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Upgrade Offers


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I really do not believe this. I do not think Oceania cares if you have a TA or not nor who your TA is. I believe the up sell offer E Mails are computer generated. I called them myself as I do not use a TA, for my last trip and asked about a up sell. I was in a ocean view. They gave me the choice of all that were available, Cat B, A, and PH. I chose the one I wanted and that was it. I DO NOT believe there were others not communicated to me because they were on hold for the well connected crowd.

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I really do not believe this. I do not think Oceania cares if you have a TA or not nor who your TA is. I believe the up sell offer E Mails are computer generated. I called them myself as I do not use a TA, for my last trip and asked about a up sell. I was in a ocean view. They gave me the choice of all that were available, Cat B, A, and PH. I chose the one I wanted and that was it. I DO NOT believe there were others not communicated to me because they were on hold for the well connected crowd.


You can choose not to believe it but it is Definitely the case


I doubt jan (she is not my ta) wants to comment but those tas who are MAJOR sources of revenue for Oceania have clout. They have more access, more info and can even negotiate better deals on up sells. The rate you pay for that upsell will vary O takes good care of its best producers. Smart business model IMO it is naive to believe that doesn't happen. It happens


If I say any more I may be killed. Lol


It's business. That's how business works. One hand washes the other. The ta you use makes a huge difference. They can't give you a better rate on the cruise below the minimum O allows but don't minimize the value of connections for other benefits.

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I've booked directly with O and received upsell offers that are computer-generated. Based upon the comments on this forum, it appears I receive the emails at the same time the TAs do.


There are tas who get emails

There are tas who know how to get an upgrade /upsell BEFORE those emails go out


There are tas and there are TAS


My last post on this subject

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Pacheco 18- absolutely NOT TRUE. Not even close.

Disappointed you authoritatively state as fact something so far from the truth.


I really ask, as a favor not to me, but to your fellow cruisers, not to try so hard appearing to be in the know when you are obviously NOT!




Is this what you mean by being killed?


I note you had no reply on these boards for this comment. Do you have absolute proof what you are saying is correct?

Not trying to be a menace but curious how this system works

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Pacheco 18- absolutely NOT TRUE. Not even close.

Disappointed you authoritatively state as fact something so far from the truth.


I really ask, as a favor not to me, but to your fellow cruisers, not to try so hard appearing to be in the know when you are obviously NOT!




This is the answer you got when you said the same thing on March 22. I believe Oceania is a honest, aboveboard company and I believe FDR's answer.

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I note you had no reply on these boards for this comment. Do you have absolute proof what you are saying is correct?


I think I would take FDR's word over other people here ;)

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Fine with me

I have no dog in this fight

Not looking for anything for myself

No one ever needs to believe a word I say.

I don't take it personally


We should all do our own research and book as we see fit


But interesting that some folks with some pretty influential tas are silent. Don't blame them




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Wow - Thanks for all the great (and entertaining) feedback!!! I didn't expect such attention ....usually nobody responds to my post!! LOL


Hey Paul - Yeah - I am trying out O.....see how it compares to AZ for myself. I am sure I will have fun - as I always do -


I will blog live from the Marina when I get aboard. Let everyone know what I think and maybe undergo a conversion from "AZ cheerleader".......


Trying now to get an "upsell" and have done the financials ---- MBA in finance FINALLY came in handy ---- so think the offer is fair!!!!! LOL


I had the pleasure of meeting several O execs at a function my TA threw and OMG they were all SOOOOO nice. Their customer service folks are more knowledgable than the AZ shoreside (don't get me started) staff so I am very excited about the trip.


As I am so fond of saying ---- NOTHING BEATS FUN!


Our Roll Call board is already totally active and there have been a couple of dinners for the folks from around my area to meet! Love, love, love CC for this stuff!


I am travelling with my "posse" of 12 others and VERY good time will be had by all......

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I think you will love the Marina - what's not to like on a beautiful ship like that?

Don't forget to book your 4 specialty restaurants online ahead of time; also, remember the great grill in the Terrace Cafe with nightly lobsters, jumbo shrimp, etc, etc, etc

Bon voyage!

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I think you will love the Marina - what's not to like on a beautiful ship like that?

Don't forget to book your 4 specialty restaurants online ahead of time; also, remember the great grill in the Terrace Cafe with nightly lobsters, jumbo shrimp, etc, etc, etc

Bon voyage!


Right now I am not able to prebook as (long tearful story) I am in "steerage" class. Balcony.


I know, I know --- what's a spoiled AZ CC suite brat like me doing in an ..... 'ahem - BALCONY. :eek: What will I EVER do without a butler. How will I survive??? A cruel fate of booking madness brought me to this untenable position.....it is a story best left to be told in it's entirety over a SUPER LARGE ice cold Grey Goose martini (3 olives), shaken not stirred!


I am hopeful that I will be able to get a visit from the "upsell fairy" as I have done EVERYTHING that my fellow CCer's have suggested here. With blessings from above (FDR you listening????) - I will be once again be restored to my natural habitat as befitting the "lady" I have become .....


MY GOD --- have I been watching too many Downton Abbey episodes OR WHAT!!!!!!


LOL - truly I am joking about the steerage stuff --- I know that any accomodation on the Marina is superior and I do sincerely appreciate that I am blessed with the ability to travel and enjoy the company of new firends and learn of the world. My "dilemma" is what my new CC friend "Booomer" would describe as a "First World Problem".


How lucky are we all to be able to do this? I am thankful EVERY single day for the things I am blessed with in my wonderful life!!!! And to all of you for making me smile when I read these amazing posts!


Peace, love & ROCK & ROLL !!!

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I have dropped almost 60 pounds and 8 dress sizes so this in my "coming out" cruise!!! I started this 3 years ago when my first grandchild was born .... as of last week I have 3 boys and 1 girl and I am bound and determined to spoil my great grandchildren as well.


This lady is NOT going gently into that good night.......scratching and clawing my way out of the hole that is "decrepitness".


I have offered O ALL my "botox and filler" fund for the upgrade!!! Cleaned myself out ---- I am going to rock that ship like it ain't EVER been rocked before!!!!


Who knows ..... maybe I will find myself a widowed Plastic Surgeon who will spend all his time fixing me up and taking me on cruises! HA! Like that's ever going to happen ...right after Hell freezes over and I use it to chill my martini!

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Hey Cindy,

What do I have to sell to get an upgrade? One more of the group traveling with you chiming in. Our first time on Oceania also, hope they wow us! We fell in love with Azamara and was hard to switch, but Cindy rounded us up, for this Baltic cruise and I can't wait for another fun filled adventure!


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The offers do get better as the cruise draws nearer, but the problem is, you cannot be sure that they will be offered to YOU.

People assume that the cheapest cabins are always the most sought after, but that is not necessarily the case.


On Some itineraries (Alaska and the South Pacific come to mind) Verandas are seen as a must, so the inside and Oceanview Cabins are not as hot a ticket.


Don't hold out for a great deal, UNLESS you could just as happily stay where you are.

I think this can be summed up as "book what you want to begin with";)

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Cindilouwho, I don't know you, but you had me in stitches. I know you will have the Marina rocking and rolling - maybe even pitching, too! I was a little hesitant to try Marina after being on the comfy small Regatta and Insignia, but I have to admit, I ended up loving Marina, and I suspect you will, too. AND, you'll love the Baltic - although I notice the itinerary we had last year on Marina is missing two of my favorite ports (Ronne, Denmark, and Visby, Sweden) - guess the fact that they are lesser known, plus one or maybe both are tender ports that get some shaky weather, meaning occasional "pass bys" made them less attractive as part of the itinerary. Anyway, take your sunglasses for St. Petersburg - you'll need them with all those gold-topped domes!


You are NOT in steerage - that is reserved for me on Marina, with the hopes that the upsell fairy will be kind to me. In the Baltic last year, she was exceptionally kind.....

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I have to agree with Jim and Stan yet again.

On our 1st cruise we booked an A4 knowing that would suit us fine for our first Oceania cruise. We were wowed with an upgrade offer to a PH close to sailing.


On 2 future cruises we booked one of the forward extended balconies. We did not expect an upsell offer.

On our Baltic cruise everything above a B2 was wait-listed prior to 60 days out. There will likely be no offers or upgrades with a full sailing. We are very happy with our cabin, but I have heard some moaning from those hoping for an up-sell offer.

It is best to book the cabin you want and not regret it later. An up-sell should be frosting on the cake;)

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I think this can be summed up as "book what you want to begin with";)


Yes I usually do


BUT miss out on all this drama and a chance to practise my "stand-up" act???


This - like internet dating - has given me remarkable material to make my friends smile. NOTHING beats laughter and FUN....


Roothy - U got that right --- we will be having a fabulous time.....join us?

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The particular sailing I'm on has at least sixty cabins vacant. My Travel Agent says many are suites and veranda cabins. Now it's 3 weeks until sail date. I've already received 2 offers to upgrade. One offer was about 2 months out. Another was about 30 days out from sail date. The prices were steep. If I recall correctly, think the wife said about $1k total for ocean view to veranda. Maybe if the price comes down I'll consider it. Guess they're going to sail with a bunch of empty, high-end cabins. Doesn't make sense to me to do that. It would be a better marketing move to upgrade passengers for a nominal fee. They'd have lots of happy passengers who would promote the line, develop brand loyalty. Nothing like word of mouth advertising.


Not sure about that from a marketing perspective. The people who paid full price for Penthouse suites wouldn't be too happy about that. Also, in the future people might not book the expensive suites as they would "expect" an upgrade at a cheaper price. It is all about short term revenue maximization vs. long term. I am quite sure the lines have some MBA figuring this out.

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Success! I have been able to get a PH for my upcoming trip. Price was very fair for both parties and I am thrilled.


I have another question about Dinner Reservations. I am able to book my dinner reservations - but unable to invite my friends in Concierge yet. We are traveling in a small group (11) and no one has been able to help me.


Any input truly appreciated!

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Success! I have been able to get a PH for my upcoming trip. Price was very fair for both parties and I am thrilled.


I have another question about Dinner Reservations. I am able to book my dinner reservations - but unable to invite my friends in Concierge yet. We are traveling in a small group (11) and no one has been able to help me.


Any input truly appreciated!


You will only be able to invite fellow cruisers whose reservation time is within the allowed period. If they cannot make their own reservations because their time period has not opened, you cannot do it either.


The simplest way to handle this is to wait until they can reserve and call Customer Service.

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What we have done is to book our reservation as soon as we can. Then when the others in our party are eligible to book, we add them to the table. Once I did this with no problem online but on another occasion I had to get help from Oceania to do so.


But I don't think you'll find a table for 11!! I'm not sure but it's my impression that the largest table available in the specialty restaurants (at least on the "R" ships) seats 8, and there aren't many of those. More typical is 4-6 people at a table.



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Success! I have been able to get a PH for my upcoming trip. Price was very fair for both parties and I am thrilled.


I have another question about Dinner Reservations. I am able to book my dinner reservations - but unable to invite my friends in Concierge yet. We are traveling in a small group (11) and no one has been able to help me.


Any input truly appreciated!


Eleven is not a small group by Specialty Restaurant standards, their largest tables only seat eight, and even those require advanced planning. You could fight about getting a still larger table, and eventually you will find someone who will give in to you, but don't do it. The table will still feel cramped and the Service will suffer. Those rooms just weren't designed with big groups in mind.

132703.jpg Booking two tables at the same time in a given Restaurant would work and it would only require a word to the maître d' (earlier in the cruise) to be seated next to one another.

094944.jpg As a Suite Passenger, you would begin by making a Reservation at which you are willing to share a table, and then "inviting" up to six more of your friends to join that table as their Reservation Window opens. The others in your group would need to reserve a second table at the same time.


All that said, we don't even bother with groups over six in the Specialty Restaurants any longer , because the Grand Dining Room is such a pleasure when you have a larger group. Just show up whenever you please and Voilà


Enjoy your cruise :D


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Cindi - good move! You will love the PH on the Marina (now you'll never go back to A for sure :D).

Remember that you can order from any specialty restaurant to dine in your PH anytime (if you prefer it or if you cannot get additional reservations once onboard).

Make your allowed reservations early into the cruise so that you can then decide where you want to dine again later in the cruise (in the restaurant or your PH).

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