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Teen Drinking and Carnival - Not For everyone


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Well then by golly you accomplished you're mission. :rolleyes: I thought you already backed off you're " curfew " stance ? Did you change your mind again ? Cause that's a whole new " issue " to discuss



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"The purpose of sharing is just to let one parent like myself question more, ok, do final check of the luggage."


I don't have an issue with Carnival but like most of my vacations and parents, they are far from perfect.


Carnival already knows what my expectations are, good enough for me.

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"The purpose of sharing is just to let one parent like myself question more, ok, do final check of the luggage."


Ok that's all fine an dandy, but didn't you say you wrote carnival a letter ? What do you want them to do ?



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Ok that's all fine an dandy, but didn't you say you wrote carnival a letter ? What do you want them to do ?



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Thanks for asking, but that I don't have to share, which is why it's in a letter to them, therefore between us. I wanted to share what I was told about how teens got alcohol, which is why I shared this here. Again after every trip I take a few minutes to write to my host about my vacation experience. It's usually in the form of a letter and last time was no different.


My GOAL- "The purpose of sharing is just to let one parent like myself question more, ok, do final check of the luggage."

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Thanks for asking, but that I don't have to share, which is why it's in a letter to them, therefore between us. I wanted to share what I was told about how teens got alcohol, which is why I shared this here. Again after every trip I take a few minutes to write to my host about my vacation experience. It's usually in the form of a letter and last time was no different.


My GOAL- "The purpose of sharing is just to let one parent like myself question more, ok, do final check of the luggage."


Lol, no you don't have to share. Best of luck in you're endeavors



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Heck in the good ol days, 30+ years back, I just stood out in front of a liquor store and waited for a "cool looking dude" to be going in and ask him to buy me a 6 pack, case, or even Boons Farm wine. Even cigs when I had the money.....ahhh the good ol days... Now I would never do it for anyone. Funny how that worked out... :D
The good ol days still applies on ships, crew muling for booze or dope is one way to supplement wages, pax muling is one way to supplement other activities.
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I see its business as usual in here. Someone posts about a "bad" kids do and everyone jumps on them. For the record, I have 3 teenaged boys that I'm sailing with in less than 2 weeks. I am very worried about the teen alcohol situation that I know is going on aboard cruise ships. I am also well aware of my own kids' fascination with alcohol. I am expecting this cruise to be a constant vigilante mission for me. I have no doubt my children will be completely irritated with me because I plan to monitor them closely. They are definitely not getting the amount of freedom they are sure they are entitled to.


That being said, there are 3 of them and one of me, and sometimes I require sleep. I would definitely appreciate a curfew imposed by the cruise line. I think it would alleviate some of the drinking going on. At the very least parents would know the kids couldn't be out running around while they sleep.


I'm a "village" believer too. I think a lot of kids would benefit if more people were willing to correct them gently. Kids act up. Sometimes they need a reminder. Maybe the child you see acting up DOES have crappy parent's. You could teach that kid something his parents didn't. If the adults in a society don't care, why would we expect the kids to? I would consider a community to be global, cruise ships included.


I appreciate the OP's trying to warn others. I had already told mine that their suitcases and persons are getting searched before we leave. I will know where they are at all times. Nobody will come to our cabin unless I have met the parents. Ditto for going in anyone else's cabin. Curfew is 1. I have reminded them about courtesy and manners to other passengers. They are required to eat dinner with me every night. I am fully prepared to punish them and have a perfectly miserable cruise if that is what it takes to keep them in line.


I am in awe of all the people who come in here and act like every time a kid acts up the parents must be horrible or lazy or refuse to take responsibility. I don't believe it for a minute. I'd say half the people who come in these threads saying they never worry about their little darlins cause they raised em up right have kids who're sneaker than they think. Another quarter or so got blessed with naturally complacent kids. The last quarter might actually know something the rest of us don't about raising perfectly behaved kids.


Whatever. I appreciate all information shared here and plan to use it to keep my imperfect children safe on vacation.


Thanks for understanding. I was sailing with a teen who is leaving for college.

My stomach is in knots so clearly I know he is far from the much talked about 'angels'.

I resorted to CSI- Cruise Scene Investigating, so clearly I haven't put the fear of God or me in him.


Enjoy your cruise.

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1. My kid is my responsibility. Not yours, not her grandparents who might be on board with us, not a friend in our travel group. Certainly not Carnival. Absolutely not. If I want my child in the cabin at 11pm, she damn well better be there. It's no different than being at home. You come home at 11 in real life, you come home at 11 on a cruise ship. There's no curfew in real life, why put that on Carnival. People need to control and take responsibility for their own.


2. I'm not at all shocked about kids sneaking alcohol on. I was sneaking alcohol everywhere I could when I was underage.


Would agree if not for a post about the 2 little darlings who got caught putting ketchup in the ice cream machine. A mother answered my post that the parents were at fault for allowing their kids out at 3am. Her responds you can't hold me responsible cause my kid slips out and gets in trouble.



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So knowing this WE as a caring COMMUNITY/cruise line step in so the child won't suffer. My town has a curfew because it takes a village to raise/protect a child. The curfew is there for level of protection for the child who some ignore because they don't care to get involved. I saw young girls interacting with older boys, blame the parent if she is hurt. No thought to how it could have been prevented by the village. We have some messed up parents but some villagers who simple care about theirs and theirs alone. In the end the child suffers, but as long we can blame the parent, who cares.


AGAIN, to help parents or others to be a bit aware of what lurks or get sneaked in in Listerine bottles, more than bright smiles.


Not even close. It doesn't take anywhere near a village to raise a child, it only takes 1 set of parents who actually care about being parents instead of little Johnny's best friend to raise the child. I have never nor will i ever need or want anyone else to do what I am responsible for and capable of.

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Gee, do you have any kids? Most kids can get alcohol and drugs whenever they want. The important thing is that many decide not to use them, but don't be surprised that it is available to them.


But why should kids have to go somewhere else to learn when some mommies and daddy's happy teach their kids our to smuggle at home? :rolleyes:

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Not even close. It doesn't take anywhere near a village to raise a child, it only takes 1 set of parents who actually care about being parents instead of little Johnny's best friend to raise the child. I have never nor will i ever need or want anyone else to do what I am responsible for and capable of.



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I see its business as usual in here. Someone posts about a "bad" kids do and everyone jumps on them. For the record, I have 3 teenaged boys that I'm sailing with in less than 2 weeks. I am very worried about the teen alcohol situation that I know is going on aboard cruise ships. I am also well aware of my own kids' fascination with alcohol. I am expecting this cruise to be a constant vigilante mission for me. I have no doubt my children will be completely irritated with me because I plan to monitor them closely. They are definitely not getting the amount of freedom they are sure they are entitled to.


That being said, there are 3 of them and one of me, and sometimes I require sleep. I would definitely appreciate a curfew imposed by the cruise line. I think it would alleviate some of the drinking going on. At the very least parents would know the kids couldn't be out running around while they sleep.


I'm a "village" believer too. I think a lot of kids would benefit if more people were willing to correct them gently. Kids act up. Sometimes they need a reminder. Maybe the child you see acting up DOES have crappy parent's. You could teach that kid something his parents didn't. If the adults in a society don't care, why would we expect the kids to? I would consider a community to be global, cruise ships included.


I appreciate the OP's trying to warn others. I had already told mine that their suitcases and persons are getting searched before we leave. I will know where they are at all times. Nobody will come to our cabin unless I have met the parents. Ditto for going in anyone else's cabin. Curfew is 1. I have reminded them about courtesy and manners to other passengers. They are required to eat dinner with me every night. I am fully prepared to punish them and have a perfectly miserable cruise if that is what it takes to keep them in line.


I am in awe of all the people who come in here and act like every time a kid acts up the parents must be horrible or lazy or refuse to take responsibility. I don't believe it for a minute. I'd say half the people who come in these threads saying they never worry about their little darlins cause they raised em up right have kids who're sneaker than they think. Another quarter or so got blessed with naturally complacent kids. The last quarter might actually know something the rest of us don't about raising perfectly behaved kids.


Whatever. I appreciate all information shared here and plan to use it to keep my imperfect children safe on vacation.




AMEN!! I was a teacher & now work in law enforcement - I also managed (thankfully) to raise a daughter to age 26 without major issues - not becasue she was an angel, believe me, but because, by the grace of God, she never screwed up enough and then got caught.


The parents (like you usd2bmd) who have 17 year olds and really believe that their parenting skills are so fabulous that their little angels never do anything wrong are living in a fantasy world.


I dealt with these parents when I was a teacher & I deal with them now. I call them "not my kid" parents.


As to the OP - thank you for caring about ALL children and for living in the real world. I personally think all ships and communities should have curfews for those under 18 - not because it's their "job," but because good parents have to sleep & bad parents don't care enough. Expecting a 15 year old to resist all temptation and be a good little boy or girl is rediculous.


We should concern ourselves with protecting ALL children - especially those with unconcerned parents.

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Not even close. It doesn't take anywhere near a village to raise a child, it only takes 1 set of parents who actually care about being parents instead of little Johnny's best friend to raise the child. I have never nor will i ever need or want anyone else to do what I am responsible for and capable of.



So screw those poor kids who don't have a set of parents who care right?? God forbid we do anything to help them. I was capable of taking care of my child too, but what do you suggest we (as a village) do about the parents who aren't capable??


Spend the money now to intervene, or spend it later to lock these kids up - your choice, but believe me you're going to pay one way or the other.


Instead of being self-righteous, I thank God everyday for my mother who was always there for us. However, that doesn't mean that I don't also look at those less fortunate and say "there but for the grace of God, go I."


I'm forever greatful for those people like the OP who advocate for children.

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I don't necessarily believe in a curfew, but I believe that Carnival should be more proactive about enforcing the laws. If a teen is drinking or being disruptive, whether its 11am or 11pm, it should be treated like any other illegal activity. Kick their butts off the ship at the next port of call along with their parents or legal guardians. You can bet that a parent will be more proactive about ensuring that their kids don't do something that might get them thrown off the ship.


If a teen is caught doing an illegal activity (underage drinking), why should it be treated any different than an adult caught doing an illegal activity?

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Drinking age is 18 in many of the countries these cruises got to (Bahamas, Mexico, etc.) and that means the college crowd can drink legally. They can vote and they can serve our country (and die for it) but not have a drink? I'm a Naval Officer with 20+ years servcice, and it's been something that stuck in my craw for a long time...if my 18 yo sailor (yes Mom, he/she is just like your 18 yo, except in uniform) can die for you, then he should be able to have a drink before he does it. Just my $.02.



Plus: voting, driving and making babies are more dangerous than drinking and they get to do all those things at eighteen.

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Wow! All this foaming-at-the-mouth anger about teenage drinking makes me glad I didn't do my first cruise until the ripe old age of 29. A teenager who wanted to find out what a beer tastes like gets more hostility thrown at them than Obama at a Tea Party meeting. Teenage drinking may be a bad thing, but the reactions here are just, wow!

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Wow! All this foaming-at-the-mouth anger about teenage drinking makes me glad I didn't do my first cruise until the ripe old age of 29. A teenager who wanted to find out what a beer tastes like gets more hostility thrown at them than Obama at a Tea Party meeting. Teenage drinking may be a bad thing, but the reactions here are just, wow!


I always come here to read the parenting advice when I need a good laugh. :D

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So screw those poor kids who don't have a set of parents who care right?? God forbid we do anything to help them. I was capable of taking care of my child too, but what do you suggest we (as a village) do about the parents who aren't capable??


Spend the money now to intervene, or spend it later to lock these kids up - your choice, but believe me you're going to pay one way or the other.


Instead of being self-righteous, I thank God everyday for my mother who was always there for us. However, that doesn't mean that I don't also look at those less fortunate and say "there but for the grace of God, go I."


I'm forever greatful for those people like the OP who advocate for children.


It is not the villages business to raise other people's kids. It's time to hold the adults responsible for their kids. Instead we enable them by saying, "Don't worry, you don't have to parent because the village will take care of it." Well I'm not buying it. They are my kids, not the villages. If I want my kids owned by the village I'll move to Russia.

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I don't necessarily believe in a curfew, but I believe that Carnival should be more proactive about enforcing the laws. If a teen is drinking or being disruptive, whether its 11am or 11pm, it should be treated like any other illegal activity. Kick their butts off the ship at the next port of call along with their parents or legal guardians. You can bet that a parent will be more proactive about ensuring that their kids don't do something that might get them thrown off the ship.


If a teen is caught doing an illegal activity (underage drinking), why should it be treated any different than an adult caught doing an illegal activity?


Agree with this! If everyone knows up front that bad behavior including underage drinking will result in getting tossed off the ship, this will really send a message of zero tolerance. Could Carnival deal with the backlash of this as a corporation? Probably. I think many people would cheer. There is not enough security presence and bite behind it IMHO. For all you holier than thou folks, yes it does take the village of humanity to look out for each other. If someone intervened for me before my kid got arrested/injured/bullied I would personally thank them for caring and not berate them. Thank you OP.

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Plus: voting, driving and making babies are more dangerous than drinking and they get to do all those things at eighteen.


I definitely think that the age should be raised for voting and you should have to take a test.

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Reading these posts, all I keep seeing is bad parents this and bad parents that. When in reality, it's usually the "good" parents that believe their kids are angels and would never do anything wrong that are the issue. I call it the "not my kid" syndrome. After bringing up 6 kids through the teenage years and one just starting the teenangster process, you have to give them some freedom, but watch them like a hawk. I have seen and heard it all, and know that no matter how good a kid is, there are temptations that come along with adolescence. I do believe in curfews, we have them in our towns, and I think that from a liability standpoint all cruise lines would have them in place. I also believe in parent accountability and acceptance that teenagers have a different mindset and that while you think your kid would never do anything wrong, they just might. Just my 2 cents...

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