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Dress Categories. RCI makes another mess!!!

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No, they won't.


RCI is in the business of making people happy. Society is changing to the point where more and more people are content to dress less formally than in the past. RCI will not buck that trend but will go with it, especially if it means keeping their ships full. It's simple economics really.


A shrinking minority will do nothing to change the direction of a large corporation like RCI.


We are very casual at our work buy I will wear suits for meeting with clients. Last Christmas we did a lot of client dinners so I automatically wore my business suits and power ties. I was so overdressed in every restaurant we eat at. Funny but I was the most overdressed at the most expensive one! (where the steaks started at $50, not counting the veggies and wine!) My total meal alone with tips was $150.


I find these Formal night debates here on CC to be quite funny. We argue the merits of dressing up for what is in reality is a cafeteria meal, albeit a nice cafeteria meal. But really people, Royal's MDR on land would be no more than a 3 star restaurant in my city. Sorry, but I don't fret over what I or anyone else wears to a 3 star restaurant.


For the people who want to dress up, fine go ahead but as CruiseTobey said the world has changed and Royal has to deal with this reality if it wants to stay in business.


Back in the day I was a betamax fan. It was way better than vhs but I was in the minority so guess which format won out. Money talks and it talks loudly! ;)

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Thinking about this a bit more (it's either this or I'll will have to go outside and clean the gutters :p) Royal should admit defeat on "formal" night because formal is passe. They should, instead, re-brand this night a theme night - just with a formal tilt.


A Great Gatsby Night - dress up in your best 1920's outfit;

High School Prom Night - dress up it your best teen formal wear.

Downtown Abby Night - Dress up as your favorite Duke or Dutchess

Titanic Night - Dress up like it's 1912 (Ok,Ok maybe not the best idea I've ever had):D


Boy those marketing wiz's at RCL could have a field day with this if they would only put their minds to it. Hey, look at this genius stuff I came up with and I'm only on coffee # 2 this morning!:D

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I'm a little frustrated that the topic went SO off base and your initial topic...which is a very good one, got lost amid the rule followers/rule benders/rule breakers.




That's where pretty much EVERY dress code thread ends up:rolleyes:

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Thinking about this a bit more (it's either this or I'll will have to go outside and clean the gutters :p) Royal should admit defeat on "formal" night because formal is passe. They should, instead, re-brand this night a theme night - just with a formal tilt.


A Great Gatsby Night - dress up in your best 1920's outfit;

High School Prom Night - dress up it your best teen formal wear.

Downtown Abby Night - Dress up as your favorite Duke or Dutchess

Titanic Night - Dress up like it's 1912 (Ok,Ok maybe not the best idea I've ever had):D


Boy those marketing wiz's at RCL could have a field day with this if they would only put their minds to it. Hey, look at this genius stuff I came up with and I'm only on coffee # 2 this morning!:D


If men can't at least wear a lousy sport coat (and I have seen many lousy sport coats) on formal night, what do you think the chances are they will do any of the above which require more preparations and more luggage space? I am sure they will all go out and purchase DUKE outfits! Do not forget that part of the formal wear issue is that many men do not own a suit or one that fits them!

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If men can't at least wear a lousy sport coat (and I have seen many lousy sport coats) on formal night, what do you think the chances are they will do any of the above which require more preparations and more luggage space? I am sure they will all go out and purchase DUKE outfits! Do not forget that part of the formal wear issue is that many men do not own a suit or one that fits them!


Sorry Giorgi - you may have missed it but my post was a joke - a funny - a humorous uttering. I thought the 'cleaning the gutters" part in the first sentence would give it away!:rolleyes:

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Barb, you know I have no problem doing the formal thing, and my lovely wife still looks stunning in a simple sun dress or occassionally nicer dress, but with the hassles of the airlines gouging me for an extra $100 bucks or more if we were each to take two bags for a simple 7 day cruise, I think of all of the things that would bring. Plus, when it comes to buying pictures we get our free diamond picture of me surfing or the two of us looking normal, and that saves money too. I have had too many life experiences where extra luggage is simply extra work. Think Venice from the Pilazza Roma and then schlepping your wheeled luggage over the stupid bridges in Venice, or the time in Auckland where the bus dropped us at the bottom of Queen Street and we had to walk 2 blocks straight up hill.


Learned how to do more with less in summer of 2008 when we bought the wife a car that has a micro trunk and drove all over Germany, Switzerland and Austria. We each had a small carry-on for 15 days. We managed well, still one of my favorite vacations.




When we were in Germany visiting my son and his first wife in 1992 we had much less luggage too. On non cruise trips I don't carry as much either.

Last year when we did London for 4 days before our cruise to the Canary Islands we thought about taking the train to and from port/ hotel but knew dragging extra luggage ( it was January and coats could not be avoided) but opted to get car service. Glad we did have warmer clothes though because weather never really got hot on the trip. Ironically the summer wear was wasting space. But on a cruise we just add the luggage costs as part of the price for convenience.

We also found out by accident because I used my cane ( need it occasionally when my back acts up) that they are very accommodating for " handicapped" and porters are very eager to earn their tips. Breezed thru lines on disembarkation.



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Like I said it's the "I'll do what I want attitude" that bothers me. Not just dress codes. Chair Hogs, Smokers, Parents watching their kids trample plants in WJ on Freedom, people piling their plates in buffet and then leaving half of it, passengers not tipping, passengers treating workers badly, etc, etc, etc. I could probably go on and this is just on a cruise ship. Same stuff happens on land. I go to a nice restaurant and a bunch of loud young people in shorts and tank tops show up. Didn't say it was at the top of my worry list, but I didn't think we should discuss world peace on Cruise Critic. As I said, as soon as posters read the first post on this thread, their immediate response was that they did not care what RCL suggested, they would just do as they pleased.


Jackets aren't required.


Gotta ask....why do you even cruise? Sounds like you don't like much about it.

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We never have a problem finding something to eat! Maybe RCL isn't high classed enough for you.

But really people, Royal's MDR on land would be no more than a 3 star restaurant in my city. Sorry, but I don't fret over what I or anyone else wears to a 3 star restaurant.

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We never have a problem finding something to eat! Maybe RCL isn't high classed enough for you.


Don't get me wrong, I love 3 star restaurants, but I don't break out the Tux for dinner at The Olive Garden. :D But I do have to admit I did wear the Tux to a Denny's once, but that's a long story! :o

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Nothing you can do about the dress code either. Talking about it here isn't going to change what is. And that is that the cruise line could enforce the dress code but has decided not to.


You can change things if you want to.


World peace could easily be achieved if everyone joined a new religion and abandoned their current one. The new religion would be called common sense and logic. World peace and the endless debate on formal attire would be sorted!



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Please understand that nothing ruins my cruise experience. We cruise twice a year and obviously enjoy it. I'm just not the type of person to do nothing when I see something that bothers me . If everyone were like that, nothing would ever get fixed. I know there are many people who feel like I do - not just the dress code but the whole 'I'll do what I want attitude". If they would all start speaking up, we could make things better. My answer is 'No you won't do what you want if it is beyond accepted norms and bothers me". I'll just keep complaining and trying to get people kicked out of the MDR or have RCL tell parents to make their kids behave, etc. Not doing anything would upset me.

Trying to change things is a challenge. By the way, I do look down on people with that attitude. I am better than they are!


You should run for president! You got my vote.....

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Thinking about this a bit more (it's either this or I'll will have to go outside and clean the gutters :p) Royal should admit defeat on "formal" night because formal is passe. They should, instead, re-brand this night a theme night - just with a formal tilt.


A Great Gatsby Night - dress up in your best 1920's outfit;

High School Prom Night - dress up it your best teen formal wear.

Downtown Abby Night - Dress up as your favorite Duke or Dutchess

Titanic Night - Dress up like it's 1912 (Ok,Ok maybe not the best idea I've ever had):D


Boy those marketing wiz's at RCL could have a field day with this if they would only put their minds to it. Hey, look at this genius stuff I came up with and I'm only on coffee # 2 this morning!:D


This sounds like an idea that Royal could use.

Just think "more photo sales"

That's what formal night is all about anyway. The only time I bring the tux is when we are cruising with friends that aren't seasoned cruisers. They will want the photos.

For my wife and I, we have enough formal photos.

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The mere fact that people don't wear a tie, jacket, gown in the MDRs any more has caused the shift to "suggesting", not "requiring" a tux/suit/evening gown anymore.


As people continue to become more casual, the suggestions will be relaxed even more. The marjority will dictate these policy shifts.


This isn't just true of cruising. This has been ongoing for a while. I work in the tech market. 15 years ago, we wore suits to work, every day. Today....polo shirts and khakis rule the day. Doesn't mean you can't wear a suit. No one really does anymore, though.


That said, if you don't like the shift in modes of dress, dress in a tux or a gown. No one is stopping you. No one will turn you away from the MDR.

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Like. I hate Dennys!

Don't get me wrong, I love 3 star restaurants, but I don't break out the Tux for dinner at The Olive Garden. :D But I do have to admit I did wear the Tux to a Denny's once, but that's a long story! :o
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I agree! Even though I do followed the SUGGESTED dress code. I would love to see someone in shorts and a t-shirt turned away on formal night.

I think the bottom line is: Wear whatever the heck you want to the MDR, if refused entry go change into something else. :D
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The mere fact that people don't wear a tie, jacket, gown in the MDRs any more has caused the shift to "suggesting", not "requiring" a tux/suit/evening gown anymore.


As people continue to become more casual, the suggestions will be relaxed even more. The marjority will dictate these policy shifts.


This isn't just true of cruising. This has been ongoing for a while. I work in the tech market. 15 years ago, we wore suits to work, every day. Today....polo shirts and khakis rule the day. Doesn't mean you can't wear a suit. No one really does anymore, though.


That said, if you don't like the shift in modes of dress, dress in a tux or a gown. No one is stopping you. No one will turn you away from the MDR.


This is the most reasonable quote on the subject of dress suggestion I have read in a long time. Nicely put, Graphic! :D

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I carefully read the RCI recommendations.


If I may be so bold as to translate:


"We do not care what you wear, as long as you can pay your bill"


I hope that simplifies things.





That's where pretty much EVERY dress code thread ends up:rolleyes:


You mean every thread!! :D

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Thats why I wear whatever I want when I go to dinner (but not shorts, t shirts or a baseball hat), usually dockers, shoes, and a collared shirt. Dont bring suits anymore.




My same choice 100%!! We don't do formal anymore after 28 cruises...we usually go to Chops or somewhere else..only difference is I wear lots of Tommy Bahamas's shirts, which are both comfortable and cool....suits are reserved for weddings and funerals....I've never understood for 12 years I've been on this board, why so many issues with the dress codes....NO SHORTS, NO JEANS, NO CUT-OFFS, NO T-SHIRTS, NO TANK TOPS, NO FLIP-FLOPS....anything else is fine, and not everybody dresses formal on formal night..and so what? I'm on vacation- and I like dressing like I'm on vacation, not like I'm going to a formal ball or business meeting...just MHO....


Big Al

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I wore a dress from OLD NAVY on every night that was not formal. they were long, but nice, and I accessorized it up. Its vacation, I thought of it as 7 date nights. Its a specialty place, I dress up, AS IT IS SPECIAL. JMO.



It THOUGHT, on previous cruises, that specialty restaurants were "smart casual" every night. Boy have they made a MESS of this!! Here are the dress suggestions for the restaurants on my upcoming cruise:



150 Central Park

We suggest smart, semi-formal attire - slacks for men, dresses or pantsuits for women. (No jeans, shorts, or sneakers, please.) On formal evenings onboard, formal attire is also appropriate in the restaurant; which includes suits and ties or tuxedos for men and cocktail dresses for women.



We suggest smart casual attire in Chops Grille - jackets for men, dresses or pantsuits for women. On formal evenings onboard, formal attire is also appropriate in the restaurant; which includes suits and ties or tuxedos for men and cocktail dresses for women.



We suggest smart, casual attire-slacks for men, dresses or pantsuits for women. No jeans, shorts or sneakers, please. On formal evenings onboard, formal attire is appropriate in the restaurant-suits and ties or tuxedos for men and cocktail dresses for women.


Chef's Table

We suggest smart casual attire – jackets for men, dresses or pantsuits for women. On formal evenings onboard, formal attire is also appropriate in the restaurant; which includes suits and ties or tuxedos for men and cocktail dresses for women.


So, just to review:


At 150 Central Park, it's "smart, semi-formal", and that means I wear.... slacks!:confused:


At Chops and Chef's Table, it's "smart casual", but that means I wear a jacket...:rolleyes:


At Izumi, it's also "smart casual", but this time, it means slacks (so, the same dress as 150 Central Park, but named the same as at Chops, which means something different)!!:eek:


Now, if I were female, "smart casual" and "smart, semi-formal", mean the same thing!:confused:


And.... In all three, formal attire is "also appropriate" on formal nights. Does "also appropriate" mean the same as in the MDR, where it is a "suggested guidleine"?:(


I swear, does RCI encourage the people who come up with this stuff to drink on the job????;)

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I wore a dress from OLD NAVY on every night that was not formal. they were long, but nice, and I accessorized it up. Its vacation, I thought of it as 7 date nights. Its a specialty place, I dress up, AS IT IS SPECIAL. JMO.


It's a specialty place??? What!!!!! So now they are going to charge extra for the MDR too?:mad:



Sorry that informal devil made me do it.:p

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