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why the fuss over clothes?


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I live in the world of choice; I chose to cruise on Cunard ships and I dress according to their dress code. I do not judge other people and I do not care what other people think.


Have a fantastic day.




Cool, so do I. I don't judge people either. Clothing has no impact on me.

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Because some of us are still little girls who love to play dress up. I am including myself. On my next cruise I'll be wearing a stunning gown given to me by a lovely dear lady here on these forums and, as I've said on other threads, I will get to feel like Cinderella for that evening. Cruising to me is a dream, luxury vacation and being able to fully participate in all the activities that appeal, such as getting all dressed up for dinner, keeps the glow going.


As for being materialistic, no, I don't think so. And yes, that's a judgmental statement, since the word carries a negative connotation. I don't dress to show off what I have, or to collect more and more and more. I dress up, and spend time on hair, makeup, and accessories because it makes ME feel good. For someone who battled, and at least for now, won the weight war, it's an amazing feeling for me to look in the mirror and really like what I see.

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Because some of us are still little girls who love to play dress up. I am including myself. On my next cruise I'll be wearing a stunning gown given to me by a lovely dear lady here on these forums and, as I've said on other threads, I will get to feel like Cinderella for that evening. Cruising to me is a dream, luxury vacation and being able to fully participate in all the activities that appeal, such as getting all dressed up for dinner, keeps the glow going.


As for being materialistic, no, I don't think so. And yes, that's a judgmental statement, since the word carries a negative connotation. I don't dress to show off what I have, or to collect more and more and more. I dress up, and spend time on hair, makeup, and accessories because it makes ME feel good. For someone who battled, and at least for now, won the weight war, it's an amazing feeling for me to look in the mirror and really like what I see.


Good for you. It wasn't meant for someone like you. That's not being materialistic.

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Just because we talk fashion, clothes makeup etc. that does not make us materialistic. I am a lawyer by training but work at a major corporation as as a sR contratracts manager. I get to telecommute 2-3 days a week so I work in sweats the other days - I wear dresses. I like dresses - I am the girl at a NASCAR race (yes this nice Jewish Lawyer from NJ - now in VA loves her NASCAR - hey I like fast cars) in a maxi dress, etc. I am comfortable that way.


I like black and 90% of my wardrobe is black but during the summer I throw in some pastels.


Shoes are my obsession and I love heels, although right now with a bad hip I do not get to wear them as much but I still love shoes.


I love to get dresses up for formal wear and I do wear dresses to charity events, social events etc. Funny thing I love to dress up but I am not a makeup person - really do not like to wear it - just not me - my MOM loves it and makes a comment everytime I see her - so when I am with her I make the effort to put some on.


Just because we like to talk clothes (and it is on a FASHION BOARD) not judgment should be made about us. I am a mom of 3 boys 16,16 and 20 and live with a big one (51) too :D While my twins actually like fashion - and are particular about what they wear and what stores my oldest doesnt care. But the other day I had a dress on for work and one of the twins goes = that is too long and then another dress he was like not today - so I put on one of my new short J.Jill linen summer dresses and they loved it.


If you don't want to fuss you don't have to but no need to post on here about what the fuss



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Just because we talk fashion, clothes makeup etc. that does not make us materialistic. I am a lawyer by training but work at a major corporation as as a sR contratracts manager. I get to telecommute 2-3 days a week so I work in sweats the other days - I wear dresses. I like dresses - I am the girl at a NASCAR race (yes this nice Jewish Lawyer from NJ - now in VA loves her NASCAR - hey I like fast cars) in a maxi dress, etc. I am comfortable that way.


I like black and 90% of my wardrobe is black but during the summer I throw in some pastels.


Shoes are my obsession and I love heels, although right now with a bad hip I do not get to wear them as much but I still love shoes.


I love to get dresses up for formal wear and I do wear dresses to charity events, social events etc. Funny thing I love to dress up but I am not a makeup person - really do not like to wear it - just not me - my MOM loves it and makes a comment everytime I see her - so when I am with her I make the effort to put some on.


Just because we like to talk clothes (and it is on a FASHION BOARD) not judgment should be made about us. I am a mom of 3 boys 16,16 and 20 and live with a big one (51) too :D While my twins actually like fashion - and are particular about what they wear and what stores my oldest doesnt care. But the other day I had a dress on for work and one of the twins goes = that is too long and then another dress he was like not today - so I put on one of my new short J.Jill linen summer dresses and they loved it.


If you don't want to fuss you don't have to but no need to post on here about what the fuss





I wasn't being judgmental and I wasn't trying to start a debate. Maybe my choice of words was bad. It just seems to me that there is a LOT of effort into shopping and packing the "proper" clothes for a cruise and I was just curious about what makes people tick. Some people are very fashion conscious, I am not one of them. I don't think that makes people materialistic and I was in no way being judgemental. I also, perhaps mistakenly, assumed that most of the fashion talk on this forum was about cruising; what to buy and what to pack.

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I wasn't being judgmental and I wasn't trying to start a debate. Maybe my choice of words was bad. It just seems to me that there is a LOT of effort into shopping and packing the "proper" clothes for a cruise and I was just curious about what makes people tick. Some people are very fashion conscious, I am not one of them. I don't think that makes people materialistic and I was in no way being judgemental. I also, perhaps mistakenly, assumed that most of the fashion talk on this forum was about cruising; what to buy and what to pack.


For some people there is a lot of effort put into what they pack. For some it may be because of the particular cruise line they choose to go on has a policy of a certain style dress (i.e. Marie and Cunard). And yes many are fashion conscious. Personally I would not consider myself fashion conscious -i.e. I do not have to have what is considered "trendy" type clothes - granted I turn 50 in July.


For me there are certain things I won't skimp on and I am particular about - and maybe because I am a single mom and I am the sole support of my boys, etc - i want certain things. As I said I am nto a big make up person but the make up I wear I only wear MAC make up - one because I like it and two because I am not allergic to it.


I have about 30-45 black dresses - some are a dressly LBT, some of daytime dresses, many are the type that I cna wear to work with a sweater and dress up with a wrap.


But I think some people are particular about what they pack as they always want to look their best. For me I am particular about what I pack as I want certain things and I wear certain things. I don't pack shorts because I do not wear them - would rather wear a dress. I hate jeans - with the exception of one pair - so I dont pack them.


There are others who are comfortable not getting dressed up while on vacation and that is fine too.


I just think for many of us what we wear while we are on a cruise is half the fun of cruising. For me I did go out a buy a long gown (2 actually) for my cruise in July - one shockingly is red and the other is black. They made me feel good - so I think it is about cruising if dressing a certain way makes us feel good and I do not think it is a fuss if you enjoy doing it. It bcomes a fuss when you are doing something (1) because you feel you have to - YOU DONT or (2) you are doing it for someone other than yourself - to impress others.


I personally do not care what others think about what I choose to wear as long as I like what I have on and it makes me feel good. I do not care what others are wearing as long as it is appropriate and they do not look like a stripper :)



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For me personally, I have to wear a certain dress code to work...so I look forward to the days where I can be free to wear whatever I want, especially during the week...plus, I love fashion. I'm in the process of opening my own clothing and accessory boutique so of course I'm going to care about what I wear.

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I wasn't being judgmental and I wasn't trying to start a debate. Maybe my choice of words was bad. It just seems to me that there is a LOT of effort into shopping and packing the "proper" clothes for a cruise and I was just curious about what makes people tick. Some people are very fashion conscious, I am not one of them. I don't think that makes people materialistic and I was in no way being judgemental. I also, perhaps mistakenly, assumed that most of the fashion talk on this forum was about cruising; what to buy and what to pack.


I hope you don't think my comment was directed to you because it wasn't. You asked a very honest question. I have no issue with that. You've been very respectful as have most of the others.

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My answer on why some people seem so "fussy" about what to take on a cruise: Because they can. Any kind of vacation can make someone fussy about what they are taking.

People taking ski vacations, especially the women, can get seriously fussy about what they take to be seen in. Some buy totally new outfits each year, some bring the same things they've had for years and are comfortable with wearing. Some want to make a fashion statement, some just want to stay warm and dry.

People going camping/backpacking can get fussy. This one seems to be more guy-oriented from my sociological studies. Some want to be seen in those latest techno wonders that cost $100 for a Tshirt, while some haul out the old reliable convertables and Patagonia/The North Face shirts they've worn and still fit.


It's all relative...

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Isn't that true of being on land. Some people enjoy getting dressed up and others just want to walk around in whatever. Everyone has different things that they enjoy. For some it is getting dressed up.


This might seem unusual for a male in this day and age but I like getting dressed up when we cruise in the evening and my wife feels the same way.





I agree. My wife and I enjoy dressing up for the MDR and especially on formal/elegant nights!

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I also love to dress up -- but not in formal wear! I don't take formal wear on cruises and eat somewhere else on formal night. But I still love clothes and putting outfits together and choosing just the right shoes and accessories to wear with each even if it's casual everyday wear. Today, for example, I wore a pair of dark denim jeans with a solid red, t-shirt fabric, peasant blouse. Very simple. But I belted it with a very pretty red and blue silk Asian print scarf with a fringe. It was still a really casual outfit but nevertheless I got a couple of compliments on it. That's the fun part of fashion for me. Finding ways to make comfortable, everyday clothes more special.

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I also love to dress up -- but not in formal wear! I don't take formal wear on cruises and eat somewhere else on formal night. But I still love clothes and putting outfits together and choosing just the right shoes and accessories to wear with each even if it's casual everyday wear. Today, for example, I wore a pair of dark denim jeans with a solid red, t-shirt fabric, peasant blouse. Very simple. But I belted it with a very pretty red and blue silk Asian print scarf with a fringe. It was still a really casual outfit but nevertheless I got a couple of compliments on it. That's the fun part of fashion for me. Finding ways to make comfortable, everyday clothes more special.


Sounds like a cute outfit!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Cool, so do I. I don't judge people either. Clothing has no impact on me.



Monkeyluis, we all care about different things that make us feel good and alive. What do you care about? Cars? Animals? Travel? Electronics? Regardless of your interests, there are others who will care nothing about them. I won't call you materialistic if you ride a more expensive bicycle than I do.


Besides, if we all purchased only the necessities of life, the economy would be in even worse shape.

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Monkeyluis, we all care about different things that make us feel good and alive. What do you care about? Cars? Animals? Travel? Electronics? Regardless of your interests, there are others who will care nothing about them. I won't call you materialistic if you ride a more expensive bicycle than I do.


Besides, if we all purchased only the necessities of life, the economy would be in even worse shape.


The economy is bad because of the consumerist society we live in, excessive spending & debt. I have interest that don't have me consuming physical goods. In fact I've gone minimalist and have gotten rid of an incredible amount of stuff in my house. I could pack a few boxes and move if I needed too. I cherish my experiences in life especially with my family & especially with my kids.


That's beside the point of the original post from the OP & my response to her though. If you people don't get that I wasn't talking to or about anyone here then you have bigger issues. There is no reason to jump on me because I've stated my opinion. Again, I NEVER targeted anyone here in my original comment.


And I already explained myself previously. Go re-read it if you feel like it.


I really don't know what else to say.


Take care.

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The economy is bad because of the consumerist society we live in, excessive spending & debt. I have interest that don't have me consuming physical goods. In fact I've gone minimalist and have gotten rid of an incredible amount of stuff in my house. I could pack a few boxes and move if I needed too. I cherish my experiences in life especially with my family & especially with my kids.


That's beside the point of the original post from the OP & my response to her though. If you people don't get that I wasn't talking to or about anyone here then you have bigger issues. There is no reason to jump on me because I've stated my opinion. Again, I NEVER targeted anyone here in my original comment.


And I already explained myself previously. Go re-read it if you feel like it.


I really don't know what else to say.


Take care.


Luis, thank you for coming back and explaining your POV. I think, technically, what you are referring to is consumerism, rather than materialism, but let's not split hairs. I understand the going minimalist. I try (not always successfully) to be a "just enough" person in a world of "just in case" people. Not quite minimalist, but definitely trying not to be a consumerist.


It's one of the reasons I love the "recycling" sticky on this forum. Why have a dress I've worn once or twice, hang in the closet "just in case" I might need or want it again. So, we pass them on to someone else, if we are lucky we get something from someone else and the item becomes more than a thing and definitely lessens, if only by a hair, the carbon footprint.

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Just a curious question here, not meaning to stir the pot or offend anybody.

Why all the fuss and worry over what to wear on vacation? When I vacation, I am all about comfort; shorts, t-shirts, swimsuit, sandals. I certainly don't care if I am a fashion plate and I could care less what anybody else thinks of what I wear. I will pack a couple of sundresses and a pair of slacks so that I can eat in the MDR, but formal clothing? No way, my DH is dressed up if he puts on a pair of casual slacks and a shirt with a collar instead of jeans and a t-shirt.

I'm just curious about the mindset here. ;)


What is the mindset here?


I will only attempt to speak for myself, but I believe that in giving my testimony regarding my care for my appearance, I will be sharing a story similar to many of the ladies that I call friend on this board.


First, I'm not worried. My interest in fashion doesn't stem from worry. And truthfully...I'm not that interested in FASHION so to speak...but I am interested in clothing. I wear clothes everyday. And one day, while I was in the dumps regarding my appearance and my general state of well being, I was told about the fabulous man on these boards that was helping so many women here by simply sharing an old color theory regarding "best colors" in an updated way that made total sense. *Big hugs to Curt, aka CJW!!*


I had recently moved...AGAIN...and I was suffering in my own way. I was battling depression. And as weird as it may seem to someone that can't relate...I was inspired by my Mom's amazing pictures. It seemed a simple choice to choose one colored shirt over the other and have that simple choice make such an impact on appearance. So I joined in the conversation and was able to witness how my own appearance was affected by color.


I needed this. At over 205 pounds in weight (a record high for a non-pregnancy weight) with a milestone 40th birthday looming on the horizon, I was seeking help for motivation to make some changes. My first goal was to learn to accept myself as I was. To make the best of myself, so to speak, with all my flaws and failings...and love me in spite of myself. And I was very inspired by the whole color thing to realize that simple choices in life can have a big impact. How we feel about ourselves is affected by so many things...I don't want to simplify this concept too much...but suffice it to say that learning a bit about this color theory was very helpful for me.


I used this information to motivate myself. I owned too many clothes...I didn't wear more than half of them, really. So I used the color theory to reduce my wardrobe. To want to wear things that make ME feel good about ME. Not for others. Not because of others.


This was the first step in a continuing journey. To describe this journey in full is beyond the scope of my point in posting...what is relevant is that clothing has become a celebration of a me that has grown, matured, and learned a lot over the past few years. It's not that I care so much about the clothing...I care about me. I am a homemaker and I love this career of mine. And I'm pretty good at it, if I say so myself. At times, I have been a workaholic in the way that a homemaker that puts themselves last in the priority list can be.


Weight loss has required me to have a 100% turnover in my wardrobe. One thing people neglect to talk about with weight loss is the fact that it can be EXPENSIVE if you have to get all new clothes, including foundation garments. Oh my. As a one income family, I don't have a lot of excess budget for clothing. So I made a project out of planning a wardrobe. As you can imagine, I concern myself with everything from color, to fit, to function, to quality, to cost, to cleaning requirements, etc etc. And this has been especially challenging while continuing to lose weight...because I am not yet buying a permanent wardrobe. I will still get smaller...


In trying to make sense of all that I am writing...ask anyone...I talk A LOT...


My preoccupation with clothing isn't from worry. For some people, I suppose my interest in my wardrobe could be considered to be "a fuss." Each article of clothing I now own represents a well-thought purchase decision (or a hand-me-down from Mom...Thanks Mom!). And everyday, when choosing what to wear, I'm reminded of all the choices that I am privileged to make in the day. And because of the way in which I have been making the wardrobe decisions, I have helped myself make better decisions in many aspects of my life. Again...beyond the scope of this post.


And as for the concern of clothing related directly to vacations...


As weird as it may seem to someone that doesn't share the same interest...I am a planner. And I happen to gain a lot of enjoyment when I'm planning what clothing I will wear on vacation. It almost extends the vacation for me...I can begin to enjoy it well before it arrives. And being the planner that I am, I can be sure that I have appropriate clothing for whatever plans I have. The planning helps me maintain my motivation for making good decisions regarding my physical activities and food. And sometimes...I NEED that help to make dinner when I just don't feel like it. :rolleyes:


And I have friends on these boards. Friends that I have talked with now for what can honestly be labeled YEARS. And our virtual, multi-directional friendships are something that I really enjoy. I enjoy what we all share with each other that has stemmed from but also grown from this fashion board. And I can enjoy a bit of a vacation vibe through the way we share our fashion even when I am no where CLOSE to going on vacation. LOL.


And that, in a long story is MY mindset regarding my reasons for spending time on this board.

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