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Ultimate Cruise Snob Stories


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Eons ago when my kids were 10 and 16, we were seated with another family at an 8 top. The father was an attorney and the Mother a scatterbrained goofus.

Their 2 children were 7 and 10. The younger child would eat nothing but hamburgers. Every night his mother would cajole him to try something else and he'd almost end up crying. This family also had a superiority complex and this attitude was reflected in their treatment of the staff. The little boy's name was "Jamie" and the staff delighted in calling him "Hi-mee" which they explained was how they pronounced it, knowing full well he was annoyed.


My kids, OTOH, were polite kids (heck, they realized being NICE to the staff got them their favorite treats!) and to this day, my kids (now 32 and 38) will recall this family from Texas and the annoying way they spoke to everyone and "Hi-mee" and his hamburgers.


The dinner conversations included the mother being called out by father for wearing her diamond Rolex off the ship in Jamaica and the damage an errant ball in the house did to her Bacarrat collection....oh, the horror!:eek:

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May I say that perhaps you are the snob. We know many people who book suites, don't advertise that they do and treat the staff with more respect (and probably higher gratuities) than many other passengers. Have you considered that the people who book those suites perhaps have worked very hard to afford to book them and perhaps don't cruise more than once a year or less frequently. To generalize and disparage a group of people with no supporting data is inane.


You misread my post. I am not opposed to people who book suites. It is those who come on this board and brag extensively about it, complain about the staff not working hard enough for them and how they deserve more benefits.


Everyone works very hard to afford their rooms, if it be inside cabins or suites. Not opposed to people booking suites and I book suites periodically myself. But I don't brag about it in every post.

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You misread my post. I am not opposed to people who book suites. It is those who come on this board and brag extensively about it, complain about the staff not working hard enough for them and how they deserve more benefits.


Everyone works very hard to afford their rooms, if it be inside cabins or suites. Not opposed to people booking suites and I book suites periodically myself. But I don't brag about it in every post.


I agree with you on this. If you can (or want) to afford a Suite, by all means have at it and enjoy, just kindly don't shove it down everyone's throats or look down on your fellow passengers for it. I think a lot of those snobs forget or don't realize that there are those of us who can but don't WANT to afford the cost of a Suite. Personally I'm happy with any room. A room's just a room when cruising. Now would I like to have a Suite one day? Sure! Do I care if I ever actually have one? Not in the least.


There's definitely a difference between being excited about realizing your dream by getting the grand suite you've pined for and mentioning it and regaling all in ear shot that that's the ONLY way a civilized person can travel.

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May I say that perhaps you are the snob. We know many people who book suites, don't advertise that they do and treat the staff with more respect (and probably higher gratuities) than many other passengers. Have you considered that the people who book those suites perhaps have worked very hard to afford to book them and perhaps don't cruise more than once a year or less frequently. To generalize and disparage a group of people with no supporting data is inane.




Very well stated.....:):):)



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I agree with you on this. If you can (or want) to afford a Suite, by all means have at it and enjoy, just kindly don't shove it down everyone's throats or look down on your fellow passengers for it. I think a lot of those snobs forget or don't realize that there are those of us who can but don't WANT to afford the cost of a Suite. Personally I'm happy with any room. A room's just a room when cruising. Now would I like to have a Suite one day? Sure! Do I care if I ever actually have one? Not in the least.


There's definitely a difference between being excited about realizing your dream by getting the grand suite you've pined for and mentioning it and regaling all in ear shot that that's the ONLY way a civilized person can travel.


will you join me in the hold of the ship shoveling coal??


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You misread my post. I am not opposed to people who book suites. It is those who come on this board and brag extensively about it, complain about the staff not working hard enough for them and how they deserve more benefits.


Everyone works very hard to afford their rooms, if it be inside cabins or suites. Not opposed to people booking suites and I book suites periodically myself. But I don't brag about it in every post.


As I stated earlier, all of us arn't evil. Your brush stroe was to broad (IMHO).....



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As I stated earlier, all of us arn't evil. Your brush stroe was to broad (IMHO).....



You're being too over-sensitive. Nobody said "evil." Nor was Casey referring to every single person who sails in a suite. But some people (other people, not you and not SunViking) on this board have posted things almost word-for-word as s/he quoted. You may have missed those posts, but they're out there.

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You misread my post. I am not opposed to people who book suites. It is those who come on this board and brag extensively about it, complain about the staff not working hard enough for them and how they deserve more benefits.


Everyone works very hard to afford their rooms, if it be inside cabins or suites. Not opposed to people booking suites and I book suites periodically myself. But I don't brag about it in every post.


I know exactly who you are referring to. I have changed my settings on Cruise Critic so I don't see her posts anymore. I couldn't take it anymore.

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I can't wait till I have something to be a cruise snob about. Platinum or Elite Status, booking a suite or B2B2B..


I promise to try to contain my euphoria but my smile will be so huge it will be hard to miss. And if I talk about it too much it's just because I am so happy.


I hope I live long enough!

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The reasons I list mine and why I like that people list theirs is so that we can see where we've all been, what we have in common, and ask questions that may apply to one another. I also have links to my reviews in my signature so that if people read one that they like and are curious to read more, they can find them easily.


I don't think listing the sailings you've been on is snobbery, but I personally find the rotating diamonds in some people's signatures (visit the Royal Caribbean board) and other oversized indications of one's cruiseline statuses gaudy. But to each their own.


Please continue to list sailings in the signatures. It is an invaluable service for those of us who want to pick your brains about certain cruise lines, itineraries, etc.

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You're being too over-sensitive. Nobody said "evil." Nor was Casey referring to every single person who sails in a suite. But some people (other people, not you and not SunViking) on this board have posted things almost word-for-word as s/he quoted. You may have missed those posts, but they're out there.


My opinion was she painted too wide a swath.....



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I can't wait till I have something to be a cruise snob about. Platinum or Elite Status, booking a suite or B2B2B...


Me, me, me!!! I just turned Platinum this past cruise, BUT :( I am only booked in a meager Inside Cabin. Yikes! Does that make me a low-rent snob? ;) :D



will you join me in the hold of the ship shoveling coal??



And get coal dust all over my nice clean 5$ casual dress shirt I bought at Walmart? Never! ;)



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Me, me, me!!! I just turned Platinum this past cruise, BUT :( I am only booked in a meager Inside Cabin. Yikes! Does that make me a low-rent snob? ;) :D


I will join you as a low rent snob... and i havent even sailed on Princess! But i do have Gold status on Cunnard. Does that count for anything? LOL


And get coal dust all over my nice clean 5$ casual dress shirt I bought at Walmart? Never! ;)


How else can the majority afford all the cruises if we dont work hard and save our money by buying sale items? Or do i live in a fools paradise?





We did a 28 day cruise on the Queen Victoria a few years ago. (am i bragging..yes, we got an upgrade to a balcony cabin) and met some wonderful people on the cruise who were doing thefull 'round the world' cruise.

We would often sit in the casino (shock horror) smoking and making friends. One particular gentleman from the Cayman Islands was very taken with the watch we purchased in Vietnam. Said it was the best copy he had seen, and wished he had purchased a watch as one of his favourite Rolex's was stolen when he got mugged in New York. He was going to buy a copy himself at the next port in Vietnam LOL


I am looking forward to our next cruise to Alaska, and hope we dont run into any snobs.

I can mix with most people and can stick my nose up as high as the next LOL

Lets face it, we all come into this world naked and go out the same way, in a pine box!




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Please continue to list sailings in the signatures. It is an invaluable service for those of us who want to pick your brains about certain cruise lines, itineraries, etc.


Since my paltry ten sailings ain't much compared to the more experienced here, I'm confident my continuing to list mine ain't boasting.

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We did a 28 day cruise on the Queen Victoria a few years ago. (am i bragging..yes, we got an upgrade to a balcony cabin) and met some wonderful people on the cruise who were doing thefull 'round the world' cruise.

We would often sit in the casino (shock horror) smoking and making friends. One particular gentleman from the Cayman Islands was very taken with the watch we purchased in Vietnam. Said it was the best copy he had seen, and wished he had purchased a watch as one of his favourite Rolex's was stolen when he got mugged in New York. He was going to buy a copy himself at the next port in Vietnam LOL



For most of my last cruise, I wore a cheap digital watch I bought in Naples for 15 euros.

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On my most recent Sun Princess cruise 2 weeks ago, we were doing the Ultimate Ship Tour with a newly Elite couple. During the laundry tour they were horrified to discover that their laundry was not individually laundered, but was in fact laundered in mixed loads with blues & golds & platinums. The look on their faces was priceless and the rest of the tour group had a good chuckle.

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For most of my last cruise, I wore a cheap digital watch I bought in Naples for 15 euros.


I was on the Royal Clipper some years ago.. I am a diver, so I wear a relatively inexpensive dive watch because I am constantly losing them. One night after dinner over drinks, the husbands of the couples we were hanging out with were comparing diamond studded Rolexes. They made an obvious point to politely ignore my Seiko dive watch. It was amusing. My wife kept waiting for me to brandish my Seiko in front of them. I resisted the temptation.

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On a trans-Atlantic on the most recent Royal, our set dinner mates at a table for 8 included an individual and a lady friend. As it turned out, a few months later they were the focus of an entire episode of 20/20. She was the family 'nanny' and both were in jail for fraud and identity theft and he was about to be charged with the murder of his wife. The wife died just a couple of weeks before the cruise.:eek:



What a CRAZY experience!!! YIKES:eek:

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You're being too over-sensitive. Nobody said "evil." Nor was Casey referring to every single person who sails in a suite. But some people (other people, not you and not SunViking) on this board have posted things almost word-for-word as s/he quoted. You may have missed those posts, but they're out there.


May I say that perhaps you are the snob. We know many people who book suites, don't advertise that they do and treat the staff with more respect (and probably higher gratuities) than many other passengers. Have you considered that the people who book those suites perhaps have worked very hard to afford to book them and perhaps don't cruise more than once a year or less frequently. To generalize and disparage a group of people with no supporting data is inane.


There is only one person I can think of who includes in every post that she always books a suite and how expensive they are. In other posts complains how crew never takes care of her on the ship due to non-suite people needing their rooms cleaned also. Also how those upgraded to suites abuse the suite benefits and how they should not receive them. She blames those who are upgraded to why the internet benefit was taken away. By no means am I going after everyone who books suites. I often book suites myself but I do not act like this on the ship and on these boards. I hope I never run into this person on a ship again as all they do is complain.

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We were on the 12/29/12 sailing on the Grand and on an independent excursion in Aruba. There were a bunch of Germans, also from the Grand, I think on the tour in a large van of about 20 passengers. They sat in the front of the van and pretty well made it their own personal tour as they monopolized the driver/guide. Their English was only slightly, accented and I was led to believe that they had spent a lot of time in the US. The driver made a pretty complete sweep of the island and we were in a area "where the Americans live". The properties were pretty extravagant and the driver pointed out that, unlike the other neighborhoods, the American neighborhoods had grass lawns and pools, which were supported by natural springs instead of the desalinization plants used by the rest of the desert island.

One, rather snotty young woman with an obnoxious tattoo of a tree on her upper arm mentioned with disgust that it was typical of the selfish, rich Americans to over consume the resources instead of only using their fair share.


I wanted so much to challenge her and to point out that this is not typical of all Americans but is probably, typical of many affluent people of all nationalities. I apologize to no one for being an American but we are not all rich! Also, since Aruba lives off of tourism and their consumption taxes, they probably, don't mind rich people. (I passed on asking if her grandfather supported Hitler!)

Maybe her Grandfather was Hitler!

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we were on a cruise and this woman and adult daughter came to lay out by the pool. They pulled their lounger into the walkway around the pool. One of the pool attendants came over and asked them to move since they were blocking the walk way and the mother turned to him and rudely told him in no uncertain terms that she paid for this cruise and she could sit any place she wanted (i guess the rest of us were there for free!). Well felling sorry for the attendant and annoyed at her i made it a point to walk past her lounger and "accidently" bump into her. After a couple of times of this she looked up at me and said "will you watch where you are going?" my response - i paid for this cruise and i can walk where ever i want! Shortly afterward they moved.


what an awesome comeback!!!:d

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I was on the Royal Clipper some years ago.. I am a diver, so I wear a relatively inexpensive dive watch because I am constantly losing them. One night after dinner over drinks, the husbands of the couples we were hanging out with were comparing diamond studded Rolexes. They made an obvious point to politely ignore my Seiko dive watch. It was amusing. My wife kept waiting for me to brandish my Seiko in front of them. I resisted the temptation.


Hmmmmmmmm. I wonder what they would have said about my $6.00 denim watch? :D

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