.
  6. We were scheduled to leave Cabo at 5:00 pm on Sunday(?), but they had a hydraulic problem and couldn't lift one of the tenders. After several false starts, the ship sailed at 1:00 am, leaving one tender behind to be picked up on the way back. Captain announced that there were adequate lifeboat facilities on board, and that in an emergency, the pax would be accommodated in other lifeboats.
  7. we arrived in PV at ~4:00 pm, 5 hours late, in a raging thunderstrorm, so missed half a day of shore time in PV.
  8. after a full day in PV, ship was scheduled to sail at 4:00 am, but the departure was delayed until 10:00 am with little or no announcement other than publication in the daily program. At 9:00 Captain announces tht there were still problems with the propellor shafts and departure would be further delayed. We sailed at 2:10 pm, some 10 hours late.
  9. Clearly, arrival in San Diego would be delayed. It mattered to us because we had planned to disembark and fly from San Francisco. After questioning several staff we couldn't get a straight answer. After several announcements by the Captain explaining that they were "making arrangements" it was announced that arrival in SD would be between 7:00 and 8:00 pm, and that San Francisco would be cancelled to ensure an on time arrival in Vancouver.
  10. We had to scramble to arrange to disembark in SD, book flights to SFO and arrange to overnight in SFO.
  11. On arrival in SD, all pax were required to report to US CBP, which was in the Mondriaan Lounge, not ashore. This obviously disrupted dinner for those at the 8:00 pm sitting.
  12. Ship was scheduled to sail from SD at 4:00 today. We'll see.

Hope that clears the record somewhat.



Well said.


We enjoyed our trip, but that was a deliberate effort to avoid those who were complaining loud and long to anyone who would stand and listen, and make sure we didn't waste our time griping.


  • As for ports missed: We missed our excursion in Puerto Vallarta on the first day due to the late arrival. We enjoyed our free one on day two although ours was not suitable for those with mobility issues due to the higher waves from the storm off the coast. Day three we were allowed off the ship until noon, but the late news of the delay left us no time to plan anything.
  • We arrived so late in San Diego so we were unable to take advantage of plans we had made to visit family on that day. A quick visit was arrange with one member, but the earlier boarding time limited our visit/plans.
  • Our visit to Alcatraz, not booked through the ship, was refunded bye the official Alcatraz company, no questions asked although they advertise that ticket sales were final.
  • Regarding the Carpeting.
    The letter from Johan Groothuizen
    Vice President of Marine Hotel Operations states "We would like to advise you that during our stay in Puerto Vallarta, we will be enhancing the atrium and stair towers by adding brand new carpeting. We expect the work to proceed quickly and anticipate that any inconvenience to our guests will be minimal. Nonetheless, as a gesture of goodwill, we want to offer each of you a complimentary excursion on that day, October 16, 2012, to help you enjoy your time ashore in Puerto Vallarta." Of course this was a two week operation with many of the Pax being in the elderly category.

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Day Date Itinerary Arrival Departure

Tues Oct 9 Vancouver, BC 4:00pm

Wed Oct 10 Sea

Thur Oct 11 Sea

Fri Oct 12 Los Angeles, CA 7:00am 4:00pm

Sat Oct 13 Sea

Sun Oct 14 Cabo San Lucas, MX 11:00am 6:00pm

Mon Oct 15 Puerto Vallarta, MX 12:00noon

Tues Oct 16 Puerto Vallarta, MX

Wed Oct 17 Puerto Vallarta, MX 4:00am

Thur Oct 18 Sea

Fri Oct 19 San Diego, CA 10:00am 11:59pm

Sat Oct 20 Sea

Sun Oct 21 San Francisco, CA 8:00am 4:00pm

Mon Oct 22 Sea

Tues Oct 23 Vancouver, BC 12:00noon

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I have been following this thread but am confused as what the original itinery was from start to finish. I can't find this cruise in any of HALs brochures??????


Can someone list the ports from begining to end? Thanks.


the ports were supposed to be:


Oct. 9th-leave Vancouver 4pm

Oct 10- sea day

Oct 11-sea day

Oct 12-Los Angeles 7am-4pm

Oct 13-sea day

Oct 14-Cabo San Lucas 11am-6pm

Oct 15-17-Puerto Vallarta 12noon-4am

Oct 18-sea day

Oct 19-San Diego 10am-midnight

Oct 20-Sea day

Oct 21-San Francisco 8am-4pm

Oct 22-sea day

Oct 23-arrive Vancouver noon



Unlike the original poster, we were not greatly impacted by the carpeting replacement or repairs or missing a port or delays. However, anyone that might have mobility issues or allergies could have been severely impacted by the fumes from the carpet replacement and the closing of elevator landings.


In my opinion HAL should have been upfront with people and advised that this carpeting would be done throughout the whole cruise not just while in PV prior to people booking it.

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Unlike the original poster, we were not greatly impacted by the carpeting replacement or repairs or missing a port or delays. However, anyone that might have mobility issues or allergies could have been severely impacted by the fumes from the carpet replacement and the closing of elevator landings.


In my opinion HAL should have been upfront with people and advised that this carpeting would be done throughout the whole cruise not just while in PV prior to people booking it.



It isn't just people with allergies who can have reactions......the glues, padding and carpeting have known carcinogens and other toxic chemicals in them. That's why carpet is known to "offgas" after being installed. Not a good thing for anyone to be breathing.............:eek:

Sorry canadianbear......my quote symbol was miffed........it's your quote.. : )

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I have been following this thread but am confused as what the original itinery was from start to finish. I can't find this cruise in any of HALs brochures??????


Can someone list the ports from begining to end? Thanks.


It's not in any brochures because it's a one-time cruise - HAL cancelled the scheduled dry-dock and sold this cruise instead, undertaking the work while full of paying passengers.

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<SNIP>I'm already not happy to know there have been reports of the chemicals used in the carpet install because I'm going to Hawaii on this ship in 3 weeks.<SNIP>


redhotfill, it sounds like maybe you're booked for the same cruise we are... our roll call thread is at http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1580717 in case you haven't been monitoring it too. ;)


I hope that you'll be joining us for the 'photo op' on embarkation day and the Cruise Critic Meet and Greet the next day.


Like you, we were lucky enough to do the 'similar' 15 day itinerary with the overnight in Honolulu and evening pass of the lava flow a number of years ago.

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A few pointers.

1. True the cruise was cheaper than most, but we were NOT warned in advance about the elivators being unavailable from time to time. By the by, to my knowlage one aft elevator never did work for the entire cruise.


2. Temperature control. This may be a common falt with several HAL ships, but I know that Statamdam had poor control too, whenever I sailed on her.

As it was on boarding our cabin was stone cold, it was reported and corrected, but now it was too hot, we, and others would open our doors to let the cold air from the hallway in. We always dessed in layers on the ship.

YES we were aware of the thermostat. The good news is however that I lost 3 pounds on this cruise.


3. THE BIGGY, only known by a few, the medical problem.

My wife went to the center about day 4 with a bad cough, she saw the doctor and was treated, quite promptly. I saw a staff of at least five persons there.

However since there was little improvement she returned on our last full day of cruising at 8.30am to find a notice that read, more ore less


I enquired again at noon by knocking on the door when the Dr. might be available, but I could not be told.

We checked a gain at 5 30pm, but the noice was still up.


4. These are all facts, known by myself, I will add that my wife and I heard some other stories, but those I could not check.





There was a lot of people on the ship that were complaining of sore throats and coughing. I ended up the 2nd to last night having the same problems and am just today starting to feel better. Hope your wife is feeling better now.

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Just had coffee with another friend who was on this cruise.... she also has the Cruise Crud - sore throat, congestion, head cold. While she did enjoy the cruise, she said they should have done all that work in dry dock, and one evening she had a severe reaction to the carpet glue. Burning eyes, etc. Apparently, there was one unhappy passenger going table-to-table in the Lido, discussing the situation and encouraging everyone to complain to head office. Not likely to achieve anything.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Has anyone on this cruise heard anything from HAL? I sent an email asking for compensation for my extra flight and hotel. It took almost 2 weeks for an acknowledgement, which had a statement to the effect that "we strive to provide the best service, will reply in a few weeks." Which is it? Can't be both. Still haven't had the courtesy of a proper reply.


(BTW, I know what the contract says, so please let's not go there. This isn't about contracts, it's about fairness and who we cruise with next.)

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I sent an email asking for compensation for my extra flight and hotel. It took almost 2 weeks for an acknowledgement, which had a statement to the effect that "we strive to provide the best service, will reply in a few weeks." Which is it? Can't be both. Still haven't had the courtesy of a proper reply.

Have some patience.

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Two weeks for the customer service group of a hospitality industry company to acknowledge a customer letter goes well beyond a patience issue.


It is a sign that something in that company, or their customer service organization is woefully wrong.

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Have some patience.


I have been in the professional services business for over 35 years, during which I have dealt with many thousands of clients. When I was a young project manager the founder of our company took me aside and explained that you can do almost anything bad to a client and most of the time they will forgive you, but if you ignore them, they will never forgive you and will never come back. I went on to learn from my own experience that truer words were never spoken.


With regard to HAL and the Zaandam, I'm being ignored and I don't like it. What HAL needs to understand about my particular circumstances is that what I think matters, what they think matters less, and what you think doesn't matter at all. After the tens of thousands of dollars I've spent on HAL in the last ten years, someone had better pay attention to me pretty soon or I'm walking.

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I have been in the professional services business for over 35 years, during which I have dealt with many thousands of clients. When I was a young project manager the founder of our company took me aside and explained that you can do almost anything bad to a client and most of the time they will forgive you, but if you ignore them, they will never forgive you and will never come back. I went on to learn from my own experience that truer words were never spoken.


With regard to HAL and the Zaandam, I'm being ignored and I don't like it. What HAL needs to understand about my particular circumstances is that what I think matters, what they think matters less, and what you think doesn't matter at all. After the tens of thousands of dollars I've spent on HAL in the last ten years, someone had better pay attention to me pretty soon or I'm walking.


totally understand where you are coming from (and agree for the most part) however I think HAL thinks when they send you the automated response they have acknowledged you.


I have found that their replies take around 40+ days (plus or minus) however when they come they have been read and hopefully you will be happy with the response.


I have written twice - once because of my experience on the Nieuw Amsterdam (the new ship not the glorious old one they dumped for this thing) to complain - complain is the wrong word - to educate so that it doesn't happen again and to compliment after my cruise on the Prinsendam.


In both cases I received replies. I never expected one from the Prinsendam - I was simply wanting to make sure they knew certain people on board were outstanding .


Wait and you will get a reply and hopefully one that makes you either feel better, acknowledged or a gift that makes up for your experience.


For whatever reason - I have found out that letters go up the chain of command = are read and looked at - so it takes time - might not be acceptable to you but all good things come to those that wait.


Hopefully you will be pleased when you get the reply

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Neil is absolutely correct. In fact we appear to come in part from the same professional background.


It should be vey straightforward. The letter comes in. If it is snail mail it is date/time stamped. The customers name and nature of complaint code is entered into the system.


What happens next? The customer immediately gets sent an automated letter, with 'signature' ,or an email if appropriate within Forty eight hours. It is a very simple letter of acknowledgement.


After that the complaint is tracked internally against an internally prescribed resolution time. Most progressive firms use something called 'best in class' measurement systems.


It would appear that HAL does not prescribe to the 'best in class' industry measurement standards when it comes to customer customer complaints/issues.


I cannot imagine anyone thinking that forty days is acceptable or reasonable.

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yesterday we got a nice letter with an apology from the presidents office,

( my wife got sick and we missed our family in san francisco) we were in a veranda by the way, they sent us a $870,00 credit towards another cruise, i am impressed and i am going to let them know, cheers, Borge

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no SF, we were supposed to arrive in San Diego at 10 am today, now MAYBE 8pm tonite, they will update us as we go along. ALL passengers even 80 year olds in wheel chairs will then have to get off and go thru customs, not blaming customs as all. Blaiming HAL, they sure took my 6K fast and did not disclose there intentions of repairing the ship in LA, and PV! They only told us 3 weeks before the cruise about carpet changes. Not hiring underwater divers, bringing in specialists from germany ...etc.etc. I would have not paid 6K for this dry docking while sailing with passengers cruise.



I am so sorry you are having a difficult cruise. San Diego customs are the pits.

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yesterday we got a nice letter with an apology from the presidents office,

( my wife got sick and we missed our family in san francisco) we were in a veranda by the way, they sent us a $870,00 credit towards another cruise, i am impressed and i am going to let them know, cheers, Borge


Sorry, you were on the Oct 9 sailing and you wrote a letter and they gave you a credit?

My travel agent suggest I write a letter, but assumed it would be just a waste of time

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Has anyone on this cruise heard anything from HAL? I sent an email asking for compensation for my extra flight and hotel. It took almost 2 weeks for an acknowledgement, which had a statement to the effect that "we strive to provide the best service, will reply in a few weeks." Which is it? Can't be both. Still haven't had the courtesy of a proper reply.


(BTW, I know what the contract says, so please let's not go there. This isn't about contracts, it's about fairness and who we cruise with next.)


Well, I finally received a reply today by snail mail. It was a long letter of apology, denying cash compensation per the contract, but offering a future cruise credit for a larger amount than the compensation I requested. Acceptable under the circumstances, so issue has been resolved to my satisfaction. In the end, HAL came through. Good on them.

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