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Eastern time zone to New Zealand - jet lag


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For those of you who have traveled to New Zealand and Australia, how do you combat jet lag. Our flights leave for Dallas at 6 pm and leave from Dallas at 10:00 pm. We arrive in Brisbane at 6 am and into Aukland at 3 pm.

I really need suggestions for the long flight.

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We have done the trek from East coast to Hong Kong, Tokyo, Malaysia and Australia. Each time it kicked our butt. We were so tired we passed out and woke up read to go at midnight.


So, I can not give you any great ideas. I would probably avoid drinking as much as we did.


I would do a google and do some research that way, as there are some folks that have figured it out. Guessing the number of people here that do it enough to have it licked is low.

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We always set our clocks to the time of our arrival before we leave (usually at the airport). We then "live" at that time. If we get in at 3 pm for example, we force ourselves to stay awake until 9 or 10 pm. We find we acclimate faster that way!


We will be doing Auckland in March. Hope it works for us!

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I have traveled quite a number of different time zones and these are what I do :

- follow the "aircraft time" (not unlike the ship time :) ) i.e. eat when they offer the meal, sleep when they dim the light or at least close my eyes and daydream.

- drink plenty of liquids: water, juices, tea etc. I don't drink alcohol so it helps.

- when they offer the 2nd meal, eat again.

Usually I arrive at my destination feeling fresh this way.


Upn arrival, immediately follow the local time, and do activities appropriate to those time frame.


Hope this help. Enjoy your cruise!

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. We arrive in Brisbane at 6 am and into Aukland at 3 pm.

I really need suggestions for the long flight.

You have me totally confused with your times and directions...

We travel a lot between Australia and the US.

If you are coming FROM Dallas you would hit Auckland first not Brisbane.

Auckland is a 3 hr flight to Brisbane( dont know what your layover time is..but it shouldnt be too long)

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I believe the OP has an indirect flight to AKL via BNE, on the Qantas fliht that comes direct from Dallas.

We always find the best way to get on top of Jetlag is to stay awake at your destination until its bed time there. Since you arrive in the afternoon you are at an advantage because by he time you have cleared customs and arrived at he hotel you can check in, go for a walk and have dinner it should be late enough to go to bed, albeit very tired!

The evitement of being in such an awesome place will give you the kick along you need to get going in the morning...

The flight from Dallas to BNE is as long as they get, but because they have avery restricted weight limit to fly that far they sell a lot less seats on the plane, hopefully you will get a bit more space to stretch out.

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I believe the OP has an indirect flight to AKL via BNE, on the Qantas fliht that comes direct from Dallas.

The flight from Dallas to BNE is as long as they get, but because they have avery restricted weight limit to fly that far



So you are saying that the OP. is going to ...


fly from where they live in the States to Dallas

Then fly 15 hrs to Brisbane( rated the third longest flight anywhere)

Arrive at 6am

Wait about 5 hrs

Then fly 3 hrs BACKWARDS to Auckland


Instead of flying from where they live in the States to LA

AND then fly 12 hrs to Auckland..


No wonder they are worried about jet lag..

That itinerary is just plain ridiculous!!


And as for restricted luggage..flights to and from the States from Oz or NZ are entitled to two 23kg bags.

I have done it from OZ to the US 13 times, and always allowed that limit.

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No drinking...allow two days to recuperate despite what anyone tells you. Drink plenty of water on the plane and walk around every few hours. There is no easy way....but it's worth it.


Appreciate the great wisdom and summary from ghstudio and others. We are getting ready (and closer) to our Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland, cruise on the Solstice. It doesn't seem to be easy or simple. Glad to know it's "WORTH IT". We are considering doing a stop in Tahiti on the way back home to break up these long, long flights. It's five hours from Auckland to Tahiti. Then about seven hours from there to LA.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Enjoyed great weather and a wonderful trip. Dozens of wonderful visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc., on these postings. We are now at 109,775 views for this live/blog re-cap on our first sailing with Celebrity and much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:


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We completed our Vantage trip of China September/October. Great trip, but the United flights from OHare to Beijing and Hong Kong to OHare were brutal, first 12 hours, second 14 hours.


Fortunately, we had upgraded to economy plus (cost about $130 extra). You get more leg room and your seat reclines more.


Good advise on drinking water. I also had a couple of glasses of wine, which I think helped me to get a few hours of sleep.


Also, I found myself getting up to walk around about every hour, the last part of the flight. I wanted to do pushups and exercises, but there is no room.

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When you are traveling that long/far, jet lag is a non issue. You are waayy beyond that. We traveled from the East Coast to Singapore, 33 hours from the time I left my house until we arrived in Singapore. We had a forced overnight there, before boarding the ship the next day. We got to the hotel, walked around downtown Singapore a bit, had a bite to eat, went to bed at 6pm and got up 12 hours later. EM

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So you are saying that the OP. is going to ...


fly from where they live in the States to Dallas

Then fly 15 hrs to Brisbane( rated the third longest flight anywhere)

Arrive at 6am

Wait about 5 hrs

Then fly 3 hrs BACKWARDS to Auckland


Instead of flying from where they live in the States to LA

AND then fly 12 hrs to Auckland..


No wonder they are worried about jet lag..

That itinerary is just plain ridiculous!!


And as for restricted luggage..flights to and from the States from Oz or NZ are entitled to two 23kg bags.

I have done it from OZ to the US 13 times, and always allowed that limit.

I wish the OP would read my post above and rethink their direction..

there is no logic to adding about 11hrs travel time to their day..

its simply not necessary.

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Jann and John,

I really thank you for your concern. I made our flights practically the first day that I could and, not knowing any better, booked it for the price. We are flying business. You see, my husband is disabled and I try to make our plans as early as I can. Too bad that I wasn't able to start this thread before I did it.

There is nothing that we can do now, but I thank you for your concern.

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I travel quiet a bit. I do try and drink a lot of water. But I do have drinks also. I try and sleep the most I can. As to the longest flights. I have done #2, #5 and both #14. I like the long flights. #5 Dubai to Los Angeles. I had drinks and dinner. Then got 9 hours of sleep. Still had time for a movie and more food. When traveling long distant try and fly business or first. Drink a lot of water and get some sleep on the plane. Richard

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Jann and John,

I really thank you for your concern. I made our flights practically the first day that I could and, not knowing any better, booked it for the price. We are flying business. You see, my husband is disabled and I try to make our plans as early as I can. Too bad that I wasn't able to start this thread before I did it.

There is nothing that we can do now, but I thank you for your concern.

ok, as long as you realise it..

what a shame though...being disabled would make it even more stressful.

but biz class helps.

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I don't think the jet lag killed me as much as how much my backside hurt from sitting! I've never prayed so hard a flight would end as the one when I flew to New Zealand.....I wanted to kiss the ground when I got off the plane! Be sure to get up and walk some periodically.


Done this flight 7 times! This is why they created sleeper suites for first class and business. It is a 15.5 hour form LA !!! and 21 hours to Singapore !

Simple rule 0 to 6 hours coach 6to 9 hours Business

10+ hours first class minimum. You will arrive rested, with little of no jet lag with a full 8 to 10 hours of restfull sleep.


This is where you beg borrow or steal airline pont/miles You can get an up grade for as little as 50,000 miles and $500 pp And if each of you got a airling card that gives you 40,000 miles just to sign up you could buy the extra 10,000 for $350. At least get one way business seat.


I went SFO to Singapore for work once. To save the company money I flew coach. I was severely repremanded never to do that again because I was useless for 3 days. Next time I went first.. and got of the plane and went direct to work with no effect.


The long haul aircraft are fullly capable of flying the route 100% full and with max baggage plus air cargo that might be as much as 50% of the total weight. I have never seen more than a dozen empty seats out of 360 on a 747-400.


Here are some tips: sit as far foward as you can afford for fresh air,

wear long sleeve and long pants to keep dehydration at a min.

Get eye shades and ear plugs,

get a face mask to keep dehydration to a min.

Dehydration is your biggest enemy....the plane has about 4% humidity


Use lotion on exposed skin to prevent deyydration


I never had a porblem with drinking as much booze as I wanted.

Dont take drugs.. they will dehydrate you and whack you.

Start living, as other have suggested in the new time zone you are heading too severl days before you leave.

On the plane live by the time zone you are heading to. Start by getting up an hour a day eariler or bed later as your time zone warrents. Get the body used to change.


If you go to sleep at 10 pm at home and its 3pm where you are bit 10 pm at to where you are going. Got to sleep. forget the movie, and everyhting else. Train your body.

Ignore what is going on around you...

If you cant sleep close your eyes and remain motionless you will get 75% of the rest value of sleep.


and get the best seat you can afford...it will pay you back ten fold

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Simple rule 0 to 6 hours coach 6to 9 hours Business

10+ hours first class minimum.

...... get the best seat you can afford...it will pay you back ten fold

WITH THAT RULE, if flying Qantas, you would be a lot poorer afterwards..

its about $12,000 each..minimum..to fly First class...

24 grand just for airfares to see NZ , only from a cruise ship perspective..is simply not worth it..NZ must be toured inland to see the best of it.

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Lots of water, no alcohol and no caffeine. Eat light...fresh fruit is the best, if available. I'm fortunate and sleep well on planes...DH not so fortunate. Sleeping on the flight is beneficial. Get up often and walk around the plane.


With so much in the news about long flights and blood clots, for the first time I bought travel socks (compression socks) to wear during our Seattle to Sydney flight in a couple of weeks. Friends have been wearig these for years and feel they're really beneficial during long flights.


I totally understand about the flights you're taking...we all often look for the best price and then later realize that the dollars saved are really off-set by the additional flight hours.


Enjoy your cruise!! You most likely will get that adrenalin rush of excitement when the plane lands and this will get you through a few more hours.


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Dallas to Brisbane... is a Quantas 747-400 long reach A totaly reconfigured plane. The pride of the fleet.


Since you are in Business I see no big porblems The seats are 24 inch wide, and recline into a flat bed 6 ft 6 long, with dividers for privacy.

The rows are 6 feet apart. you will have 156 different programs on demand. Food will be excellent and you will have choices of many beverages at no charge.:D



Rather than fear this flight..I think it will be a wonderful and stress free experience. You might not want to get off ! ;)


Silly me I thought you were flying coach


International Business class is head and shoulders above the best US domestic First Class.. You will be shocked. Anythign from toasted sanwitches for snacks to specialitie coffee. and cappuccinos Restauraunt quality served on china and real glasses.


I suggest you book the upper deck as it is way more restful. It has higher humidity and has the freshest nicest air


Just live you normal schedule according to that time in the zone you are headed


Others have written about coach..17 to 17.5 inch wide seats 31-23 inches apart. and they recline a whopping 2.5 inches That is HELL.



As to John in OZ... yup the list price is $12,000 for the trip list... but with the right agent and that can come down to about $3500 to$ 4500. Nobody pay the $12K

Money is a tool however. You can always get more of it, you cant get more time

Use both well

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We always set our clocks to the time of our arrival before we leave (usually at the airport). We then "live" at that time. If we get in at 3 pm for example, we force ourselves to stay awake until 9 or 10 pm. We find we acclimate faster that way!




Like you this is exactly what we do. Works well for us.

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Done this flight 7 times! This is why they created sleeper suites for first class and business. It is a 15.5 hour form LA !!! and 21 hours to Singapore !

Simple rule 0 to 6 hours coach 6to 9 hours Business

10+ hours first class minimum. You will arrive rested, with little of no jet lag with a full 8 to 10 hours of restfull sleep.


This is where you beg borrow or steal airline pont/miles You can get an up grade for as little as 50,000 miles and $500 pp And if each of you got a airling card that gives you 40,000 miles just to sign up you could buy the extra 10,000 for $350. At least get one way business seat.


I went SFO to Singapore for work once. To save the company money I flew coach. I was severely repremanded never to do that again because I was useless for 3 days. Next time I went first.. and got of the plane and went direct to work with no effect.


The long haul aircraft are fullly capable of flying the route 100% full and with max baggage plus air cargo that might be as much as 50% of the total weight. I have never seen more than a dozen empty seats out of 360 on a 747-400.


Here are some tips: sit as far foward as you can afford for fresh air,

wear long sleeve and long pants to keep dehydration at a min.

Get eye shades and ear plugs,

get a face mask to keep dehydration to a min.

Dehydration is your biggest enemy....the plane has about 4% humidity


Use lotion on exposed skin to prevent deyydration


I never had a porblem with drinking as much booze as I wanted.

Dont take drugs.. they will dehydrate you and whack you.

Start living, as other have suggested in the new time zone you are heading too severl days before you leave.

On the plane live by the time zone you are heading to. Start by getting up an hour a day eariler or bed later as your time zone warrents. Get the body used to change.


If you go to sleep at 10 pm at home and its 3pm where you are bit 10 pm at to where you are going. Got to sleep. forget the movie, and everyhting else. Train your body.

Ignore what is going on around you...

If you cant sleep close your eyes and remain motionless you will get 75% of the rest value of sleep.


and get the best seat you can afford...it will pay you back ten fold


I was on business on Qantas on the way over and first class on the way back. Hubby used to travel a lot for his job and he has been blessed with mileage (mainly because I would sign him up for all of these specials that American would offer) It was just way too much sitting and laying. I got up to walk, but it just wasn't enough. To add insult to injury, it was 100 degrees here when I left and of course we went the end of their winter....it was mild not cold, but on the way back I caught one heck of a cold because I took a shower at the Admiral's Club and I must have caught a chill while I was in the computer area (which was freezing) and was miserable upon my return. (Having a cold in the summer bites!)


I will admit, I cannot even imagine what it would be like flying coach...I had to change planes in Auckland as my hubby was working in windy Wellington and seriously, I could have kissed the ground when I got off the plane! And here I thought flying to Honolulu was a rough flight....that was easy compared to NZ!:eek:

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International Business class is head and shoulders above the best US domestic First Class.. You will be shocked.

aint that the truth, I dont know why they call it first class on the domestic US runs...

As to John in OZ... yup the list price is $12,000 for the trip list... but with the right agent and that can come down to about $3500 to$ 4500. Nobody pay the $12K


I think more pay the price of 12000, than 3500 for first class Qantas.

If that was the price everyone would want do it.

I wish I knew where you could get that price...we have paid that for premium economy Brisbane to LA.


My girlfriend and husband travel to Europe first class from Australia..on Emirates, or Malaysian airlines, and pay around 16,000 each....:eek:

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I think there's a lot of melodrama here. We've flown Chicago to Delhi in coach and while it wasn't all that comfortable, we survived and enjoyed India. We've also flown New York Hong Kong business class on cp and while we felt better when we arrived, it took about the same time to really recover. We now do all Far East in business class and all Europe in coach and we avoid us carriers whenever possible.


The reality is that flying just sucks no matter what you do....but it beats the alternatives if you want to visit interesting places. Do what you can afford and enjoy your vacation...just leave some extra time to adjust.

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